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look at this godforsaken mess that you made me - Printable Version

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RE: look at this godforsaken mess that you made me - Maeve - 03-18-2021

She waits. Waits for him to close the distance, to tighten his grip, to finally kiss her. Except he doesn't. At first she's confused, brows drawing together as his warmth draws away. Instead she's left with the cool ocean air to press kisses to her lips. Maeve slowly opens her eyes when he speaks. The words look like they hurt for him to force out. Like this hurts. In the few tense seconds that follow his mumbled apology, Maeve debates if she should leave or not. Give him space.

Instead her arms wrap around his neck and she tucks herself closer to him in a hug. [say]"It's okay... You're not ready for that. I get it."[/say] And she does get it. Really. They aren't just sugar sweet words meant to soothe him. She means it. Maeve draws back to look at him, concern filling her eyes. [say]"I'm not upset."[/say]

RE: look at this godforsaken mess that you made me - Locke - 03-18-2021

Maeve gets it and he doesn't know if it makes it better or worse. Either way, she hasn't run away, hasn't leapt out of his lap in offence. So he'll take it because she's still here and she's not laughing at him. He gives her an almost bashful smile as he rubs his cheek. Red tinted and not from lust for once in his fucking life. She's hugging him and somehow that feels almost more patronizing than anything else she could've done. Except he knows she's not doing it out of.. whatever. Maybe out of a little pity but he can take that. He presses his face into her neck, letting her hold him for a moment before he leans back, looking her over. [say]"Know it's kinda.. weird. Just.. Yeah. Be happy to use my mouth in plenty of other ways though."[/say] He wiggles his eyebrows at her as he gives her a devious little grin.

Intimacy he can't do. Sex though? Probably his favorite thing to do. He presses his lips to her neck, nipping at her collar bone. Locke makes his way up to her ear, tongue running along the outer edge as he grins against her skin. [say]"I think I have some making up to do, don't you?"[/say] It's maybe a quick change of pace but he wants to be over this sinking sick feeling in his stomach. He might be playing it up a bit, trying to will his body back into a heated state but it's fine. What she doesn't know won't hurt her.

RE: look at this godforsaken mess that you made me - Maeve - 03-18-2021

It shouldn't be cute. The way his cheeks flush a little red and his smile shifts into something a little more boyish. A little shy. It is though and that just endears her to him more. Maeve smiles, leaning her forehead against his lightly, [say]"Other ways, huh? Are you trying to distract me?"[/say] She murmurs, letting one hand trail into his hair as she wiggles a little closer until she's pressed flush against him. There isn't any room left between them. Not even the ocean breeze can worm its way through. She has questions and she wants to ask him why he can't, but she won't push.

Things like that have a way of coming up on their own. No need to prod and pry at him. Not when his lips are back on her skin. Her nips, licks, and kisses his way up to her ear, effectively distracting her. She's back to melting into his lap, leaning into his embrace as he poses his heated question. [say]"I think you're right about that."[/say] Maeve hums, arching into his as her nails scratch lightly at his scalp. Are they going to fuck every time they see each other? She doesn't think she'd mind all that much if that was the case.

RE: look at this godforsaken mess that you made me - Locke - 03-18-2021

She presses against him and he can feel the soft heat of her body against his. It soothes his nerves a little. At least she'll still fuck him, right? It's all he has to give her, maybe all she wants from him. He's aware she doesn't really know him or the kind of person he is. But that's fine. You don't have to know someone to bring them to toe-curling orgasmic bliss. Not that he's sure he can do that. It seems like she had a good time last time, until he ditched her, but he doesn't have to ditch her now, right? He can stay? Even if this feeling is scaring the fuck out of him?

[say]"Tell me what you want, Kitten.."[/say] He's not going to run away, he promises. And Locke almost always keeps his promises. Well, he does when they benefit him. His fingers thread into her hair again, running through the silky strands before fisting into the back and lightly pulling her head to one side. He finally bites a proper mark into her pale skin, a silent mark of something akin to ownership. In reality, he doesn't give two shits if she sleeps with other people, if she kisses them. She belongs to herself first and foremost.

He loosens his grip on her though, a clear indication she doesn't need to stay if she doesn't want to. [say]"Unless you'd like to go to bed.. As much as I like keeping a girl up all night, I know you're a busy woman."[/say] He can't imagine running a brothel or anything really. Being responsible for something. The most Locke has to worry about is having a place to sleep and a few meals to eat.

RE: look at this godforsaken mess that you made me - Maeve - 03-18-2021

The pet name makes her shiver. Easily she recalls the first time he called her that. How irritated she'd been. Now it just seems fitting. Right. So when he grabs her gently by the scruff of her neck, Maeve tilts her head willingly, moving however he directs her. What does she want? Him? This? Her bed? Rest? There is so much she wants. So much beyond the physical. She doesn't know where to begin, but her thoughts promptly cut off when his teeth sink into her neck. A moan sounds in her throat, eyes fluttering shut as she hisses out a breath while his teeth seem to sink in deeper.

They're gone moments later, his grip loosening as he draws back to look at her. Maeve forces her eyes open, cheeks flushed a pretty shade of pink as she meets his gaze. [say]"I- I want a lot. Mostly want you,"[/say] she starts, growing quiet again as she considers her next words carefully. Maeve draws in a breath meant to steady her, but it only fills her senses with him. [say]"I'm glad you followed me.. That you- you cared enough to see that I was okay. After everything that happened."[/say]

RE: look at this godforsaken mess that you made me - Locke - 03-18-2021

She doesn't berate him for using the little pet name he's given her, which is something he'll have to mull over later. For now he takes her little moan and tucks it away in the back of his brain for a time when he can't call on her. He wants more like it but her gaze is finding his and he watches her instead. She wants him and it makes him twitch under her, and he'd be embarrassed if he had it left in him to be. He wants her too, badly. But the tide is out again, something softer is washing over them. There's always other moments.

[say]"Don't think I've ever hear someone say they were glad I followed 'em."[/say] He barks out a laugh, sliding his hand from her hair to smooth over her cheek. He can just see the faintest hint of red there. His cheeks probably match.

[say]"Just because I can't get my shit straight doesn't mean I don't care about you. If anything, you're the one who shouldn't be carin' about me. Surprised you even gave me the time of day.. Well, night.. Kinda just figured you were gonna stab me."[/say] And yet, she didn't. Because maybe she cares about him a little bit too. She wouldn't still be here if she didn't. He'd probably have a dagger four inches into his rib cage.

[say]"Gotta be honest.. The dagger thing? Kinda hot though.."[/say] He's totally playing. Yep.

RE: look at this godforsaken mess that you made me - Maeve - 03-18-2021

She feels him twitch under him and her hips shift minutely above him in some kind of silent acknowledgement of what's happening between them. Even if they were shifting to something softer. Sweeter. The heat is still there, bubbling under the surface and just waiting for the right moment to boil over. Accept now isn't the time as they gaze at each other in the soft light that only comes at night. Her fingers play in his hair, nails scratching lightly at his scalp to give herself something to do while he talks.

[say]"What do you normally do to people you follow?"[/say] She asks with a tilt of her head, brow rising with her curiosity. Maeve has a feeling she knows, but she doesn't want to assume. Not that it really matters much. Torchline was full of smugglers, thieves, and cheats. Didn't make them bad people. Just people who sometimes did bad things.

Maeve drops his gaze, thumb brushing back and forth across his collarbone as she chews on her bottom lip. It's a bit of a call out. She could have stabbed him. She could have turned him away. That night and now. Except she didn't. Why? She doesn't really have an answer for him. So she shrugs her slender shoulders instead, [say]"I was upset about what happened, but I didn't want to hurt you. Not really. Why shouldn't I care about you, though? Why shouldn't I like you?"[/say]

Playing or not, it still earns him a giggle and she pushes at his chest lightly, [say]"Oh shut up... I barely even know how to use that thing."[/say]

RE: look at this godforsaken mess that you made me - Locke - 03-19-2021

He hums at the soft drag of her nails against his skin. It gives him ideas of other things she can do with her nails but they're still in this, lingering. It's fine. He gives her a measured look, tilting his head a little at her question. [say]"Do you really wanna know?"[/say] He doesn't wait for an answer, mostly because he thinks she does. She did ask after all. Locke licks his lips, looking at her before looking over his shoulder. He's not really looking for anything at all, just old habits.

[say]"Typically just try to sneak something off them. I did mug a kid back during longnight. Not a kid kid but you know, young scrawny thing. Got a few hits in and scared him off though."[/say] He'll leave out the bit about asking Rigby to be his bitch. He was mostly joking anyway..

Her next question gives him pause. Why shouldn't she care about him? He almost laughs. [Say]"Don't think anyone's cared about me a day in my life, Mae. Well, maybe like.. two people. But that's it. And they're both gone. Not a feeling I'm used to having I guess."[/say] He shrugs like it's not a big deal, like there isn't a lot to unpack in what he just said. [say]"And I was pretty shitty to you. I would understand if you didn't want me around."[/say] Honestly he doesn't understand why she wants him around. She must be off in the head.

But then the dagger is brought up and he remembers how to breath. His free hand slides up the side of her leg until he finds it, slipping it out of it's little holster. [say]"You did pretty well in my opinion. Maybe I can show you how to use it. Maybe after our swimming lesson."[/say] He runs his thumb across the blade, hissing gently as it bites into him. It's sharper than he expected. That's good though, it'll keep her safe.

RE: look at this godforsaken mess that you made me - Maeve - 03-19-2021

She does really want to know and he doesn't deny her. It wasn't a surprising answer. She stole plenty when she was younger. Stole until she got caught and ended up here. Still, she's glad that he's willing to share it with her. Maeve leans into him as her free hand runs down his back, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath her palm. [say]"Could be worse and I can't really say I'm surprised."[/say] She hums in response, looking up at him from beneath her lashes as he starts to speak again.

[say]"Would it be easier if I said I didn't care? I could pretend, if that would help."[/say] Maeve fights the smile that's trying to form on her lips, pursing them in an attempt to keep form giggling. His next sentence makes the smile falter slightly and she takes a deep breath, [say]"Yeah, you were pretty shitty. Except before that you weren't. You weren't at all and you took care of me in a way you didn't have to. So I guess... I guess that's why."[/say] Maeve shrugs too, dismissing both of their confessions because it's too much to focus on right now for both of them. Especially when she's still in his lap and he still has a hand under her shirt.

When his hand suddenly skates up her leg, she tenses, shivering at the heat it brings to her skin. He deftly removes the smaller dagger from its sheath on her thigh and she watches as he runs his thumb over the edge of the blade. [say]"I'd like that..."[/say] Maeve breathes just as his hiss draws her eyes up to his bared teeth and she reaches forward, wrapping her fingers around his wrist and bringing his hand towards her. Her lips press against the pad of his thumb, tongue darting out to soothe the cut. [say]"That was stupid... Don't you know not to play with knives?"[/say]

RE: look at this godforsaken mess that you made me - Locke - 03-19-2021

It could be a lot worse. He has done worse things. Just didn't usually follow people first. But she asked what he did to the people he followed so he replied as much. If she ever asks him, he'll answer. But Locke has always been good about finding the little loopholes in the way people speak. It's gotten him in to and out of a lot of shit. He shivers lightly with her touch but doesn't press further. She seems satisfied with his answer so he doesn't feel the need to elaborate.

He gives her a little grin as she speaks, rolling his eyes. [say]"Would I have to pay extra? For a little roleplaying?"[/say] He leans down to press another kiss into the side of her neck, staying there for a moment as she keeps talking. He presses a longer, softer kiss into her skin before leaning back. Hazel eyes find green, searching for something, even if he's not entirely sure what. They're both a mess, aren't they? Locke runs his free hand through her hair, watching the way it falls against her pale skin. Yeah, he didn't have to do anything but still. She's so fucking easy to care about. She makes it so easy.

And then her tongue is on his thumb and the heat from before wells up in his belly again. His eyes narrow slightly as he takes his thumb into his own mouth. Kind of a fucked up form of a kiss. [say]"Never stopped me before.."[/say] They keep pushing and pulling at this feeling and it's getting to be too much for him. [say]"Hey.. Should uh.. Take this off.. only fair, right? Since mine's off?"[/say] Locke tugs at the corner of her shirt, lifting it just a bit. He's pretty excited by the prospect of tits but he has a feeling her skin looks exceptional under moonlight.


RE: look at this godforsaken mess that you made me - Maeve - 03-19-2021

Maeve hums softly, tilting her head back as his lips find her throat again, eliciting a soft sigh from her lips as they part. [say]"Maybe. Depends what you want."[/say] She's tempted to ask why he still thinks he would need to pay. Is is because it's easier to limit what this is if it's still an exchange of goods and services? Is it meant to just be a joke? She's likely overthinking things and his lips on her skin does a good job at pulling her from her thoughts until he's drawing back to look at her. Their eyes connect and she sucks in a breath at the emotion there. A swirl of things she can't really separate, but she's lost in them anyway.

There is something mesmerizing about the way he brings that thumb that was just between her lips to his mouth. She watches with a heavy gaze as his tongue soothes the same cut and then he's speaking, drawing her attention once more. The please is what gets her and she nods slowly. Maeve shrugs her shoulders, letting the shawl she has lightly draped over her shoulders fall away. Her fingers find the hem of the loose cotton shirt she's wearing, tugging it slowly over her head until her skin is bare for him. The cool air instantly causes goosebumps to break out over her skin, nipples pebbling as she drops the shirt beside them. [say]"Happy now?"[/say] She murmurs, bottom lip caught between her teeth as she holds his gaze.

RE: look at this godforsaken mess that you made me - Locke - 03-19-2021

He is joking. Mostly. He'd pay if she asked for it. But he has a feeling she wants this as much as he does, as a thing that's not a work thing. Maybe. He hopes she does. Gonna feel real awkward if she wants payment after this. [say]"We can talk about it some other time.. I do have some things I'm kinda curious about.."[/say] Hard to plan out fun sex scenes and bullshit when most of your partners are one night stands.

Very few things hold Locke's attention quite like someone stripping down for him and she's no exception. He hisses softly, eyes roving her body hungerly. [say]"Not a fan of the gods but fuck.. They took their time crafting you, didn't they?"[/say] He drops her little dagger to the side, hands suddenly needing to be on her skin. He was right. The moonlight bathes her in a silvery glow and he really thinks she could be something divine. He almost feels bad, running his rough hands over her soft flesh. Almost.

He's practically aching for her but he wants to take his time, savor her. No weird emotional shit getting in the way this time. Locke dips his head down, kissing along her neck down to her collarbone. He leaves a little bite there before looking back up at her, tongue tracing along the bite. [say]"Sorry for marking you up.. Never asked if it was okay.."[/say] Its not really a question but he can pretend it is. He's a fan of asking for forgiveness rather than permission. As if to punctuate it, he bites her again.

RE: look at this godforsaken mess that you made me - Maeve - 03-19-2021

He isn't wrong. She does want him and not because of work. Just because she can have him. Just because he wants her. Even still, she's intrigued about what he could possibly have in mind to try. [say]"You know where to find me,"[/say] Maeve says with a hum, tucking this bit of conversation away to bring up later when there aren't more pressing things to focus on.

Like the way he's hard and hot beneath her. It's so easy to rock her hips forward when his hands find her skin, arching into his touch. The feeling of his callouses rasping over the softness of her skin is almost enough to distract from his words. Except they wash over her like warm honey, coating her in something sugary sweet as she melts into him. [say]"Since when did you become so poetic?"[/say] She murmurs in response because that compliment is almost more than she can handle. Maeve's own hands find his skin again, greedily mapping out the muscles of his chest and arms before dragging down his back.

Teeth sink into skin and she hisses, nails biting into the flesh of his back as she arches again. Her spine pulled taut like a bow string just waiting for a release. This feels better than last time. Now that they've figured things out. Where they stand. It makes falling all that easier. [say]"It's okay..."[/say] And it is. She has things for treating marks and bruises.  Clients don't really like acknowledging that someone has had their hands on her before them even if that's the case. Besides, Maeve likes that marks. She keeps them as long as she's able to. [say]"Can mark me up all you want.."[/say]

RE: look at this godforsaken mess that you made me - Locke - 03-19-2021

He grins against her skin, soaking in the way she hisses and moves against him. He doesn't consider himself an expert in all things sexual but he's having fun. She probably has plenty of lovers and it's nice to feel like he might be a little bit special. How many of them have do anything like this with her, on the beach? Maybe a few. He can't tell if the thought is tantalizing or if it bothers him. He's never been a fan of sharing but the thought of her with someone else kind of does something for him. Her nails digging into his skin does something to him too. He's such a little masochist.

[say]"Since I've had something to wax poetic about I guess. Do you want me to stop?"[/say] He's a little embarrassed now but it's fine. She didn't seem offended by it. Which is good because he's not sure how she feels about the gods and all of that. He imagines she follows Frey. Maybe he'll ask when he's not trying to fuck her. His head dips down further, finding her nipple. The vague metallic taste of her piercing makes him throb under her as he swirls his tongue around the little bud.

With her permission, he bites at the swell of her breast before moving to pay attention to the other one. His hands smooth up her thighs, bunching her skirt around her hips as she rocks against him. [say]"We can get naked, you know. No one is going to find us here.."[/say] As if he really cares. She might though. His fingers slip over her thighs, digging into the soft skin as he massages them gently. [say]"If you want.. Not against fucking with clothes on either.."[/say]