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sore heads - Ronin - 07-31-2022

[say]"So,"[/say] Ronin says as he gingerly clicks the door shut to their apartment after having waved Tobi off to get herself home, [say]"it turns out that we can get drunk. The key is not potency - it's speed."[/say] And while it's not true that Ronin is hungover, per say, the morning light is making him squint a bit, and he's feeling remarkably bleary.

It explains why he's shuffling straight for the kitchen, hoping that there's already coffee brewing courtesy of Remi, or that he can start some for the both of them. [say]"Mateo has already taken himself off to school,"[/say] he mumbles as an addition. [say]"I checked in and his room was empty anyway, so I assume it's school."[/say] Or mischief - either is likely.

RE: sore heads - Remi - 07-31-2022

Remi, who is not unhungover, is looking incredibly smug as Ronin enters the kitchen where there is absolutely coffee brewing. Or rather, filtering, because of course when Remi makes coffee it's a scientific endeavour. Standing and tugging Ronin to him, the alchemist presses soft kisses up his neck to just below his ear. [say]"Ronin, it is Saturday."[/say] He whispers sweetly, though mentally gives Ronin bonus points for checking on their son.

[say]'Speed, hmm?'[/say] Remi chuckles, combing his fingers through Ronin's hair. [say]"Ronin Taliesin, the only man who could get a woman drunk and have her fall asleep in his lap, tell her boyfriend about it, and not be punched in the face."[/say] Clapping his hand against one of Ronin's shoulders, Remi chuckles and pulls away to pour them each a cup of coffee. [say]"Well done, you."[/say]

RE: sore heads - Ronin - 07-31-2022

[say]"It is... oh,"[/say] Ronin says, blinking as if wondering why there were so many kids in the street when he'd seen Tobi off. [say]"Oh, that's good then."[/say] Relaxing against Remi and seeming happy to bask in the other man's smugness if only he keeps up with the kisses and the hair touches, Ronin groans a note of guilt and regret about the reminder of last night's antics.

[say]"Oh gods, I'm going to have to bring more apology wine aren't I?"[/say] Slouching back against the counter as if Remi's clap to his shoulder has gravely wounded him, Ronin rubs at his eyes and inches back closer to the Lullaby. If he's sneaky, he thinks he might be able to worm himself under Remi's arm and use him to prop himself up.

[say]"Tobi's not angry about Everest, at least,"[/say] he mumbles. [say]"Well done, me, because I thought I'd be slapped by her."[/say]

RE: sore heads - Remi - 07-31-2022

[say]"Nope."[/say] Remi says immediately, shaking his head. [say]"Not wine. Maybe a nice sparkling water."[/say] He suggests with a crooked smile. It occurs to him then, just how nice it is to be comfortable enough in his marriage that questioning Ronin's motives or asking if anything at all had happened between the Huntsman and the Doctor, doesn't even occur to him. Whether or not the same can be said for Finn will probably be revealed later that day based on whether or not they have any angry ex-Spyglass pounding on their door.

[say]"You do not want to be slapped by Tobi."[/say] Remi agrees gravely, and rather than forcing Ronin to worm his way against his side, he lifts his arm to drag Ronin against him once more. Leaning over and kissing his temple, Remi reaches for Ronin's cup and then grabs his own once the Huntsman has taken it.

[say]"Well, I am glad she is not upset. Does that mean we should not expect Ever to ask us if he can watch us have sex anytime soon?"[/say]

RE: sore heads - Ronin - 07-31-2022

If Ronin could purr he absolutely would have done as Remi drags him close, his head lolling against his husband's shoulder so he can turn to kiss the side of his neck. Pausing in his affections only to accept his coffee, he scrunches his nose - he doesn't like sparkling water, but then again it isn't for him - and reluctantly nods. [say]"And maybe a card,"[/say] he adds. [say]"A Sorry I Got Your Girlfriend Drunk and Made Her Cry card."[/say]

Realising he hasn't actually explained that bit to Remi, the Huntsman closes his eyes and sips at his coffee. [say]"Tobi was asking about our wedding, so I was explaining it to her. And she got upset,"[/say] he murmurs. [say]"I imagine living with Finn and Ever must be... a lot. Even for a doctor."[/say] Speaking of which, Ronin firmly shakes his head. [say]"Absolutely not. I think I put an end to that even before Tobi could speak to him."[/say]

RE: sore heads - Remi - 07-31-2022

Remi frowns deeply if only because making people cry was normally the thing he had to apologize for, not Ronin. [say]" made her cry?"[/say] He wonders, still trying to understand how Ronin the Charming, Ronin the Stupidly Wonderful, Ronin the So Handsome It Hurts Your Eyes had made someone like Tobi cry.

[say]".....?"[/say] Remi wonders via a pulse of sun-dappled confusion. [say]"Oh."[/say] He murmurs as if he understood, which he absolutely didn't. Perhaps Remi was enough like Finn in this regard not to see the issue, or perhaps he was just too Remi. [say]"Does Finn want to marry her?"[/say] He wonders, assuming talk of their wedding might have made her panic about her own.

[say]'That is good. Not that any sex is child-friendly, but I cannot imagine what vanilla sex between you and I would even be like anymore.'[/say] Indeed, they'd come so laughably far from coy fumbles in kitchens that anything sufficiently vanilla would probably just be considered a glorified prostate exam.

RE: sore heads - Serendipity - 07-31-2022

What a lovely bit of Stormbreak you've encountered. Look at all the things around you that aren't relics.

RE: sore heads - Ronin - 07-31-2022

[say]"Mm, I know,"[/say] Ronin agrees with another sip of his coffee, his furrowed brows indicative of the fact that even the Huntsman is aware that he is not usually the one to make girls cry with his presence. Or guys, or anything in between for that matter. The golden emotions that shine from Remi are enough to have his arm snaking around the Lullaby, wanting to shower him in coffee flavoured kisses until there's no inch of him left unloved.

[say]"I'm not sure,"[/say] he admits about Tobi's marriage prospects. [say]"I just think she misses being spontaneous, or being able to relax and not have to watch what she says in case it..."[/say] He rolls his wrist, as if hoping Remi can fill in the blanks. Which, if it's Finn, fingers crossed.

Snorting into his coffee - vanilla sex, indeed - Ronin tilts his head up to deliver a smooch to Remi's scruffed chin. [say]"Mm, yes. I can't wait for us to go to bed together and make average, boring love under our neatly pressed sheets. With our socks on."[/say]

RE: sore heads - Remi - 07-31-2022

[say]"Ah."[/say] (Un?)Fortunately Remi understands all too well just how precarious Finn's mental state is, having toyed (sledgehammered) it enough himself. [say]"That's..."[/say] He grimaces, shrugging against Ronin. [say]"Maybe Finn is really good in bed, and that makes it all worth it."[/say] He jokes, before queasily remembering Finn's past at Molly's and realizing that actually, he was probably more correct than he cared to be over morning coffee.

Grumbling as if annoyed by the kiss to his chin, the alchemist huffs and leans his head against Ronin's, wildly content to simply be with the man he loved so, so very much. Crinkling his nose, Remi stares at a floating bit of dust under one of their cabinets. [say]"Ew, maKiNg LovE."[/say] He repeats, horrified. [say]'With eye contact the whole time. Maybe water breaks just so no one over-exerts themselves. And towels always on hand so there is never any mess."[/say] Even though what they were describing seemed utterly horrible, there was no time or place that thoughts of sex with the Huntsman didn't turn Remi on. [say]"I would take boring sex with you over no sex, any day."[/say] Remi whispers, turning his head slightly to press a sloppy and poorly aimed kiss to Ronin's cheek.

RE: sore heads - Ronin - 08-01-2022

[say]"Mm, you might be closer to the truth there than you think,"[/say] Ronin murmurs, unintentionally giving voice to the thoughts already ricocheting through Remi's mind. Still, he's more than happy to abandon thoughts about Finn to enjoy Remi instead, smiling over the rim of his coffee cup as if all too pleased to provide annoyance via chin kisses. [say]"Intense eye contact,"[/say] he corrects, because that makes all the difference.

Tittering to himself - towels laid out and a water jug at the ready sounds more like a science experiment than sex - Remi's sloppy kiss is more over his eye than on his cheek, not that he's complaining either way. [say]"Mm, I think even boring sex with you would be exciting. You know, because you take my breath away just by existing."[/say] Grinning, he nuzzles against Remi's jawline, nibbling at it for good measure.

RE: sore heads - Remi - 08-01-2022

Trying to think about what intense eye contact might be like and inadvertently mirroring Kombucha Girl with his expressions, ultimately Remi decides that no matter how brilliantly and wonderfully blue his husband's eyes are, during sex he'll always prefer yielding his vision that his other senses might be enhanced. Handsome as Ronin is, he'll always feel better than he looks.

[say]'Mm?'[/say] Tilting his head down in such a way as to give himself a handful of extra chins, Remi narrows his eyes. [say]"Sounds to me like you are still drunk."[/say] He concludes cheerfully, also taking a sip of his coffee. [say]"By the way...have you heard how chilly Torchline has been lately? Even after the season change?"[/say]

RE: sore heads - Ronin - 08-01-2022

Nibbling at every extra chin for good measure, Ronin pauses only to join Remi in sipping his coffee. [say]"I might be,"[/say] he mumbles, about still being drunk. [say]"Although I doubt it, because nothing has gotten dramatic or flamboyant yet,"[/say] he adds. He'd be trying to climb into Remi's pants by now, or rearranging their cupboards or something equally as stupid.

Relaxing bonelessly against his husband, he wrinkles his nose and nods gently about Torchline. [say]"I went to visit Maeve, to do something with a bow she got from Safrin. One that shoots stars,"[/say] he murmurs, but this is about the seasons, not about the weapon that could have killed him but can't any more.

[say]"She sent me a letter a couple of days ago - apparently it's because someone built a shrine to the Eirachi in Torchline. She asked for my help in destroying it."[/say] He sounds mildly surprised about it, like he's only just remembered.

RE: sore heads - Remi - 08-01-2022

Hmmmming a sound that's neither agreement nor disagreement into the rim of his coffee cup, Remi sneaks his hand around Ronin's waist that he might dip his thumb beneath the waistband of his husband's sweatpants. [say]'Oh. That.'[/say] The alchemist grumbles, snarling absently at the dustmotes flitting by. [say]"I told her I would help with that if she needed it, but..I never heard back."[/say] Which, now that he thought about it, was either a good sign or a bad one. Had Maeve simply chosen to keep the ability to kill Ronin? Or had she managed to convince Safrin to muzzle the ability on her own?

[say]'The Ei—the Deepfrost Deity?'[/say] Remi raises a brow at that. [say]"Seems an odd place for such a chilly being to want a shrine."[/say] He muses, sipping at his coffee. [say]"Did she say who built it?"[/say]

RE: sore heads - Ronin - 08-01-2022

Ronin smooches Remi's cheek as he snarls, smiling as if it's merely an expression of mild annoyance at this point. (And who knows, in the Lullaby's terms, it might be). [say]"Mm, apparently if I burned her fingerprints into the bow, only she can use it. Something something she won't kill me and whatnot,"[/say] he murmurs. Suffice to say he's not all too worried about it regardless. There's something about impending war that makes it difficult to care about one isolated instance of danger.

[say]"Mm, maybe the Eirachi just wants to expand her reach, y'know?"[/say] He shrugs against Remi. [say]"But no, Maeve didn't mention knowing who built it. She did say if it stays, though, it might cause havoc to Torchline's ecosystem. You think I should go and kick it over, like a mean kid with a sandcastle?"[/say]