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if at first you don't succeed - - Printable Version

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if at first you don't succeed - - Wessex - 06-29-2020

Back to the shrine she goes, hoping that this time, Ronin will be busy elsewhere. Her promise to Mabel keeps her from doing exactly what she wants to do, though if there was ever a time to miss being able to piss, this was it. The Wraith would have absolutely popped a squat and let loose at Safrin’s shrine, telling the herald exactly what she thinks of her. Alas, she can’t piss anymore and their iridescent fluid is too traceable.

Instead, she picks up a larger wrock and holds it in her hand, feeling the weight of it. Hidden from non-monster eyes with that handy dandy cloak of hers, she is just another shadow in the dark. To the monsters, she knows she’s a target - all the better to get it done quickly. Now, what would the Monsters do? Wessex considers it carefully: everything she's seen and heard over the years, and how they seem to have gotten stronger. They’re certainly capable of throwing a rock - but the light might draw someone as a witness. It'll have to be last.

Instead, she approaches and reaches for the windchime, closing her hand around the musical pieces, knowing just where she wants to put them.

RE: if at first you don't succeed - - Random Event - 06-29-2020

A rock does indeed shoot from the darkness. It strikes the Wraith's foot, shattering it. Lucky for her she won't feel the pain, but she will be able to see the way her foot now hangs at a grotesque angle.

RE: if at first you don't succeed - - Wessex - 06-29-2020

She may not feel the pain, but the impact is tangible. Looking down at her foot, Wessex grimaces and mutters under her breath to herself.[say] “Lovely… “[/say] Looks like it’s time to head back to Torchline (with a pit stop to dispose of what she’s already taken from the shrine) and wait for her self-healing nanites to take care of this little foot situation. Hopefully in time for her next foolish adventure.

But first -

The Wraith pockets the windchimes and throws a rock at one of the lantern’s panes, hoping to break it. If she doesn’t succeed with the first throw, she’ll try again.

RE: if at first you don't succeed - - Random Event - 06-29-2020

The lantern shatters, of course. As it does, Wessex's internal scans will tell her that she too has been shattered. A spear has been thrown through her rib cage, parting two bones (and fracturing them in the process). Slippery fluid trickles down the front of her. Were she mortal and entirely human she'd have been gasping in bright panic and pain. Conveniently she is not, but the damage is still severe.

RE: if at first you don't succeed - - Wessex - 06-29-2020

Well, she knows better than to stick around with a spear inside her. Time to go, do not pass go, do not make a pit-stop. Her destination is already coming into her mind - straight to the dark, empty cove of the Voice’s shrine in Torchline.

Was this foolish? Yes.
Was it satisfactory? Hell yes.

With a wave into the empty air as the other hand touches her leaking fluid, she disappears from the shrine.