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[RE] don't go, but don't come too close - Printable Version

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don't go, but don't come too close - Random Event - 10-17-2020

When was the last time Halo had seen so much travel? Not for decades surely. But now there is so much wandering across the Tundra. So much back and forth of meaty and wildly unprepared souls that someone was bound to take notice.

And they have.

From the rocky cliffs that border Halo to the east comes a dragon not normally seen in this part of the world. Not quite as large as its draconic brethren, this dusky-violet-coloured creature is formidable in its own way. Without much mass to its sleek and serpentine body, one can only assume that its abilities are not physical ones.

Snaking through the low-hanging clouds like an errant bit of string caught in the wind, the creature lands, its tail instantly coiling around a wayward Ursur and crushing it to death.
This is a rare creature sighting! You have 24 hours to reply before the creature is 'gone' and you will have missed it.

RE: don't go, but don't come too close - Raza - 10-17-2020

Is this what the rest of the world is always like? It doesn’t quite register in the moment that the awe I feel whilst looking at this gorgeous purple dragon might be the same kind of awe non-Torchers feel at the sight’a a Ghost Whale or Sea Panther. I also feel very lucky that I’m far away,  just startin’ to cross the Tundra on the way back to the portal. There’s no urge to get any closer, I just try an’ capture the image of the long, weavin’ an’ windin’ body well enough to show Hoa when I get back. He’ll probably get a kick out’a it an’ then spend the rest’a the day in the rafters, pretendin’ he can fly.

The sheer power'a the things here in Halo... it sends a small shiver up my spine that ain't from the cold.

RE: don't go, but don't come too close - Noah - 10-17-2020

Noah lived here, and while dragons themselves might not be as rare here as other lands, seeing one was still amazing and terrifying. The last dragon that had gone after an ursur had taken Weaver with it. Rage and trepidation raged war within him, hi heart pounding as he lowered his muscled lynx body closer to the snow. He lay on his belly, but his legs were tight and ready to move him within the blink of an eye. The muscles along his back tensed as he heard the bones of the ursur crunch beneath the weight and strength and raw power of the purple dragon. His skin felt like tiny pin were prickling him, and he could not decide if he should stay or if he should go. Glacier eyes moved for a moment off the dragon in the distance and towards the path toward the portal. There were some coming and going, but all around him stopped and watched the majestic, ethereal creature.

RE: don't go, but don't come too close - Loren - 10-17-2020

Reports of a dragon in Halo always spread swiftly. The last time, it had been Sunjata, but this one was apparently purple. Regardless, Loren made his way out towards the latest site of the attack. If it attacked the people of Halo, he'd try to fight it off, though even in his lion shift he didn't think he'd come out on ton.

He hadn't been able to save Weaver and he still carried that sorrow with him. Probably he always would. But still, regardless of how hopeless the fight might be, he would be damned if he didn't try to save others if it came down to it.

When he got there, he frowned as he saw the dragon coiled around the corpse of an Ursur. The healer spotted the others giving the dragon a wide berth. Making his way towards Noah, the Firebrand crouched in a snowdrift next to the hunter. [say]Have you ever seen a purple dragon before?[/say] Loren made sure he was as still as possible, not wanting to attract the creature's attention.

RE: don't go, but don't come too close - Delphine - 10-17-2020

Living in Halo had proven to never be boring. She'd heard reports of a purple dragon--and Delphine being Delphine, wanted to see for herself. She also knew Noah was likely out here, and that worried her. And if the dragon chose to attack anyone, she could be of use. She was fairly useless, otherwise. And she knew that; well, she believed that.

She caught sight of the dragon, and reached for her sketchbook, which had been tucked into her furs. It was gorgeous, and seemed occupied with its meal. She wandered towards others, many were still going back and forth to and from the portal, and once she was safely on the path in the midst of others, she resumed sketching.

She'd need to figure out how to make that shade of purple when she got home.

RE: don't go, but don't come too close - Noah - 10-17-2020

The lion padding toward him was of no surprise, and he glanced at the ex-Launceleyn as he settled in the snow. The hunter shook his broad head. [say]No, never.[/say] He said across the bond as he turned his eyes back towards the herculean reptile in the distance. [say]"All I've ever seen is the dragon that killed Weaver. The white one. Kiada told me that her friends had also been killed by a white dragon. This purple one I don't suspect it lives in the Fangs.[/say] Noah went on, rambling his thoughts. His words were cold and flat--factual alone. He pulled in his emotions, wrangled them down to sit in his belly and not spew themselves towards Loren across the bond. There was no need for it at this time, even if they were still trying to wage war within him. His muscles still coiled along his back, ears pressed forward towards the ursur-devouring dragon.

RE: don't go, but don't come too close - Amun - 10-17-2020

Amun scowled as he made his way across the Tundra. Clearly unhappy to be back in Halo, he rubbed his throat with his free hand. He had a journal tucked under his other arm.

Forging onward through the freezing cold and snow and wind that he could sense even though he couldn't feel it, he followed the path for a while. Eventually he turned off of it to head towards the Sea of Glass. However, there were shapes in the distance.

Frowning, he peered at them. When he realized that the one at the center was a fucking dragon, though, he immediately dropped to the ground. Going completely still, he stared at it without blinking or breathing. Hopefully he'd remain unnoticed.

RE: don't go, but don't come too close - Random Event - 10-18-2020

The dragon coils around the Ursur, squeezing the life from it. All the creature can do is utter reserved groans as its bones are snapped in half and the air is choked out of its lungs. For the time being the dragon seemingly has no interest in those of you who have gathered around it. Once dead, the Urser simply...vanishes, leaving the dragon twisted about nothing at all.

It is then that it raises its head, taking notice of the five of you.

Swishing the end of its feathered tail, its eyes survey you, so easily discernable in the vast and stark whiteness of the tundra. It seems like there is time to run, but will that only trigger its instincts? Then again, will staying in one place simply make you seem like a more appetizing meal?

Only Raza, Amun, Noah, Loren, and Delphine may reply.
You have 24 hours.

RE: don't go, but don't come too close - Amun - 10-18-2020

Amun remained almost utterly still as he waited for the dragon to finish its meal. When the Ursur disappeared, his eyes widened. He risked a quick glance up at the scene before lowering his head again. Going motionless once again, he watched the scene as best he could from his position flat on the ground. Well, snow.

As he waited for the dragon to do whatever it was going to do next, the potter primed his flashbang. He hadn't had the best of luck with the upgrade of late. However, if the creature attacked him, the Ascended would fire it, hopefully stunning the beast long enough to let Amun escape.

RE: don't go, but don't come too close - Loren - 10-18-2020

The mention of Weaver stabbed into Loren's heart like a knife, and he swiftly locked down his bond with Noah. As the dragon swished its tail, the healer swished his own. He knew better than to meet the gaze of another predator, so he kept his eyes trained off into the distance while keeping the creature in his peripheral vision. However, He moved slightly so he was between the beast and the hunter and Delphine.

Then the lion settled onto the ground. Yawning, he licked his lips. [say]Any idea how it made the corpse disappear?[/say] Though he looked relaxed, his paws were gathered beneath him, and he was ready to pounce out of the way if necessary.

RE: don't go, but don't come too close - Noah - 10-19-2020

Noah watched the dragon in the distance take care of it's prey. It reminded him of the large snake he saw in Torchline, squeezing the life from the rat it had before swallowing it whole. He had never seen such a thing in Halo -- it was too cold for snakes -- and he couldn't look away. It almost felt that way now, until a familiar scent drifted his way across the tundra. He looked up, turned his head toward Snowcloak in the distance, and there she was. His heart slammed against his chest and he lifted his body to move towards her when the dragon looked their way.

The lynx instantly froze and let his glacier eyes fall to the snow. Like Loren, he knew never to look another predator in the eye. Loren moved his way between Noah, and Delphine, and the dragon. The hunter's heart still pounded in his chest, and he wondered for a moment before speaking out towards Loren if the dragon could hear them. [say]Magic.[/say] It was all an answer Noah could muster. He didn't know any other explanation -- how did the dragon make the ursur disappear?

He stood stark still, but all of him wanted to move toward Delphine and take her away from this.

RE: don't go, but don't come too close - Delphine - 10-19-2020

Delphine allowed her gaze to stay fixed on the sketch she was doing, aware of both Noah and Loren from the corner of her eye. She was quiet, and still, unsure of what to do in this situation. The dragons she had come across were always with a person. This one seemed wild...

And where had its meal gone? She shifted, carefully returning the sketch to her pocket so that her hands were free, and almost casually she turned and started walking in the opposite direction.

Calm, slow, probably stupid but this is Delphine we're talking about. She was heading in the direction of the portal; pretty certain that it was closer than Snowcloak.

RE: don't go, but don't come too close - Raza - 10-20-2020

Godsdamn, it even acts like a boa constrictor, as far as I can tell. While Hoa has absolutely no fuckin’ interest in comin’ to Halo, he woulda loved to see this. Somethin’ bigger ‘n him, doin’ exactly what he does.

Except… except for the vanishin’ part. I swallow hard, rememberin’ now that this is a dragon, an’ nothin’ like Hoa, except in appearance an’ feedin’ strategy, I guess.

I decide to keep very, very still. Only prey runs. I ain’t prey, even if I ain’t got much to defend myself with. Starin’ back at the dragon with as dark an’ fierce a gaze as I can muster, I do my best to puff myself up (laughable, it crushed that bear easily, I would be nothin’) an’ seem bigger than the other things around me. Either more’a a mouthful or not as easy to catch. 50/50 which way the dragon thinks.

RE: don't go, but don't come too close - Random Event - 10-20-2020

It's Delphine who moves more than the rest of them, and so it's Delphine after which the dragon gives chase. It isn't even all that close to her before she...disappears. Just as the Ursur did.