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surprises - Noah - 06-23-2020

Having a new shift came as a surprise to Noah. through the initial shock, however, surged excitement. He had been told by other attuned that, as you aged and gained experience and the gods willed it, you would be able to change into different animals. Noah had almost lost hope on that front, however, being his age and having only one shift. All he knew was his ability to shift into the reindeer. Now, however, he stalked the halls of the academy as a lynx.

Large, webbed paws carried him easily across the solid floor, soundless despite their size. The perspective was so new and wondrous that it kept Noah occupied for hours, roaming and trotting along and getting used to this new form. He stretched his claws out and tested his speed; he ran up and down staircases and jumped from balconies; he climbed high jumping from bookcase to bookcase in the library; he spent hours moving around the Academy. Until now, with this ability to turn into the lynx, Noah had not felt confined. He had no trouble staying in the building during Longnight--he was used to that, after all, in his own home. But now, he wanted to see how this new body held up to the cold.

Only a few more days.

Now, Noah lay curled up on a chair in an open study room, body all tucked in and warm and peaceful--happy, content.

RE: surprises - Chulane - 06-24-2020

There were certain shifts that lent themselves to being notable, particularly in an environment as currently isolated and enclosed as the Academy. Talk of a new large feline shift had been going around, and it piqued Chuy's interest, purely because, well, being attuned was fucking awesome in his opinion, and big cats were also pretty fucking cool.

Basically, he wanted to see it for himself.

He had mostly kept his shifting to training rooms in the Academy before, but now he embraced the spots with more readiness, taking to the halls, using the heightened senses to track and identify this as-yet unknown attuned. He was surprised to find himself led to a study room, large paws moving with careful, silent steps through the threshold of the door, icy gaze shifting across the dimly lit room to drink in the architecture, the layout, the pile of furs on the chair--

He stopped, holding his breath as his gaze settled on the speckled pelt of the lynx, a small sense of triumph swelling in him and trickling over the attuned bond as he relished his momentary self-victory. Then he stepped closer - not too close, for he did not want to be within swiping range should he startle the other, but close enough that when he gave a soft yowl of greeting, it would be easily heard. [say]'Hello?'[/say] he probed through the link as well, to ensure clear communication was initiated.

RE: surprises - Noah - 06-24-2020

Noah was undisturbed for quite a while. It was the longest he had spent time alone since Longnight began, and he cherished it. He dozed, all curled up in the chair he occupied, though his keen ears alerted him to any noises that might interrupt him. A light purr could be heard coming from his chest -- a sensation all too new to him.

When he heard the other cat, however, the lynx lifted his head without complaint. He had had enough time. The voice across the bond was familiar, and Noah opened his mind up over it. [say]'Hello, Chuy.'[/say] He greeted the other man, eyeing him up and down. He had never seen the other council member in his shift, and Noah lit up a little more when he realized he also shared a feline form. Sitting up in the chair, Noah yawned, white fangs glinting against the low light of the study room.

He stood and stretched, then jumped from the chair to the floor where the other man was. [say]'How are you doing?'[/say]

RE: surprises - Chulane - 06-25-2020

Relief was evident as recognition settled across his mind, the voice of Noah more familiar to him now, though they hadn't had much to do directly with each other before. [say]'Ah, it's you,'[/say] he replied warmly, a soft sense of amusement swelling in him as he watched the lynx rise and stretch from its position, admiring the way the muscles rippled beneath a thick, speckled pelt, the teeth glistening in the firelight.

The instincts of his leopard form shivered slightly - clouded leopards were largely an isolated species, loners except for when mating pairs found each other (this wasn't one of those times). [say]'Well enough, all things considered,'[/say] the isolation, the lockdown, the fear of certain death if one were to open the door - the fact that they were all locked up in here and didn't all necessarily get along all the time was yet another factor to throw into the mix.

[say]'Sweet shift.'[/say] He observed with enthusiasm, directing his own form to prowl a circle around him, that he might get a full look over the fellow feline. [say]'When did you discover it?'[/say] He asked, perhaps with a hint of hope trickling out over the bond as he wondered if he would ever unlock another shift, and if he did, what that shift would be.

RE: surprises - Noah - 06-25-2020

Noah had never seen such a creature as Chulane's shift. Noah sat and let himself be inspected as he also continued to inspect Chuy's form--noting all of the similarities and differences. He assumed the leopard was not build for these colder climates--the way the fur on the other shifter was sleek and looked as fine as silk. It was different than the thick, amber fur he boasted himself. Chulane's paws were smaller than the paws that looked all too large to be placed on even the lynx's robust body. But they both seemed to be relatively the same size, as they were in human form. Noah wondered if their difference in tail length changed their ability to balance...

The lynx moved his head back up to make eye contact with the leopard, shaking himself free from the scientific comparisons he had let his brain wander to. He didn't know Chulane well enough to understand that he would love to entertain these differences and similarities and collect the information for himself. [say]'That's good. Longnight is hard here, but at least we've been safe here so far. Normally we are all confined to our homes, or several families gather together. But this is the first time in Halo's written history, that I know if, the people have all mostly congregated together in one place.'[/say] He stretched back his shoulders, the muscles along his spine twitching.

If he could, Noah would grin. [say]'Just a few days ago.'[/say] He stood again, moving a few feet before leaping onto the thick, oak table. [say]'It's so different than my reindeer shift. I'm still getting used to it, but I don't think being inside is doing any justice to what I could do on a hunt.'[/say] Noah had always looked forward to Flowerbirth after the harsh grips of Deepfrost, but this excitement was so new and unfamiliar on his lips.

RE: surprises - Chulane - 06-26-2020

They weren't too dissimilar, the lynx and the leopard, each designed for different environments, though each also adaptable to whichever environment they happen to be in. While he fur called to jungles and treetops, he had found the thick undercoat of winter fluff quite useful against the cold - and sufficient to let him travel through the snowy drifts that built up on the streets when Deepfrost didn't turn the entire region into a flash freezer.

The lynx was somewhat bulkier than he, paws broader, more naturally suited for travelling over the snow, though he made do when needed. A common trait he observed in other shifts was the length of their tail, and his own twitched and swung behind him as he let the other observe and consider.

[say]'Gathering everyone together has its advantages and disadvantages. Allows us to pool resources, to ensure everyone has access to healing and medicine if they need it, offers a bit more space than a single household might for one to stretch their legs.'[/say] He does as he says, mimicking Noah as he leaned down low into a stretch that had his muscles ripping up along the large splotches that decorated his back. His paws flexed and stretched as well, before he was standing upright again, hearing Noah's tale of discovery and wonder.

[say]'Mmm, different perspectives, yes? I imagine this shift calls to the hunter within you.'[/say] It was something he could admittedly use more practice in himself - he could slaughter an animal humanely, being a veterinarian, but just as he was unpractised in physical defensive and offensive motions, he was lacking when it came to being able to hunt. [say]'Come Flowerbirth, perhaps you could show me some tricks?'[/say] He let the hope transmit itself across the bond as well, let it grow and exist for the other to recognise and feel.

RE: surprises - Noah - 06-26-2020

[say]'I do ultimately think it is better, this being here. Less casualties. More eyes on the fires. No freezing to death because there is no one to call for aid.'[/say] Noah affirmed his ideas to bring people here. After all, he had been the one to bring it to the attention of the council. He had also been the one working long, breaking hours to prepare the academy for the populous. With Zariah a prisoner, there had been no one to tend to the academy. She did not have many students, and those she had seemed to be too busy dealing with the aftermath of her and Neron's actions.

Noah nodded his feline head down, eyes bright. [say]'Yes!'[/say] He exclaimed, the hope that surged through the bond met with excitement and truth. [say]'I talked with Kiada about joining her guild, as well. She said you were a member?'[/say] He asked, short tail twitching some. His excitement was like static electricity, sparking across the bond. [say]'When I met her about it, she was gathering information on the dragon that killed Weaver.'[/say] The lynx's shoulder muscles tightened. He would very much like to bring an end to that creature. Noah was not normally one for revenge or for needless killing--but when he thought of the reptile hiding in the Fangs, he only saw red.

[say]'I am looking forward to Flowerbirth. I would like to explore a little of the other worlds beyond the portals, as well as really get my elbows deep in helping our community.'[/say]

RE: surprises - Chulane - 06-30-2020

He hummed soft agreement through the bond to Noah's summary of what a large part of the population of Halo were going through, together. It made sense, to have them together, especially the children, or the elderly, or the sickly (though perhaps it was prudent to ensure they also maintained a sense of quarantine within this togetherness so that their sickness did not spread).

The shift in emotion and conversation was welcomed by Chuy, who happily reflected back the excitement, a soft laugh echoing through the bond as he responded to the lynx's enthusiasm, his own tail twitching down its generous length. [say]'Indeed!'[/say] he confirmed happily, pleased to hear the man and he shared an interest, keen to look further into it.

[say]'On my homeworld, I was raised a farmer, and trained as a doctor for animals, they called the profession a veterinarian. I am hoping to be able to use those skills here, eventually.'[/say] He shared with the other, hoping to explain his interest in the fauna of this world. While Chuy didn't think of any animal as a Monster, he was confident that the Guild was aligned with his interest in seeking out and learning about creatures, and killing only when necessary. He noted the lynx's slightly tense posture, but instead of rising to it, he simply sat with his haunches bunched up beneath him, tilting his head as if to view him better, idle curiosity only offered in required.

[say]'It will be interesting to learn more about the dragons of this world. I've only ever heard stories of such fantastic beasts on my homeworld - they were considered mythological.'[/say] He supplied softly, before addressing the man's last words.

[say]'I am looking forward to it too; I imagine we are all going to be busy come Flowerbirth. A bit of exploring, and then a lot of work.'[/say] He concurred, letting his optimism trickle through, letting his hope for the future show, and hiding away all of the insecurities certain recent conversations had stirred within him.

RE: surprises - Noah - 06-30-2020

The idea of an animal doctor was interesting to Noah. [say]'Excuse me if this seems like a rude question, but was that a useful profession? Being a veterinarian, I mean."[/say] Noah was not sure that the people in Halo cared enough about animals to seek medical attention for them should they fall ill. Aside from companions, most people here would just put down a sick dog. Not a lot of people kept pets. He knew, too, that magic healed more here than other, more traditional remedies. [say]Was there magic in your homeworld?'[/say] He asked. He might be able to understand it a little more if there was an absence of magic...but the idea of keeping pets in Caido was different than of Chulane's homeworld, he assumed.

His question was half answered when Chulane went on about the dragons. While there were some creatures he thought mythological, there was some part of him that believed they existed somewhere, even if it had been centuries since their last documented sighting. [say]'There are mountains outside of Halo where dragons populate more than any other creature.'[/say] There were legends and stories he had heard his entire life about men -- some brave and some stupid - traveling to these mountains in an attempt to slay the most fearsome of dragons. None of these legends ended with the men returning home.

He nodded his feline head, [say]'Yes, Flowerbirth always brings work.'[/say] Noah, himself, needed to start his scouting come spring.

RE: surprises - Chulane - 07-01-2020

He didn't mind the questions at all - he was happy to share, happy to explain and divulge his past to those willing to ask after it. [say]'No magic, no gods. My world relied heavily on farming to supply foodstuffs - meats, fruits and vegetables. It was a thriving world in many aspects, to the point where some animals were also kept as household pets, treated as members of families.'[/say] He tried to set the scene, to establish a sense of what was 'normal' in his homeworld for Noah's interpretation. [say]'I used to tend to livestock who were largely used for meat production, as well as the pet variety, and when I had the chance, study the wildlife that existed in the more remote parts of the world.'[/say] He had done a lot, achieved much and more - and yet it was all nothing compared to the wonder that Caido could offer.

As Noah spoke of mountains, his own ear flicked some, as if seeking to view the mountains from where they stood in the midst of the library within the Academy. The mountain range was vast and visible from afar - now that he knew dragons existed he had surmised that that was where they might roost, but having confirmation of such a thing was still awe-inspiring to him. [say]'Dragons,'[/say] he said with a small shake to his head, echoing old dreams that all boys had after reading stories of dragons. He didn't say anything more, merely let a trickle of his quiet awe at them rebound through the bond, before settling into something more resolute as talk of the work ahead of them in Flowerbirth came up once more.

[say]'I am glad to be a part of it,'[/say] he offered with a genuine reflection of his gratitude swelling through the bond, a quiet determination to make the most of the opportunity given to him here while he could.

RE: surprises - Noah - 07-02-2020

Listening to Chulane weave the tale of his world interested Noah. He had never given too much head space to worlds outside of his own -- Halo needed all of the attention one could afford for survival alone. However, learning about this world where Chuy had come from did not seem so bad. While he may not want to live there (because, oh gods Noah had no idea how bad Earth was), he still listened.

[say]'I don't suggest going to look for dragons.'[/say] These words, said aloud across the bond with a sense of stern knowing, were said not only for the leopard, but also for the lynx. [say]'I know that seems interesting, since we're a part of a monster hunting guild...I have just never heard of any success in defeating such creatures.'[/say]

Noah's fuzzy ears twitched a little. All the sounds he could hear in this form was so interesting. [say]'Chuy...what's the best thing about having a feline shift?'[/say]

RE: surprises - Chulane - 07-03-2020

He let agreement and understanding permeate through the bond, nodding his leopard head to back up the emotions. [say]'I don't think I could fathom seeking one out with the aim to defeat it, or bring it to harm. I mostly want to learn about and understand them, to know if they are more than the terrifying winged beasts they seem to be.'[/say] He paused his speech, letting the thoughts percolate  further. [say]'Even if that goal is a long while away,'[/say] he added, to further show his understanding that he was in rush to test the boundaries of the great and powerful beasts that threatened them.

Soft amusement bubbled up within him at the other's question. [say]'Hard to say,'[/say] he said, hmming softly with a purr to accentuate the sensation. [say]'Being able to hear and see better than before, to climb most anywhere I like,'[/say] he shrugged, shoulders tensing and rolling in a leopard's interpretation of the motion. [say]'Having a tail is pretty fun,'[/say] he said, moving to stand and purposefully swing his long tail out behind him, to twitch the end of it, looking to see if he can't instigate a playful reaction from the lynx in response. [say]'Which part do you like best?'[/say]

RE: surprises - Noah - 07-09-2020

He listened intently as the leopard went on about what he needed, truly, from a dragon experience. Knowledge. Noah did not feel that the vet was looking for revenge or glory. That must be what Chulane's place in the guild was -- a field researcher. [say]'Well, you're in the right place so far.'[/say] Noah turned his head to point at a far off shelf. [say]'Those are the books this library has on dragons. Very little, but somewhere to start."[/say] He turned back to look at the leopard, and if he could have been smiling he would have.

[say]'I am not sure what I like best... I haven't tested this form to its fullest limits. When Flowerbirth finally arrives, I will have to head out on a hunt."[/say] He nodded his feline head matter-of-factly, [say]'And whenever you want to learn more about hunting, you know where to find me.'[/say] With that, he stood and stretched his legs and back some. [say]'I think it's time to show this form off to some others.'[/say] Delphine, he meant Delphine.