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living in a haze - Printable Version

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living in a haze - Sunjata - 05-03-2024

They have their space a little way away from the rest of the gathering but still in the perfect space to see the fight that's occurring. His feathered wings wrap around them halfway down to keep everything visible but offering some softness for the Valkyrie as he keeps her in his lap, arms wrapped around her, his steel gaze pulling away from the fighting.

“[say]I can heal you if you would like?[/say]” He asks softly, looking down at her face as he lifts his hand to cup her cheek, thumb brushing against her cheekbone softly, utilizing his body and shifts to contain her within his arms and touch, admittedly being too overprotective right now.

RE: living in a haze - Hotaru - 05-03-2024

If he’s feeling overprotective then it’s a perfect match for the strange fragility sitting out of place in her chest like jostled shards. She curls into his lap easily, legs folded beneath her and leaning into his chest as sun filters through the vanes of his feathers. It feels like the only thing that can hope to reach her when she’s in his arms. It makes the sick feeling in her stomach slowly ease.

Tilting her face into his hand she hums quietly, eyes half-lidded as she focuses on every little detail of his touch so that she won’t think of Seren’s long limbs on the sand, the crackle of ice -

Her breath catches in her chest for a moment, and she has to focus back in on the callouses of his fingers and his familiar scent to push back the imagery. [say]“Please,”[/say] she murmurs. Her thigh is the worst, but her head pounds fiercely, a migraine making her grateful for the dispersed light his wings create. There’s no need to ask for him to stay with her; she knows he won’t leave her, not now

RE: living in a haze - Sunjata - 05-03-2024

“[say]Of course, liefde.[/say]” He breathes, wings rustling and shifting as his face pinches a little to see her in such internal pain. Seren seemed okay, she was alive if not bruised physically and emotionally, nothing of which time and healers can’t fix. So his attention is entirely focused on her, while there’s a brief break in the fighting. His wings shift, moving to block out the sunlight but a far enough distance away that when he summons that raincloud above the two of them that it won’t prevent the water from reaching her.

It starts to rain down onto them, a warm and sweet rain, caressing her face and body in a gentle lovers touch, healing away the pain and injuries and drenching the both of them for the time that he has it summoned, watching her intensely as if trying to guestimate how much healing she needed and how she might react to the rain itself healing her – a little trick he hasn’t used for her so far. “[say]Where else does it hurt?[/say]”

RE: living in a haze - Hotaru - 05-03-2024

She jumps slightly in his arms, surprised by the sudden rain, but it’s warm and gentle when she turns her face up to it. Magical in a way she can feel immediately. It gathers thick on her lashes, darkening them as she blinks quickly, letting the healing seep through her skin to wash away the light sensitivity and aching in her teeth.

[say]“You haven’t shown me this one before,”[/say] she murmurs, voice lighter and less twisted with pain. Her tone clearly marvels, charmed by the way it manifests. Admittedly she doesn’t want to unfurl, but the wound on her thigh is the worst and it’s tucked away between them currently. Shuffling around she extend her legs out in front of the both of them, reclining fully against his chest and tucking her face into his throat as the rain falls and heals the deep laceration Talyson’s dagger had left.

[say]“She looked so much like Enzo for a moment,”[/say] she murmurs, vulnerability making her voice thick. [say]“When Flora brought him to me, there was ice everywhere. And he was still covered in sand.”[/say] The combination had nearly had her vomiting of her own accord. Hotaru knows she held back as it was, but the guilt smothers her.

RE: living in a haze - Serendipity - 05-03-2024

The tides have shifted the sand just so to reveal an elegant statuette abandoned on the beach. It looks like it once depicted a young woman standing tall, lightning clutched in her hands, but the water has eroded much of the detail by now.

RE: living in a haze - Sunjata - 05-03-2024

“[say]I haven’t had a reason to use it yet.[/say]” Which could be a good thing or bad thing, depending on the situation. Good in that neither of them had been injured. Yet, it was still something that could be utilized in the face of a threat, where if Sunjata considered anyone approaching to be a problem, it would harm them if they got too close. Alas, the rain doesn’t last that long, the cloud dispersing as soon as Hotaru’s healed enough, and his wings close back in to wrap around her and keep her close – his side of the bond open and available for her to share her sorrow.

Which, truthfully, a line of it swells from his side – hurt because she’s hurting, and his arm wraps around her a little bit tighter, drawing her close as his other hand continues to stroke her cheek. “[say]I’m so sorry.[/say]” He whispers softly, too focused on her to notice the statue in the sand that’s only just revealed itself. “[say]She’s okay at least. She’ll be okay.[/say]”

RE: living in a haze - Hotaru - 05-03-2024

[say]“Maybe you should be the one to do a talent show next,”[/say] she encourages, some fleeting light of humor infusing the words before it snuffs out. Hotaru despises dragging the mood down - and if it weren’t for Sunjata’s enveloping embrace she wouldn’t feel enough privacy to reveal this at all - but maybe if she bleeds it out like poison it will pass by a little faster.

Or maybe she just needs to hear someone else tell her the facts. Her shoulders slowly buckle from their rigid angles, anchoring herself in the here and now instead of a day she can never seem to shake. [say]“You’re right,”[/say] she concedes quietly, cocooning herself in every inch of him she can touch. Brushing the bridge of her nose against his jaw, she reaches for distraction, smile faintly felt against his skin. [say]“So, you bloodied Remi’s nose huh?”[/say] Ru wants to wrap herself in his voice and remember where and when she is, and she knows that he’ll understand her desire for that.

RE: living in a haze - Sunjata - 05-03-2024

“[say]Maybe I should.[/say]” Sunjata agrees with a soft little laugh and a nod, trying to brighten the mood in the face of her own quiet, uncertainty. It doesn’t seem to work at first, but he keeps her in his embrace, head tilting slightly to keep her trapped there against his neck, listening to her heartbeat and the soft sound of her voice, feeling the way that she starts to relax slightly.

So he focuses on everything else she brings up, absolutely understanding her desire to change the subject. And he can happily oblige. “[say]I did. He bit me in the forehead.[/say]” He says with an air of dramatics, aiming to distract her as much as he can, smiling slightly to himself and to her, breathing her scent. “[say]I punched him in the face and told him he was going to buy me a drink.[/say]” The vibration of a chuckle leaves his throat with the strange sentence, content with the results regardless.

RE: living in a haze - Hotaru - 05-03-2024

Her laughter fills the little bubble of dispersed sunlight and silky feathers that he’s made for them, and her heart aches fiercely with love for him. Her perfect dragon, ready to protect and defend her. She only hopes to become strong enough to do the same for him soon. For now she can only hope to match him in this for now; providing a safe space in which they could be vulnerable.

[say]“How uncivilized,”[/say] she huffs, lips twitching with the desire to laugh. [say]“With human teeth?”[/say] Somehow that visual is more outlandish, and equally more hilarious. While Ronin may (rightfully, in her mind) despise her, she hopes - for his sake - that things might be repairing themselves between the three men. [say]“He better make it top shelf. You’ll know if it isn’t.”[/say] Grinning, she butts her forehead against his jaw, mountain lion close to the surface and demanding languid shows of contentment through physicality.

RE: living in a haze - Sunjata - 05-03-2024

Her laughter fills him with relief, the underlying tension between his shoulders relaxing as his feathers ruffle with a rogue breeze. Sunjata basks in the sensation, relishing in pulling her out and distracting her of the darker days by offering the little tendrils of light. “[say]No. He was some… Strange creature I’ve never seen before. But I got a view of it from three angles because I was the hydra.[/say]” He admits, laughing softly as she butts her head against his jaw and he nuzzles in, the scruff of his stubble scratching lightly against her damp skin.

“[say]I will absolutely know if it’s top shelf.[/say]” He offers the quiet declaration like it’s a conspiracy, whispering softly from his lips before his tone starts to take on a softer hint. “[say]He also… Apologized for what he did to me, before everything.[/say]” Which had been a surprise. A welcome one, at least.

RE: living in a haze - Hotaru - 05-03-2024

A creature he doesn’t know is an intriguing prospect to say the least. Often she thinks of writing Remi if nothing else, missing the friendship they’d had, and she keeps a list in her head of questions she would ask him if she ever got the chance; adding this one is quick and easy.

[say]“I wonder what mine will be someday,”[/say] she muses out of the blue. What does her soul look like now, changed evermore by Frey? She hopes it will complement one of Sunjata’s shifts, even if she’s happy to fly as a tiny hawk beneath his draconian wings forever.

As if her prior considerations have come to fruition she is now given the chance to protect and comfort, and her hand cups his cheek the way his had mere moments ago. [say]“Good. What they did to you was wrong. You never deserved it, no matter what they may have presumed you guilty of.”[/say] Her ferocity is a quiet, growling thing, ready to smear the world in shades of black and white when it comes to heavy feet treading upon the people she loves. It is the nature of power to corrupt, and Sunjata would likely someday throw his weight simply because he could, but Hotaru only cares that it had once been done against him.

RE: living in a haze - Sunjata - 05-03-2024

“[say]Something stunning and fierce.[/say]” He muses, assured with that notion as he holds her like she’s the only thing that matters in the world to him, caressed in a soft buffer of feathers and the hardness of his muscle, the tattoos and scars. Regardless, it doesn’t matter to him what form she takes or what Frey might see in her to pull out of her, because he knows whatever it is he’d know in his heart of hearts that it was her.

It's that softness that spreads as her hand lifts to cup his cheek and he blinks, his long lashes featherlight where they brush against her palm as his gaze focuses on her face. “[say]I didn’t think that I would feel so much better about it as I do now…[/say]” He pauses, tilting into her touch like the canine shift in his soul. “[say]I broke his nose and he apologized.[/say]” He says with a soft breathy laugh, but through the bond he’s at ease – the turmoil of everything in the past easing away inch by inch, second by second.

RE: living in a haze - Hotaru - 05-03-2024

[say]“Or perhaps something small and fluffy. A golden sheep for you to carry around in your claws as a dragon,”[/say] she teases, though it’s clear from the way feathers of gold cascade through her radiant hair that she’s quite pleased by his sincerity.

She delves her hands into his side of the bond, luxuriating in the peace she finds as it slips against the sensitive webs of her metaphysical fingers like the sand beneath them. He deserves every grain of it, and her soul resonates in quiet joy to feel it. [say]“I’m glad,”[/say] she whispers, because words can’t encompass the relief she feels on his behalf. [say]“You’ve proven they can’t hurt you the same way now. Not anymore. But to know he acknowledges he was wrong…”[/say] trailing off she shrugs her shoulders slightly, smiling. It is a puzzle piece he’d been missing that is now found. Not unlike their own apologies and revelations in the wake of the war. For all he prefers the Attuned bond to show how he feels, the words were important when they mattered. Often when they needed to be spoken to him. [say]“We’ve been burying so many hatchets over the years. Who are we?”[/say] Her laughter is foxlike and sharp, undaunted by these new angles of softness but amused all the same by how they continue to release grudges they thought would live forever.

RE: living in a haze - Sunjata - 05-03-2024

“[say]Oh now that is an idea.[/say]” Sunjata drawls, squinting playfully at her tease, his hand lifting to run through her golden hair, like running his fingers through sunlight, lingering at the gilded feathers threaded within. But his gaze finds her face again, head tilting slightly as she whispers, and he holds her just as preciously and as tightly as he comfortably can, even as his wings ruffle in the wind as another cool breeze drifts through.

The sensation through the bond seems to say exactly, before her laughter reaches him and he chuckles his own deeper tones, head tilting lightly to press his lips to the inside of her wrist where her hand continues to cup his cheek. “[say]Adults, I think.[/say]” He muses, before his nose wrinkles and he pins her with a sharp, playful, piercing gaze. “[say]Gross.[/say]”

Truth be told, he knows deep down the two of them hadn’t expected to even get this far in their lives in the first place. Now, it’s just trying to figure it all out.