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[Training] Are you not entertained? - Printable Version

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Are you not entertained? - Hadama - 05-10-2024

He had seen how the Resurrected Sword had handled himself in the first two rounds, and Hadama had no illusions about his own chances against Evie's husband. Not when Remi and Ronin combined could not beat him.

But that was no excuse not to try his best. Safrin would expect nothing less.

"Congratulations," he called as he took his place in the surf, slipping into his half-shifted form where he felt strongest and most comfortable still. His tail stretched out behind him, ready to power his attempts to dodge the barrage of magic that he had no doubt would soon be unleashed. "On the birth of your son."

Perhaps they could talk more later, but at the moment there was a tournament to bring to an end so that the partying on shore could begin in earnest. As soon as Deimos looked ready, Hadama inclined his head to indicate that he would be starting.

And to the surprise of no one who had seen his previous round, the air above Deimos's head seemed to twist and warp as gravity compacted above him and came lancing down in a pair of heavy spikes towards his shoulders.

Hadama is in his mer/shifted form. He brings the items on his profile. He congratulates Deimos and then uses his Gravity Spike!

Magic: Hydrated | (FEAT) Has Advantage while in water
Type: Light | Rank: Basic

Magic: Gravity Spike: the user borrows a sliver of the moon's power to summon up to two gravity lances that appear above a target within 30ft. Control is excellent.
Type: Light | Rank: Upgraded

Type: Light | Style: Defensive | Level: Basic
StArmour | Armour created from owlbear down. When not in use, retracts as a silver serpentine bangle etched with constellations. Can be activated telepathically.

Regional Score bonus: +1 in all shrine visits, drops, PQ+s, KQs, etc. (You must post this at the bottom of any post where a +1 should be included)

RE: Are you not entertained? - Odd - 05-10-2024

Hadama attack 1: miss

Deimos: 1050
Hadama: 200

RE: Are you not entertained? - Deimos - 05-10-2024

[say]“Thank you,”[/say] Deimos offered in return. No questions, no deeper inquiries – they both knew what the statures and figures held now. There’d be a time and place for other ventures and visits; discussions and pragmatic courses. Healed once more, the Sword advanced upon the scene, not shocked or surprised by Hadama’s attempts, nor the layers given into the water.

Which of course, led to the Sword’s own machinations.

Evading and avoiding the gravity spears, he shifted, poised into the air as a thunderbird. Staring straight at Hadama, he unleashed a momentous wake of lightning, poised to strike at the King.


[say]Deimos shifts to a Thunderbird and tries to use lightning eyes on Hadama.

Thunderbird Ability | Can shoot lightning (mastered) from its eyes, and can create the roar of thunder with the beat of its wings.

Regional Score bonus: +3 in all shrine visits, drops, PQ+s, KQs, etc. (You must post this at the bottom of any post where a +3 should be included)[/say]

RE: Are you not entertained? - Odd - 05-11-2024

Deimos attack 1: hit

Deimos: 1050/1050
Hadama: 110/200

RE: Are you not entertained? - Hadama - 05-12-2024

Lightning and water were a dangerous combination, and Hadama took the brunt of the Thunderbird's ability with a grunt of pain as electricity danced across the ocean's surface. In deeper waters he might have been able to evade by diving down below the affected layer of water, but in the shallows he could not so easily defend against the long-distance strike.

So be it.

The continued use of his gravity spikes was beginning to wear him down, a weight within him that grew heavier with every attack, but the King endured the trial and reached for them again. He was nothing if not persistent, and the Thunderbird was a much larger target than the Warden.

Hadama knows what his most powerful attack is so he attempts to use the Gravity Spikes again.

Magic: Hydrated | (FEAT) Has Advantage while in water
Type: Light | Rank: Basic

Magic: Gravity Spike: the user borrows a sliver of the moon's power to summon up to two gravity lances that appear above a target within 30ft. Control is excellent.
Type: Light | Rank: Upgraded

Type: Light | Style: Defensive | Level: Basic
StArmour | Armour created from owlbear down. When not in use, retracts as a silver serpentine bangle etched with constellation and can be activated telepathically. Blocks physical damage. Can be used 1x per thread.

Regional Score bonus: +1 in all shrine visits, drops, PQ+s, KQs, etc. (You must post this at the bottom of any post where a +1 should be included)

Torchline: Torchline has taught you to survive her weather and her terrain. Once per PQ/PQ+/KQ/Drop, you can 'shrug off' half the damage from ONE non-lethal attack. (In order to use this ability, you must put a clear note in the bottom of your post immediately following the attack you want to 'shrug off').

RE: Are you not entertained? - Odd - 05-12-2024

Hadama attack 2: miss

Deimos: 1050/1050
Hadama: 155/200

RE: Are you not entertained? - Deimos - 05-12-2024

Larger target Deimos might have been, but he’d take the massive, broader size over the electrical and aerial advantage. Even so, the gravity spikes immersed and emerged, and he evaded just the same, and he unfurled his wings over to the left, maneuvering within the air to keep the restlessness at bay.

Considering how successful the last assault had been, the Sword figured there’d be no reason to alter tactics. Experience and war had taught him multitudes – pinpointing his thunderbird stare directly at the King of Torchline again, intending to siege with the current of lightning once more.


[say]Deimos tries to use lightning eyes on Hadama again.

Thunderbird Ability | Can shoot lightning (mastered) from its eyes, and can create the roar of thunder with the beat of its wings.

Regional Score bonus: +3 in all shrine visits, drops, PQ+s, KQs, etc. (You must post this at the bottom of any post where a +3 should be included)[/say]

RE: Are you not entertained? - Odd - 05-12-2024

Deimos attack 2: miss

Deimos: 1050/1050
Hadama: 155/200

RE: Are you not entertained? - Hadama - 05-12-2024

The Warden was a daunting opponent and his mastery of the air made him particularly difficult to target. The tournament was showing the Tidebreaker that he had been neglecting training on his aim of late, but it was too late to change that for this match.

And he had other worries at the moment, as the Thunderbird turned its electric gaze on him once more. Forewarned of just what those eyes could do, Hadama dove and raced to deeper waters, pressing himself flat to the sandy ocean floor about six feet down. He let the lightning crackle harmlessly across the surface of the water, the surface of the ocean dispersing the charge, and only rose once the storm was past to attempt another gravity spike.

Hadama tries to use his Gravity Spikes on Deimos again.

Magic: Hydrated | (FEAT) Has Advantage while in water
Type: Light | Rank: Basic

Magic: Gravity Spike: the user borrows a sliver of the moon's power to summon up to two gravity lances that appear above a target within 30ft. Control is excellent.
Type: Light | Rank: Upgraded

Type: Light | Style: Defensive | Level: Basic
StArmour | Armour created from owlbear down. When not in use, retracts as a silver serpentine bangle etched with constellation and can be activated telepathically. Blocks physical damage. Can be used 1x per thread.

Regional Score bonus: +1 in all shrine visits, drops, PQ+s, KQs, etc. (You must post this at the bottom of any post where a +1 should be included)

RE: Are you not entertained? - Odd - 05-12-2024

Hadama attack 3: miss

Deimos: 1050/1050
Hadama: 155/200

RE: Are you not entertained? - Deimos - 05-12-2024

A disappearing Hadama, at least under the waves meant tactics would have to alter and change. Unbothered, the Sword partially shifted, maintaining his thunderbird wings and aerial advantage, while being able to utilize his other methods and maneuvers. Ensuring the gloves were tightly on, he hovered, evading the gravity spikes with a series of motions to the left.

And then figured he’d take the opportunity to call upon his Mastered Water. Attempting to take control of the undulations, current, and liquid below, he aimed to alter the ebb and flow around Hadama, altering and manifesting it into icy, piercing, puncturing shards.


[say]Deimos partially shifts (thunderbird wings) and uses his Mastered Water to try and alter the water around Hadama into icy spikes.

Type: Light | Style: Other | Level: Mastered
Gambler's Gloves | A pair of supple leather gloves, seemingly innocuous. Doubles the user's Luck stat.

Water manipulation: Can create and control water. Must be within a 30ft radius.
Type: Light | Rank: Mastered

Regional Score bonus: +3 in all shrine visits, drops, PQ+s, KQs, etc. (You must post this at the bottom of any post where a +3 should be included)[/say]

RE: Are you not entertained? - Odd - 05-12-2024

Deimos attack 3: hit

Deimos: 1050/1050
Hadama: 95/200

RE: Are you not entertained? - Hadama - 05-13-2024

It was disconcerting as well as painful to have the element that had given him life for so long be turned against him. Hadama bore the brunt of the attack and blood filled the water around him as he was cut by the icy shards that sliced through skin and muscle. He could feel that he was nearing his limit; one more direct hit would take him out of the tournament regardless of the rounds. But he would not yield until the match was officially called. He had his own pride, and determination to see the match through.

It was, perhaps, the definition of insanity to keep trying the same thing over and over when it had not yet worked even once, but with Deimos remaining in the air it was also the best attack he had to reach him. Hadama surfaced with a nod of acknowledgment to the Sword for the efficacy of his last hit and then launched a volley of his own, calling on his Gravity Spikes one last time.

Hadama gives the Gravity Spikes a final try!

Magic: Hydrated | (FEAT) Has Advantage while in water
Type: Light | Rank: Basic

Magic: Gravity Spike: the user borrows a sliver of the moon's power to summon up to two gravity lances that appear above a target within 30ft. Control is excellent.
Type: Light | Rank: Upgraded

Type: Light | Style: Defensive | Level: Basic
StArmour | Armour created from owlbear down. When not in use, retracts as a silver serpentine bangle etched with constellation and can be activated telepathically. Blocks physical damage. Can be used 1x per thread.

Regional Score bonus: +1 in all shrine visits, drops, PQ+s, KQs, etc. (You must post this at the bottom of any post where a +1 should be included)

RE: Are you not entertained? - Odd - 05-13-2024

Hadama attack 4: miss

Deimos: 1050/1050
Hadama: 95/200