Court of the Fallen
and it all continues on - Printable Version

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RE: and it all continues on - Gideon - 07-20-2021

[say]"Yes...maybe we need some of that optimism for when the war is done."[/say] Gideon shrugged; he was not too proud to know that he was probably among the more old-fashioned of the Order and that sometimes, a youthful and fresh eye could have it's worth. As for Ronin...he just smirked at the mention of the man's name and nodded. He certainly respected him.

Amalia took her time in getting out her words and he waited patiently; it was clear there was something there, some Ascended memory clogging her mind and disturbing her, but then she did not get it out. He tilted his head, a clearly concerned expression on his face, but decided not to push too hard. The sooner they forgot those that had been lost to Ascension, the better for all involved. [say]"That's true. Though, if it is going to become a problem...the Gods can help. Pray."[/say] How they'd help was out of his hands.

As for arranging a space, he nodded, getting up and standing with a stretch. [say]"I can organise somewhere in the square. I will let you know within the next couple of days."[/say]

RE: and it all continues on - Amalia - 07-25-2021

So it is settled: Amalia will set herself to praying and Gideon will prepare for her to speak, ill prepared and underexperienced as she inevitably will be. She tries to keep the anxiety that tugs at her at bay, running a hand over her neck, her mouth twisted in a wry smile. [say]"Yup. I'll work on that. Praying... more."[/say]

Awkward as the interaction may have been, irritating as she may find the man, Amalia is grateful to Gideon despite his sometimes overbearing attitude. And she says so - [say]"Thank you,"[/say] - reaching a hand to brush on his fingers as he stands, holding for a breath before releasing him to go about his work.
