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tooth and klaw - Seren - 08-05-2021

Something soft and smelly squelched beneath her boot, and from the stench that billowed up Seren suspected that it must have been dead for a while. Gagging on the noxious fumes she hurried onward, scraping her foot against tussocks of grass as she went.

[say]"What exactly do you need a Klaw for?"[/say] she asked over her shoulder. A quick glance made sure that her pace wasn't too fast for Maeve; Seren only slowed again when she no longer tasted the reek on her tongue.

Despite the coolness of the day and the lingering mist that crept over the ground, her face was bathed in sweat and the shirt clung to her skin. The air felt so close, as if they were breathing water rather than air. Only the tree towering ominously in the distance helped her navigate... not that it mattered much. There was only swamp to find for miles around.

RE: tooth and klaw - Maeve - 08-05-2021

A groan sounded from the Accepted, a hand coming up to cover her mouth and nose as the stench of whatever Seren just stepped on assaulted her senses, making her eyes water and her stomach roll. The last thing she needed was to get sick while they were out here. It was bad enough throwing up at home. The idea of having to breathe in the noxious smells of their surroundings while gasping for air after emptying the contents of her stomach was not something she was looking to do today. Her steps sped up, the muck of the swamp sucking at her boots, threatening to pry them from her feet with each step forward.

[say]”Your mother requested it. She gave me another quest after I asked for a way to keep my baby safe. I’m not entirely sure what she has in mind, but I didn’t question her.”[/say] Maeve knew better than to do so when the goddess was giving her another blessing. Safrin had given her more than she could have dreamed in the last few seasons and Maeve wasn’t about to ruin that with unnecessary questions.

Maeve finally caught up to Seren’s side, her bow strapped across her back and her whip on her hip, [say]”It’s going to be a fucking pain to find, but I think we’ll manage.”[/say] She hoped so. The Nightshade was already making good progress and had plans to finish this by the beginning of next season if at all possible.

RE: tooth and klaw - Seren - 08-07-2021

Grunting her understanding, Seren paused on a clump of grass that seemed more sturdy and less prone to flooding her boots with swampy water. [say]"Do you need it alive? I don't think we need to run around and look too much. Klaws have a nasty reputation... we might actually be better off sitting down and taking it easy for a while."[/say]

Looking about, she spotted the remnant of an old path - or what looked like one - that lead in the direction of the large tree. [say]"Let's get ourselves over there, and then we can rest."[/say] A closer look at Maeve's face suggested it might be time for a break anyway. The ballooning belly was so easy to overlook that Seren sometimes forgot that her friend was carrying quite the burden. Maybe Aurelia was right to keep a hawking eye over the Nightshade...

RE: tooth and klaw - Maeve - 08-09-2021

Her brow furrowed, considering the question before finally shaking her head, [say]"I don't think so. She just said to bring her one. I imagine dead or alive will fit whatever purpose she has in mind."[/say] Maeve finally settled on, following Seren's gaze to the patch of a broken path that still seemed rather sound, trailing after her towards it with a grateful sigh. While she could still manage moving about, it was growing more difficult and things that wouldn't have winded her before are more prone to doing so now thanks to the second life growing inside of her.

The Nightshade caught the look Seren gave her and fought the urge to roll her eyes at her friend. She was still fully capable of taking care of herself even if was carrying a baby. Everyone seemed so intent on keeping her from doing things nowadays. It was difficult not to grow frustrated at times. Even if she knew their intentions were good.

Carefully she picked her way towards the path, lowering herself into a sitting position with a soft huff, reaching up to wipe sweat from her brow. [say]"We'll have to keep our eyes peeled. They don't move if you look at them, but we can't let them get too close."[/say]

Except when she sat down the wave of nausea is overwhelming and Maeve is losing the contents of her stomach. [say]"We.. we should go."[/say] She panted after she finished spitting up bile. Only once she's collected herself does she allow Seren to whisk her away back to Torchline. This would have to wait a little longer.

~FIN <3~