Court of the Fallen
I Am Born Again; Hard - Printable Version

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I Am Born Again; Hard - Nate - 05-08-2022

The night that’s he’d woken up had been for his husband. The morning for his family. Little reunions, ones that bring him alive again. That make being alive again worth it.

It’s not until the sun has carved a pale path up the sky, peering through the clouds that threaten snow that Nate makes his first steps towards the meeting that will sustain him.

He has no intention of making an announcement of his return, so it only makes sense to choose the shrine most hidden, in the cool, dark veins of Caido. Uncharacteristically dressed for the weather, Nate sits on the ground before the obsidian effigy, wondering not for the first time who it depicts.

“[say]So,[/say]” There’s no hesitation, no doubt that the Voice is listening, that he’ll be answered, “[say]dying, huh?[/say]” He’d huff a laugh if it didn’t still seem so strange to say. “[say]Guess I gotta lotta shit to make up for.[/say]” A hand drags through his hair. “[say]I wanna start with a thank you, though.[/say]”

RE: I Am Born Again; Hard - Serendipity - 05-08-2022

It's peaceful and calm; there is no indication that anything is awry or that Nate is anything other than welcome. But that is all. No response but for that peace. Nothing happens.

RE: I Am Born Again; Hard - Nate - 05-08-2022

Silence stretches out, warm and expectant at first, but growing cold and stale quickly. He is the only living thing in this place, and he’s not even alive. Flies crawl around him in his minds eyes, picking at a meal that has been stretched out for what seems like hours, though the guests never arrived.

Nate sits in the cold and damp and lonely long enough for frost to tug at his sleeves, sensors warning him his fingers have almost lost responsiveness. “[say]Oh.[/say]” Oh. It echoes back at him in a dozen voices that are just different enough from his own to grate on his ears. He doesn’t see the figure in the obsidian anymore, doesn’t see anything except a dark smear, doesn’t see anything. “[say]This again.[/say]”

It takes longer than he would have thought for the sounds of water trickling become a white noise buzz again, his words washed away by the current. Nate pushes himself to his feet, standing carefully to keep from making another sound. “[say]Fuck you.[/say]” Nate’s venom is reflected back at him in a dozen nasty voices, chasing at Nate’s heels as he steps away.

By the time he leaves the underground, feet following the path back to the VlamVloed automatically, the fluid tracks have frozen on his face, so pale it’s nearly blue. His hands are jammed in the pockets of his coat, a single set of holographic arms wrapped tightly around his chest, lighting his way home under the dark sky.
