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Cherry Coloured Funk - Printable Version

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Cherry Coloured Funk - Hester - 08-18-2020

Festivals were rare in Halo, a place better known for it's stubborn, almost spiteful clinging on. It wasn't a fact that Hester begrudged, having grown up in the place, but she certainly wasn't going to turn her nose up at the chance to celebrate elsewhere. She was going to bring along a piece of her home though, boards for a game her family had always simply called 'ramps', though she'd heard it go by other names as well.

The only snag in her, frankly brilliant seeming gesture was a lack of boards. And, beyond that, a lack of wood. It seemed like perhaps she was doomed to leave Halo for the first time empty handed, before she remembered just outside of the citadels walls, there were old, abandoned homes, sacrificed to the tundra.

There was wood there, enough for what she needed, and weathered enough that it wouldn't be useful for much else. Hester bundled herself up in woollen sweaters and furs and made the short trek out of Snowcloak, following a path she only sort of knew, though it wasn't as if she was going far. It was still early in the day, the sun high above her, reflecting off everything and making the frosted world glitter.

RE: Cherry Coloured Funk - Morgan - 08-20-2020

After Loren's troubling (but not yet alarming) report and the increase of visitors to Halo, Morgan had felt the need to patrol the wastes for a while, making sure she could not see anything too suspicious. The madmen that had attacked the gate had been a surprise and she was determined to make sure that the Citadel would not be shocked by anything else; anything that worried her would be stomped out before it could reach the walls.

Walking among the abandoned houses, she was reflecting on how odd old, empty buildings were - places where once there had been love, anger, parties, blank space, rotting wood and nothing more than a memory.

Morgan was taken from these thoughts by the sound of footsteps approaching, from the other side of the house she had walked towards. Cautiously she drew her hammer. It was likely to be nothing, but she didn't want to take chances. Slowly she walked around the house, one foot silently before the other, holding her weapon tight in both hands until she could turn the corner and demand, before she saw who the intruder was: [say]"State your business."[/say]

RE: Cherry Coloured Funk - Hester - 08-21-2020

It was rare to meet another in the wastes, in the frozen husks of once lively homes, and yet it seemed to just be Hester's luck to run into people in the most remote places. Though this encounter easily ranks among the most surprising, the most terrifying. One moment, she's wandering, looking for places that have wider slabs of wood left intact, and in the next, there is a grand form ahead of her, illuminated from behind by the sun and looking for all the world like a vengeful angel of war. Panic rises up for only as long as it takes Hester to recognize the shape, and then it is replaced with giddy excitement and deep embarrassment.

[say]"I'm so sorry!"[/say] The first thing out of her mouth is an apology, but the next is a rapid-fire babble, the individual words almost impossible to make out in the blur. [say]"I was only looking for spare wood and I didn't want to take away from anything else so I thought I'd find my own!"[/say] Hester steps back, meaning to get a wider look at her hero, and catches a shard of ice under her boot heel, the loose piece sliding away from her without warning and sending her legs flying out while she lands hard on her back.

A weak cough leaves the attuned as she tries to recover, momentarily dazed and breathless.

RE: Cherry Coloured Funk - Morgan - 08-21-2020

Almost immediately Morgan realised who was in front of her, Hester's small form recognisable partly because of how oddly protective she'd grown to feel over the girl; which only helped to increase her guilt. While she was still talking Morgan put her hammer on her back, held up a hand to tell her it was alright, she could calm down...then Hester fell.

Cringing (the thud sounded like it had hurt) she walked to Hester and knelt, holding out a hand to lift her up. [say]"You do not need to apologise. I am simply...wary of trouble, at the moment. Of course you are allowed to take whatever you would like from here - the dead are not using them."[/say] She looked to the ruined homes, thoughts of memories and ghosts briefly resurfacing.

Once Hester was back up, Morgan looked her over to make sure she was not too badly hurt; satisfied that she would recover fine with an hour or so, she stepped back. [say]"Why are you wanting wood, though? Are you building something?"[/say]

RE: Cherry Coloured Funk - Hester - 09-08-2020

[say]"That makes sense."[/say] Hester's voice is still breathless, still rough, but she's glad the first thing out of her mouth after her fall is at least sensible. She's less glad about how long it takes her to accept Morgan's hand when it's offered though. Confusion gives way to surprise, which gives way to a frozen excitement before finally her hand closes around the Warden's and she lets herself be pulled up.

Even with Morgan's look over, Hester still feels better rubbing at her back, making wincy faces for a long moment. Nothing was broken, but she'd be bruised for a while. [say]"I was going to use the wood to make uh... games, for Fiat Lux."[/say] Isolated in her head, it sounded like such a good idea, but speaking it out loud, to the Warden of all people, made it sound childish, foolish. [say]"Ramps, um, if you've heard of it?"[/say]

RE: Cherry Coloured Funk - Morgan - 09-09-2020

Morgan smiled faintly at Hester's reasonable response, proud of the girl for being able to keep her composure after the initial shock. It seemed she would be forgiven for scaring her in the first place, Hester willingly taking the hand and letting herself be pulled up, Morgan patting her on the back apologetically before stepping away (not knowing that she would be hitting bruises).

[say]"Ramps?"[/say] She repeated, trying to remember games she had played as a child. Morgan had never been a part of a major friend group and time had mostly been spent training with her father or with her mother, where any 'games' played usually involved spirits. [say]"I'm afraid not. How do you play it? I can help you gather the wood. Fiat Lux is something we should all put our best efforts into."[/say]

With a nod she went to the side of one of the buildings and experimentally pulled at the boards making up the wall: it was rotten enough that it began to give away almost immediately. [say]"I will keep the roof up with my telekinesis if you grab the wood you need."[/say]

RE: Cherry Coloured Funk - Hester - 09-12-2020

Hester's spine stiffens as Morgan's hand comes down on the tender spots of her, the closest thing to a wince that leaves her. She's been hurt worse, and it's not as if the Warden is trying to hurt her. A bright smile comes to the attuned's lips as she nods, noticing the older woman's confusion and revelling at the idea that she gets to share something with her hero. [say]"It's very easy! A board is set up at an angle with holes in it, and the goal is to throw bags filled with small stones through the holes. Different ones are worth different points."[/say]

Following Morgan to the building, Hester nods her understanding of the plan and waits for the Warden to give her the okay to start gathering. The wood is soft, even with the chill in the air that should be keeping it solid, though that only makes it easier to tug apart. A half dozen boards are pulled off this way, Hester stepping back to look at her pile when she's done. [say]"I think that's enough."[/say] She announces, nodding while she does. [say]"I brought out a little sled, to drag all this back to the citadel. Would uh... would you mind helping me carry it there?"[/say]

RE: Cherry Coloured Funk - Morgan - 09-12-2020

[say]"Oh, I see. That sounds good for Fiat Lux."[/say] Easy to set up and pick up; the kind of easy fun people liked at those sorts of events (and the kind of easy fun that Morgan very rarely permitted herself).

Holding up the roof, light and rotted from the inside as it was, wasn't a difficult task. Morgan watched Hester take the wood, reflecting on how fond she'd become of the girl in a short amount of time. She had spirit, the sort of spirit that Morgan liked to associate with the Citadel and it's people. More than that, though, Hester reminded her of her own youth. They were very different, but she recognised something in the determination of her eyes, the strength in her speech.

[say]"Of course."[/say] Helping Hester load up and carry the wood back home, Morgan easily chatted with her about the things happening in the Citadel and the greater world. Before long they were back at the Citadel, going their separate ways: with another apology for how they'd met, Morgan left to the Council Hall with a smile on her face.