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my skin should crack and peel - Printable Version

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my skin should crack and peel - Wessex - 08-17-2020

Everyone gets home ‘safely.’ More or less. Wessex sees them to the Citadel, and to the Portal. Then she takes the portal to Torchline, opting not to shock Hotaru with the often unsettling side effects of teleporting. The woman’s weight seems negligible and with her arms cramp and numb resistant, there’s little sign of weariness other than the obvious signs of grief and that something has gone wrong. The truth is that Wessex doesn’t know where else to take her friend, other than to Nate and Sunjata.

As the Wraith approaches the Slaagveld, Loki comes darting out with a happy trill that quickly disappears into cheeps of dismay as she flutters around her bonded’s head, trying to figure out if the feelings radiating from the woman mean that she’s physically hurt - or just mentally.[say] “I’m fine, Loki,”[/say] she mutters to the little dragon, suddenly desperately wanting to feel the comforting curl of her companion around her neck.

[say] “Nate? Sunjata?”[/say] calling out to the two men, the demigoddess enters the boxing ring and goes to put Ru gently down on a couch. Tenderly, as if she were holding a piece of paper-thin crystal, she finishes with Hotaru’s head, pulling what appears to be something soft underneath it.

RE: my skin should crack and peel - Sunjata - 08-18-2020

Things were… well, things were happening. He can still feel that slow buzzing in the back of his mind from just a day prior, once everything had gone to shit and his body lit up like a Christmas tree. He’s still riding the waves of that when he’s settled upstairs in the Slagveld, through the door to the Advocates, exhaustion weighing heavily in his bones. He’d tried to assure Nate it wasn’t his intention to get fucked up yet again, but here he is. Sore and exactly as he always was.

But the sound of Wessex’s voice ringing through seems to singe with sadness, and while he can’t see what goes on below, it has his heart lurching in his chest. He’s slow to start the descent of the stairs, slow to getting to the bottom until he’s warmed up enough, and then he sees Wessex with Hotaru curled up on the couch.

Already his worry and fear is palpable, a rippling of navy feathers coating his shoulders and half down his arms, rushing far faster now to Hotaru’s side — his steel gaze scanning her, a hand lifting to run along blonde hair. He ensures to himself that she’s still alive, calming a small amount in his attempts. And then he looks to Wessex, confusion and exhaustion lingering in his stare. “[say]What happened?[/say]” Comes the question, voice thickly accented.

RE: my skin should crack and peel - Nate - 08-18-2020

They're at the Slagveld only because Nate knows he's going to lose his mind if they have to stay cooped up in the house any longer, not if he wants to keep himself together. And he does, because gods, one of them needs to be stable right now, one of them needs to be put together, just so they have a solid base to stand on.

It's the second time in as many days that his attention is roused by a voice from before, though unlike the first time, this voice is less familiar, more surprising, at least until Nate remembers where Wessex will be returning from, who had accompanied her. He's down the stairs faster than Sunjata can manage, but is frozen by the sight he comes across, Hotaru seeming too small, too still on the couch. Pemota has been lingering closer to him these last few days, trying to negate all of the stress building up again with her calming presence, with... debatable success. Now though, she simply trills unhappily, the light shining off her small body dimmed.

Sunjata is at Hotaru's side first, but Nate's hands are more deliberate, searching for a pulse, searching for injury, something physical he can help. No words leave him, his one question already voiced by the other man, the single eye not rising, though tension shook his shoulders, his hands, as he waited for whatever explanation came.

RE: my skin should crack and peel - Hotaru - 08-18-2020

It’s easier to curl into Wessex’s unfaltering embrace than it is to face the world outside. Time has no meaning when, in the dark of her closed eyes, Kiada’s death plays on repeat. Hotaru knows she is safe in the Wraith’s arms, and though somewhere in the back of her mind she may regret the burden she has become on the woman, there is an ache of appreciation and connection. She can’t bear to be alone right now.

Loki’s soft trolls are the first to bring her from her nearly catatonic state. Just enough for heterochromic eyes to slit open, for her heart to ache and call out for Atlas, before she turns into Wessex to hide from the world once more. Only when she’s being - gently, so gently for a woman who holds such power and force - laid upon a soft surface does she stir. Home. She must be home, if Wessex is calling for Nate and Sunjata. Tears burn behind her eyes anew, taking over the numbness that had encased her. A burned hand rises to clutch at Wessex, eyes half-lidded but clearly begging for the Wraith to remain at her side. I can’t lose anyone else.

Then there is Sunjata, his touch gentle on her hair, and she turns to find his eyes. Needing to know she hasn’t lost either of them in the time she was gone. Nate follows immediately after, and though her body screams at her - she had never healed after that last shockwave of magma and fire - the Valkyrie turns towards both men and reaches for them both with her free hand. Still refusing to let go of Wessex. [say]”Jata. Nate.”[/say] The first words she’s said since Kiada’s name had torn her heart out through her throat. It’s fitting, that theirs are the names that follow in that wake. She doesn’t know where Atlas is, likely anywhere wandering around the beach, but she knows Nate’s gentle hands are just as capable of healing her. She’s home and safe, Wessex has carried her here to this place of warmth and healing, and for now that has to be enough.

RE: my skin should crack and peel - Wessex - 08-19-2020

What they don’t know - what none of them know - is that this isn’t the first time she’s carried a tiny blonde woman. The first was her mother. The second was Magrethe. The third is Hotaru. The Outlander is easily the lightest, though the other two women were wasting away into nothingness; the feel of their arms around her neck, their faces in her chest, the methodical steps she takes as she tries not to jostle them, to keep their legs and feet out of harm’s way.

It might be the Wraith’s best expression of love - or what could be love, if the other weren’t just out of reach.

She perches on the edge of the makeshift couch, one hand still obediently in Ru’s as she shows Nate where their fiancee was burned.[say] “We saved the Longheat God,”[/say] she says quietly,[say] “But lost Kiada.”[/say] In her recounting, she appears quite matter-of-fact, if solemn, holding it together because this is not her family and there is no place for her here. Loki ends up wrapping herself around the Wraith as tightly as she can, scratching her snout and eye ridges on her human’s chin, attempting to calm and soothe the only way she knows how.

[say] “We went into the Climb, which is a - an underground volcano, I suppose you might call it. It’s hot and there’s lots of lava. Hell, really. Tanau, Eirachi’s brother, was there and something was lodged in his heart. He was suffering and it kept causing magma eruptions. We found a way to remove it - Loren stuck his fucking hands in fire, Ru, Amalia and I sheilded as best we could, but some hit Kiada and she was badly burned. She fell… it looked like Amalia had her, but in the end - “[/say] She needn’t finish the story for them to draw their own conclusions.

It was a heat of the moment decision. There’s no way to tell if another one would have been better or worse.

RE: my skin should crack and peel - Sunjata - 08-19-2020

Hotaru clings to Wessex as he arrives, as Nate moves ahead of him – already Sunjata can feel his heart leaping into his throat, the worry evident along his gaze, his body, the way he darts to Hotaru’s side and runs a hand along blonde hair. But she turns to them, then, Sunjata’s gaze tearing away from Wessex to scan Hotaru and the injuries – sure that Nate can take a better, more professional look on what to do with them. Gods knew he wasn’t the type for it. Hotaru says their names and his hand runs along her hair again, turning his attention to Wessex to listen to it.

Lost Kiada? His brows furrow, but his heart sinks. Wessex continues and Sunjata remains quiet, letting the information flicker within him. He pieces it together by the time Wessex is done, his arm moving to tug Hotaru a bit closer, to press his forehead against hers, eyes shutting tight as a heavy sigh racks through his system. “[say]I’m so sorry, Ru.[/say]” He breathes, unsure what to say, unsure what to do. He can’t heal her, he can’t give her Kiada back.

It’s that helplessness that makes it far more difficult to withstand what would come next – the grieving process Sunjata knows all too well. But he shifts, keeping himself close to her, making room for Nate to come in and offer his own check up on her.

RE: my skin should crack and peel - Nate - 08-20-2020

The worst of his fears are alleviated as Hotaru shifts, speaks, voice hoarse and weak and only pulling him closer, stretching into the awkward embrace she wants without hesitation. His eye is guided to shiny burns, painful-looking, and he's sure there's a first aid kit in the building somewhere, though he's not going to go and look for it right now.

It isn't until Wessex begins to speak again that he finally tears his cyclopean gaze from the abandoned, staring up at the Demi-god. A mission accomplished, but at what cost? He's unblinking, unmoving, even as Sunjata presses in closer, trying to piece things together, to make sure he really understands the situation, the literal hell they went through. He can't imagine there will be much of a chance to ask later, and unless Ru brings it up herself, he's never going to burden her with the questions he might have.

[say]Thank you for bringing her back.[/say] It's silent only because Nate knows he can't manage the words without his voice cracking, and he can't show that weakness to Wessex, not again, not so soon. Instead, he takes the space Sunjata offers to him, pressing closer to let cool hands linger over burns, to offer what little he can at the moment to Hotaru.

RE: my skin should crack and peel - Hotaru - 09-03-2020

Wessex's skin is cool and smooth in her own wretched, calloused grasp. She clings to it even as she tilts her face towards the twin suns that are her husbands-to-be. Their hands never leave her, keeping her safely here on earth instead of remaining spinning out somewhere in the cosmos, lost to the grief of Kiada's loss. A low moan of agony leaves her at Wessex's quiet words, at the reminder she cannot escape. Sunjata's brow presses against her own, and though she's too far gone for tears her own scrunches tight with pain that no burns can ever amount to.

They all crowd close, and there is no sense of claustrophobia. Only rightness. She is barely a participant in this reunion, for all that she may be the main reason for it. Instead she gives a soft, barely-there sigh at the slight coolness of Nate's hands on her skin. And now, as if their names have perhaps broken some unseen barrier, she works her scream-rough throat around some semblance of words. Her fingers worry at Wessex's hand, seeking to thread them together and squeeze. [say]"Thank you Wessex,"[/say] she manages to rasp. What happens after this is far too familiar to her, having lost so many loved ones. But appreciation, adoration, some variation of love...that can all be shown now to the woman who brought her home. Hotaru already knows that there's no shame in expressing her emotions, not to these three.

RE: my skin should crack and peel - Wessex - 09-05-2020

Yes. A mission accomplished, but at what cost? Not just Kiada, everyone will be ill and she will have done it. Again.

[say]It was the least I could do,[/say] she says in reply to Nate’s thanks, the howls of the woman’s pain echoing in her very recent memories. Her fiances press in closer. Skin to skin. Tight expressions. It hurts almost as much to see this doting and concern for Ru as it does to think on the cause of it. So she squeezes the woman’s hand in response and brushes away the thanks.[say] “You’d have done the same for me.”[/say] It’s almost funny to think of the the opposite, Wessex carried in the smaller woman’s arms, until she thinks of the next steps. Taken her - where? To whom? To the Voice, the only one who loves her like this?

[say] “I’m going to let Nate and Jata take over now, okay?”[/say] They know better than her, she thinks. They must - at least in regards to healing. Wessex swallows hard against the lump in her throat and kisses Ru’s knuckles ever so briefly and gently, placing her hands back down in her lap for one of the men to take. Easing herself off the couch, she rises slowly and looks for Loki before quietly heading for the door.

{W out! Feel free to carry on if you want to}

RE: my skin should crack and peel - Sunjata - 09-06-2020

Nate crowds in closer and Sunjata makes room for him – while the Flood tries to press in on her, to give her comfort and perhaps bandaid the pain wherever he could. It’s not enough, he doesn’t expect it to be enough, but with how battered and bruised his own body is, it’s the easiest thing he can do. He doesn’t think he can carry her without his arm trembling, where lightning scars snake up through the tattoos. He doesn’t think he’d make it far at all.

But his gaze slips open to find Wessex, a small exhale of a sound – a sigh as he remains close to Hotaru and Nate. His fiances. “[say]Thank you Wessex.[/say]” He says softly before she departs, and his attention flickers back to Hotaru – to run his hands along the crown of her blonde hair, to scan her more before glancing over to Nate. “[say]Let’s get you cleaned up, alright?[/say]” It’s both a suggestion and a question as his heart breaks for her.

And when the time comes, he shifts over to let Nate pick her up, to carry her up the stairs to the office space and the upstairs loft of the Slagveld where they can care and dote on her.

- FIN <3