Court of the Fallen
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hide your fires - Samuel - 09-11-2020

After speaking to Loren, Sam's faith in the world was rapidly falling. Some of the smartest, most put-together people he knew were sick; they seemed to be degrading distressingly quickly, leaving Sam unsure if this whole mess would be solved. He also struggled to shake the constant, never-quite-ending fear that this was somehow all his fault.

He had thought to go to the safehouse to see if he could find any of the Ascended family: The Voice had wanted him to find which of them were sick and perhaps they could band together through this confusing, worrying time. He was sure the rest of the family were as baffled as he was in regards to why and how they were sick, when that was meant to simply not happen. How their systems had failed without any warning.

Before he could even make it to the edges of Sanctuary, though, Sam had found he was exhausted again. It was odd, to feel tired without pain or actual physical sleepiness, but he found motivation for each step failing more and more until he was sitting on a wall just outside of Sanctuary, leaning with his head in his hands, trying to desperate force himself to think coherent, clear thoughts.

RE: hide your fires - Wessex - 09-14-2020

Like most post-visit to the Voice, their conversation rings loudly in her ears.

It’s like the Voice is right beside her, except she seems to be on repeat. A hologrammed, staticky loop like Princess Leia and R2D2, instructions played right into her ears. Check on everyone. We must protect our family. Samuel...

Sam is first in her mind, which never ever happens and is quite a strange fixation, given that she tried to kill him, oh, a month or so ago. Weeks? How much time has passed? Loki helps, so she tells her better half to find Sam, gives her the image of a ginger man, and waits for her companion to return. It’s a clever system, isn’t it? And it isn’t too long before her companion returns and leads the Wraith to her brother.

[say] “Sam!”[/say] she calls out, almost joyfully - relieved? Yes, relieved is right - that it hadn’t been so hard.[say] “Sam!”[/say] she repeats, shaking him.[say] “I’ve been looking for you.”[/say]

RE: hide your fires - Samuel - 09-14-2020

The second Sam heard a voice that was unmistakably Wessex's calling his name, he stiffened, fear immediately grasping him, most likely amplified by the illness fogging his mind and intensifying his panic. Had she come to finish her job from before? He'd come back to the Voice, but Wessex could well hold a grudge, and she obviously wasn't adverse to violent means. He curled down, trying to hide behind his hands.

It seemed he had already been spotted, though. Letting out a too-loud scream as he was shaken, Sam opened his eyes wide and pushed his hands out, trying desperately to get Wessex away. [say]"Please!! I promise I haven't done anything else! Please don't hurt me!"[/say] His feet scrabbled uselessly against the ground as he tried to go back further, the wall blocking any progress.

RE: hide your fires - Wessex - 09-15-2020

Of course he overreacts (and not like he would have a good reason for it, not in Wessex’s world). Of course he starts to make a big scene, screaming like she’s about to kill him, like she isn’t obviously coming in peace this time.[say]“No!”[/say] She counters, probably not helping at all.[say] “No, no, no, no, no, Saaaaam,”[/say] A note of annoyance and desperation enters her voice as she tries to move his hands away. He has to listen to her. In fact, the frustration rises so suddenly that it elicits a growl, which is definitely not helping. A teensy growl, really, compared to what he’s seen before.[say] “The Voice told me to find you, Gods!”[/say] What a dumbass.

RE: hide your fires - Samuel - 09-15-2020

While the growl in Wessex's voice absolutely did not help to calm Sam's nerves, her yelling 'no!' was confusing enough to make him freeze instead of yell and scrabble, staring at her with his hands still in the air before him, eventually being moved by her out of the way. He was still terrified as could be seen in his wide eyes, how they darted around trying to observe all her movements and his possible escape routes at once.

[say]"The...Voice told you to?"[/say] He repeated after her, unsure if that ought to add to the fear or not. Delirium said yes, but the fact that she hadn't hurt him yet made him want to attempt to slowly open his mouth and reply. [say]"Um...she...she knows where I am."[/say] Sam responded, unawares that his response didn't make much sense. [say]"I'm right here, and the Voice knows that, because I've seen her. I'm making a list for her."[/say]

RE: hide your fires - Wessex - 09-18-2020

[say] “Hmmmmm… yes,”[/say] Wessex confirms, humming in the back of her throat as she tries to recall exactly what the Voice had told her to do.[say] “Find Sam. Protect the families.”[/say] She ticks off the points on her fingers, feeling like there’s a third thing she should be remembering. What is it… what is it…?

[say] “Oh!”[/say] she says brightly, after a moment, smiling her winningest smile.[say] “I’m on your list.”[/say] Like it’s a coveted spot, a thing to win accolades for.[say] “And Sunjata too. Aaaand… “[/say] There is definitely someone else, she just needs a moment, and holds her finger up while she’s thinking to indicate that she needs more time. Gods, it’s on the tip of her tongue, and at that thought, she sticks her tongue out, trying to find the name on it.

RE: hide your fires - Samuel - 09-19-2020

Find Sam, protect the families. He frowned, staring right at her: families, plural? Did she have more than one? Sam's paranoid, fevered mind immediately concocted the possibility that all the Ascended had made a new group without him, had simply decided he was no longer a part of their family except when it was convenient. [say]"What's the other family? How do I get in?"[/say] He asked desperately, fear of Wessex momentarily put aside in the need for being included.

He was surprised with how delighted Wessex seemed to be with being on the list, but then immediately frowned as Sunjata's name came up. [say]"No. Sunjata isn't Ascended. ...Is he? No. No, Nate drinks his blood."[/say] Tapping his chin, Sam looked down at the ground and tried to concentrate. [say]"I have me, and you, because it seems like you're sick...and Amun, and Neron..."[/say]

RE: hide your fires - Wessex - 09-22-2020

[say] “Nate!”[/say] she declares when it comes to her, looking like a cartoon with a brilliant idea.[say] “And Nate.”[/say]

So between her and Sam and Nate and Amun and Neron, they have enough for a party. If she can just get them all together, now.[say] “No, no, you are the families”[/say] Then inspiration hits.[say] “We should find them all,”[/say] Wessex declares suddenly, looking at Sam and then looking wildly about. She scrambles up, away from their odd little two-person pile, but pauses as she tries to logic through it all.

[say] “So… so… you -”[/say] turning back to look at Sam, the Wraith is really quite confused at the moment. Once more, the words escape her, and she makes the sounds of frustration until the they do come, however long that takes.[say] “You have to stay here,”[/say] she concludes.[say] “In the Grounds.”[/say]

YES! Yes, that is the answer, that is how she protects the families. Everyone to the Grounds.

RE: hide your fires - Samuel - 09-22-2020

They were both confusing each other, it seemed. Sam was glad for the space she gave him, slowly began to lift himself up by putting his hands back to lean against the wall as he tried to make sense of her words. [say]"We...are...? Um. Right..."[/say] He nodded without understanding, more hoping he might get her to go away than really come to any true comprehension. With concentration he managed to sit atop the wall, feet just touching the ground lightly and his hands on the stone, fingers fiddling with crumbling mortar.

His hands froze when she said he had to stay though, Sam immediately shaking his head. [say]"No, I have a home. I...I made a home. Torchline. I live in Torchline now, and I'm never coming back here. Not ever. No."[/say] Shaking his head, he continued to babble under his breath, shaking his head and whispering 'no' over and over.

RE: hide your fires - Wessex - 09-28-2020

Wessex can’t make him stay, not in this state. So when Sam says that he has a home and that it isn’t here, she just shrugs. He might regret those words, one day. Or not. But if the Hollowed Grounds ever reach the level of Ascended Safehold that she feverishly dreams of, she can only hope that she remembers these words and acts accordingly.

When the world turns against him, where will he go?

Leaving the ginger Ascended atop the wall, the Wraith turns her back on her brother. The mission has been accomplished, he has been found and he does not care to stay. What else is to be done?[say] “Go then,”[/say] she says simply, leaving her cares about him behind while walking back into the trees.
