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mum, can I stay home sick? - Printable Version

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mum, can I stay home sick? - Samuel - 09-01-2020

Sam had woken up feeling very strange indeed; he had for a while been unable to identify just what the problem was. He felt hot, not in the way one might in the sun or when he was in danger from heat, but from had taken him an hour to realise he had a fever, something he hadn't experienced in many years. That, in addition to the odd shapes he kept seeing darting around in the periphery of his vision, was enough to make him worry.

Immediately his mind had gone to the last time he had seen the Voice, when she had, for as far as he knew no reason, decided to do a 'check up' on him; she had taken something, looked at it and as far as he had been able to tell, had not looked pleased: with the brain fog of a fever setting in and his usual paranoia, it didn't take long for Sam to decide he was dying and the Voice knew about it.

When he thought about it later, he wouldn't be able to remember the trip into the Grounds, as delusional and sickly as he was, but somehow he managed to make the walk in the early morning, stopping every so often as his symptoms became overwhelming. Finally he found the tree containing the Voice's shrine and sunk down to lean against it, wiping sweat off his brow and feeling oddly tired. [say]"...Mother, are you there? I think...I think something's wrong with me."[/say]

RE: mum, can I stay home sick? - the VOICE - 09-04-2020

She appears as a hologram. There are no synapses of lightning around her, no cold electrical warmth. Sitting atop the shrine, the Voice looks down at Sam with a look of melancholy concern, nodding at his own assessment. [say]"I think you are, Sam."[/say] She agrees with a gentle smile.

[say]"The sample I took from mutated and changed until it simply...stopped. I had hoped that would mean the sickness would stop as well, but.."[/say] Looking at him now, that appears not to be the case. [say]"Oh Sam, where have you gone? What has happened to you?"[/say]

RE: mum, can I stay home sick? - Samuel - 09-04-2020

Sam was thankful to see the Voice return, feeling that if she was there, no matter what things he saw or how he felt, he would at least have some kind of anchor to safety. In his delirium and panic there, he wondered how he'd ever tried to leave this warmth and love; right now it felt like all he could cling to.

What his Goddess had to say was certainly worrying, though. [say]"Stopped...?"[/say] He repeated, immediately making probably unfounded connections to his impending doom in his head: what if Sam stopped too, suddenly no longer there, no longer alive? Unable to discern how reasonable this thought was in his current state it gripped him with fear, almost enough that he forgot to answer her questions.

[say]"Um...I...I don't think I've gone anywhere unusual in particular..."[/say] He offered distractedly, jumping as he saw a shadow appear behind a nearby tree and shuffling closer to the shrine, almost hugging it. [say]"Just my shop and other places in Torchline. I...I visited the Grounds a week or so ago, but I just went to the market."[/say] Nowhere that, as far as he knew, he shouldn't have been. [say]"Ascended...we aren't supposed to get ill, are we? What's happening to me? Is it because..."[/say]

Turning scared eyes up to her, he continued: [say]"Because I left for a while? Did I do something to myself that let me get ill?"[/say]

RE: mum, can I stay home sick? - the VOICE - 09-08-2020

What he says doesn't offer her much insight. It's nothing she couldn't have discerned for herself, and yet she'd naively hoped that hearing it from his lips might trigger some latent understanding. [say]"You can't become ill from human-diseases, no.."[/say] The Voice agrees. Her hologram doesn't flinch as Sam nears the shrine, even though some still-human part of her wants to recoil in self-defence.

[say]"No, Sam. It isn't because of that."[/say] She soothes, shaking her head. [say]"For us to be sick...perhaps the gods manufactured something. Something to attack us."[/say] She knows not of the others who are sick, the demigods and other mortals.

RE: mum, can I stay home sick? - Samuel - 09-08-2020

Sam was thankful she did not move away, finding at least some comfort in being near her mothering presence. While he was here he felt like someone else was in control, dealing with the situation - he had to be confident that the Voice knew what to do, so he wouldn't be completely hopeless in his delirium.

Her unsure conclusions, theories of attacks, these things didn't help his own paranoia. Leaning up he stared at her with desperate eyes, feeling more scared than he could recall feeling in a long time. [say]"Is there anything you can do to help me, Mother?"[/say] Sam asked, clearly praying for a yes.

RE: mum, can I stay home sick? - the VOICE - 09-10-2020

[say]"I will do everything I can, to do just that."[/say] The Voice hums soothingly. [say]"For now, I need something from you. Go and see if anyone else from our family is needn't call for me. A list placed on any shrine will do."[/say] Smiling, the Voice gazes down at Sam from where her projection softly dazzles above. [say]"Do you think you can do that for me?"[/say]

For all of us? going unsaid.

RE: mum, can I stay home sick? - Samuel - 09-11-2020

The Voice's reassurance that she would try and help calmed Sam a little, made him more willing to hear her request. While the idea of doing anything strenuous right now (and simply having a goal to work towards made it strenuous) was horrendous and his motivation was close to zero, having a chance to work for the cure for the Ascended...well, it was possibly the chance he was looking for to rectify his reputation with them.

[say]"Yes. I'll...I'll do my best. I'll be back as soon as I know."[/say] He promised, nodding his head and letting out a shaky breath. [say]"...Can I drink, before I go? I feel...terribly, awfully thirsty."[/say]

RE: mum, can I stay home sick? - the VOICE - 09-11-2020

[say]"Not this time, Sam."[/say] The Voice whispers softly, genuinely sounding wounded to have to tell him no. But she couldn't take the chance. Absolutely wouldn't. But that didn't mean she'd let Sam go just wouldn't satisfy him the way he needed. [say]"Not how you might want, anyway."
[/say] She adds, as electrical tendrils race out from her and into him. He is restored as well as he can be, though the disease steals and saps the energy she offers.

[say]"I'm sorry, Sam. Do what you can. In the meantime, I will take care of this."[/say]

RE: mum, can I stay home sick? - Samuel - 09-11-2020

To hear the Voice reject his need for fluid was a devastating, surprising moment; Sam stared, unsure if it was real or some paranoid part of another awful delusion. Seemed it wasn't, as the moment continued and things didn't change. At least she had something for him, Sam eagerly leaning into the electric tendrils and letting out a shaky breath at the relief they did give him, glad for anything at the moment. [say]"Thank you."[/say]

Hoping she would be able to 'take care of it' soon, he nodded and tried to get up to leave, knowing that he had to use the energy she'd given him to move while he could. Grabbing onto the tree, he forced himself up, then Sam walked away into the forest, waving goodbye and stumbling into the distance.