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[Mini Event] TMI - Printable Version

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TMI - Seren - 05-18-2024

A number of blankets had been spread out across the ground by the foot of the lighthouse, some to sit on and others to wrap around you or drape over the knee. Soft pillows and trays piled with food and drink sat within comfortable reach, and at the center a hearty little campfire had been lit to chase away the chill of the pervasive ocean breeze. But it was not only to get to know the demigods and powerhouses of Caido better that Seren had asked them to join her here. She had something that weighed on her mind, and where she sat nestled beneath a blanket she kept fidgeting with the tassels of the borders, her mind far away as she waited for the others to arrive. She didn't doubt that they would come. If not all, then at least a good number of them could be counted on to show up - and the more that did, the better she would feel.

To share your woes was the best way to find comfort and a solution to your problems, after all.

RE: TMI - Deimos - 05-19-2024

Deimos had been home a few days prior to Seren’s letter, and was all the more begrudging to leave the wintry confines and the sanctity, the serenity, of Halo and the people within it. After discussions with Evie, and long, long sighs, he and Amhran had eventually made their way to the still warm and sunny brambles and branches of the sea.

Hopefully whatever information Seren promised would be worth the constant state of travel; and he couldn’t quite help the nonchalant state of his greeting as he saw how she’d lined everywhere with blankets and intended coziness – he took one and went instantly towards the back, leaving some space for Rae’s demigod if he craved it. [say]“Seren,”[/say] he gave in a nod of his head, the hordes of questions lodged behind his teeth, but saving them for the eventual unfurling of noteworthy distinctions. Then he grabbed a snack and sat down, stretching out his long limbs and waiting.

RE: TMI - Hadama - 05-19-2024

Hadama's business in the Underwater City meant that he traveled to the lighthouse from the water, reaching the shore in his Mer form and surfacing to consider the blankets and viands laid out upon the island. "Seren," he rumbled in greeting, inclining his head to the starchild before his gaze sought out the other arrival and he nodded again in welcome. "Deimos." The other individual who had arrived was unknown to him, but he nodded politely to Amhran nonetheless. Pulling himself from the waves he shifted the dark length of his tail to leather-clad legs and moved to join the others at the foot of the lighthouse.

He chose a plate of food with care and snagged a drink before he found a large pillow to settle atop, content to wait patiently for the others who had been invited. He took the time to study them as they arrived, though he'd seen most of them at the recent tournament.

RE: TMI - Melita - 05-19-2024

Flora had warned her about the letters.

And the fucking next day? Mail. Requesting her presence.

Melita had considered setting it on fire and pretending not to have ever seen it. Or throwing it off the cliff. Or anything else than like…actual informational shit. Did the leadership and demigods just do this all the time? Be at everyone’s beck and call? Ew, why?

The only thing that kept her even remotely going was Sunjata, Ru, and her general nosiness. This wasn’t part of Ludo’s plan (because it sounded serious), but she could always bring in more chaos than necessary.

And at least it was close by, even though she gave Safrin’s lighthouse a wide berth and perpetual side-eye. Glancing at the others already here, she gave a brief wave, snagged at a bunch of crackers, and then jutted her jawline towards Seren. [say]“So what’s all this about? Letter was pretty vague.” [/say]

RE: TMI - Sunjata - 05-20-2024

He really didn’t want to be in this particular spot, evident by the thrumming anxiety that keeps his muscles tense as he keeps his arm round Hotaru as they arrive. Not unlike Melita, does he glower a little at the lighthouse – where so many things had gone wrong for him in so many ways – before taking a collective scan of the area. Singling out his niece, though, he drifts toward her while parting from Hotaru with a kiss to her temple should she wish to visit Deimos or anyone else that were here.

A fleeting touch to Melita’s arm has him catching her attention, nodding toward the furthest blanket from the lighthouse as possible, before he nods to Seren with an easy greeting of “[say]hey Seren. Good to see you.[/say]” It’s a little clipped, with one last glance given toward the lighthouse, he promptly moves to sit his ass far as possible away from the structure, whether or not Melita joined him or Hotaru did. He wants to stay as far away as possible.

RE: TMI - Serendipity - 05-20-2024

There's a buzz of static for a moment, a brief flicker of something, followed by a smell that you've never experienced before.

And then...nothing.

A trick of the light, perhaps.

RE: TMI - Remi - 05-20-2024

Showing up and looking like a granny on her way to a cookout, the Bastion had a bag over one shoulder filled with some yarn and knitting needles, and a chair strapped to his back. Though Ronin had been intentionally vague about what Seren's meeting would be about, Remi had gleaned that it had something to do with their abilities versus The Family's, and as such, he felt his invitation was at most just out of respect. As shown during their recent tournament, Remi's days of packing a punch were basically all over now, and while he was happy to sit around and be a shield, he doubted if that was needed.

So here he was. With his knitting.

With a wave to Seren —he'd go over to properly greet her when this was all said and done—Remi similarly waved to the others who had arrived. His gaze lingered on Amhran before offering Deimos a complex look of whomst the fuck, before shrugging and unfolding his chair.

RE: TMI - Noah - 05-20-2024

Having received the letter as soon as he arrived back in Halo, the demigod was quick to jump back to the tropics by way of compass and magic. His stomach twisted with what she could have for them, having only recently come back to this realm from her mother’s stars.

He appeared on the opposite side of the lighthouse from the gathering Seren prepared for, making his walk around look quite seamless and planned.

He smiled at each of the demigods and powerhouses gathered that he knew — which was all but @Ahmran — who he offered a polite nod to. Settling down, Noah waited for what Safrin’s daughter had to say.

RE: TMI - Ronin - 05-20-2024

Arriving shortly after his husband - a merchant had been struggling to carry some crates of stock, and how was the Knight supposed to leave him to manage by himself when he could help? - Ronin arrives sipping a bowl of chowder and looking pleased as punch. (The merchant had been a cook, shut up). Offering a smile to all who had gathered so far and swooping in to kiss Seren's cheek and nod to her encouragingly, of course Ronin also stops by the food and drink tables before retreating back to sit with his husband.

At his feet on a blanket, of course, because he hasn't brought a fold out chair. [say]"Want me to hold your wool?"[/say] he offers with a bounce of eyebrows that is absolutely full of innuendo, though the Knight is serious - he'll hold the ball of yarn for as long as Remi wants, provided it doesn't get in the way of his snacking.

RE: TMI - Amhran - 05-20-2024

It's Amhran's first time travelling, and at least Deimos will find him a relatively easy companion for it - quiet unless it's to rumble a soft question about skyboat mechanics or the landscape sprawling below them, the demigod's primary concern actually seems to be the shoes he's wearing and the fact that they've left Evie and Erebos behind. Once they arrive in Torchline, he follows the Sword to the back of the group and sits happily enough beside him on the blanket, where he studiously begins unlacing his boots.

Offering a small wave to the various looks he's receiving, Amhran sits back on his hands and wiggles his bare toes against the sand and the grass, gazing up into the skies overhead. He wonders if there's a designated time where they are meant to get up for something to eat and drink, or if it's more of a free-for-all. And if it's the latter, is it better to go now, before whatever happens starts to happen?

RE: TMI - Sah - 05-21-2024

Sah was surprised when the letter arrived soon after his return to Halo. Even after the Tournament, perhaps especially so, it was a shock to see himself being lumped in with the Demi-gods. It was flattering but still difficult to comprehend. Maybe one day, he'd be able to grasp the concept of being on a similar level to some of them, but it was certainly not today. The fact that they had all been called together was concerning and Sah tried to brace himself for more bad news.

The Wild Thunder arrived and nodded to those present, noting the unfamiliar face that was Amhran. Even after having spoken with Melita, he still had to resist suddenly apologizing again when he saw her. Thankfully, he quickly spotted Seren and walked over to her.

Managing a small, tired smile, Sah sat down beside the bundled-up Demi-god. "It's good to see you, Seren." Part of him was nervous to inevitably hear her reaction to the Tournament but now wasn't the time or place.

RE: TMI - Hotaru - 05-24-2024

Hotaru does not want to be back here so soon, and the small family that makes up herself, Sunjata, and Melita all seem to have disparaging glances for the lighthouse that presides like an eyesore over this meeting. She's not keen on a repeat of the trauma that the tournament had ended up bringing about, but given she'd been the one to nearly end Seren's life that day she feels compelled to at least show up.

She leans into the kiss Sunjata drops onto her temple, and her hand lingers on him as long as it can as he parts from her. Taking the opportunity as well she heads for Deimos - and Amhran who earns a curious glance - and plants herself at his elbow, certain he'll find some comfort in her equally dour and reluctant subtleties. It's not a great place to open up the Attuned bond, but her crossed arms and the way she lingers silently at his side instead of quipping or instigating makes it clear she'd rather be as far from Safrin's oppressive eye as possible.

RE: TMI - Talyson - 05-26-2024

Tal had never met Seren and had been wary of showing up at all. A gathering of Caido's Most Powerful (ish) - and him and Sah - all in one place, right on Starfall's doorstep? Sounded like a recipe for disaster to him, but you didn't stand up the daughter of Safrin.

So the courier had finally arrived reluctantly and late to the party. He knew most of those gathered for better or worse, though the skinny guy with Deimos was new to him and he cocked his head at the man in a moment of surprised curiosity before he continued on to find a seat.

Boreal wasn't along on this little jaunt; he didn't want her usual antics disrupting what was looking like a Serious Conversation, and he was ready to haul ass out of there as soon as it wrapped up. She'd want to stick around and cadge scritches and treats from everyone there, and this wasn't a great time for it. So he just raised his chin in a small nod to Sah, Hotaru, and Sunjata and then tiptoed over to take a seat in Noah's shadow. He tugged off his Goggles and began to toy with them, idly fiddling with the new small charm that hung from their strap as he waited for the meeting to begin.

RE: TMI - Seren - 05-26-2024

One by one they trickled in. Family, friends and well known faces, alongside those whom she only recently had become aware of thanks to the tournament. Seren had a smile and a soft welcome for all of them. Leaning into her father's kiss and meeting Sah's gaze for a moment longer than perhaps was necessary, she waited until they all had settled in before the starchild turned to answer Melita.

[say]"I know, I would have preferred to tell you all more in the letter, but it seemed imprudent."[/say] A flicker somewhere in the air, followed by a pungent, peculiar odor had her nose wrinkling and she rubbed it, unsettled by something she couldn't place. [say]"Unfortunately I don't think it's wise to commit too much to paper these days. Who knows what will happen if they go astray? But you all came anyway, and I am so very grateful that you did."[/say]

Drawing a deep breath, Seren sat up a bit better, so she could properly see the others. [say]"The reason is this; my mother found something when she fought the ones who fell with the meteor. And I would like to ask each and all of you two things. Do you want to know about it, and become involved with this matter? And if you do, do you have any suggestions on what to do with it?"[/say]

Her expression was kind when she turned her gaze to the assembled; noticing the discomfort on some faces, and the glares directed at the lighthouse on others. [say]"I would never wish to exclude anyone from this matter, but neither will I force anyone to participate in something that might become dangerous. Please choose for yourselves if you want to stay or leave. I will think no less of you regardless of your choices."[/say]