Court of the Fallen
[PQ+] Let the right one in - Printable Version

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Let the right one in - Maea - 05-05-2024

It was cold. It was snowing. Not a storm, granted, but visibility remained low and didn't make for a very pleasant time to be outdoors. But some tasks couldn't wait for better weather, and that sentiment left Maea standing in the doorway to the Temple, with little choice but to stare grim faced at the slowly piling drifts as she waited for her friends to arrive. She had sent them letters of invitation, partly just with the hopes of spending time together, partly because they were strong, capable people she trusted to have her back... Something that might prove important now that the weather turned on her.

PQ+ to hunt and kill Void Critters.
To be completed before June 4th.
No post order.

1. Maea
2. Hotaru
3. Talyson

Have your character arrive, and list any items they bring! Anything on the profile is assumed.

RE: Let the right one in - Talyson - 05-05-2024

The Grounds were a busy and bustling place these days, and Tal always had packages and letters to deliver from other regions to recipients there, and more to pick up for the return journeys. He was still recovering from the tournament - mentally and emotionally, at least. Physically he was fine thanks to all the healing on hand, but he'd still been subdued on the journey, and very grateful indeed for the chance to talk with Hotaru about things while he'd sailed the Peregrine to meet up with Maea.

Blowing off a little void-murder-y steam was maybe a little dumb, but it was sounding really good right now.

The courier, his dragon, and his best friend arrived in a flurry of snowflakes. Tal was bundled up in a Halovian coat, muffler, and stocking cap with his Goggles pulled down over his eyes, while Boreal had insisted on a jaunty red scarf tied around her thick neck. "Hey, Maea," he called to his spade-tailed friend. "Y'gonna be okay in th'cold today?" Boreal sneezed out a snoot-full of snow and bounded over to the pale Ancient with a happy grumble of greeting, shoving her horned head under Maea's hand with her usual demands for love and scritches.

Tal arrives with everything on his profile, an axe, and a wooden buckler shield, as well as rope, rations, a flask of water, and bandages in his Bag of Holding.

RE: Let the right one in - Hotaru - 05-06-2024

Hotaru does not often return to the Grounds, but any amount of work and travel is a distraction from the hellish nightmare the tournament had been for her emotionally. She knows Talyson likely appreciated the time to decompress on the Peregrine too. For as illuminating as the event had been and her appreciation to stretch her proverbial legs, she's ready to feel a little more useful. Time to exert her power over weaker creatures to restore her ego.

Trailing behind Talyson from where she'd been eyeing the changes to the inner quarter, his voice draws her attention forward to Maea. Smiling, she raises a hand in a small wave as she ducks beneath the roof overlap of the temple for temporary reprieve from the snow. [say]"Yes, tell us if you're feeling any adverse effects even if it's later."[/say] Between the two of them they could surely transport Maea even in stone form, but it would set their progress back considerably.

- - -

Hotaru arrives with everything on her profile and a simple dagger and bow.

RE: Let the right one in - Maea - 05-06-2024

The dour expression lifted from her face as her friends appeared through the flurries. Smiling warmly at them both, Maea's shrug all but disappeared in the layers she had bundled herself into. Pants covered her legs beneath the long skirt of her armored dress, while sweaters added bulk to her torso beneath the new coat. She had dreaded putting it on for the sake of the hunt, unwilling to damage it the first thing she did, but had relented when she saw what the weather would be like.

[say]"Hello Tal, hi Ru. I hope so - we'll find out, no doubt. I'll tell you if it gets rough - should I turn rigid, I recommend fire or blood to get me moving again."[/say] Her lopsided grin was a touch wry; the last thing she needed was petrification. She had a feeling none of these two would let her forget it in a hurry.

[say]"You ready to go? I would like to take out as many void critters as possible - the ward is all but ready to go up, and I'd rather not lock them inside with us."[/say] Unsure how the whole thing would work, it seemed better to be safe than sorry.
Hefting her bag onto her shoulders, she patted herself down to make sure she had everything she needed - chakram, a bow and quiver borrowed from the Barracks, food, water and first aid kit within the bag - and nodded to the others that she was ready.

Round 1

Time to head out! The heavy snowfall makes it difficult to find tracks. Describe how your characters go about looking for Voildings.

Talyson, Hotaru

RE: Let the right one in - Serendipity - 05-06-2024

With the Hollowed Grounds’ alterations in landscape, some of the animals have grown a bit wilder. A bit bolder.

So while it may surprise some, and others not at all, a crow swoops down, snatching at clothing and bags with sharp, irritating, and annoying talons. Maybe you just lost a piece of bread, or a valuable keepsake!

Whoops. Best go try to get it back!

RE: Let the right one in - Hotaru - 05-06-2024

It's a shame Hotaru doesn't have the fire ability she'd worked so hard to foster, but she's sure Maea will feel compelled to communicate more than she usually does (at least regarding her own health) given the combined force that is Tal's and Ru's shrewdness.

[say]"I'm ready to head out,"[/say] she confirms readily, turning out back into the snow and shifting into her falcon form right as a crow divebombs their little group. Hotaru flares her wings and clacks her beak, glad to have shifted before its thievery but equally territorial as her animal instincts heighten. Taking to the skies, she attempts to comb the area visually with her keener eyesight, looking for any signs of movement or strange, eerie glowing. Delightful.

- - -

Hotaru shifts into her falcon form to scout from above (a few feet above the treetops) and alert with anything she sees.

RE: Let the right one in - Talyson - 05-06-2024

"Boreal can fire you up," Tal assured her, a rueful grin tugging at his lips. "But before that, if it starts gettin' bad, I've got somethin' y'can borrow t'keep the chill off." He'd prefer to use it himself, as much as he relied on it anymore, but he was willing to give it up for a little while to help out a friend. It was why he'd worn the heavy coat even though he hadn't really needed to, just in case.

But it was down to business, and Tal nodded when Ru did, digging out a piece of jerky. "Ready," he echoed. And then: "Here, Boreal, time t'get t'wo--Shit! Motherfuckin'-- HEY!" The cheekiest crow he'd ever had the misfortune to meet took a swipe at him and flew off with the jerky in its heavy beak.

It got about six feet before an indignant fireball engulfed it, followed by the crunch of broad jaws as Boreal reclaimed her bribe - with interest.

"Uh... yeah. So. She'll catch up with us," Tal muttered, a little shaken by the surprise. He adjusted his Goggles and the newly-minted charm on their side and headed out on foot as his dragon settled down with her snack.

Tal tracks on the ground, the old fashioned way. He uses his See-Right Goggles to see clearly through the snow, and his Void Charm is tuned to pick out any void-corrupted creatures within ten feet!

RE: Let the right one in - Maea - 05-06-2024

They didn't even get off the steps of the Temple before things got interesting. Maea found herself nearly doubled over with laughter as the brazen crow careened away from Hotaru's falcon form, only to make the mistake of stealing Boreal's snack. She was still laughing as she fell in beside Tal, happy to leave the dragon to her charred meal.

It was a testament to how numerous the void-infested creatures had become, that the falcon and the messenger spotted a streak of purple almost at the same time. Large and many-legged, it took the form of a Voidweaver Spider that sat huddled beneath the awning of a shed. The spider spotted them in turn, and began to scuttle off along the wall, attempting to reach a broken window through which it might enter the building.

Round 2

You have encountered a Voidweaver Spider! It is attempting to hide inside a shed. What do you do?

Voidweaver Spiders (Common): The once-useful Wine Spiders have become Voidweavers, their once-drunk demeanor replaced with a malevolent hunger. They spin webs of void energy, ensnaring anything that comes too close. Their venom induces nightmares, trapping victims in a perpetual state of terror.

RE: Let the right one in - Talyson - 05-06-2024

In spite of his surprise and momentary panic, Tal calmed down quickly once he realized it was - well, had been - just a normal crow, and he found a rueful grin at Maea's laugh.

But he didn't get much chance to chat. No sooner had he pulled his Goggles into place than it seemed like he spotted a violet, skittering shape booking it through the snow! "There's one!" he called to Maea, pointing the abyssal arachnid out as he drew his Dagger. He didn't have a way to stop it from getting inside yet, except by terminally ending its attempts, so that was what he did. He stabbed at the infected critter from thirty feet back, but didn't stop moving towards it in case it escaped into the shed and they had to go in after it.

Throwing a prayer to the gods to please don't let it come to that.

Type: Grey | Style: Offensive | Level: Mastered
Special Delivery Dagger | A carefully crafted dagger veined with crimson markings, decorated with the foot of a blink hare. Upon making a stabbing motion in the air, the dagger may damage a target up to 30ft away from the user.

RE: Let the right one in - Hotaru - 05-09-2024

The purple glow is the easiest part of hunting these creatures, and Talyson's voice is loud and clear from where she hovers overhead. Circling tightly, Hotaru descends, eyes keenly trained on Tal to gauge his approach and the manner of attack he chooses. She has trained with him extensively enough to have a good idea, and when she sees his dagger extend she knows she was right.

Divebombing after she's sure the long-distance attack won't catch her in the middle, she buffets her wings hard in a hovering formation to try and knock it off balance and away from the window before she attempts to claw at it. Maneuvering into the house would only be more difficult.

- - -

Ru waits to time her dive until Tal has used his weapon then buffets her wings to try and knock the spider off balance/away from the window, and only then tries to use her talons on it.

RE: Let the right one in - Maea - 05-10-2024

The spider hissed and scuttled aside, avoiding Talyson's dagger entirely. But as it moved it placed itself right into the path of the raptor, who successfully knocks it to the ground and takes her talons over the hard chitin of its back. An instance later a lash of fire burst into it's face, courtesy of Maea, who squinted with concentration so as not to hurt Hotaru.

Wounded and furious with the pain, the spider leaped towards it's attackers, going for the smallest of the two it could reach. Maea attempted to dodge out of the way, but in a jolt of panic she realized she wasn't going to make it. The body of the arachnid was heavy and pulsating with void taint. As it crashed into her she toppled over into the snow, and felt the painful sting as venom coated fangs pierced her neck.

The scream that tore from her throat was one of utter terror, and as venom started to spread throughher body the petite woman began to writhe and fight the illusory horrors assaulting her senses.

Round 3

Talyson missed, Hotaru hit, Maea hit.
Spider attacks Maea and Crit hits.

Voidweaver Spider: 159/200 HP

Talyson: 500/500 HP
Hotaru: 228/228 HP
Maea: 115/135 HP

RE: Let the right one in - Talyson - 05-10-2024

Tal scowled as his strike missed, but Hotaru had his back as always, and between her and Maea things seemed to be under control--


He hadn't been prepared for the damn spider to turn around and attack them! Which in hindsight was going to seem pretty dumb for him to have assumed but in the moment all that mattered was that Maea was down and screaming. The spider, somehow, was still alive and a threat. And he had to make a call on what his priority was real fucking quick.

"Spider's all yours, Ru!" he called to the falcon, trusting the demigoddess to have his back while he sprinted to Maea's side. The Dagger went back in its sheath and then he got an arm around her shoulders. Hauling her out of the snow, he pulled off one of her gloves so he could grab her fingers and press his ring against a patch of bare skin, triggering a burst of Mastered Healing into her.

"C'mon, fight it off," he urged her as Boreal growled overhead. The dragon was waiting to see what Hotaru would do before she flamed the area.

Sometimes nuking from orbit really was the only way to be sure.

Tal runs to Maea and attempts to Heal her with his Ring of Mending!

Boreal circles overhead, waiting for an opening to breathe fire down on the spider without risking hitting Hotaru.

Type: Light | Style: Other | Level: Mastered
Ring of Mending | A silver ring imprinted with gold, as if it has been kissed. Capable of delivering Mastered Healing to one target of the wearer's choosing.

RE: Let the right one in - Hotaru - 05-11-2024

Hotaru has no way of calling back to Talyson, but even with neither person capable of reaching into the Attuned bond she can feel the scramble of panic well before Maea's scream rends the air. As Talyson runs for the other woman, his call brings her back around from near the shattered window to evaluate the situation.

The spider doesn't go far from its recent victim, and Hotaru remains in her falcon form for the sake of accuracy, grim and determined as she descends to try and pin it against the ground with her talons before attempting to rend and tear at it with the very same. That way if she cannot tear it apart, at least it will be pinned down by her weight, incapable of fleeing.

- - -

Ru stays in falcon form and dives down to pin the spider down with her talons and tries to rip into it to kill it.

RE: Let the right one in - Maea - 05-11-2024

Under the influence of the spider'svenom and with void infecting hersystem, Maea couldn't recognize her friend. She fought against the hands that sought to help her, and it was only through his superior strength that Talyson was able to uncover her hand. Purple veins had already begun to spread like thin roots along Maeas neck; under the influence of the ring they began to recede once more. But though it definitely worked, the effect was much slower than usual, as if the wound resisted the magic.

Meanwhile, Hotaru would find that it was easier said than done to pin the spider down. It was still agile despite the burns and clawmarks now marring its back, and it leaped out of the way of the falcon, aiming clawed feet at Talyson in the process!

Round 4

Talyson succeeds healing
Hotaru missed

Spider attacks Talyson and hits  

Voidweaver Spider: 159/200 HP

Talyson: 480/500 HP
Hotaru: 228/228 HP
Maea: 135/135 HP