Court of the Fallen
On to the next tomorrow - Printable Version

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On to the next tomorrow - Jigano - 07-03-2020

The animals had needed tending to, and final farewells needed saying. Jigano had fed treats to steady Bakshi while Rory had spent time with Esaia and Talys. Ella and Vaya had followed them to the edge of the property, tails wagging and ears perked, sensing something was different but not knowing what while the farm’s new caretaker, an old friend of Rory’s, had stayed behind to tend the goats. It was strange, thinking of someone else living in Rory’s house while they were gone, but it wouldn’t be forever.

The plans they had made last summer to travel together and see as much of Caido as they could were finally coming to fruition. Packs had been filled with the essentials, Jigano falling back on his old wandering bard days to help pare them down to the bare minimum, knowing what they could expect to trade for, hunt, or gather along the way and what they couldn’t do without. Isuma flitted joyfully above them, circling high and flying ahead only to flutter back and perch for a mere breath on one broad shoulder or another before taking off again, almost vibrating with excitement. They were off on an adventure, the three of them together.

Goodbyes had been said to friends and guildmates in the days before, and final letters sent that very morning; anyone who knew the bard knew he couldn’t resist getting the last word in. Not true endings, only ‘see you laters,’ the plan to return once their wandering feet tired of the road.

But the world was wide and strange and unpredictable, and plans were such fragile things against it.

The fear of what might be was a cage no different than the barrier, holding them back. Holding them in. Neither wolf nor fox was made for such things, but together they were strong enough to face what might come.

To break the bars and taste—


It was Jigano who reached out to take his lover’s hand, the late morning light of Flowerbirth shining down on them, silver and gold, but it was Rory who led them into the Spire.

Down the stairs.

Past the place where a goddess had fallen.

To the pillar of light.

One hand squeezed another. Two breaths were taken. A pale gryphlet landed neatly on a shoulder, trilling encouragement.

They stepped forward and vanished from sight.

{~Fin Jigano and Rory, signing off from CotF together}

**Rory written with approval of Neowulf**