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[PQ] Wild Hunt - Printable Version

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Wild Hunt - Maea - 06-15-2024

It was a spur of the moment idea, an impulsive decision, a hastily scribbled note put up on an off-the-trail place. The result of an itch beneath her skin, an ache in her bones that had very little to do with logic or reason and everything to do with hunger.

Bundled up against the cold, she waited beneath a barren tree to see if anyone would show up. Danta had told her 'No more balls' but a hunt had to be different, right? There was no music, no pomp, no faraway guests; only a bonfire to keep her warm while she waited and the potential for a feast at the end of the day. That had to be fine.

This will be a hunt to sate some bloodlust!
Open to Ancients only. <3

Post your character arriving!

1. Maea
2. Thalassa
3. Fox

RE: Wild Hunt - Thalassa - 06-15-2024

The note had found her at the perfect time. As the swelling need to devour built in her like a cresting wave. Her mouth watered at the thought of satiating that hunger, and she'd quickly followed to the designated meeting place.

Thal pulled her own cloak tighter around her body in an attempt to block the increasing chill of Deepfrost. It didn't have an ounce of mercy for her or her numb fingers, but then again, she didn't have any for the prey she planned to hunt. All animals had to follow their instincts and hers were screaming to kill.

Every thought seemed to be consumed by the idea of blood and the coppery taste on her tongue. Even as she found Maea waiting beneath the tree, she only fleetingly acknowledged the woman with a nod, more focused on the sights and sounds around them. Of what they may indicate nearby. And what warm sustenance they might contain.

Thalassa arrives for the hunt!

RE: Wild Hunt - Fox - 06-15-2024

Fox has promised Kiada that he will try to do better with his bloodlust. It doesn't come on all that often, in truth - not like some of the other Ancients he's met, anyway - but the gnawing hunger in the pit of his stomach is once again beginning to become a problem.

This time, at least, he's not left it long enough to become quite so withdrawn and snappy, and the note he'd found couldn't have come at a better time. Perhaps in a group setting the act wouldn't be quite so difficult.

Arriving just as bundled up as the others, he offers a polite if not tired smile of greeting to his fellow hunting party(?). [say]"Hello,"[/say] he greets. [say]"My name is Fox. Is this the gathering for the hunt?"[/say]

Fox arrives for the hunt!

RE: Wild Hunt - Maea - 06-16-2024

Two people were more than she had realistically hoped for, and it was with a mingled relief and onset of nerves that she greeted Thalassa, and offered a smile to the man. She had seen him in passing, but never caught his name before. [Say]"Nice to meet you, I'm Maea. You're in the right spot."[/say]

Waiting for a while longer yielded no more result, and so Maea turned to the others and tried to shake off the urge to make this more than it had to be. [Say]"Thank you for coming, especially on such short notice. I've... never hunted together with a group before. I hear it's different, maybe even easier... So that's the plan for today. If you want to shift or not is up to you. There's plenty of game, so let's head out and see what we can find, okay?"[/say]

For her part, Maea decided to shift into her gore crow form. Taking flight, she circled the bonfire until she saw the others were ready to leave, then led the way east into the woodlands, in search of fresh tracks.

First round!

Spread out and look for tracks!

RE: Wild Hunt - Thalassa - 06-17-2024

Per usual, Thal wasn't feeling especially chatty, but if they were going to be working together to hunt, she should probably introduce herself. Looking to Fox, she nodded a distracted greeting and simply said, [say]"Thalassa."[/say]

Listening to Maea's instructions, she pushed off the tree she'd perched on, already looking around for signs of life. Her own shift probably wouldn't be much help in this situation, so she settled on stalking through the trees. Thal's footfalls were silent despite the blanket of snow over the ground and her black attire helped her melt into the shadows to avoid notice. Although she planned to cooperate with the team, she ignored them for the moment, entirely focused on the scents on the wind and the scurrying of prey.

Thalassa scouts the nearby area on foot.

RE: Wild Hunt - Fox - 06-17-2024

Nodding between Maea and Thalassa, Fox offers a small smile to the former. [say]"Me neither,"[/say] he confesses regarding hunting as a group. [say]"I'm a monster hunter by trade, though, so hopefully this is a bit similar."[/say] Besides the bloodlust aspect, anyway. And it seems to start out fairly straightforward; enough that the hunter is quite comfortable as they all take to scouting.

For himself, Fox does utilise his shift, and man becomes fyrhund in moments before the bonfire. So while Thal peers around on foot and Maea circles overhead, he puts his nose to the ground and begins to trot out into the vicinity, trying to pick up a scent. A deer, a luxere, maybe even an elk should be fairly easy to find, he thinks.

Fox shifts into a fyrhund and tries to find a scent!

RE: Wild Hunt - Maea - 06-17-2024

It did not take long before both Thalassa and Fox each came upon a set of tracks inthe snow, but they proved to be old, likely from several days ago. Pushing on through the woodlands, a second find elaborated on the situation; though it was clear that a herd of luxere had moved through the area, they had been driven along by a pack of wolves.

From her vantage point in the air, Maea could see that the tracks veered off to the birth and then suddenly doubled back. Calling her comrades below, she angled off Ina direction parallell to their position. There, the footbound ancients were finally able to pick up a fresh scent. Thalassa found scattered dung, fresh clods of kicked up snow - and Fox was able to detect a coppery tang of blood in the air.

It stemmed from two sources; one from predator, and one from prey. And suddenly there was a decision to be made.

Round 2

Do you hunt the luxere, or the wolves? Choose which one to pursue!

RE: Wild Hunt - Fox - 06-17-2024

It isn't much of a decision for Fox, in truth.

He snuffles along in Thalassa's wake at first, rocky hide steaming in the cold air where streams of lava can be just about seen peeking through it, his nose down and his mind wholly focused. Passing over the days old tracks and knowing them to be a red herring, once they get on the trail of something more fresh (if not more dangerous, potentially) he picks up his pace.

Oh, and then there's blood on the air, and it all but seals the deal, in truth. Under the spell of his bloodlust in moments, the fyrhund grates out a noise that's the equivalent of a bark for an animal like he is, and instantly sets off to find the source of the smell.

Fox is enticed by the scent of blood and follows after it!

RE: Wild Hunt - Thalassa - 06-17-2024

The first set of tracks barely registered in Thal's mind. They looked old from the way a fresh layer of snow softened the imprints and she passed over them without a second glance. However, the next trail had her perking with interest. The fresh dung and lingering scent of blood promised more recent visitors. Fox obviously agreed as she watched him bound off to follow it.

She took a slower approach, not wanting to frighten any prey. Her eyes scanned for information, noting the chaotic disruption of the snow and what predator had intercepted the dung's creator. Although a quick, easy meal from an injured animal would be great, her bloodlust called for more. More violence. More bloodshed. More adrenaline. So as she let the Fyrhund lead the way, Thal prepared to veer off in search of the more challenging target.

Thalassa wants to hunt the wolves!

RE: Wild Hunt - Maea - 06-19-2024

At first it seemed that the bloody scent and the tracks diverged from one another. Fox and Thalassa was led on a winding chase as their targets wound in and out of the path of the other. When they finally concerned it was abrupt and sudden; a few hundred meters up ahead a yearling luxere calf had been slain and a trio of wolves looked up from their feast. Blood dribbled from bared teeth as predators recognized other predators, and the leader stepped out on stiff legs to challenge its claim to the kill. The two remaining wolves seemed less certain; sharing glances, they hung back, appearing to wait and see how this strange pack would respond.

Diving down on large wings, Maea let out an encouraging caw of 'Meat!', signaling her support to the others; in the moment she couldn't care less if carnivores wound up on the menu as long as she got to sate her hunger.

Round 3

You have come upon a small pack of wolves. The leader is challenging  for a fight! What do you do?

RE: Wild Hunt - Thalassa - 06-19-2024

It didn't take them long to find the source of the scent. The wolves hovered over the luxere, tantalizing blood dripping into the white snow, making her vision narrow dangerously. When the presumed alpha stepped forward to challenge the hunting party, she trembled in barely contained restraint. She wasn't in the mood to posture over dominance.

Thal gave a wicked fanged grin and pulled a dagger from her sheath. With barely a glint of the blade, she had it flying at the leader on a straight and deadly course. Even if it missed, she doubted the pitiful creatures would escape the Ancients.

Thalassa throws her dagger at the leader.

RE: Wild Hunt - Fox - 06-19-2024

Fox has pure instinct combined with bloodlust to thank for his actions in the next few moments, because as they come across the pack of wolves and the slain luxere, his stony hackles are already rising, teeth pulled back in a snarl. Thalassa and Maea are considered part of his pack, at least, and as the leader peels away and the Ancient at his side presses forward, Fox is right there with her.

The dagger streaks through the air and the fyrhund is on the move, heavy paws kicking up snow that begins to steam from the heat of his body. Jaws part and a moment later a vibrant gout of fire leaves them, aimed directly at the alpha and the rest of its meagre cohorts standing behind.

Fox runs out and breathes fire at the alpha!

RE: Wild Hunt - Maea - 06-19-2024

An ordinary, single wolf did not have much of a hope against the three Ancient beings. The dagger aimed true and lodged itself into the front of its chest before it could do more than snarl at them, and the startled yelp grew into a pained yowl as fire erupted from the maws of the fyrhund. Barely had the pack leader fallen to the ground before the white gore crow swooped down to menace the two bystanders; her talons gouged deep wounds in the back of one, and it took off into the woods with its sibling close behind.

Gently steaming in the cold air, the wolf stirred feebly. Landing, Maea shifted into her molten tiger form and set upon its throat to end its suffering. Flicking her striped tail contentedly, there was more than enough room for the others to join her; now came the best part of the entire hunt.

Last round!

The wolf did not stand a chance. Its pack fled and Maea helped put it out of its misery. Go ahead and eat your fill!

RE: Wild Hunt - Fox - 06-19-2024

Snapping his teeth after the departing wolves as if tempted to make chase on them for no other reason than a bit of fun, Fox is luckily distracted by the heady stench of very fresh blood. Instinctively his teeth are bared at the larger predator - molten tigers aren't to be trifled with and he knows it - but he seems welcome enough.

And so, on careful paws he pads around to the other side of the tiger, leaving space for Thalassa to join as well before he dives in, muzzle deep into the carcass to feast on the still warm flesh. Perhaps it's because it's a predator that he doesn't feel so guilty about it. Or maybe it's because he's a fyrhund, and that will hit later. Either way, Fox feasts, and he is sated.

Fox chows down with Maea!