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feed the machine - Printable Version

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feed the machine - Dantalion - 05-17-2024

It's a difficult trek down to the Black Lake, as the Hollowed Grounds and her citizens have already very much discovered, and so this time, Danta makes the journey alone. He prefers it this way, honestly, especially when communing with Dygra on behalf of the region he commands. Regardless, it's with fire dancing around him in wisps and hands clad in thick gloves that he arrives at the shrine.

[say]"Dark lady,"[/say] he rumbles behind the scarf he wears, pulling off one glove so he might offer his blood to wet the rubies of Dygra's holy place. [say]"Your blessings thus far have been most appreciated. I know the Grounds grows stronger, better, because of your influence."[/say]

Smiling to himself, the Maverick sinks to his knees and gets to the heart of the matter.

[say]"We are still of The Climb, though. And it would be reassuring to give your children a way to go back there, until they are strong enough to do it on their own."[/say]

Danta is requesting an RQ to create a portal between The Climb and the Hollowed Grounds!

RE: feed the machine - Dygra - 05-17-2024

[say]"Sweet, dark one. It is always a pleasure."[/say]

Dygra's sonorous voice, low and sensual in the darkness, reaches out to caress the Maverick with the same affection as the flames he has teased to life. And although no further evidence of fire coats the walls of the shrine, Danta will nonetheless feel a bone deep warmth in the presence of his goddess.

[say]"A clever decision,"[/say] she agrees. [say]"Let us begin."[/say]

Tasks. There is no time limit. There are currently 7 active Grounders. This means 4 unique characters have to participate. Characters can participate more than once. Dantalion must participate in at least 2 threads, Maea and Kiada must participate in at least 1 thread.

1. A thread of at least 3 Grounders gathering materials from the Hollowed Grounds (stone, earth, wood, etc.)
2. A thread of at least 3 Grounders gathering materials from the The Climb (stone, earth, etc.)
3. A PQ in the The Climb, incorporating the materials gathered in 1. at the site where the portal will be located.
4. A PQ in the the Hollowed Grounds, incorporating the materials gathered in 2. at the site where the portal will be located.
5. A thread sating bloodlust anywhere in the Hollowed Grounds.
6. A thread sating bloodlust anywhere in The Climb

RE: feed the machine - Dantalion - 05-17-2024

Blood and heat and the sound of his goddess's voice - were she not granting him the quest he'd come to see her for, he'd have sat and basked in her presence for as long as she might allow. As it stands, it's with blood still dripping from the back of his hand and coating the rubies that he listens to Dygra and her list of requirements, a smile touching to his elfin features.

[say]"Consider it done,"[/say] he purrs into the shadows, bowing his head and committing al she needs to memory. Only when the fire in his bones cools to something more mortal does he find it in himself to rise to his feet; and even then, it's still a few moments more before he can brave the climb back up to the surface and the snow.