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[Training] what i see in the sea - Printable Version

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what i see in the sea - Remi - 09-03-2020

There are monsters in the sea. Monsters with the faces of grains of sand and innocuous starfish. But he isn't fooled. He can hear their laughter and taunting voices. They're going to pollute the waters and make it undrinkable. They're going to take it all away until the world becomes a barren and flat plain.

But he'll stop them.

Dashing back and forth snapping his shark teeth at the tide as it pushes up and down the coastline, the manticore might have looked almost playful from a distance. Like some wayward puppy snapping at the water, the big feline dodges and lunges. For every success (the waves pulling back), there is an almost immediate assault (the waves returning). Roaring, Remi rears onto his hind legs, wings lashing out from his sides in a posture of defiance.

RE: what i see in the sea - Sunjata - 09-03-2020

That’s definitely another sea panther, only this time Sunjata watches as it lunges at the water rather than luring the unknown to their deaths. Or perhaps – perhaps it is, and that is why he’s arrived. Behind his lids, a slow blink, a flashing of light – lightning?

A snap and a crack of jaws against the sea.

    C r a c k,
        b o o m.

Ears pinned back, the panther swallows hard, steel gaze narrowing on the Manticore turned Sea Panther fighting the sea, and then he makes quite possibly a beautiful mistake. His paws begin to move before his mind can make a decision, sand flying behind him as he tears across the beach and aims to barrel himself into Remi's side to knock the manticore off balance.

RE: what i see in the sea - Remi - 09-03-2020

Remi's focus is on the sea, on saving the world. So it is he doesn't notice that his shadow has come back after so long being away. It has lost its wings, but that's understandable. He must have fought it before though; why else would it have run away and not returned? Only now it has returned, and it is going to jeopardize everything.

It wants to drive him into the sea where the monsters can devour him. If he dies, perhaps that is how it gains its freedom.

Slammed from the left, the manticore stutter-steps to the right. Yowling a cry of outrage, he fixes his gaze on his traitorous shadow. Lunging awkwardly, slinging his hips around to try and jump at the illusion-of-light head-on, the manticore tries to plunge his shark-teeth into the dark feline's shoulder.

RE: what i see in the sea - Sunjata - 09-03-2020

He slams into the sea panther, his heart thundering a roar in his chest – ears pinned back as he staggers to try and recover from not taking the creature fully down. Once again, his head is slow to catch up to his actions, the panther spinning on his heels and stumbling just as Remi rounds on him.

Teeth burrow into his shoulder, sharp and pointed, and there’s a roar of pain that slips from him. Red blood pools down his arm as he lifts his paw, he thinks it looks like vibrant red threads as the sun catches on it and it splatters into the sand below. His free paw lifts, claws like daggers outstretched to grapple at the sea panther’s face – hoping it might be enough to release him, and he tries to drop down low to the sand, trying to get free.

RE: what i see in the sea - Remi - 09-03-2020

The blood tastes like sunlight and success. It takes like the moments before climax when gravity moves in reverse and everything flows inwards in bright concentric circles. He wants more of it, as one does. He wants to run towards the feeling, to follow it forever but..

..surely that's what his shadow wants him to do.

Cold in the light of this realization, the manticore releases the fleshy-shadow and rears back using his large wings to help balance. The dark swipe bats lightly against one of his legs and gods how he is furious at this deception.

Snarling to the side, the manticore now tries to herd the shadow into the sea. Into the darkness and the swill where it belongs. Should the panther try and evade, he'll find great golden paws with claws extended headed his way.

RE: what i see in the sea - Sunjata - 09-03-2020

Ribbon like, the blood streams and stems from the shoulder – but ah, there, relief in the fact that the sea panther releases his much smaller frame – panther to panther now, watching as the creature before him pulls back, rearing on his hind end. And Sunjata, that paw outstretched, lashes out to meet hardly nothing.

He’s furious too, a hiss of a growl slipping from him as he pants through the blood – steadying himself just as the creature tries to herd him to the sea – the sea.

A sea that calls, that waxes and wanes with both brilliance and terror.

    Come to me.

He stretches out to it, something in him panicking, souring the attuned bond, pouring into the abyss like the flood he’s named after – and he recoils when a small splash of mist hits his paw. He attempts to back up, to slide under the sea panther, to get far away from the siren song of the sea.

RE: what i see in the sea - Remi - 09-04-2020

You wanted this, Remi thinks he says, but doesn't. He thinks he's made plenty of accusations that make clear his intentions here, but they're all just been echoes inside of his own mind. The only thing real is the tang of blood that has misted around everything. He can't even remember whose blood it is anymore. His? His shadow's? The world's?

But now his shadow is trying to flee the cage of its own making and he absolutely isn't having it. Shark-teeth aim for the boney-hindquarters of his shadow as his wings arc forward to slap at his sides. This latter isn't meant just much as an attack, as an encouragement to get the fuck in the water with the rest of the monsters, where you belong.

RE: what i see in the sea - Sunjata - 09-04-2020

He’s blocked. A frustrated hiss – or is it a growl? – slips from his throat as his hips are clamped down on, teeth burrowing in, blood pricking on the surface and pouring out. It feels like fire, like a burning sensation that he can’t shut out – and so he goes, going where the sea panther directs him – sure that it’s to his death once the water reaches him. The water will dive into the wounds, will tear him from the inside out until there’s nothing left.

He feels trapped, encased with wings and teeth and fire and darkness. Is this what Lusea meant when she said she’d be the one to kill him? To bring him back into the darkness he’d so badly tried to avoid? He whines, dragging his feet as he’s shoved and pressed forward – tumbling into the sea as the ocean waves reach out – tendrils snaking across his form and pouring salt water into his wounds.

A yowl leaves him, something sorrowful and painful – before he reaches inside and shifts into a snake, trying to let the scales block the water from absorbing through more of him. And he spins, spitting out venom and aiming for the sea panther’s face, trying to get a moment to scramble out of the water by distracting him.

RE: what i see in the sea - Remi - 09-08-2020

He should be smoke by now, surely. As soon as the water touched his paws, he should have been forcefully returned to the sea. Gobbled up, dissipated, broken and twisted into whatever raving madness this monstrosity truly was. Only he didn't. He shrunk and grew darker if that was possible, coiling and spitting. How? HOW?

It isn't fair. It's an almost childish indignation that Remi feels. It swamps his already fevered thoughts. A snake isn't so much of a threat, it isn't so much of a—

—the venom spat onto his face immediately begins to blister and burn. The urge to rub at his eyes is overwhelming such that Remi shifts back into his normal form, collapsing onto his knees and rubbing the heels of his hands against his eyes. This only succeeds in spreading the liquid and causing his eyes to water and scream. With a silent scream, the Alchemist bursts from his body. His spirit lunges sideways toward the snake. Hopefully he can knock the serpent's soul from this husk and send the monster back where it belongs.

Magic: Out of Body | Can project his spirit into the world. While in spirit-form, his body is completely vulnerable, though his spirit cannot be harmed. Can take over the bodies of animals within a 30ft radius, and can attempt to take over humans as well. (A 30 END difference is an automatic success. Difference of 20 is accompanied by extreme disorientation and mental pain for the soul in question. Difference of 10 or below is accompanied by disorientation and temporary loss of bodily function.)
Type: Grey | Rank: Mastered

RE: what i see in the sea - Sunjata - 09-10-2020

It’s full on panic at this point as the snake tries to slip out of the water – wondering if it’s acid and it’s burning through his scales, hoping that it might do something to deter it from reaching anything internally. And he spits, shooting venom toward the creature of the sea, hoping that it would deter the panther from attacking him more.

But then… Then the panther shifts, molds, melds into something that Sunjata vaguely recognizes. And the snake stills once he gets out of the water’s grasp, ready to shift back into himself and do something though he doesn’t know what – but then, a familiar thing happens to him, and he’s shoved, somewhere internally, somewhere where the snake shifts back into man – crouching over the ground, a hand lifting to his head. [say]Holy fuck.[/say] He groans, unsure of where exactly he is, nausea roaring in the back of his throat so much so that he lurches into the sand.

RE: what i see in the sea - Remi - 09-10-2020

Suddenly a familiar shape is next to him, and the monster is gone. Feeling as though his soul is about to explode from his body so hot he feels inside, it's all Remi can do to collapse near the Flood. The sand hits his belly hard, almost hard enough to make him vomit. He manages to keep himself together though as he reaches out an unsteady hand towards Sunjata.

[say]"You're...oh thank gods you're safe."[/say] The monster had been in the Flood. It's the only explanation. [say]"Ronin would have killed me if I didn't save you."[/say] He adds, rolling onto his back and glaring up at the sky as it heaves and swells just like the sea.

RE: what i see in the sea - Sunjata - 09-10-2020

He’s positive he’s going to be sick. His stomach heaves as he lurches, body ready to expunge everything he’s had that day. And he does – unable to fight against the mouth sweats, the disorientation in his mind that battles against the sickness as well. And when he manages to feel somewhat better – ever so slightly, he drops to the sand beside Remi, hearing bits and pieces of what the Lullaby says.

“[say]You saved me.[/say]” He murmurs, turning his head in the sand and exhaling a shuddering sigh. “[say]The sea panther was back.[/say]” A panted comment, as if Remi hadn’t just seen it with his own eyes as well. “[say]Thought the governor should know.[/say]” He manages to push himself back up a small amount – fighting the way the world shifts around him as he shuts his eyes tight and crawls over toward Remi, laying a hand on the man and tugging him closer.

“[say]We gotta go home.[/say]” And leave the monsters and dangers behind.

RE: what i see in the sea - Remi - 09-13-2020

[say]"I saw it."[/say] The Lullaby agrees groggily, not quite able to distinguish between the sounds of vomiting and the roughness of the waves. [say]"It was trying to steal my shadow and take it to the monsters in the sea."[/say] The Governor should probably know, Remi thinks distantly. He doesn't equate the title with himself, nodding distantly in agreement.

[say]"Okay."[/say] He pants, reaching for the Flood's hand to bind them together. The ocean is not the only sea, and from Remi's vantage point, the sea of sand in which they are currently floating stretches out for an eternity. Gods, he doesn't know if he has the energy for this. Letting his head loll heavily onto the sand, he can feel heat roving off of Sunjata in waves. [say]"You're so hot."[/say] He mumbles, panting slightly.

RE: what i see in the sea - Sunjata - 09-13-2020

He saw it. As far as Sunjata’s concerned, he’s not entirely losing his mind. But there’s a moment of clarity as his hips hurt – punctures reflected from his panther shift into his human one. He still manages to crawl over toward Remi, a frown finding his face as Remi mentions it tried to steal his shadow. “[say]Fucker.[/say]” He hisses, managing to recover briefly enough that the world doesn’t feel like it’ll spin if he moves again.

He grabs Remi’s hand, fingers intertwined for the moment – steel eyes watching as Remi’s head lolls to the side in the sand, and Sunjata swallows hard again. It’s too dangerous out here, they’re too exposed, and the ocean waves full of monsters and terror are poised and ready to sweep them away.

So he gets closer to Remi – warmth spiraling from the both of them into a tornado of heat that’s comforting enough for Sunjata. “[say]Mm, yeah, you too.[/say]” He says, noticing the way his skin begins to sweat further, shining along bronze skin. But he thinks he can walk, thinks he can get the dizziness to subside long enough to maybe get back.

Or, perhaps Remi could sit upon him in his Nyala shift and they could trudge home together that way. “[say]Can I carry you..?[/say]” He asks, swallowing hard again, already aiming to move Remi’s hand to the back of his tattooed neck, to try and slide his hands under Remi to lift him up in his arms, even as his stomach lurches again.