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something brewing within your skin (open) - Printable Version

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something brewing within your skin (open) - Delta - 05-26-2020

It seems that she truly is one of the unluckiest fish in the sea.

The being with the sharp teeth and cold touch had entered her, forcing itself into her body. Or that's what seemed to be the case. Either that or she had been horrifically cursed to hear the plaguing thoughts, feel the anxiety, and everything else that came along with it.

It was horrifying, to hear a voice other than your own combating against your own thoughts. As the day grew longer it became harder an harder. It was quiet at first, like an itch at the back of your ear, haunting you but still something she could at least try to forget, but as she swam back home- journeying back deep under the depths it became worse. Her skin was scrawling and body and heart felt like they were on fire. Part of her wanted to scream for her father- but he had already seen her in such a state. A state caused by the shrine. She couldn't let him know- no- this was her fault, after all.

And there was the thing she had neglected. The spirit had given her what she wanted.. she had became a shark... but there was something different about it. Something that made her hate the shift and want to rip it out of her body. It led to her almost ignoring it- almost.

Other things took over her mind and as the day grew darker, she found herself overcome with emotions. There was a pull and her anxiety was screaming. Danger. Bad. Evil. The voice was yelling in her head and all she could do was give in and hope that it would leave her once she appeased what it said.

And that's how she ended up here, laying almost on the shore. Her body curled up as much as she could as she had her hands placed over her ears, hoping that the voice would cease and she would be free of him. There was only half an inch of water above her, meaning when the waves lapped just right, she was met with the cool breeze of the oncoming night. The fleeting sun caused terror: Why did it have to leave her?

All she could do was sit there and hold back terrified sobs, wanting to be freed of these awful feelings.

RE: something brewing within your skin (open) - Amun - 05-28-2020

Amun, after getting used to Zhanshi's presence in the potter's life, had decided to show his companion where the actual sharks lived. So the Ascended had headed towards the Ahi Coast, baby landshark in tow. There was a spring in Amun's step that hadn't been seen in a long time.

As he approached the water, he gestured for Zhanshi to try it out. [say]"Go on then, don't be scared."[/say] Warily, the companion approached the lapping ocean. As soon as he touched the sea, though, he recoiled. Though sharks couldn't make sounds, the potter could sense Zhanshi's displeasure through the bond.

Of course, it was pretty obvious from the way the landshark made a beeline right for the Ascended's heels and nipped at them, though not hard enough to draw fluid. Chuckling, Amun knelt and rubbed a hand over his companion's sandpaper rough skin. [say]"Alright, alright, we can go."[/say]

Before they could leave, though, a figure caught the potter's eye. Frowning, he headed towards it. When he stumbled upon a young woman with a fishy tail, he frowned. [say]"You alright?"[/say] Zhanshi circled his legs, always in motion, and a predatory wariness filled their link. Ignoring the vague feeling that the woman looked like prey to the landshark, the potter just gave her a concerned look.

RE: something brewing within your skin (open) - Delta - 06-01-2020

There was a voice and although she could hear it, she was not exactly in the right place to initially discern it as a real human. Already, the sailor within her mind was talking, demanding her to get onto land where there was light, to escape from the depths of the ocean- but already she was so close to the surface. She couldn't get any higher for risk of dying! It was hard to fight against and she had found that the closer she was to the surface, the quieter the voice seemed to be.

And then she heard the voice again.

Hands pressed against her hears loosened up and she slowly opened her eyes and tried to look around before finally seeing some feet. A gasp caused bubbles to form as she realized that there was a human- a human who had seemingly spoken to her. There was another bit of movement around his legs as well but it wasn't something she could discern. Terrified eyes stared upwards and she felt insignificant- small- helpless.

And then everything went to shit.

In a flash she was brought back into that body- the body she had once potentially dreamed of but now saw as a dark entity. The curled up girl quickly turned into a large beast- a great white shark. her body that was once completely covered by the waves now partially breached the surface, almost risking to be completely out of the water. Sixteen feet in length, the beast didn't even dare look at Amun- no. Instead she started to shake her tail as fast as she could, waves splashing as she tried to get back. Did anything she could to get back into the water. Why had this spirit done this to her? Why her? What had she done wrong to never even be in the presence of a god, doomed to meet spirits that seemed to enjoy her suffering.

Delta rolled a 15! So she was forcefully shifted into a great white shark! Ouch!

RE: something brewing within your skin (open) - Amun - 06-02-2020

Eventually, Amun had realized the young woman was in quite a bit of distress. Still, he didn't go to her, since she was a stranger and he had no idea what was wrong with her. Zhanshi continued to circle the ground beneath the potter's feet protectively.

However, of everything that the Ascended had been expecting, the stranger turning into a great white shark of all things was not one of them. He instinctively backed up. His companion, however, had other ideas. Seeing the big shark, the landshark launched itself forward. Thankfully, Zhanshi recoiled when hitting the water again.

The Ascended had recovered by then. [say]"Miss, it's alright! I don't mean you any harm."[/say] Calling out softly, he tried to make himself as nonthreatening as possible while nevertheless priming his flash bang for a quick escape.

RE: something brewing within your skin (open) - Delta - 06-03-2020

The poor shark was indeed in a lot of stress. No sounds left the beasts mouth for it was not capable of doing such, leaving the only sound caused by the creature to be the splashing of water and rough movement of the sand. The small shark was ignored, mostly due to the limited vision of the beast. At first, Delta thought the human had abandoned her, ready to scream for help, before she heard his voice again.

It was impossible for Delta to turn her body towards the man, so instead all she did was try to 'flap' her front fins, hitting against the ground a couple of times before stopping. [say]Can you hear me? Please answer me- please![/say] Maybe he was an attuned? If not, she continued the motion. A pause, pat-pat with her fins, pause, pat-pat, and so on. [say]I cant change back- please! I cant change back![/say] The tail moved slightly, clearly distressed. She had to get back into the water- now.

RE: something brewing within your skin (open) - Amun - 06-04-2020

A great white in distress was something that would strike fear into pretty much anyone. Scared animals were dangerous ones. Even an Ascended would feel the fear of seeing that.

So Amun beat a hasty and prudent retreat, though he stopped a short distance away. Zhanshi snapped his jaws at the woman turned shark, and the potter crouched down to lay a restraining hand on his companion. The landshark sent a pulse of predatory wariness through their link, and continued circling the Ascended's feet.

Not hearing the words emanating from the woman, Amun just narrowed his eyes. It was impossible to miss that she needed help. However, he was entirely reluctant to do so.

RE: something brewing within your skin (open) - Delta - 06-04-2020

Eyes widening, Delta began to shift once more. In the place of the shark was the small, now shaking mermaid. Laying on her stomach no longer curled up in a ball. One of the most apparent things was that her body was shifted, now on the sand and only half of her tail was covered up. Trembling, Delta tried to use her arms to lift herself up, her hands digging into the sand.

Using as much strength as she could, she finally turned her head to look at Amun. [say]"Please- help me. I cant control it I'm sorry."[/say] She didn't want to turn into the monster, didn't want to scare him away. It was obvious he didn't trust her but she needed him, otherwise she would die. [say]"Help me into the water please. I wont hurt you."[/say] Her voice trembled and arms shook as she struggling to hold herself up in this way, exhaustion taking over her. [say]"It forces me to turn into a shark- I don't mean to do it."[/say]

Delta rolled a 5 and is now back to her normal self!

RE: something brewing within your skin (open) - Amun - 06-05-2020

As the woman shifted back, Amun's eyes widened. They widened further at her words. [say]"You can't control when you shift into a great white shark and you want me to help you?!"[/say] His voice was incredulous.

However, he hesitated for only a moment. Then, sighing, he darted forward, sending Zhanshi a mental command to stay where he was. The landshark sent a pulse of annoyance back, but obeyed. [say]"Fine, but if you bite me, tell Maru he owes me big time. What's the problem anyway?"[/say] Reaching down, the potter tried to lever the mermaid up a bit before dragging her towards the water. If that was unsuccessful, he'd just roll her into the ocean.

RE: something brewing within your skin (open) - Delta - 06-05-2020

Staring at the man with wide eyes, Delta nodded. The request was outrageous- but it was the right thing for him to do. [say]"I can control myself as the form so I won't hurt you."[/say] So far she could control herself... she wasn't going to mention the nagging voice or the fact that she felt willed to go towards the surface as that would probably scare the man away.

Thankfully, the man was still willing to help, but not without making a comment. With eyes even wider than before, Delta realized that Amun knew her father... was he making that comment because he was the leader? Or because he knew that he was, ya know, her father? [say]"Just get my tail deeper into the water, please."[/say] Thankfully for the two of them, it wasn't too hard for Amun to begin pulling her into the water. It wasn't comfortable at all and Delta kind of wanted to be carried, but fine. Whatever. [say]"Just, don't touch the spine on my tail. It looks like a frill- it'll hurt you. It's near the tip of my tail."[/say] It wouldn't kill him, yeah, but she kinda needed to warn him.

[say]"I was cursed- I've tried praying to the gods three times now- but I haven't seen them once... this is the second time I've been cursed too."[/say] Her heart ached and she was deeply saddened by this fact. Why? Why wouldn't the gods just appear? What was she doing wrong?

RE: something brewing within your skin (open) - Amun - 06-08-2020

Amun gave her a suspicious look. [say]"That thrashing didn't look very controlled to me."[/say] Still, he continued approaching her, and laid his hands on her, which would have to be good enough. Ignoring Zhanshi's frantic and angry pacing, the potter did his best to help her back into the water.

Nodding at her command, he shifted lower on her body. [say]"Don't worry. I'm tougher than I look."[/say] Still, he gave the spine in question a wide berth. Wrapping his arms around the main part of her tail, he tried to lever it up into the air and into the water.

If that didn't work, he would go back to trying to roll her into the waves, as undignified as that might be. However, he shot her a quick look as she spoke about a curse. [say]"That sucks. Sorry to hear that."[/say] Returning his attention to her tail, he found his eyes narrowing. [say]"Which gods, if you don't mind me asking?"[/say]

RE: something brewing within your skin (open) - Delta - 06-10-2020

Clearly annoyed, Delta let out a huff. [say]"I thrashed because I panicked. Okay? It's kind of alarming to be turned into a shark and thing Oh, guess I'm going to dry out. It's scary, okay?"[/say] The last part her voice dropped in anger, showing a frustrated and worn out side of her that she could hide anymore. It was exhausting to deal with this damn curse and she just wanted it all to end already.

Thankfully, this human was nice enough to tug her towards the ocean until she was finally covered enough by the water. Once this was done she dropped her lower half, allowing her arms a break. Waves crashed into her face and she found herself taking heavy deep breaths.

With a roll, Delta easily got onto her back now that she was mostly in the water, allowing her easy access to talk with him. [say]"If I change back... just know I wont bite you. Just roll me back into the water or something."[/say] It's not like Delta could grab for him or anything with her tiny ass shark fins.

His next question caused her to raise her eyebrow and tilt her head upwards towards him. [say]"The Old Gods.... it's not their faults... I just don't-"[/say] And just like last time there was no time for Delta to say anything as it happened in a flash.

Poor shark Delta started flailing the fins, clearly trying to get onto her stomach once more. It took a bit but eventually she managed to roll over a bit. There was an annoyed splash of the tip of the tail, but otherwise she stayed much calmer than before.

Fucking. Hell.

Aaaaaaand Delta rolled an 18. Nice going Delta.
full shark time.