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Confidential: Patient files: Rosencrantz and ó Broin - Printable Version

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Confidential: Patient files: Rosencrantz and ó Broin - October - 08-24-2020


No doubt curiosity will get the better of you, so by all means have a quick look at the patient files attached. You will see that nothing is amiss.

Now that I assume your heart has slowed, let me explain why I have run the tests that I have. Finn came to see me yesterday with a rather alarming story of where he'd been that day and with who. Without you present, I didn't feel comfortable pressing him for more information as he was nearly non-verbal when he arrived to begin with. What he did tell me was yeah right, like I'm going to put it here you snoops.

I hope that puts this all in perspective.

I am going to try and find him now, but I don't believe he should leave the Tower. He or Cian, though I doubt we'd have much luck of that. Until then I believe anyone who has had contact with them should be carefully monitored. No doubt Dorian will be thrilled to have such a thorough examination and while I don't want to worry unnecessarily, I'm sure you can understand my want for caution.  

Doctor Hart.