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Nesting - Phoebe - 07-02-2021

Phoebe waited at the entrance of the Celestine, a light thwap noise rising from the soft ground as she paced. Honeyed eyes gazed off into the distance, the chill of Leafchange already felt on the breeze. Thankfully she had nicked one of Harper's jackets to shroud her thin frame - Torchline attire really did not hold up well in Stormbreak it seemed. Maybe Remi would want to go shopping with her sometime...

The thud of heavier steps caught her attention. Pulled from her musings, the midwife looked up to whichever direction they came. A sunny grin curved her lips and she lifted her hand to wave. [say]"Right on time like a perfect gentleman."[/say] she laughed lightly. [say]"Thanks for meeting on such short notice."[/say]

RE: Nesting - Remi - 07-02-2021

[say]"I do what I can."[/say] Remi says breezily, leaning down to press a kiss on either side of her cheeks before straightening. Offering her his arm that they might stroll into the Celestine together, Remi eyes a number of vampire gourds lurking on the edges of the pathways. Snarling silently in their direction that they might keep their distance, the alchemist turns his attention back to the Nightengale.

[say]"So...what is this about babies...?"[/say] Hesitantly asked, the last time this came up it involved the offer of he and Ronin taking turns giving Phoebe orgasms that she might bear a child for them. Not well received by the Star, Remi suddenly wonders if he should have been a bit more slow to offer Ronin's assistance with this new plan.

RE: Nesting - Phoebe - 07-02-2021

Phoebe grinned and happily took his arm as they set forth into the mystical gardens. The vampire gourds were a bit disconcerting, but with Remi there she knew she had nothing to worry about. The gourds would be quite dull to try and take one of his strength on, and certainly their instincts told them that.

But the question she knew was on his mind arose and she smiled up at him warmly. [say]"Something much bigger than me trying to help you and Ronin."[/say] she said, hoping to assure him that this was not going to be a repeat of their last discussion on this topic. Similar maybe, and with the same end result, but completely different means to reach it. [say]"The last war nearly destroyed Caido. I think perhaps even worse than the war in our home."[/say] she said softly, brows furrowing at the dark memories. [say]"I don't want what happened in Northaven to happen here, and Frey wants to ensure life can be preserved. So they sent me on a mission to gather various ingredients so that I can grow babies like plants."[/say] she said, grinning up at him.

[say]"I'll be able to use cells from any two people and grow a baby from it, regardless if they are male or female."[/say]

RE: Nesting - Remi - 07-05-2021

What Phoebe knew from Frey was drastically different from the things he and Ronin had been told by Safrin and Ludo. Thus far Remi hadn't heard much of the last war or what it did to the world, and he found himself tilting his head sympathetically toward her as they strolled, taking everything in. Her mention of Northaven has him tugging in a stale breath as the implications of it sloshed uneasily in his stomach. As a gay man and a commoner both, the situation with regard to fertility had been extremely uncomfortable for him, but—

[say]"—like plants?"[/say] Remi's surprise is instant and bright, and now that Phoebe had a shift of her own, she'd be able to feel the splash of his emotions through the attuned-bond they now shared. [say]"Oh, well.."[/say] Tripping over his words at the strangeness of it—though it was very Frey, he had to admit—the alchemist swallows down his confusion and gives the midwife a sunny smile.

[say]"How can I help?"[/say]

RE: Nesting - Phoebe - 07-07-2021

[say]"Oh!"[/say] Phoebe half-giggled and half-gasped, placing her free hand over her heart as it suddenly fluttered. Honeyed eyes blinked, brightly confused by the sudden wash of joy that had spread over her. [say]"What...was that you?"[/say] she asked. She had known the news would likely bring Remi some joy, knowing the possibilities it would open for him personally, but had she just felt his happiness?

[say]"Oh, uhm..."[/say] she stammered, his question bringing her back to the purpose of this impromptu get together. [say]"There are some things I need from various far-flung places I was hoping you could help me get."[/say] The Nightingale closed her eyes briefly, recalling Frey's instructions. [say]"Soil from the Mourn with soil from mud from the Tar Pits. Water gathered from Frey's Breath and melted ice from the Sea of Glass. Fruit with pits or seeds gathered from the Oerwoud."[/say]

RE: Nesting - Remi - 07-08-2021

Her confusion is a tangled mess of grey in the back of his thoughts, that has him blinking his surprise. [say]"Oh...? Yes, it was...can you...?"[/say] The colour of his own joy will turn brighter now, as he shoots her a smile. [say]"Frey gave you a shift then? If you can feel my thoughts that must mean you have attuned abilities now."[/say]

Listening intently, Remi stores what is needed in the various recesses of his mind, nodding amiably. [say]"That does not sound too hard. Or at least, when you can fly it doesn't. I take it you are not there yet?"[/say] There seemed to be a way of things, when it came to demigods. Powers they all possessed that were at least roughly the same: teleportation of sorts, mythical shifts, shielding, immortality.

RE: Nesting - Phoebe - 07-08-2021

Frenzied butterflies and warm glow filled her core, coaxing a bright smile onto her face in reflex. But in response to his question - or assumption rather - the midwife merely blinked, honeyed gaze vacant. [say]" they didn't...or...maybe they did? I don't know actually - the only ability I know of I found out about on accident so...I guess they did?"[/say] she rambled as heat rose to her cheeks in a colorful display of bright pink. [say]"How would I know? would I even try to shift?"[/say] Having never had a shift before, she hadn't even considered trying!

The Nightingale shook her head once more. [say]"I'm not really able to get anywhere without portals or travelling for days still."[/say] she said. She had mentioned it as a problem, but Frey had dismissed it quickly. [say]"Frey specifically said I needed to ask for help anyways so I don't think I will be flying about anytime soon."[/say] Insecurities began to bubble up - she was a rather useless demigoddess, wasn't she? Unless you wanted to heal a hangover and get a shock of pleasure all at once, she really wasn't equipped to do much unlike Remi and the others.

RE: Nesting - Remi - 07-09-2021

Remi lets her work it through, smiling with soft amusement all the while. [say]Well if you can hear me like this, you absolutely have a shift now.[/say] He reasons, his mental voice all the more thickly accented. [say]"As for shifting? is a little like being able to reach inside and draw upon the abilities that you have. You might try...closing your eyes and just...letting yourself sink into whatever you feel is there?"[/say] Without knowing the shift or what might trigger its instincts, Remi can't offer a ton more guidance than that.

[say]"Ah, well. I am sure that you will be able to soon. Until then, Ronin and I are more than able to help assist."[/say]

Remi's smile disappears somewhat as he stops in the gardens, frowning and looking down at his feet. [say]"I..have done something, Phoebe. And I was wondering if you might help me."[/say]

RE: Nesting - Phoebe - 07-10-2021

The Nightingale's throat leapt to her throat in a thunderous roar, hands rising to the sides of her head as she stumbled to the side with a short shriek of alarm. Frozen in place, wide eyes fixed on Remi, she gasped for air to prepare her body to run should the startling voice in her head return. [say]"That wasn't nice!"[/say] she huffed, heart beat finally beginning to slow. She could have used a warning at least! Skin still crawling, ready to bolt at the slightest unexpected sound, she returned to his side.

For a moment her mind was distracted by his advice. It was about as straightforward as anything Frey set before her - directly ambiguous. She would have tried then, but Remi moved on. [say]"Thank you. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with you all soon."[/say] she grinned.

It fell as soon as Remi's own smile faltered though. [say]"Of course. Anything."[/say] she agreed quickly, reaching out to squeeze his hand. [say]"What's happened?"[/say]

RE: Nesting - Remi - 07-11-2021

Snorting at Phoebe's reaction, Remi just smiles sunnily. [say]"Oh it isn't that bad."[/say] He says with a feigned pout, fairly certain that Phoebe had had worse things in her mind than just his voice.

Folding his fingers around hers, the alchemist pulls in a breath as he lets his gaze drift upwards. [say]"Do you know Hotaru...? She is one of the wardens of Halo now.."[/say] Clenching his jaw a few times, not sure why he mentioned her title, Remi tries his best to soldier on. [say]"We were at Frey's shrine together. I was just leaving an offering for a quest and she was there on her own, but...when Frey came..."[/say] Squeezing his eyes shut, Remi forces himself to take another breath, mentally chastising himself for dancing around the words the way she is.

[say]"She's pregnant, and it is mine. She should be due soon and I was hoping you could help her through the birth."[/say] Remi manages at least, cheeks aflame with pink.

RE: Nesting - Phoebe - 07-13-2021

[say]"I didn't expect it though!"[/say] she whined dramatically in true little sister fashion. It wasn't that bad, Remi's voice was perfectly welcome amidst the constant hum of worry and self-doubt. But it had rather been like he jumped out from behind a door to scare her!

Her attention shifted though as Remi continued on. Hotaru...her brows furrowed in concern, head tilting slightly. Of course she knew of her, being Warden of Halo and once married (or were they just engaged?) to Sunjata put her in Phoebe's realm of acknowledgement. [say]"I haven't met her, but I know of her, yes."[/say] she said with a slight nod.

Brown eyes widened, staring in shock as Remi revealed the reason he needed her assistance. Her lips pursed as her jaw clenched, an exclamation of her surprise and myriad of questions barely kept at bay. It was neither time nor place for such things, and Remi was clearly upset by it enough the way he barely managed to get the words out. After a moment to process the request, her expression softened, though the concerned look remained in her gaze. [say]"I see...well, I would be happy to assist...but only if Hotaru is alright with it."[/say] she said, frowning a little. [say]"I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't given our shared pasts with Sunjata. I can only imagine the things he may have told her about me."[/say]

RE: Nesting - Remi - 07-13-2021

It takes Remi a moment to put the pieces together. It seemed like a lifetime ago that Jata and Phoebe were a couple—and indeed married, for a time—that is comprehension dawns slowly. Once it does, he chuckles softly and gives his head a slight shake. [say]"She has had more than enough children in the past and is practical enough to take a pain-free birth over whatever gossip there is still going around about you."[/say] He says reassuringly, finding it suddenly quite shocking that he was now speaking on Hotaru's behalf. Swallowing, Remi adds quickly: [say]"But yes, of course ask her. Or I can."[/say]

Running a hand through his curls, Remi gives Phoebe a sideways look. [say]'Things are a bit messy right now, but I would really appreciate it.'[/say]

RE: Nesting - Phoebe - 07-18-2021

The Nightingale didn't look particularly convinced by the Lullaby's assurances. With matters of the heart, no matter their age or experience, none could hold a grudge so strongly as a woman with a preconceived notion. Finishing school had taught her that lesson - even the most reasonable of ladies could have a mean catty streak and age only sharpened their tongues. But... if Remi wished her to try, she could at least do that much. [say]"I can send her a message to ask. I'll let you know if she agrees."[/say] she said with a hesitant smile, still not convinced it would end even remotely well.

[say]"Life in Caido is always messy, I think."[/say] she said with a smile, admiring some of the foliage as they walked. [say]"Best we simply accept it and stop trying to make things perfect, don't you think?"[/say] Phoebe laughed lightly, knowing she had made that mistake far too many times already. Perfection was the greatest fantasy the world had to offer.

RE: Nesting - Remi - 07-27-2021

[say]'I would appreciate it, thank you.'[/say] Though Remi doesn't understand the complexities at play, nevertheless he is appreciative that Phoebe would try, if only because of their friendship.

Laughing his agreement, the alchemist offers his arm out to the Nightingale as they stroll, filling her on the various things that have happened to he and Ronin as of late. They talk about the war, of the heralds, of how different life was here in Caido and yet how strangely similar to Northaven too. It made sense after all, with the human condition being as inescapable as it was, not that either of them had words for it. Pausing to look at a few exhibits housing various wounded creatures, eventually it was time for the pair to part.

[say]"It was really good seeing you. Do not be such a stranger, mm?"[/say]