Court of the Fallen
As good as mew - Printable Version

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As good as mew - Talyson - 06-23-2023

Longheat in Halo was probably Tal's favorite season, and maybe that was why he got up the courage to visit the Shrine in the Citadel again. That, and it had been long enough since his last quest for Ludo that the bruises had healed up and the memories had softened to something that made for good stories over a pint of (Magners) cider. He wasn't sure if the deity would answer his prayer, but that was what faith was all about, right?

So he showed up with his Vest glittering in the candlelight, looking quite dapper as he knelt to place his offerings on the altar's surface: a bag of caramel sweets; two small wicker balls dyed in bright colors with bells inside them; and a bag of dried fishy treats. He fussed over their placement, trying to prevent the balls from rolling off the altar while Boreal chased the third ball around the shrine behind him, batting it gently around with her broad paws and happily chasing the tinkling toy.

"Hi Ludo," the courier finally began, having wedged the balls between the bags of treats. He sat back on his haunches, hands resting on his thighs as he did his best to ignore the chiming antics of his companion in the background. "Um. Hope you're havin' a good Longheat. I'm prayin' about my Vest, if y'would be willin' to make it protect me even better, please? An' thank you," he added hurriedly, figuring a little extra politeness wouldn't hurt with the gods.

RE: As good as mew - Ludo - 06-24-2023

A meow heralds Ludo's arrival, though whether the sound is from the cat that absolutely lives in its rags, or a noise the deity has made itself is anyone's guess. Either way, a raggedy tendril reaches out to snag one of the bags of sweets, knocking the painstakingly placed balls from the altar. Something shadowy and feline chases after them, and further chimes join in with Boreal's play.

[say]"I have been working on my tan,"[/say] Ludo says seriously in response to how good its Longheat has been. [say]"And I would love to do this for you, sweetling! One can never be too protected."[/say] It somehow manages to make this sound ominous.

Tal has received a quest to upgrade his Rockhide Vest to Mastered! He must:

1. Complete a thread with someone who likes you - Talyson('s vest) must be struck within the course of the thread.
2. Complete a thread with someone who does not like you - Talyson('s vest) must be struck within the course of the thread.
3. Complete a thread wearing only the Rockhide Vest and a pair of underwear. This will protect your ego from future damage.
4. Complete a thread singing karaoke in the Rockhide Vest. This won't offer any protection, but Ludo believes it will be funny.

RE: As good as mew - Talyson - 06-25-2023

Tal didn't wince as the offerings were knocked aside, but that was only because he was swallowing too hard as the ghost-cat flickered in and out of the corner of his vision. Boreal was perfectly happy to have a new playmate and was unfazed in the way of dragons who had received divine scritches, however, and happily helped bat the jingling balls around for the shadows to chase after.

"Your, uh...?" The mortal man trailed off in confusion as he considered Ludo's dark rags and the mask that peeked out from them. Deciding that discretion was the better part of valor - and that some things were probably just not meant for couriers to know - he managed to bite off the question and focus on the deity's next words.

And oh, were they doozies.

He nodded along in resigned understanding of the first two requirements, but when it came to the next two he felt his throat close shut. He looked up at the god, and though he did a manful job of trying to keeping the dismay from his face there was an old Outlander refrain that played in the back of his head as he listened.
