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[se] where only ghosts walk - Printable Version

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[se] where only ghosts walk - Wessex - 07-13-2022

Some places just haunt your memories, carrying ghosts who will not be banished, and will not go gently into the good night. The Devas Bakery is one of those places. Amalia still putters around the oven, Jyoti crooning in the rafters. Even Lillianne’s presence can be felt, and Wessex had hopes that the kind, skilled Outlander might make it into something new, but it seems she’d left the Grounds without so much as a farewell.

Wessex, with a couple of dead raccoons slung over her shoulder, gently eases the door open to see what the place looks like now, half expecting to see footprints in the dust, or find a lively scene, and the kind little girl Amalia once was.

RE: [se] where only ghosts walk - Sunjata - 07-13-2022

He isn’t following Wessex, he’s just happened to notice from across the way that she enters the bakery with two creatures slung along her back. He also notices that she doesn’t come out for a while, and given that Ascended don’t need to eat, it’s pure curiosity that brings him across the road.

“[say]Feeling nostalgic?[/say]” He asks, gently, as he steps in a little bit after the wraith. The bakery itself still sat dormant, without so much as anyone trying to make a space out of it aside from rats and creatures seeking shelter from the elements. He glances around the bakery, seeing the history there, when things had been simpler. He doesn’t know the other intricacies this place has seen — rebellions, friendships formed, friendships doomed — and instead has relative rose colored glasses in mind when he thinks on this place. Because he doesn’t really know much about this place and his relationship with Amalia had been tenuous at best. It was his view of Amalia with Safrin that had spurred his own interest in following the gods.

And look at how that turned out.

RE: [se] where only ghosts walk - Wessex - 07-14-2022

Nostalgic? Wessex has to take a beat to actually figure out the swirling mass of nebula-like emotion in her belly.[say] “Yes and no,”[/say] she answers quietly, turning to face Sunjata.[say] “Can’t tell if I’m an emotional masochist at this point or trying to find new reasons to keep fighting.”[/say] Which is a bit of an exaggeration; they both know that Wessex wont stop fighting until she’s dead-dead. Some days just feel like an uphill slog in quicksand, and this is one of them.

A flash of something hits her and an eyebrow quirks quickly upwards.[say] “Silly me, I forgot congratulations are in order.”[/say] Slapping the raccoons down on the counter, she offers her hand to the Grounds’ newest leader. An Archon. Whatever that is.

RE: [se] where only ghosts walk - Sunjata - 07-16-2022

She turns to face him and his smile is both understanding and easy, like old friends greeting one another again – even if it’s still a fairly new friendship in the grand scheme. He and Wessex have had their ups and downs, but he’s confident in assuming that this is one of the ups. And given the twisting tide of his relationships since arriving here, he cherishes it and clings to it as much as he can. “[say]Definitely the emotional masochist.[/say]” He drawls with a hint of humor, trying to alleviate her thoughts. They both know that she’s a fighter, but at the end of the day you could be a fighter and still have your bad days too. The days where you’re swallowed up whole with no way out.

He's far more familiar with that than he wants to admit. “[say]Me too, though.[/say]” He shrugs, stepping closer to peer at the raccoons, his gaze lifting immediately at the congratulations, shaking his head to shake it off. “[say]I… Thanks, Wessex.[/say]” He says instead of denying the congratulations. He huffs a quiet laugh regardless. “[say]I just want to help and if that means being the guy that makes the hard decisions when they need to be made, then I’ll do it.[/say]” Because he won’t be here forever. “[say]I was meaning to come and see you anyway. Wanted to talk about the state of things and relics and what you all might need from me in the upcoming days.[/say]” But that conversation doesn’t have to be dropped on him immediately. Just a seed planted in Wessex’s mind that if she wanted to make a list of the things he can work on from her experience, he wants to see it.

“[say]But it looks like you’re about to make some raccoons?[/say]” He raises a brow, jutting his chin toward the counter.

RE: [se] where only ghosts walk - Wessex - 07-17-2022

She laughs because it’s true. There’s no reason for her to be here - they could just board the Bakery up and condemn it and all its memories to the dusty annals of Hollowed Grounds’ history. Not enough non-Ascended here to create a fully supported bakery business anyway, and you wouldn’t find any of her kin working near fire… or tasting things, for that matter. So emotional masochist it is, and she acknowledges the truth when her head ducks for a moment to her chest - still chuckling, however - and awkwardly tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.

[say] “Yeeeaaaah, we’re a little fucked up,”[/say] she agrees before shaking his hand. And she hopes what he says is true - she loves Isla dearly, but the Remedy had gotten them into a difficult position by not taking actionas much as she, herself, had by doing so.[say] “Maybe you’ll be able to be removed enough to make better decisions,”[/say] she offers, fully acknowledging her own faults.[say] “So I guess it’s time for a Big Reveal kind of talk, hmmm?”[/say]

There’s so much he doesn’t know, which was intentional, but now creates a bit of a knowledge-vaccuum. Prepping and cooking a couple of ‘coons could take a bit of time, so she nods and gestures to the ovens.[say] “For that weird Fiat Lux in the swamp. If you wouldn’t mind handling the fire and a bit of water to clean a prep area, we can kill two birds with one stone and I can talk you through a lot of what’s going on right now.”[/say] At least on her end.

RE: [se] where only ghosts walk - Sunjata - 07-19-2022

“[say]Comes with the territory I suppose.[/say]” Sunjata jests, finding his place beside Wessex as she suggests that he might be far enough removed to make those choices. And part of him thinks that he is – given that he doesn’t know what’s happened to his daughter, doesn’t know where Safrin had taken or placed her or where Ronin had sequestered her. And for the rest of it? Well, it’s no holds barred. He just… Doesn’t care anymore.

Though that was likely obvious given his offer to help with the Stormbreak attack. And he’d still managed to get Nate back in the end, even if it had gone poorly that time. He hopes that he can be the one in between that proves that the Ascended’s have their strengths and that Sunjata’s simply far past letting advantages fall to the wayside just because the other side might have a better shot.

You miss a hundred percent of the chances you don’t take, right?

“[say]It would be beneficial, yes.[/say]” Sunjata states with a snort, a small crooked smile, gaze dropping to the raccoons as she explains and he nods his understanding. “[say]That sounds good. I’ll warn you, Nate’s the cook in my household, I was lucky I learned how to make pancakes edible.[/say]” It’s easy chatter as he moves to the fire, sparking it and letting it start to take hold as he moves to the prep area and grabs a bucket to fill with fresh water – using his magic to summon it and fill, while also cleaning the table off of any grime that might be left behind. “[say]So, where to start? We’re still relic hunting I hope.[/say]”

RE: [se] where only ghosts walk - Wessex - 07-19-2022

The fact surprises her, and  yet it doesn’t.[say] “Really? Nate is the cook?”[/say] Someone that hasty and impulsive has the patience to tend food? And then,[say] “Even with the fire thing?”[/say] Color her impressed - and even a little happy to see that her brother has a domestic side. Even so, Wessex’s eyebrows rise to her hairline in surprise even as her hands get busy wiping it down and slinging the raccoons on it, belly-side up.

Cleaning and prepping th meat is fairly routine still, and they’ve done this kind of work together before. Her blade slips down the midline, holding the body up to let the blood drain out into a second bucket while she explains the relic situation.[say] “Oh yeah, still relic hunting. But it’s getting really difficult and time is closing in on us. There’s a relic somewhere in Stormbreak, and one more elsewhere, but the Stormbreak one is elusive and Ronin is working on a shield that will kill any Ascended who enter the city. So even if we do find it, or they find it and the Knowtbook tells us about it, we might be out of luck.”[/say] Glancing at him, she tilts her head in consideration.[say] “That is, unless you can assemble a non-Ascended, non-Abandoned or Hybrid team to go in and beat Ronin and Remi to it.”[/say]

Those are some severe limitations.[say] “I don’t know how close they are, only that they haven’t finished it yet. I’ve covered the Temple, Sleeping Steps, Needle, Archives, and some of the Silk Houses - notably the White Hart and Mother Molly’s. The Voice has no idea where it might be… perhaps somewhere old.”[/say] Shaking the now-bloodless body to rid it of its remnants, one final swipe of her knife lets the loose organs and viscera tumble out, splashing wetly into the bucket.[say] “And then that last one… no clues yet, but I imagine it’s either in the Greatwood… which is also problematic. Or the Climb.”[/say] It that barren place any better? At least they can get there. But the lava is also a particularly dangerous problem.

RE: [se] where only ghosts walk - Sunjata - 07-20-2022

“[say]He sure is.[/say]” Sunjata murmurs, humming a soft laugh. “[say]Even with the fire thing.[/say]” Nate wasn’t as against getting near fire as most of the Ascended was that he knew – and he wasn’t sure if that was due to the strong will of his husband’s or the preference to play with danger for the thrill of it.

Either way, they fall into working together easily – the bucket refreshed with clean water again and again as needed, Sunjata filling in gaps wherever Wessex needs him to while he listens. Though he can’t keep his nose from curling when it comes to Stormbreak, the frown growing and filling in the fine lines of wrinkles that have started along his sunkissed skin. “[say]It’s tough to find any of those that aren’t already up the Old God’s asses.[/say]” He mulls over with a shake of his head. “[say]I’m recognizable unless I’m in a shift, which I could do. But we’d need… What, two or three others uninvolved? Nate’s brother might be willing to help.[/say]” He clicks his tongue as he thinks. But as she lays out the locations, it becomes more and more difficult. “[say]I don’t know Stormbreak well enough to know what constitutes old. The Plaza perhaps? Sure it’s busy but perhaps hiding something that benefits the war in a place where they claim to be pacifist is… Too obvious but to be true?[/say]” Steel eyes skate over toward Wessex with a raise of his brow.

At this point he’s just mulling his thoughts out loud.

The rest of it, though, there weren’t any clues for the next one and Sunjata returns to his work as he debates between the two. “[say]Do we know if Frey's relic has been found yet?[/say]” Because in that instance, he might have a way to find out.

RE: [se] where only ghosts walk - Wessex - 07-20-2022

Yes, she’d been thinking of who might possibly be willing to help, and the suggestion she has to provide makes her wonder how the hell they got to this point. Oh, right. Towers and attacks and such… all her fault, really. Grimacing as she nods at the idea of Bart, who isn’t the most reliable, she adds,[say] “And… Darkeye, perhaps. Have you met him yet?”[/say] That’s at least two more.[say] “Three more would be ideal, but the only others I can think who might help are Hotaru or Evie Wadsworth, though she’s gone and moved to Halo. And they would die if they entered Stormbreak.”[/say] But not the Greatwood, so she lets those options hang as potential alternatives, should the last relic be there.

[say] “But if you wanted to take a quick trip with me to explore, say, the Celestine, I think that would be productive, and check off an extra, likely place.”[/say] Turning her attentions now to skinning the raccoon, her knife slides slowly between muscle and the fatty layer of skin, until she has a decent bit of purchase. Then Wessex pulls as she goes, all that strength of hers put to good use here. As for the relics and which is whose? The demigod thinks she has some figured out, but not all of them.[say] “I think we’ve found Safrin’s, Vi’s, Mort’s, and the Core’s. Ludo’s too, I think, though that’s gone now that Locke is missing. There’s one that increases someone’s luck and I’m not sure if that’s Frey’s or Rae’s… but I know we haven’t found the Voice’s yet. She’d have said something.”[/say]

Sighing as she reaches the tricky part - the tail - The General adds,[say] “And on top of that, I have this crazy, borderline suicide thing I have to do in the Draig.”[/say]

RE: [se] where only ghosts walk - Sunjata - 07-20-2022

“[say]I have, yes.[/say]” Sunjata offers with a soft huff of a laugh. “[say]He’s helping me with my safe haven, actually.[/say]” And he’d become a useful resource once they’d gotten past the dwarf’s distaste of him courtesy of Maea. As for the rest, Hotaru and Evie, well… It likely wouldn’t bode well for them there where Abandoned were likely to die upon stepping foot in Stormbreak’s boundaries. So he heaves a quiet sigh, gears working in his head as he tries to think up a way to make it work.

As for the trip, though, he continues to work as it settles. “[say]Sure.[/say]” He says immediately, giving no time to spend on thoughts further, going with his gut instinct. What’s a little trek in the celestine anyway? Wasn’t like they were planning an attack, just… Evening the playing field a little. “[say]Just let me know when and where to meet you.[/say]” And with that little thought out of the way, he stills completely as she continues.

“[say]Hm. And how many do we have?[/say]” Because it’s really imbalanced at the moment and Sunjata wants to try and figure out a way that might even the odds – even if he’s offered to give his shifts out numerous times. It’ll do little if he’s gone, sequestered away in the safe haven. But it’s what he’s asked for and he can’t kick himself about it now just because of a change in heart and rank. “[say]What for?[/say]” He asks about the Draig, steel eyes slipping over toward her as he raises a brow in his curiosity.

RE: [se] where only ghosts walk - Wessex - 07-21-2022

[say] “Midnight?”[/say] she asks cheekily, figuring that they’ll be done with this cooking thing well before then - and night is always best for sneaky, sneaky things.[say] “No point in waiting.”[/say]

One final tug separates the fur from the muscles and she places the soon-to-be-clothing-item gently to the side. Wessex squats down to rinse the remaining gore from her hands and forearms, looking up at the Flood ruefully.[say] “One.”[/say] Tension that wasn’t there before creeps into her mouth, grimness finding its opening and sinking into her eyes like a unwanted, but very familiar guest.[say] “Isla’s companion, the Prince, is a relic. Vi’s, I think. He’ll die for her if need be.”[/say] Which leaves Team Old God with four, which he knows, because he can count.

[say] “Remi has a dagger that has a 1 in 10 chance of death, Ronin has a… star shield thing that heals allies within, but hurts enemies. Noah has the Core’s, which is a pendant that allows the wearer to shift into a Basilisk. And Deimos has the lucky gloves.”[/say] It’s all nice to know, knowledge is power and all that, but…[say] “Remi and Ronin have never failed when they go after them.”[/say] Which is why it should be obvious that they need to find them first… arriving at the same time is a recipe for disaster.

Standing back up, the Wraith sluices water from her arms and juts her chin towards the fire, asking him wordlessly if it’s ready.[say] “Can you grab a rack?”[/say] She goes to grab a more hearty knife from the wall and takes it to the raccoon’s limbs, hacking easily through bone and sinew in a single, short, chops.[say] “Last time I was in the Draig, a dragon stole all my shit. Shadow cloak, my chakram, invisibility ribbon… a nice crossbow you might like. Good shit. Useful shit. And I think we'll need it all, so gotta get it back.”[/say]

RE: [se] where only ghosts walk - Sunjata - 07-23-2022

“[say]Ah,[/say]” he pauses, huffing a soft laugh. “[say]Sure, why not?[/say]” It’s impulsive and it’s been a while since he’s done such a thing – trying to be better about thinking through things before diving in. But this seemed harmless enough and would be informative if it turns out little to they know it won’t.

He works to try and keep the space clean as he listens for the amount of relics they have, Sunjata’s brows rising at the memory of the prince and just how… Different he looked. Kinder yet sharper somehow. And cute which was a strange thing to think for him about the creature he’d once encountered in the Underground.

He grimaces, though, at the information offered of the other relics that the other side has. “[say]Remi and Ronin are strong. It’s not surprising that they never leave without one.[/say]” He rumbles with bitterness, allowing himself the solace in sharing his feelings with the Wraith when he’s typically otherwise trying to play the middle.

Moving immediately to grab a rack as requested, he offers it to Wessex so she can start to use it. But his gaze finds her face again as he listens to her explain why she plans that suicide mission into the Draig. “[say]Huh.[/say]” It’s impossible for him to keep the surprise from his voice, but knowing exactly what she means about them being useful. “[say]I can share a shift with you if you think it might be easier to infiltrate it as a dragon… I’m not sure if they’ll know the difference but it might be worth a shot to try.[/say]” He shrugs, having come across that thought himself before and never having the balls to try it out.

RE: [se] where only ghosts walk - Wessex - 07-24-2022

The raccoon quarters go on the rack and she hands it back to Jata fairly quickly.[say] “All you with the fire part now,”[/say] bright and brisk, if she has any doubts about the Flood’s ability to grill something, it’s tucked away very well. Stepping aside to let the non-flammable person take center stage, Wessex boosts herself up on one of the counters, letting her legs kick freely back and forth.

[say] “Thanks for the offer, but I think I’m going to need all my magic. Teleporting, energy bolts - everything. But…”[/say] trailing off with a curious look in her eye, the Wraith falls silent for a minute, getting a far-off look in her eye as she mulls something over.[say] “But in the event that I die up there, because there is a dragon that can kill you with a single touch, that might be useful to retrieve my body. I told Isla not to try and get me. But you - you might be lucky enough and quick enough. I leave it up to you, of course. The Voice has my permission to blow me up and build me anew…”[/say] trailing off again, she glances at Jata to make sure he understands.

[say] “And it might have its perks, but I’m attached to this body and some of its upgrades.”[/say] She plays it off with a casual shrug, but is she really able to write off death so easily?[say] “Just… don’t be dumb.”[/say] She says it with a smile, albeint a sad one, because Wessex can’t tell him what would be an acceptable risk or not, or even what she would do in his position.

And how will he know what to do? She raises a single finger.[say] “I’ll be right back. You’ll need the Knowtbook.”[/say] It takes her longer than usual to return, but when she does, she’s holding something wrapped in softened, waterproof leather and tied neatly up. It’s dirty, but the book inside has been well protected.[say] “This is the Knowtbook. I stole it from Cian. And if there’s a way we’re going to win, it’s because this will tell us most of the significant things the other side is doing.”[/say] Including, hopefully, if she dies.

Offering it to the Archon, she wordlessly bids him take a look.

RE: [se] where only ghosts walk - Sunjata - 07-27-2022

“[say]Got it.[/say]” He hums to her, taking the rack back and moving over to the fire to start to grill it. It immediately penetrates his senses, and he half focuses on that to ensure it’s doneness (he’s never grilled a raccoon before, if he’s being honest) while also paying attention to whether she takes him up on his offer. In the end, though, she’s right and he shifts on his feet slightly, gaze finding Wessex again at the explanation. “[say]Ah, I see.[/say]” There’s a soft laugh, a shake of his head. “[say]Apparently you and Nate have decided the same fate if something happens.[/say]” Which, he’s hoping nothing happens to the both of them.

But there is a part of him that wonders what kind of new body the Voice would put Nate into. What she’d put Wessex into. Would they be voided of all of their scars? Would they even look close to the same as they once did? And what kind of effect would that have later on down the pike?

They’re all hypotheticals, of course, but he can’t help but to think them all the same as he moves to turn the raccoons over to continue their even grilling. “[say]Me? Dumb?[/say]” He poses to her, cutting a childishly amused grin, but it fades a few seconds after as he snorts. “[say]I like to think I’ve gotten better lately.[/say]” He runs nearly entirely on impulse, anyway.

He continues to grill as she mentions the book and retrieves it, and by the time she does, the raccoons are nearly done. But he moves them off knowing they’ll come up to temperature as he takes the book and turns to set it on the clean surface they’d prepped on to open it. He scans the pages and glances back up at her with a raised brow. “[say]Is this how they did it for so long?[/say]” It feels like a cheat sheet, one that the Ascended have unfortunately retrieved at the tail end of the excursion with not enough time to finish the test correctly.

But it’s better than letting Remi and Ronin have it, in his opinion.