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but in dreams - Printable Version

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but in dreams - Remi - 09-23-2022

[say]It's a dream-[/say] The words echo through the landscape, imprinting themselves onto tree bark and the soft whisps of dissipating clouds. [say]It is not real.[/say] The earth seems to frown, and the soil which might have been from Korofi bleeds away into black sand bordered by a freezing blue sea. The air should have been cold, but instead, it was the nothing temperature of an empty room; the pounding of the surf was accompanied by nothing at all, save for the reiteration that [say]this is a dream. it is not real[/say].

Not the first time that the Lullaby had appeared to the Flood in a dream after some sort of conflict between the two (but possibly the last), Remi stood with his arms folded across his chest and his bare feet in the sand.

Upon seeing the Flood, the Lullaby raised his head in as much of a placating gesture as someone like Remi was capable of. [say]'I just want to talk.'[/say]

RE: but in dreams - Sunjata - 09-23-2022

It may have actually become his saving grace, the way the dream of his bleeds away into something else entirely. He remains much the same, though, unfamiliar clothes to Remi worn heavily on his person (a bulletproof vest, a belt strapped to his leg with a useless gun within it), but the Flood would seem a bit younger than Remi would know him as. Clean shaven, hair cut short, but the most notable feature being the missing of every single one of his tattoos. And, of course, the blood painted on the side of his neck from where Remi might recall a scar there these days.

His chest heaves as he tries to calm it, hand pressing into that scarlet red, drawing back to see it reflected before it flecks away as is the nature of dreams, and his younger steel gaze lifts to the Lullaby as if in expectation. “[say]What do we have to talk about?[/say]” He asks flatly, flicking the blood from his fingers as if it were nothing more than a bit of dirt these days.

RE: but in dreams - Remi - 09-23-2022

It had been so long since the Lullaby had seen Sunjata like this (or really, seen him at all for more than just a moment or two), that the outfit the other man wore merely ricochetted back and forth in his mind without landing with any sort of understanding. Had there once been talk of motorcycles? guns? battles and poverty-fueled wars?

Gods, how far they'd come.

Running the back of his hand over his eyes before letting his arms fall back down to his sides, Remi takes a breath, and then another. [say]"This war...has...I am changed now, and not necessarily for the better."[/say] It might have sounded more like an apology had Remi not very recently threatened to kill Sunjata before choking nearly all the life from his body. Pressing a knuckle between his eyes, the Lullaby sighs again. [say]"I guess what I want to know is how much you have changed."[/say] He says simply. [say]"If my son will be safe in your Haven given..."[/say] Well. Given all of it.

RE: but in dreams - Sunjata - 09-23-2022

He watches Remi, not too unlike a prey trapped in a room with a predator. But this being a dream, he’s left his guard down, humming a sound of agreement, despite not quite accepting it as an apology. At this point, he’s done rolling over for Remi’s brute strength, and he wonders if the understanding was made when he didn’t back down from the relic fight. But that’s neither here nor there when the follow up question comes.

“[say]The haven will be blocked from hearing what goes on outside of it. So regardless of which side wins, we won’t know until it’s over. That being said,[/say]” he pauses as he crosses his arms, looks out over the walled in oceans, before returning his gaze to the Lullaby. “[say]You should know despite everything I have never once been the type to take out grievances on a child because of the sins of their father.[/say]” An unscarred brow lifts toward Remi (another memory perhaps, of the previous dream death because of something his own father had done.)

“[say]When I said everyone would be safe I intend to keep it that way. Besides, Phoebe will be in there too.[/say]” He isn’t sure if that helps his case, but he’d promised to keep everyone safe. Regardless of his personal issues.

RE: but in dreams - Remi - 09-23-2022

Humming thoughtfully, out towards the non-descript horizon line, a smear of grey appears as Remi nods his head.  That no information would be received within the Haven...could be construed as a blessing or a curse really, but he wasn't in much of a position to wax philosophical with Sunjata about it just now.

Meeting Sunjata's gaze and knowing he deserved every ounce of animosity and resentment there, the Lullaby allows himself to be the first to break eye contact. [say]"Then you hold yourself to a higher standard than Ludo."[/say] He murmurs, exhaling with enough force to make his cheeks puff and one of his curls flinch on his forehead. This probably deserves elaboration though the Lullaby gives none. That Ludo has threatened Mateo's life for disobedience is perhaps not the sort of thing the Flood would accept as an excuse for Remi's behaviour, and nor should he. The Lullaby became an asshole all on his own, after all.

[say]"Thank you."[/say]

RE: but in dreams - Sunjata - 09-23-2022

He doesn’t know the ins and outs of Ludo’s threat against Mateo, nor does he know much about the Taliesins these days. But regardless, it had been a similar position between keeping Kamaria safe and Nate’s safety when he’d dealt with Safrin. But that’s been since removed given the situation between his betrayal of the starry goddess and the unknown whereabouts of his daughter with her.

But again, neither here nor there. So in an effort of shrugging off the thanks, he unfolds his arms and runs that flaky bloody hand through his short buzzed hair, a gavel symbol shaved into the left side of his head as he steps closer to Remi. “[say]Also, if you and Ronin haven’t figured out what the relic you got from Stormbreak does, it’s because it won’t work for you.[/say]” He offers at first, waiting a few heartbeats. “[say]It’s an Ascended relic.[/say]” And Sunjata will absolutely play it off as him trying so hard to retrieve it because he knew previously what it does. Nobody has to know, right?

RE: but in dreams - Remi - 09-23-2022

In the world of dreams where strength and magic are meaningless, that Sunjata bothers to take a step closer might have said everything about the Flood's state of mind, or perhaps nothing at all. In the silence left by Sunjata's pause, Remi raises an eyebrow but doesn't interrupt.

[say]'Ah.'[/say] Remi's gaze is flat for a moment before a low laugh builds up in the back of his throat before pushing out past his lips in a bark. [say]"Hidden in Stormbreak, because why not just add more fuel to the fire, mm?"[/say] Shaking his head, more than sick and tired of the war already, Remi can only shrug. [say]"I suppose as long as the ascended do not have it, it is still an advantage for us."[/say] Ruffling a hand through his curls, Remi lets his palm slide down the side of his face.

[say]"I never said I thought that this war was just."[/say] He offers in a gentle, almost conversational tone. [say]"I am the sort of man who would put my family before an entire group of people and..honestly? That is probably why I was chosen for this. I will not say that I do not have a choice, because I do, and my choice is to keep them safe."[/say] If this was to be his last conversation with Sunjata, best that he at least own up to the sort of monster he had truly become while he still had the clarity to understand it.

RE: but in dreams - Sunjata - 09-23-2022

“[say]An advantage to you.[/say]” Sunjata corrects, before continuing on. “[say]An advantage I’m unsure you still need proof of these days.[/say]” An advantage that’s clear to anyone with eyes who’s been watching the events unfold. His hands drop again, folding his arms across his chest tightly, working his jaw in a characteristic version of Sunjata before all of his scarring and tattoos.

The blood warps away, black like ink now, but his gaze doesn’t waver from Remi’s. “[say]Your choice is your family. So is mine.[/say]” It always had been. The deal with Safrin, the shift to Frey, the protecting the Ascended in any way he could even if everyone else found faults in it.

RE: but in dreams - Remi - 09-23-2022

With a flat gaze, Remi nods. [say]"For us. An us that you have made it quite clear you are not a part of any longer."[/say] He interjects. Shrugging, Remi splays the fingers of one hand as he gives his head a slight shake. [say]"I will not apologize for being strong."[/say] The Lullaby says evenly. [say]"I have sacrificed pieces of my soul to be where I am now."[/say] He adds, disdain contorting his features for a moment as he looks up toward the sky. [say]"I am not going to accept your frustrations just because Ronin and I are where we are. We all started out in the same place, bound together behind the barrier. It is no one's fault that this did not end up even."[/say]

Watching the subtle shifts in the Flood's appearance with a predatory gaze that he can't quite soften away entirely, Remi flexes his toes in the sand. [say]"I suppose that is one thing we have in common, then."[/say] The only thing, perhaps.

RE: but in dreams - Sunjata - 09-25-2022

“[say]You’re correct. I think it's been clear for a while.[/say]” Sunjata mutters, annoyance clear in the feathering of his jaw, in the way those arms cross along his shoulders and the blood on his neck shifts to inky black, flaking away with each movement, each pulse of his heartbeat. “[say]I never expected you to apologize for it, it’s just how it is. Perhaps I was naïve in hoping there might be some ounce of understanding in there somewhere.[/say]" He shrugs, using every ounce he has to not roll his eyes at the mention of sacrificing part of his soul. Something Sunjata had done as well, unintentionally, in the hopes of retrieving one of the relics.

So instead of letting those feelings flood through this dream, Sunjata withdraws, a hard shell molding around him the best he can in this strange dreamscape. “[say]I suppose it is.[/say]” But he has a sneaking suspicion that Remi would be far more successful in his endeavors than Sunjata would be. At least he’d be able to keep the twins safe, even when Nate’s out doing the Voice’s bidding. He just hopes that at the end of the day there’s something to come back to when the haven's borders lift.

RE: but in dreams - Remi - 09-27-2022

[say]"Just because I do not agree does not mean I do not understand."[/say] Remi counters, unable not to be mesmerized by the darkening of the blood on Sunjata's neck and shoulders such that he had to force his gaze away. Heaving out a sigh the alchemist ruffles an unhappy hand through his curls as he clenches his teeth together. Somewhere far off in the dreamscape some cliff or other falls into the sea and dissolves into black seafoam.

This conversation was past the point of being beneficial to either of them anymore, and yet Remi still felt the urge to linger. To what end even he didn't know, and so it was with a forced roll of his shoulders that he let his hold of Sunjata's dreamworld begin to fade.

What was there to say, though, as he left? Good luck? See you after? In the end all Remi could think to say was, [say]"Thank you."[/say] For the Haven, for Mateo, before leaving Sunjata to his dream.