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you are a fairytale - Printable Version

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you are a fairytale - Rexanna - 04-04-2019

Everything was dark, a dreamless sleep while everything happened around her. She didn’t know that Lucas remained with her until he was prepared to enter the Spire. She also didn’t know when he left. She remained, in the barren earth around the Spire as everyone helped out one another. Yet Rexanna remained, breathing thank the gods, but in a mixed point of sleeping – hand along her neck haphazardly, hiding a hint of a trail of blood that seeped down into her jacket and down her shoulder.

She couldn’t tell if she was shivering, either, though the earth around was cold and still rather dark. She knew two things, she was alive, and possibly slowly beginning to wake up just enough to hopefully prevent anything from happening. Eyes slid open slowly, cracked just a peak as the sounds from around the Spire began to filter in. Yet she couldn’t make any sense of it. She tried to press her hand closer to her neck yet she remained laying on the ground, finding enough movement to actually slip onto her back.

She just wasn’t strong enough to stand or do anything else, for that matter.


RE: you are a fairytale - Bastien - 04-04-2019

Bastien was painting something simple and easy, his canvas leaned up on his knee as he sipped from a tall glass of something alcoholic. He really had to ask Remi for more drinks, but he hadn't seen him around lately...he did so hope the little alchemist wasn't dead. Besides, it didn't quite mean the same thing to him anymore now that he could no longer get drunk.

His painting was beginning to take the form of flowers curving around a figure, someone dark and masculine, cupping the yellow buds in their hands. It was not his usual fare, far more vague than he usually painted, but it was really a backdrop for his thoughts.

Suddenly there was a mighty tremor that ran through his home, Bastien looking up just in time to see a vase he had bought at the Settlement teeter on it's axis and swing down to the ground, shatter. He looked up out of the window...he couldn't quite work out what, but something had happened. The sky looked different somehow.

The Spire. Was his first thought.

Rexanna. Was his second.

From what he knew of Rexanna, he knew she was the kind of lady who was at the middle of most things, and she'd had an interest in this situation. It was likely she was there, and he did not like the implication of the shaking.

His painting left with the paintbrush flung across it as he leapt up (bright white staining the canvas, striking right through the figure) he ran out of the door and as fast as he could, towards the Spire. It was the first time he truly felt the power of his new Ascended legs, his increased strength and speed; it seemed like he was at the Spire before he'd even really considered the route he was going to take.

When he did arrive, there was a chaos there he had not seen the likes of before. People celebrating, despairing, yelling; some had gone inside, they said. He grabbed arms and demanded to know where Rexanna was. He got several blank stares before one person said what he feared most: [say]"She went into the Spire after them."[/say]

He ran. Towards the Spire until his eyes fixed on Rexanna's body, just the glimpse of her hair and an arm enough to make him want to scream. Finally he was next to her, his eyes scanning her and hands coming to cup at her cheeks. She was cold.

[say]"Cara. Rexanna. I am here. Tell me what hurts you, please."[/say] Bastien didn't know what he would do, but it was good to know what problem he had to solve.

RE: you are a fairytale - Rexanna - 04-04-2019

What Bastien didn’t know, was that she didn’t actually step foot into the Spire. But the temptation had been there, had Lucas not appeared to be dying just outside of it. But what he did know, was that Rexanna lay outside the Spire, a chilled shaking hand along her neck because she couldn’t tell if her neck was still bleeding or not. Her head pounded, throat felt like sandpaper, and everything, despite the darkness of night, seemed to be too bright still. She didn’t know how long she’d laid there until hands reached her face – cupping her cheeks with wide eyes and a familiar, beautiful voice.

Her hand shook as she moved to grab onto Bastien, the one covered in mostly dried blood. All things considered, she made it out okay – that whatever happened in the Spire was infinitely worse than this. But had she let Lucas continue, she might not have anything left. Her head shifted, lips parting as her eyes cracked to look to Bastien the best she could. She needed water, sleep, food, everything. Most importantly, some warmth. But she couldn’t find it in her dry voice with dry lips to actually say any of it.

So instead, she turned her head slightly, hands still trembling as she tried to hold onto Bastien’s arms for him to see the bite and the blood that dripped down her neck onto her shoulder and chest. “[say]I… passed out.[/say]” She forced herself to say, her voice deep and dry and a whisper of a rumble instead of a chimed sound. She wanted to explain more, wanted to look around to see where Lucas had gone, but she’d need her strength for it. And for now, she hadn’t quite gotten enough.

RE: you are a fairytale - Bastien - 04-05-2019

The more he noticed, the less he liked. The way she was cold, looked so drained...the marks on her neck and the blood dried and fresh on the wound, red splashed over her pale skin like a violent painting. His fingers reached to trace along the edge of the stain, his mouth just slightly open as he tried to take it in.

[say]"I don't think it is that simple..."[/say] He responded to her statement, shaking his head as he moved to pick her up. He was gentle, his hands coming underneath her slowly and his grip strong enough to hold but not to hurt; but inside an anger uncommon for Bastien was beginning to stir. Not borne from any sense of jealously or possessiveness, but from a distaste for the carelessness, the way she had been left after whoever had bit her had gone away.

As he lifted her to his chest he kissed her forehead then looked out from the Spire, tried to think of where to go. [say]"Do not worry, Rexanna. I will make it alright. And when I find the cazzo di stronzo who did this to you...they will be sorry."[/say]

Bastien began to walk (slowly, so he did not jostle her too much) in the direction of the domiciles. If he took her to the infirmary he was worried he would be blamed for her condition, taken away; perhaps it was selfish but he did not want to let her go. At home he had a bed, water, food, cloth for bandages, everything he needed to make her right.

Wanting to keep her speaking, he gently looked down as they passed the discarded camps at the base of the Spire. [say]"I know you like to be in the middle of things, but this may be a little too much, cara."[/say]

RE: you are a fairytale - Rexanna - 04-06-2019

She agreed with him, then, that it wasn’t a simple answer. But she didn’t have it in her to explain the entirety of it yet. She was exhausted, but at least awake and alive, appearing a bit gruesome with the blood that stained her neck and down onto her shoulder and chest. As Bastien began to shift to pick her up, she did her best to try and adjust to help him — though whether it worked was hard to tell, Rexanna still didn’t have much strength to do anything other than carefully try and hold onto Bastien. He kissed her forehead and she attempted to cling to him, but she couldn’t get as far as raising her hands toward him. So she settled with them resting along her chest, the scarlet blood staining her hands dark. She listened, however, to the promise that Bastien made and couldn’t form the words to say who had done it to her.

Her head tilted slightly along his arm as her eyes closed, despite her attempts to fight against it. Her breathing a bit shallow and her heartbeat low as she let Bastien take her wherever he had planned. She only hoped to make it that far, to get some water for her incredibly dry mouth, some food for trying to recoup, and the hopes that her neck had stopped bleeding despite the scratches there from her pushing Lucas away from her. Distantly, she heard Bastien mention that this attempt with the Spire might have been a bit much, and she wanted to smile and laugh him off — to tell him she hadn’t even gone near it aside from helping Lucas at the base of it. That would come later — later when she could tell him the entire truth, that she hasn’t gone as far to get involved other than to help. Which unfortunately fit her personality to a T.

Rexanna was able to fight against the need to sleep again, and when she was able to open her eyes, she could tell they were in the Domiciles, likely heading toward Bastien’s home. She shifted slightly, a small amount as she stretched her hands and the dried blood began to flake off. But she still couldn’t do much else. “[say]I’m sorry.[/say]” She managed to say, roughly from the sandiness of her throat, trying to turn her head to look up at Bastien from dull sapphire eyes.

RE: you are a fairytale - Phoebe - 04-07-2019

Phoebe was standing on her porch, watching the Spire from a distance, as if she might see any sign of Roana or what was happening. Inside her nephews slept soundly in her bed, unaware of the dangers their mother was in. But Phoebe worried enough for both of them. She had a lot of worry on her shoulders. Roana's possible peril, raising her triplet nephews if that happened, her recent heartbreak...followed by all of the signs that four children might be in her future. It was still very early, really too early to be certain...but her years of training had her fairly confident of her assumptions.

But she was about to be very distracted.

A familiar figure came into a view and her eyes narrowed...and then she saw who he was carrying. [say]"Rex!"[/say] she called out worriedly, hurrying down and over to her and Bastien. Under normal circumstances she could not have been bothered to do anything involving Bastien but this was Rexanna. [say]"What happened? Hurry, bring her inside, I can treat her."[/say] she said in a calm but firm tone as she reached the two of them, looking Rexanna over even as she laid in Bastien's arms. Her brows knotted together in worry. She had some suspicions but she would keep them to herself for now. [say]"Rex, it's Phoebe, you're going to be fine, I'll get you all patched up."[/say] she said soothingly.

RE: you are a fairytale - Bastien - 04-07-2019

[say]"No, no, il mio amore. You have nothing to apologise for."[/say] Bastien assured Rexanna, kissing her temple as she turned towards him. He could tell in the stiffness of her movements, the position of her hands, that she was in pain. That knowledge made him pick up his step and try to move quicker, try to get her to safety.

A cry make him look up from Rexanna and he ran to Phoebe despite their history, immediately glad for the presence of someone who could help. Of course, Phoebe would have...questions regarding the connection between his teeth and the marks on Rexanna's neck, but the girl already hated him. What was a bit more of a bad reputation?

He brought her inside at Phoebe's invitation, laid Rexanna down on the first soft surface he could find. [say]"I do not know what happened. I found her like this at the Spire. Please, Phoebe. You must help me bring her to health."[/say] Gently he took his hands out from under her and held one of her hands, stroked her hair.

RE: you are a fairytale - Rexanna - 04-07-2019

As Bastien told her she had nothing to apologize for, she wanted to argue the point. To tell him that perhaps she should’ve known better — a hurt Ascended needed only one thing, blood and she had simple offered herself up. She could’ve known that in Lucas’ ravaged state that he might only care for himself in that moment, but it had surpassed her the moment he had grabbed onto her. She only wanted to help. But she sighed into Bastien quietly as he kissed her temple, still exhausted and fighting the urge to go back to sleep until she could figure out if she was getting better, or getting worse. At least Bastien has been there to rescue her, to bring her somewhere safe and to help her. She didn’t know if anyone else would do the same. But he also had arrived later, long after Lucas had slipped away.

There would be a lot of explaining to do.

Suddenly, Rexanna heard her name uttered around the dark street from a familiar voice, but she couldn’t turn to Phoebe. She’d used up all she could in turning toward Bastien previously. So she laid there while Phoebe obstructed Bastien, wondering silently what must be going through Phoebe’s mind at the revelation. But… if anyone knew anything about blood loss it was likely the midwife. She spoke of fixing Rex up, and the woman wanted to nod but couldn’t find it in her to do so. Instead, she let Bastien speak, telling the story of how he’d found her, and her hands tightened ever so slightly with the imperative need to tell the both of them who had done it to her. Bastien hurried her after Phoebe until she was set on top of a soft surface, though the movement and lowering left her head spinning — eyes shutting tight against the feeling of the world turning round and round.

And while she didn’t have much energy, she did find enough in that moment to reach for Bastien’s hand to hold as tightly as she could as she awaited what Phoebe would do.

RE: you are a fairytale - Phoebe - 04-07-2019

I don't know what happened, I found her like this at the Spire." Uh-huh. Likely story.

But Phoebe didn't comment on it. Not yet anyways. [say]"This I know how to treat. She is in good hands."[/say] she said to Bastien in a calm, almost soothing sort of tone. The midwife ushered them into her clinic, directing Bastien to carry her to one of the little back private rooms with a bed and chair. While he did that, she collected a few herbal remedies she kept on hand for combatting blood loss and pain, as well as some antiseptic salves, rags, and bandages. When she returned to the room, her arms were seemingly laden with supplies. Carefully she laid them out before turning back to Bastien.

[say]"I am going to need your help. Go put the pot of water on the stove and bring me a fresh bucket of fresh water from the well outside."[/say] she said. Her tone was calm but firm, not in a position to take no for an answer or get into an argument with him. Even as she spoke she was busy, propping Rex's legs up with pillows to keep them above her heart, covering her limbs with blankets to ward of the chill of shock - there was no reason to assume Phoebe didn't need the added hands.

Only once he left did Phoebe look more closely at the would, frowning as she dipped a rag in a antiseptic solution to dab the wound clean. [say]"Rex, be honest with me, did Bastien do this to you? If he did, I will make sure you stay safe."[/say] she said to her friend in a hushed tone, concern writ on her brow. She had seen many a woman come in injured by their husbands, and frankly she didn't put it past Bastien to hurt her yet, so she had to be sure. Rexanna could trust her to be discrete in this situation though. Phoebe had her professional face on, not her personal one.

RE: you are a fairytale - Bastien - 04-08-2019

Bastien had always considered Phoebe a child, immature and unsuited for the post she inhabited, but when she spoke in the authoritative and calming tone to him he finally understood, saw her expertise. Without question he took the pot to the stove then left the clinic to go to the well, hurrying on desperate feet.

He knew he would be suspected. Hell, if this were a detective play he would pin himself up as the first culprit; the wounds on Rexanna's neck were obviously a bite and he had the teeth to do it. But he hoped Rexanna would be able to say with confidence that he would not do such a thing to her, wouldn't, couldn't.

With the bucket filled to brimming with water from the well he came back after a few minutes, pushing open the door with his shoulder. [say]"I have the water. Is there anything else you need?"[/say] His voice carried none of the condescension it had before when he had spoken to Phoebe, was earnest and true. Quickly he hurried back to Rexanna's bedside, placed the bucket down and pressed his knuckles to his mouth as he looked down at her with furrowed brows.

RE: you are a fairytale - Rexanna - 04-08-2019

She listened as Phoebe instructed Bastien on what the midwife would need to treat, and Rexanna sighed quietly at the ease of conversation between the two. Though she knew the suspicions that Phoebe likely would have — especially after Rexanna had told her about the bite after she commented on it. But these were different in appearance than the ones before, as Phoebe began to place an antiseptic and dab the wound clean once Bastien had left. The wounds weren’t easy bites like the one before, these had small tearing from where she had pushed Lucas away. And while Bastien was gone, she winced slightly as Phoebe asked if it was Bastien. She wanted to shake her head no, to fervently deny the fact it had been Bastien when he hadn’t even been there.

Plus, she was certain she had witnesses to the event, those who would have seen her help Lucas and know who he was. And with the history of Rexanna and men, she hoped Phoebe knew that she would do better than fall into the same trap. She swallowed hard, eyes cracking open slightly as she tried to look to Phoebe. “[say]No. Not.. Not Bastien.[/say]” Her voice was rough, dehydrated. “[say]He wasn’t there.[/say]” She managed to say. Inhaling deeply again as Phoebe continued to dab the wound, she shut her eyes right against the stinging in her neck. “[say]Lucas.[/say]” She finally says, ending while she grit her teeth and Bastien returned. She turned her head toward him in an effort to make it easier for Phoebe to reach the wounds, but the effort was enough to make her hiss in both frustration and a smidge of pain.

RE: you are a fairytale - Phoebe - 04-09-2019

Perhaps it would surprise her friend, but Phoebe did not argue or press further when Rexanna insisted it wasn’t Bastien who did this. She trusted her enough to be honest, and if it wasn’t Bastien…well…he was lucky it wasn’t. Phoebe continued to dress the wound, soaking a pad of gauze with something similar to an iodine solution before bandaging it up. That was when Rexanna said the name of who did do this to her. Someone named Lucas…the name didn’t strike a chord with her but perhaps Bastien would know.

And as if on cue, Bastien arrived with the water as requested. Immediately she began filling cups, the restorative teas she had prepped beginning to seep into them. It wouldn’t taste good, but it would help her. [say]”When the water starts to boil, wet rags and place them against her skin. There are plenty in the cupboard next to the stove.”[/say] she told Bastien. Normally she would put her in a tub of water but she had lost so much blood she didn’t want to risk further shock by putting her in a lukewarm bath. Gently, Phoebe lifted Rex’s torso, putting a cup of steeped tea to her lips. [say]”Drink.”[/say] she said, tilting the cup to help her do so.

[say]”She said someone by the name of Lucas did this.”[/say] she told Bastien quietly. [say]”Do you know him?”[/say]

RE: you are a fairytale - Bastien - 04-09-2019

Bastien wrinkled his nose as the smell of the medicinal teas hit him,  wondered if people here believed in bogus potions here as much as they had at home,  but didn't comment. He trusted Phoebe knew enough to not poison people and a bad taste wouldn't kill Rexanna. He went to the cupboard to fetch the rags but with the water still heating up came back to sit and stare stricken at his love.

But his face did not long stay a picture of concern, not after Phoebe told him the person to blame for this. [Say]"Lucas...?"[/say] He repeated, shocked to hear the name of his friend in the place of the culprit. But he trusted Rexanna entirely and his hands bunched into fists in his lap as he began to grit his teeth.

[Say]"Yes, I know the figlio di puttana. Accepted him into our artists guild...I did not know he was the kind of snake who would do such a thing. Oh, he will regret it. "[/say] Usually, in the rare times Bastien got angry, it was a lot of gesturing and yelling but here he was cold, staring ahead at a fixed point on the wall. The sound of the whistling kettle only came to him after a few seconds of its call and he stiffly got up to see to the rags.

RE: you are a fairytale - Rexanna - 04-09-2019

She listened, silently, as Phoebe instructed Bastien on what to do next, and sighs internally at the smell of whatever tea Phoebe is making. But she helps the midwife in any way she can to make it easier to sit her up, and as Phoebe commanded her to drink, she parted chapped and dry lips to sip the tea. Her face scrunched slightly with the taste of the drink, silently wishing for the juice that Bastien had brought once before, but knowing that Phoebe probably knew what she was doing. She swallowed it, even though it was a bit of a struggle, and hoped to take another sip from it to speed up the process more — to explain what had happened to her. Even though her throat was less ravaged feeling, less dry and paper mache, she could only listen as Phoebe told Bastien who had done it.

Part of her relished in what Bastien said, the other part loved him more as he seemed statuesque in his anger before standing to retrieve the boiling water and rags. She continued to do her best to drink the tea, sapphire gaze slipping from Phoebe to Bastien. And there was a part of her that was proud at the two of them, able to stay in the same room together without arguments, without anger pointed at one another. And she wanted to crack a small smile at the circumstance that had brought them together — at least for a night. Rexanna still didn’t feel strong by any means, but she had begun to feel better and for that, she hoped to snatch Phoebe’s gaze. “[say]Thank you..[/say]” She said to Phoebe, a small corner of her lip rising in an effort to smile.