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Street Rules - Sah - 05-02-2024

Sah was excited. He'd been worried about who he'd be set against for the tournament, but seeing Melita's name instantly washed that away. He had no doubt that she'd be a difficult opponent, and he truly didn't know which of them had the advantage. But he did know that the fight would be fun and competitive.

The Wild Thunder had found a perfect stretch of open beach to use and cleared away some stray debris. Now, he waited. Just in case, he drew his sword and eyed his surroundings. Melita had always been mischievous, and he'd be a fool to think that had changed since becoming Ludo's Demi-god. Who knew what she had up her sleeve?

Sah waits for Melita with his sword drawn, ready to parry any attack that comes. He has everything on his profile (minus companions) and is wearing his armor and mageglass necklace.

Type: Light | Style: Defensive | Level: Upgraded
Starmour | Beautiful lightweight armour that glistens faintly with starlight. This item blocks physical damage at the wearer's Upgraded level. Requires a 2 post cool-down between uses.

Type: Grey | Style: Offensive | Level: Mastered
Electrical Sword | Using Sah's own elemental magic, this sword has the power to electrify those it hits. (Made by Deimos/Sah)

Regional Score bonus: +3 in all shrine visits, drops, PQ+s, KQs, etc. (You must post this at the bottom of any post where a +3 should be included)[/say]

RE: Street Rules - Melita - 05-02-2024

Melita never really needed much of an excuse to start a fight. An inherent thing in her nature, perhaps, but that was neither here nor there. Instead, the moment called for her determination and tenacity, because there’d been some changes, and she’d be loathe to admit it had left her slightly weakened in the aftermath.

Not for long, of course, but perhaps enough trial and tribulation in this tournament.

Nonetheless, she wouldn’t give a flying fuck, and set about her course like a demon. She gave Sah a modest wave, before immediately going for her bow. Contemplation over elements weren’t very keen; she snagged at the snapping and crackling dominion, notched it along her weaponry, and fired one directly at the Wild Thunder.


[say]Melita arrives, waves to Sah, and shoots at him with her bow and fire arrows.

She arrives with everything except her companions.

Type: Light | Style: Offensive | Level: Mastered
Bowstring Bracelet | At first this bracelet appears only as a length of intricately braided bowstring, adorned with vinelike patterns and tiny, fanged charms. But with an arrow in hand, upon miming the action of knocking and drawing it, the user will feel a bow beneath their fingers, as if it was there all along.

Type: Dark | Style: Offensive | Level: Mastered
Fire/Lightning/Ice Quiver | A magical quiver with two compartments. In one, it turns any arrow placed within into a flaming projectile when shot. In the other, the arrow becomes imbued with electricity. (Made by Remi)

Regional Score bonus: +1 in all shrine visits, drops, PQ+s, KQs, etc. (You must post this at the bottom of any post where a +1 should be included)[/say]

RE: Street Rules - Odd - 05-02-2024

Melita attack 1: hits

Melita: 63
Sah: 479/561 ** armor used

RE: Street Rules - Sah - 05-03-2024

Sah saw and then felt the arrow hit his armor. With a grin, he turned toward Melita. She was clearly going all out, and he intended to do the same. He was more exposed than her, but he could work with that. The arrow had revealed her location and it was Sahs' turn now.

Calling forth his magic, the Abandoned let lightning flicker across his fingers, enjoying how the sensation warmed them. Holding out the hand that wasn't holding his sword, The Wild sent a surge of magic at the Honeybee. The lightning eagerly crackled as it rushed towards his competitor.

Sah sends a bolt of lighting at Melita! His mageglass is active.
(Armor on cooldown.)

Lightning manipulation: Can create and control Lightning. Must be within a 30ft radius.
Type: Dark | Rank: Mastered

Type: Light | Style: Other | Level: Mastered
Mageglass Necklace | A pendant made of mageglass. Will amplify the magical abilities of Abandoned by one level. (Basic becomes upgraded, upgraded becomes mastered, and mastered adds on additional basic damage)

Regional Score bonus: +3 in all shrine visits, drops, PQ+s, KQs, etc. (You must post this at the bottom of any post where a +3 should be included)[/say]

RE: Street Rules - Odd - 05-06-2024


Sah attack 1: hits

Melita: 0/63 dead
Sah: 479/561 ** armor used

Sah is the automatic winner.

RE: Street Rules - Melita - 05-06-2024

Pfft. Armor. Who needed armor?

Well, to be fair, probably Melita.

She hadn’t thought twice about being in this tournament. Rarely did anything faze her – not since all those years kept in Helovia, struggling throughout the Rift, or remaining here, knowing exactly how to survive. By her teeth, by her wits, by her strength, by her power, by all the might invested within her soul.

Until, eventually, all of that seemed to run out.

She felt the lightning crackle into her chest, hit her heart, pulsate with a sudden frenzied and painful cluster around her chest. She wouldn’t remember hitting the ground, or if her companions were nearby, mourning her. Even her family, honestly. But maybe she wouldn’t be such a loss, and they wouldn’t have to be too burdened by sorrow.

Over in a blink, and then nothing –

Except her mind, and her soul, roamed amidst Mort’s realm, striving to find a place again.

RE: Street Rules - Ronin - 05-06-2024

It happens so damn fast.

No sooner has he retrieved Seren from her fight and returned to the group of spectators when he hears the cry go up - shock, grief, mourning - and he turns sharply towards the match between Melita and Sah.

Ronin's drink slips from his fingers, untouched, and he's already running, feet pounding on the sand towards the stretch of beach where a fiery haired woman lays motionless. Snagging a cloud from the skies, he arrives on his nimbus only a short time later, holding a hand up to Sah.

[say]"It's okay,"[/say] he tells him, his voice clipped as if he might be able to stay the understandable surge of panic before it has a chance to grip the Wild. [say]"I think I can help, it's okay."[/say] His fuck remains internal as he hops down to kneel at Melita's side.

Having never used the ability, it's with trepidation that he reaches out for her still form - dead, his mind tells him, actually, completely dead - and tugs at a golden strand of magic from within.

Ronin arrives and uses this ability to bring Mel back to life!

Magic: Second Chance | Twice per IC year, Ronin may bring a character back from the dead, provided the ability is used within 24 hours of the character’s death.
Type: Light | Rank: Upgraded

RE: Street Rules - Sah - 05-06-2024

Sah let out a wounded noise and dropped his sword as he watched the lightning do far more damage than he had intended or anticipated. Melita had always been so strong that the notion that he could seriously hurt her had never crossed his mind. But clearly, becoming a Demi-god had downsides he didn't understand.

He took a single step forward, eyes wide and ice filling his veins. But then Ronin appeared, and he watched the Demi-god helplessly, trailing after him as the Knight worked his magic. His voice cracked, struggling to get out the words that were still so quiet from his shock, [say]"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to... I swear."[/say] Dropping to his knees beside Melita, he watched, barely breathing as her heart finally restarted.

The relief that hits him nearly sends him toppling, [say]"Melita?"[/say]

Sah tries not to panic. Borderline going into shock helps.[/say]

RE: Street Rules - Sunjata - 05-06-2024

Only mildly distracted by their hushed conversation on the beach, there is the stream of commotion that distracts him at the same time Hotaru notices it as well. Scanning the training ring to find Sah and Melita, his heart suddenly lurches to spot Melita on the ground and Ronin bursting over, already aiming to scramble to his feet.

Luckily, Hotaru notices just as quickly, already moving out of his lap as he continues with keeping the partial shift of his Pegasus out, tricolored wings moving in a flurry that leaves a few blue feathers behind, carrying him quickly over into the ring, kneeling beside Melita and Ronin, careful to not interrupt as Ronin works (because funnily enough, something internal says that Ronin is reviving her just as he had for the Flood years ago.)

“[say]Mel? Heuningby?[/say]” Comes an almost croaked out sound, kneeling opposite of the white knight, hands starting to tremble as he realizes how bad it is, one brushing the red curls from her face while the other grips onto her arm, scars flashing wildly, glancing up at Ronin as he tries to gauge what point they’re all in right now.

RE: Street Rules - Hotaru - 05-06-2024

One moment she’s in Sunjata’s arms and the next she hears lightning, and peeks past his feathers because her soul resonates with the sound and it must surely be Sah -

Realization doesn’t kick in so much as a feeling of wrongness so profound she’s already on her feet and then in the air before the implications of seeing Melita prone in the sand begin to make themselves clear. Sunjata gets there first, a barrage of bond-feelings urging him faster like a tailwind as she moves in his wake.

Robin’s magic is already at work when she touches down, sand spraying and hands shaking so hard they can scarcely find a place to land on Melita’s skin with all the people surrounding her. It’s warm, but Enzo’s had still been warm too. Gods she can’t remember this twice in one day, have the threat of its repetition rear its head twice with the girls she cares so much for. With Mel who is like a daughter to her. Sunjata at her side seems to be looking to Robin, so Hotaru can’t allow herself to break down completely. Not yet. There has to still be hope if her lover isn’t doing it first.

She isn’t sure she’s breathing, something painful and wheezing the only supplement. [say]“Please, please, please,”[/say] she begs, to Ronin and the gods at large who’ve granted him his powers, because there is no pride she won’t swallow for love. Love hadn’t been enough to convince the gods to return her son to her, and it’s a bitter pill to swallow to think that maybe if Flora had taken her brother to a different parent that things might have been different. [say]“Open your eyes, sweetheart. Please.”[/say]

RE: Street Rules - Melita - 05-06-2024

There were moments and aromas and things all around her – beautiful and glorious – and one had to wonder why people feared death. Maybe they didn’t here, in Caido, where there were promises of greater things and much less destruction. But she’d be unfamiliar with the latter more than the former, and her gaze swept wide, looking, looking, looking for those pockets of people and places she understood –

And just when there could’ve been a touch, a fringe, of otherworldly abyss –

She opened her eyes, and breathed.

There were multitudes of faces around her – Ronin, Sah, Sunjata, Ru. She recognized all of them within an instant, but the confusion was evident on her face, the sudden shaking through her limbs quantifying nothing, the widened eyes dashing back and forth. She could hear begging and pleading and blinked rapidly, attempting to solve and patchwork something together. [say]“Hey – sorry - what happened?”[/say] Maybe starting there. [say]“How am I back?”[/say]

RE: Street Rules - Ronin - 05-06-2024

[say]"It's okay,"[/say] Ronin says again to Sah, offering a shaky smile as he continues to pull at the thread of Melita's life to try and return it to her body. [say]"It was an accident. She'll be okay."[/say] If he says it enough it'll simply manifest into being, right?

And it's a testament not only to the seriousness of the situation but also to the tenets they all share - love above all else - because there's not even a flicker of animosity in Ronin's face as Sunjata and Hotaru move to join. Indeed, rather than balking at the way they crowd the Honeybee, he shifts and moves as best he can to give them room while still being able to work.

Then finally, after what feels like far too long for his liking, work it does.

The Knight doesn't realise he hasn't taken a breath until Melita does, and he lets out a shuddering sigh before drawing in a fresh inhale, relaxing at last. [say]"New superpower,"[/say] he explains softly to her, before withdrawing. [say]"You're in good hands now. I'll get you a drink back at the party."[/say]

It's not his place to stick around - there are more important people in Mel's life who deserve to celebrate the fact that it gets to continue - and so it's with a gentle nod to those gathered that Ronin retreats, leaving them to it.

RE: Street Rules - Sah - 05-07-2024

Trembling, the Wild Thunder struggled to process what had just happened, vaguely noting Sunjata and Hotaru's arrival. He'd murdered someone, an ally. In front of everyone. But now she was back. Sah didn't know what to do. He should forfeit and drop out of the tournament. How could Sah possibly fight after this? He felt sick. What had he done? Ronin was wrong. There was nothing 'okay' about the current situation.

Ronin left, but Sah didn't notice, his eyes locked solely on Melita. [say]"I accidentally killed you...I'm so sorry. Are you ok?"[/say] Breath shuddering, Sah clenched his hands into fists, nails biting into the skin. He didn't notice the small trickles of blood as he shook his head, [say]"Fuck, of course, you're not ok. How do you feel?[/say] The more he spoke, the faster the words came in an adrenaline-rushed ramble.

RE: Street Rules - Sunjata - 05-07-2024

His scars continue their little rapid dance of lightning strikes, glowing up and under the tank top he wears alongside his face as he makes room for Hotaru beside him, hearing the sound of her voice and her own begging cuts at already raw edges from the panic that’s sliced through him like a hot knife. His eyes shift from Ronin the second that Mel’s eyes open, Sunjata’s trying not to crush her with the relief that swells through him and the gasp of thanks, pulling her up just enough to embrace her, his heartbeat thundering rapidly against his chest, murmuring a [say]thank you,[/say] through the Attuned bond for Ronin's ears, but knowing well enough that Hotaru would be able to hear it too.

“[say]Fucking hell, heuningby.[/say]” Sunjata exhales, the dragon shift in him taking over and replacing plush, gentle wings of feathers with leathery ones of night. Ronin’s left them to it, but Sah remains, and he can’t help the way his shift starts to rear its head. The wing spreads, planting in the sand in a clear cut off from Sah, corralling Melita into a little secure space for just Hotaru and himself, but enough that as he lets her go from the crushing embrace for Hotaru to crush in on her own attentions, his steel gaze is shadowed as he looks to Sah over the edge of his scarred wing.

“[say]No more questions. You’ve done enough. Leave.[/say]” Comes the thickly accented demand, short and clipped, uncaring in the moment how it might come off. The Wild Thunder can ask his questions later, once Sunjata’s heart isn’t trying to thread itself back together after feeling as if it were simultaneously trying to choke him and shatter.