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Helpful Devil - Printable Version

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Helpful Devil - Ray - 09-06-2021

Ray had realized that her mushroom stores were running low. As such, she had found herself heading to the Feverlands in search of new supplies. The region had a wide variety of shrooms ranging from lethal, to harmless, to beneficial. But all were valuable in some manner. There was a recipe of use to the herbalist for just about every species in the Feverlands.

Basket full of mushrooms, Ray continued to scour the swamp for more to pick. It was as she was pushing through the fog that she saw a figure ahead of her. At first wary, her hand went to the dagger at her side. But upon approaching the figure became familiar.

Ray's eyes widened in surprise and she picked up her pace, calling out to the person. [say]"Maeve! What are you doing all the way out here? Are you ok?"[/say] There was clear concern in the herbalist's voice. Surely a woman who had only recently given birth should still be at home resting?

RE: Helpful Devil - Maeve - 09-06-2021

Aidon flew ahead of her, eyes scanning from the air for any sign of the nasty little creature that Maeve was intent on finding. This was her second journey our here in an attempt to find Devil's Klaw. The first attempt having been foiled by her rather persistent morning sickness. This time there was nothing to keep her from doing what she needed to. Aside from how much she was already missing her baby.

A voice cut through the quiet din of the swamp, drawing her attention and her head snapped back towards Ray, hand moving to her whip before she paused. Well wasn't this a pleasant surprise? [say]"I'm hunting for a piece of my quest."[/say] She called back, slowly picking her way through the muck to join Ray, brows drawing together as her head cocked to the side. [say]"I'm fine. What are you doing out here?"[/say] Maeve asked, eyes dipping down to the basket hanging from her arm, eyeing the mushrooms curiously.

RE: Helpful Devil - Ray - 09-06-2021

Ray eyed her friend for a moment, gauging her sincerity. Coming to the conclusion that Maeve truly was ok, the herbalist relaxed, a warm smile appearing. [say]"I'm glad you're doing well. Your quest you say? What are you looking for?"[/say] She recalled their prior conversation and how the Queen had needed a piece of her hair for the quest. The herbalist wondered what ingredient was out here.

[say]"I'm gathering mushrooms. My supplies were low so I thought I should restock before I fully ran out."[/say] Ray held up a brown shroom with a wide flat top. [say]"For example, this is a reishi mushroom. They help prevent illness but can also soothe and act as a sleep aid."[/say] She explained before putting the mushroom back in her basket. [say]"I've gathered just about everything that I need. Want me to help you find what you need for your quest?" [/say]

RE: Helpful Devil - Maeve - 09-06-2021

It seemed that in Aurelia's stead Ray was taking over the role of concerned friend.  Very concerned friend. Maeve had to fight back her laugh at the whole thing, but she easily returned her smile. She grew serious at the talk of her quest, squaring her shoulders as she straightened up, [say]"Devil's Klaw. Have you ever heard of it? Nasty little things."[/say] Maeve explained, drawing closer to Ray, eyes dipping down to the basket as the Attuned began to explain just what she was doing out here.

[say]"Best to prepare before Longnight."[/say] She agreed, eyeing the mushroom curiously before her jade eyes slipped back up to Ray's. [say]"I wouldn't say no to the help. They're a bit hard to find. They don't move if you're watching them and when they're laying in wait it's very hard to spot them."[/say]

RE: Helpful Devil - Ray - 09-06-2021

Ray's eyes widened, recalling what she'd read in the past on the notorious plant. [say]"I have. I've  never seen any but I've read about them.  Their hallucinations are apparently quite something."[/say] It was certainly a risky plant to look for, dangerous as it was. It intrigued the herbalist how this lethal plant would play a role in protecting Edmund.

Regardless of the danger, Ray would never let Maeve do this alone now that she knew. [say]"Of course I'll help."[/say] Setting her basket down, she eyed the area around them. [say]"I recall that they often go after people who are sleeping. Maybe we can lay a trap that way? One of us could pretend to sleep and draw them out. The other could hide and wait till the plant appears?"[/say] It was a risky plan but it'd be difficult to spot the creatures if they never moved.

RE: Helpful Devil - Maeve - 09-06-2021

[say]"So I've heard. Most people that encounter them don't live to tell the tale."[/say] Maeve said with a slight grimace, eyes flicking up to Aidon as he circled above them, ever watchful of their surroundings. Coming out here alone in the first place was likely a bad idea, but Maeve couldn't take her time with this. Not when completing it meant safety for her baby. It simply wasn't an option.

The idea wasn't a bad one. Risky, but doable. [say]"Let's find some dry ground. Whoever it is needs to be on ground level."[/say] She started, starting to set out deeper into the swamp, boots sinking into the much with each step. [say]"I have my whip. I can strike from a distance if you want to be the bait?"[/say] It made sense. Given that Ray could easily shift should she need to get away quickly. Maeve had no such abilities. Only her weapon to keep her safe and Aidon, of course.

RE: Helpful Devil - Ray - 09-06-2021

Falling into step with Maeve, Ray nodded. [say]"Sounds good. I'll be the bait."[/say] It wasn't just her ability to shift. or Maeve's whip that made the herbalist the better choice. If anything went wrong, it was the new mother that had to get home safe at all costs.  

As they walked through the swamp, they came into a slightly clearing. The ground was relatively dry and there were a few patches of rocks and gnarled trees around the edges. Ray bent down and felt the grass, confirming it's lack of moisture. [say]"This should work. You can hide behind the cover there, or even climb the trees if you want. I'll lay down in the center so that you have a clear view."[/say] She glanced back at Maeve. [say]"What do you think?" [/say]

RE: Helpful Devil - Maeve - 09-07-2021

With their choices made, Maeve lead them deeper into the swamp, finding a patch of land that was suitable enough to implement their plan. She looked around, examining the terrain as Ray knelt down to check the ground, finding it fitting for their purpose. While the reasoning for Ray being bait didn't exactly cross Maeve's mind, a part of her knew that was a big part of this. She had more to live for now. More reason to stay out of danger.

[say]"I think that'll work. I'll have Aidon scout from above, but out of sight. I'll take cover behind the rocks so I'm close enough once it appears."[/say] She agreed, unhooking her whip from her belt and sending those instructions to Aidon, watching as he pressed higher into the canopy to perch on a branch. Maeve herself moved behind the rocks, scaling them so she was off the ground, making sure to position herself so she could properly see Ray.

RE: Helpful Devil - Ray - 09-07-2021

Once Maeve and Aidon were in position, Ray gave the two one last determined nod. Laying down onto the grown, she curled up as if  getting comfortable for a nap. It was likely a strange sight, but hopefully the Klaw wouldn't question it. Once she was relatively comfortable, the herbalist grew still. Steadying her breathing and relaxing her muscles, she soon took on the picture of a peaceful sleep.

In reality, the Attuned was wide awake, focusing on her surroundings. With her eyes closed, she strained her ears for even the slightest sound. Any rustle in the vegetation, or scrape on stone. As the group waited, sure enough an odd sound began. Muffled a it was, it was difficult to decipher. But soon it became clearer. It was the sound of something sliding along the ground.

RE: Helpful Devil - Maeve - 09-08-2021

There was a moment where Maeve debated using her bow, knowing it might be easier to remain hidden that way, but her whip would do far more damage once the time came. Ray got into position and Maeve shifted to lie in wait. The air was thick and sticky, the quiet din of the swamp surrounding them as the Attuned curled up prone on the ground, feigning sleep. Aidon kept an eye on things from above, perched high up in the boughs of a tree with glowing ember eyes trained on the ground.

Aidon spotted it first. He sent the image of it along the bond. A deathly crawling hand that dragged its way towards Ray, intent on latching onto her and inflicting her with nightmares so spine chilling she'd never be able to shake them, but Maeve was ready. Coiled tight with anticipation, whip poised and ready to strike, the crack deafening as she sparked it to life. With a leap she sprang forward, lashing out with the flaming implement, striking true in a flash of fire and sparks. The Devil's Klaw didn't have a mouth, but it still somehow managed to shriek.

RE: Helpful Devil - Ray - 09-08-2021

The sound of a cracking whip had Ray in motion. Jumping to her feet, she drew her own dagger. Eyes snapping to the screaming plant, she decided to shift into her panther form. Being mindful of the flames from the whip, Ray did her best to keep the creature pinned.  Hopefully the weight of a panther and the bindings of a whip were enough to keep it subdued.

Assuming this was successful, Ray eyed Maeve curiously. She didn't have the ability to communicate with the Accepted in this form. But the head tilt was hopefully clear enough to get the gist of it. What next? Do we capture it or kill it?

RE: Helpful Devil - Maeve - 09-12-2021

This was the part she was unsure of. Was she meant to bring it back alive? Did it need to be dead? Safrin didn't clarify and Maeve isn't really sure it matters. Would it even survive a trip back? Maeve moved over to her quickly, not at all wary of the black as pitch panther that held the Klaw pinned beneath large paws, embers flaring across the strange flesh of the creature. She got closer, circling slowly, trying to figure out the best way to manage this.

The Klaw squirmed in Ray's grasp, but it wasn't going anywhere. It couldn't go anywhere. Maeve pulled her pack off of her back, digging for the large glass jar inside, unscrewing the top. [say]"I don't know if she wants it alive. Might be best to just take it back this way."[/say]

RE: Helpful Devil - Ray - 09-18-2021

Ray nods and steps back slightly to give Maeve room. One paw remains on the Klaw to keep it in place. They'd been rather lucky so far and the herbalist didn't want to take any risks. The plant was lethal after all. If it somehow managed to break free, it wouldn't be too surprising if it retaliated.

Assuming Maeve attempted to gather the creature, Ray would keep a close eye on both the Queen. Any sudden movements or threats by the plant would result in a heavy paw forcing it back down to the ground. The Klaw wouldn't be escaping or hurting anyone on Ray's watch.

RE: Helpful Devil - Maeve - 09-18-2021

Maeve grabbed a cloth from her bag, tossing it over the Klaw so she could safely grab it as Ray held it pinned and it only took a little maneuvering to get the damned thing into the glass jar. She latched it shut, turning the jar over in her hands, watching as the strange boney fingers worked at the glass. It didn't get out. It couldn't, but the muffled noises and strange scraping sounds were enough to make Maeve shiver.

[say]"Let's get this thing back. We've got a bit of a trek."[/say] She said, wrinkling her nose as she made sure the jar was secure once more before stuffing it back into her bag and slinging it over her shoulder. Maeve waited for Ray to ready herself before setting back on the path for home. Another step closer to ensuring Edmund's safety.

~FIN <3~