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and find the box that's gay and crush it - Printable Version

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and find the box that's gay and crush it - Loren - 09-20-2020

It took them a while (and Astra a lot of wrangling) but eventually Loren, Oliver, and the luxere stumbled into the Sanctuary. The healer looked around at it in a daze. Every time he stopped to stare at something, frowning, his companion would nudge him forward.

Perhaps because it was familiar or perhaps because it was such an imposing and noticeable landmark, they found themselves in front of the Launceleyn Manor. He grimaced when he realized that. Still, his hand reached for the door.

Letting the blacksmith and Astra into the building, the Firebrand slammed the door shut behind him. Then he slumped against it. He found himself sliding down until he sat on the ground, legs splayed in front of him. In human form, his clothes were tattered and dirty, stained with sweat, blood, and ash. His skin was sallow and his cheekbones stood out starkly.

RE: and find the box that's gay and crush it - Oliver - 09-28-2020

With a tail tightly tucked between his legs, Oliver made his way along the path, staying underneath Astra for protection. The two wouldn't move quite at the pace of Loren, but he'd keep it up pretty nicely.

Loren was in charge and Oliver wasn't about to say anything about it. His mind was racing with confusing thoughts and he was far too distracted to say otherwise. What if someone attacked him again? Why did everything want him to die? Not to mention he was extremely muddy and still soaking wet. He felt absolutely miserable, thirsty, and just exhausted. Sleep would be so nice right now, especially under fifty blankets and-


They arrived home. Happy to be home, his tail perked up ever so slightly. Yes. Nobody would ever attack him here. He was finally safe.

Making his way inside. Oliver would lay on the ground. It wasn't warm and he was still shaking. Muddy paw prints led up to his body, who was absolutely caked in it. The once white and blonde fur was gone, entirely covered over. Even his ears were covered in it.

[say]I'm cold.[/say] His voice was quiet, meek. Scared and tired.

RE: and find the box that's gay and crush it - Loren - 09-28-2020

Still collapsed on the floor, Loren found himself frowning. He stared at the fox as Oliver's though wound its way through the healer's mind. He blinked once. Twice. A third time. [say]"Where did the fox come from?"[/say] he heard himself wondering.

Cupping his hands around his mouth, he called out into the cavernous building. [say]"Oliver, where'd you go?! Why'd you bring me here?"[/say] Shuddering slightly, he stared as the shadows seemed to lengthen. They chittered at him, forms with teeth and claws and terrible magic.

Bleating, Astra attempted to nose the blacksmith closer to the Firebrand. He glanced over to the duo. Reaching out, he tried to gather them both into his lap. [say]"You'll protect me, right?"[/say]

RE: and find the box that's gay and crush it - Oliver - 09-29-2020

A soft whine left Oliver and before he could respond to Loren, he was completely plucked up. Paws clawed at the ground and he was absolutely terrified for a moment, thinking a monster had attacked him until he was able to sniff at the hand. [say]Loren...[/say] It's quiet but it allows him to relax, although his heart is still pounding in his chest.

Part of him knows it's better to shift... but Loren is so warm. It feels so nice and Oliver almost doesn't want to shift back. [say]I'm the fox Loren... remember? I have big ears and stuffs.[/say] How could Loren forget about his shift? It was so obvious! Oh well, maybe his mud was a pretty nice disguise. He'd have to try that out later.

[say]I... I think we're safe... we're inside and the monsters cant kill us in here... there's no water in here either.[/say] His voice is soft but also clearly he's scared. It doesn't help his body is still trembling from being so cold.

RE: and find the box that's gay and crush it - Loren - 09-29-2020

Frowning down at the fox, Loren shook his head. Glancing around the foyer of the manor, he felt his eyes narrowing. [say]"Oliver?"[/say] One of his hands stroked the fox's fur while the other rubbed Astra's head.

Reaching out, the healer rubbed and wiggled the fox's ears. Mouth opening, the Firebrand peered down at the animals in his lap. [say]"How are you a fox?"[/say] Loren's spoke in a whisper.

A flash of movement and tittering laughter caught the corner of his eye. His head snapped up. [say]"What if..."[/say] Voice trailing off, he licked his lips. [say]"What if there are monsters inside here? I remember there being monsters in here."[/say]

RE: and find the box that's gay and crush it - Oliver - 09-30-2020

There’s a whimper of confusion. The stroking feels nice, but he’s so confused and scared. What was Loren talking about?

[say]I have been.... for a long time.... remember?[/say] Why was Loren acting like this? Was there something wrong with the man? Or was there something wrong with him. Was his shift broke? Was he not a small fox? He felt the same but with everything trying to kill him today.... he wasn’t sure what to believe anymore.

Tilting his head slightly, Oliver turns around and looks at the room. [say]I haven’t seen a monster here before.... I think they’re scared of bright lights and tea.... whenever I make tea they never come.[/say] That theory certainly made sense to Oliver, absolutely

Shifting back into his human form, he absolutely didn’t bother moving away from Loren. [say]”Why does everything want to hurt us? Why is everything so confusing?”[/say]

RE: and find the box that's gay and crush it - Loren - 09-30-2020

Blinking, Loren looked around for the source of Oliver's voice. Well, kind of voice. The healer lifted his hand from Astra to rub his temples. [say]"Been what for a long time?"[/say] Brow furrowing, he chewed on his lower lip.

[say]"It's because there's water in tea, and water is evil and should be avoided at all costs."[/say] Feathers appeared in his hair and fur rippled along his arms as he growled. However, he returned to stroking the luxere's fur. It settled him, and the growl subsided.

When the blacksmith appeared basically in the Firebrand's lap, he peered down at the other man. [say]"Oliver?! Where did you come from?"[/say] Loren's eyes narrowed. He shifted Oliver so the blacksmith was laying on the healer's knees instead of his lap.

RE: and find the box that's gay and crush it - Oliver - 10-01-2020

Tilting his head, Oliver was clearly confused. [say]A fox? I mean... I think I'm a fox? Everyone says I turn into a fox and that makes the most sense of you ask me... I don't feel like a rat or something like that.... hehe... I rhymed.[/say] And that's how Oliver broke out into a fit of laughter, or barking over his clever rhyming. He was so brilliant!

Finding out tea was evil was a shock. [say]Tea is evil?! What about coffee... please don't tell me coffee is evil! How can I live without tea or coffee?![/say] It was truly the end of the world. How could anyone survive without tea or coffee in their life? A disaster, a horrific disaster. Nobody could ever recover from this!

What.... was going on? [say]"I... I was a fox.... was I invisible?"[/say] Did... Oliver just gain a new magical ability?! Did he... become invisible?! Oh my goodness! Imagine if he had! Should he test it out?! He stared at Loren, waiting eagerly to see what the man had to say. If he had turned invisible before then he'd ABSOLUTELY have to try it out again.

RE: and find the box that's gay and crush it - Loren - 10-01-2020

Loren found himself frowning. It deepened at Oliver's explanation, and as the healer stared down at the fox, the Firebrand's eyes narrowed. [say]"What makes you a fox?"[/say] He shook his head slightly, and reached up with one hand to rub at his eyes. When he lowered his hand again, though, the animals were still in his lap.

[say]"Coffee is evil too. That uses water, I've made it."[/say] Feathers appeared in his hair and his teeth lengthened, becoming more fang-like. [say]"Most liquids are evil. Which sucks because I'm thirsty. Not cider though. Cider is safe."[/say] He sighed. [say]" Do you have any cider?"[/say]

Jaw dropping at the other man's words, Loren peered around at the Manor. [say]"The Manor has invisible foxes now?"[/say] Astra rose from her spot and rested her chin on his shoulder, settling him down a bit. He nuzzled against her neck.

RE: and find the box that's gay and crush it - Oliver - 10-02-2020

What... makes him a fox? [say]Well... I look like a fox, you see? Just with gigantic ears! So... my tail? And face?[/say] It wasn't much of an answer but it was all he understood himself. [say]Do you think I'm a nice fox? Safrin told me it's her favorite shift... and that makes me happy... I love Safrin a lot. Do you love Safrin a lot? Safrin makes me so happy and I wanna hug her.[/say] The little fox leaned into Loren, clearly happy to give praise to his goddess.

A small nod and Oliver glances over his shoulder. [say]"Of course I have cider... I mean... you abandoned this place on me without any warning and so yeah it took me a bit to get everything and yeah I did cry one night and yeah I'm struggling,... but yeah I have cider."[/say] For a moment, Oliver blanked out and kinda just said everything going on in his head before concluding with the answer Loren had actually asked. Lovely.

There's a shrug. [say]"I mean... maybe it does.... I don't know. It has lots of stuff... I think there's a bat in the roof."[/say] The roof bat was a friend and must not be disturbed.

RE: and find the box that's gay and crush it - Loren - 10-02-2020

Frowning, Loren shook his head. [say]"No, you look like a person. That looks like a fox."[/say] He pointed at the fox in his lap. Then the healer narrowed his eyes and examined the room. [say]"Where are you, anyway? It sounds like you're inside me."[/say]

Shrugging at the mention of the goddess, he leaned his head back against the wall. [say]"Saffron doesn't like me,"[/say] he confided to Oliver. The Firebrand rubbed Astra's head, and she closed her eyes with a bleat. He followed suit, taking a deep breath as he did. Minus the bleat of course.

However, his eyes snapped open. [say]"You've been hiding the cider from me?! Why. Where is it."[/say] He tried to get up, but weighed down by the blacksmith and Astra, all Loren managed was to squirm around a bit.

Subsiding, he stared at the ceiling. [say]"I thought the foxes were invisible, not the bats, but I don't see any bats."[/say] He whined and rubbed his forehead.

RE: and find the box that's gay and crush it - Oliver - 10-06-2020

Where even was he? [say]Inside the home? Do you need glasses? Are you blind? That'd be sad if you were blind.[/say] Oliver doesn't understand Loren's line of questions because they all sound dumb. [say]Did you forget that you were an attuned? I've talked to you like this a lot before, Loren... remember?[/say] Was Loren okay? He didn't seem very okay. He seemed pretty dumb.

That's such a shame. [say]"I'm sure Safrin will love you! You just gotta go apologize to herrrrr and tell her she's beautiful and lovely and gorgeous and that you just wanna hug her and get a kiss from her and have her scratch your ears... that's how you make Safrin like you."[/say] All of Oliver's favorite things about Safrin! There's far more, of course, but those are the ones he can currently name off the top of his head.

The man beneath him tries to crawl away and Oliver simply stands right on up. [say]"Not hidden, you just didn't ask."[/say] Oliver then stares at the man, expecting Loren to lead the way. [say]"It's in the booze place."[/say] Ah yes, the booze place. Where everyone logically stores their booze.

A nod and Oliver doesn't bother to look around anymore. [say]"The bats are sleeping! Silly goose! They gotta sleep ya know. They are very friendly, but I can never get them to come near me... it makes me very sad but I know they are just shy friends."[/say] The bats were his friends and Oliver would protect any bat he saw with his whole life.

RE: and find the box that's gay and crush it - Loren - 10-06-2020

Chuckling, Loren shook his head. [say]"No, I have glasses. They let me see everything."[/say] Blinking, he stared down at the fox and frowned. [say]"I don't...everything's fuzzy. How did I..."[/say] Voice trailing off, the healer gulped.

[say]"Maybe,"[/say] he responded to the comments about Safrin. He bit his lip and chewed on it for a while.

As Oliver brought up the booze place the Firebrand grimaced. [say]"No. I, I, I can't go inside. There are ghosts."[/say] He scrambled to his feet and pressed against the wall near the door. His fingers crept across it, seeking the doorknob.

Lifting his other hand to his mouth, he placed a finger against his lips. [say]"Then shhhh. We shouldn't wake them. And I can't go inside,"[/say] he repeated and insisted. The door opened and he practically fell through it, Astra following him into the outside world.