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[SE] petrichor - Printable Version

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RE: [SE] petrichor - Fox - 11-25-2023

He moans into the kiss she steals from his lips, thrusting hard and deep inside her and almost toppling them over in the shower with the force of his orgasm. Forced to peel one hand from her body to press it against the wall, Fox keeps them on their feet by instinct more than intention. He's left panting hard and greedy for her touch by the time sound and sense returns, the hunter pressing kiss after kiss to her wet skin.

[say]"You're incredible,"[/say] he whispers, carefully sweeping her soaked hair from her chest and the back of her neck, almost reverent in the way he moves them back under the stream of water properly. Now that he's not out of his mind with lust, Fox makes sure they're warmed and cleaned by the shower, washing away mud and chasing away the cold of the morning, scattering kisses wherever he can get them.

RE: [SE] petrichor - Kiada - 11-30-2023

He treasures her, pressing kisses to the back of her neck as she tries to catch her breath, content to help support him despite how her own legs shiver and tremble where she stands equally holding onto the wall as if her life and stability depended on it. In a way, it did. But eventually they part, and she leans back against him, body curving against him as he moves them back under the water. And while he focuses on getting her all cleaned up, Kiada focuses on the same for him, shifting so that she can face him eventually and pepper him with as many kisses as she didn’t get to give him how they were positioned before.

Exhaustion weighs heavily in her face, though, despite how she reverently reaches out to touch him, the way her tail loops around his leg to keep some form of contact as she squeezes out a good amount of water from her hair. His words have only bolstered her adoration in the time they’d been in the shower, and she can’t come up with anything else to reiterate the fact for him other than to take his head into both of her hands, cradling each side of his face and pressing a devouring kiss to his lips, greedy and content and pleased.

RE: [SE] petrichor - Fox - 11-30-2023

Humming against her lips, Fox can't remember the last time he's been held in this way, let alone lavished with such attention. Fumbling behind Kiada to turn off the water, he's left groping for the warm towel he'd hung up for them while trying not to leave her lips for even a moment. Eventually he's forced to come up for air, his tail curling at the sudden cold, but he busies himself wrapping Kia up in the towel. Fox can deal with a bit of chill if it keeps her warm.

[say]"Come on,"[/say] he invites, his voice a soft rumble that echoes in the space. [say]"We deserve a new, hot cup of coffee I think."[/say] And maybe they can drink it in bed, from under a lot of warm and heavy covers. That would suit the hunter just fine, thank you.

RE: [SE] petrichor - Kiada - 12-01-2023

He caters to her, wrapping her up easily in the towel while he’s content to drip and grow cold. It’s nothing that Kiada is content with, however, pressing through to embrace him again if only so that the towel that soaks up the water on her will help soak up some of the water from the front of him as well. It doesn’t last long, though, not as he offers the invite and she works to dry herself off at a surprising pace, turning the towel onto him to try him off most of the way before they depart the bathroom.

“[say]Coffee and back to bed?[/say]” She asks, flashing him a crooked and bright smile. “[say]I feel like we’ve certainly done a days work.[/say]” A days work and then some, truthfully. Regardless, she finishes up drying them both off, takes his hand and starts to guide them down the stairs back to the kitchen, content to start the rest of the day off with nothing but warmth and pressing herself to him.

RE: [SE] petrichor - Fox - 12-02-2023

[say]"That's because we have,"[/say] Fox says softly, and he hums a happy agreement about going back the fuck to bed. Unable not to laugh as he's dried off despite his attempts to be gentlemanly, at least they're warm and dry by the time they exit the bathroom, and Fox is equally as content to keep Kiada under his arm to share his heat as they go downstairs. It doesn't take long to pour two more cups of coffee - and Fox even sweetens his own with honey, offering the same to Kia if she'd like - before leading them back upstairs.

He still feels lucky - and strange, at times - to have someone to share his bed with, let alone someone so breathtakingly gorgeous as Kiada, and it's with a soft and private smile to himself that he clambers back beneath the warmth of the covers. Happy to let the rain drum against the windows outside, at least they won't need to worry about the farmhouse cottage flooding any time soon.