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RE: Missed Connection - Delphine - 04-15-2020

Delphine stopped walking, as she had continued to walk backwards from the man, when he says he knows Remi. She brightens even more, clapping her hands. [say]"Remi, Remi, Remi!"[/say] She exclaims, and then her chanting stops, because the man says that Remi is busy. But promises she can see Remi in the morning, if she comes with him.

And off goes Delphine, with yet another stranger, straight to their home. Her face had fallen drastically, when she was told she couldn't see Remi because he was busy; at one point in time, she was never too busy for Remi and he was never too busy for her.

But, she steps back towards the stranger, and bobs her head, [say]"You know Remi. Do you have a name? What are you?"[/say] She inquires, hazel eyes studying the man as she steps closer to him. Her hands are still in front of her, and she is still wringing them nonstop.

RE: Missed Connection - Sunjata - 04-15-2020

She chimes, an exclamation that had he been partially shifted, would have ears pinning back at the shrillness of it. But she begins to follow him, and he picks the path back to the homes and away from the lighthouse in the distance – glancing up to the sky and spying the stars that glimmer behind drifting clouds with a huff of a sigh. But then she begins to ask a few more questions, one of them simply far more confusing than the others.

So he starts easy. “[say]I’m Sunjata.[/say]” He rumbles, lifting a hand and waving it slightly as if to pass it off. It doesn’t really matter in the end. But as for what he is? It’s still confusing. “[say]I’m the Arbiter of Torchline.[/say]” He explains, turning back to her to ensure she’s following him up the path. Soon enough, the homes begin to be spotted in the distance, lights illuminating the windows of his home, Remi’s and Ronin’s dark in comparison.

At least Nate’s home. “[say]Is that what you meant?[/say]” He asks, turning back to her with a raise of his brow.

RE: Missed Connection - Delphine - 04-15-2020

Delphine follows along, tipping her head at his name. [say]"Sunny!"[/say] She declares, with a firm nod, with absolute childlike glee. If she were not high on gods knows what, she'd not be as perky, or even as willing to go to the man's home and not to Remi's. She'd certainly not be dubbing him with a nickname upon learning his name.

[say]"Arbiter...?"[/say] She knew very little about Torchline, and hardly paid attention to the news surrounding Torchline. Mostly because she was here for two things.

Remi, or drugs.

[say]"Mmm... not really. I don' know what an arbiter does."[/say] However, she does not ask the question again, so most likely deciding it was best to accept the answer, and try to figure out the answer to her new question on her own.

[say]"Do you have food?"[/say] She inquires, gazing expectantly at him. Delphine, when not high, hardly took charity or asked for it. She'd rather starve than ask for food and accept it without a price, regardless of how selling her body made her feel.

RE: Missed Connection - Sunjata - 04-15-2020

Things would’ve probably gotten along fine, until she declares him a nickname – one very specific one that he doesn’t let anyone call him, not anymore. Not after Lusea had departed once more. And he turns back to her, pausing before continuing to answer the rest of her questions, steel gaze narrowing. “[say]If you’re going to give me a nickname, it’s Jata. Do not call me Sunny.[/say]” And once that’s taken care of, he begins to continue the pathway, half between ignoring her and willing to leave her out there all night on Remi’s porch.

But then she asks about an Arbiter. “[say]It’s an…[/say]” He trails off with a huff, trying to recall what other people had called it, referred it as. “[say]An officer? A guard? The top one, though.[/say]” He main one, there weren’t anyone else there yet. But the house comes into full view now, slipping past the slight fence to hear Haai howling from inside. He tells her to grab Nate’s attention from wherever the Ascended might be.

“[say]There’s food inside.[/say]” He says simply, no courtesy other than the basic needs for the night, and then she can disappear for all he really cares.

RE: Missed Connection - Delphine - 04-15-2020

Delphine tipped her head, accepting the new nickname without really stopping to wonder why the man was upset. [say]"So... you are... like a captain?"[/say] She furrowed her brow slightly. She was having a hard time understanding, most likely because she was hearing echoes, seeing the colors that were emitted because of his voice, and still processing that he knew Remi.

[say]"Mmm... food."[/say] She mumbles, gazing at the house in wonder, too much wonder to watch where she was walking. She almost tripped, but caught herself, and continued after him.

[say]"Is there a doggy? Can I meet the doggy?"[/say] She inquires, assuming that the howling noise must be a dog. [say]"I have a... hm."[/say] Her gaze returns to the sky, and she frowns.

[say]"Poe-poe."[/say] She whispers the word, trying to remember where she had sent the rather noticeable pink bird. Or if he had come with her. He almost always did.

RE: Missed Connection - Sunjata - 04-15-2020

“[say]Yes.[/say]” He says, abruptly. All the answer she’s going to get on it. And he’s silent as he guides her to the porch, ducking lightly between the boughs of wisteria that dip in low swoops. He ignores her for the most part until she asks about the dog, and he imagines she’ll likely meet the griffin as soon as he slips inside – provided Haai has gotten Nate from wherever he was. “[say]Probably.[/say]” Another short, gruff response.

He doesn’t understand what she says next – mistaking it for Apopo, and wondering how the fuck she has a volcano, before he lets her inside the home. Haai immediately approaches from her nest in the stairs above, swooping down with iridescent wings to land on the wooden floor with a loud thump, before he focuses on giving her a swift pat to her head and then moving further in, setting the daggers aside and out of reach of where Delphine might find it.

“[say]Come in here and sit.[/say]” He rumbles, gesturing to the kitchen where he’d at least be able to keep an eye on her. The lighting in here was better, at least, far more candles and oil lanterns lit within.

RE: Missed Connection - Delphine - 04-15-2020

Delphine was quiet until she started searching for her bird. She does follow him inside, though, almost on autopilot. [say]"Poe-Poe-Poe-Poe..."[/say] She mumbles, staring at the griffin as she enters the house.

[say]"Not Poe-Poe, and... not a doggy."[/say] She mumbles, reaching out to touch the creature before he's distracted her. 'Come in here and sit.'

She follows that order, settling into a seat, twisting to study the griffin, [say]"Have you seen Poe-Poe?"[/say] She's not speaking to him, but to the creature, and she sounds quite serious. [say]"He's pink, and he... uhm,"[/say] she doesn't know how to explain the sound her bird makes, because he talks, and she was awful at mimicry.

She's waiting for an answer from the griffin, but she is seated, though food has been forgotten.

RE: Missed Connection - Nate - 04-15-2020

It's a blessing Nate doesn't sleep anymore, because a suddenly excited griffin howling in his face is among the worst ways he can think of to be woken up. He half wants to ignore her when she pulls at him, but he's not quite that cruel. As it is, he's already in the kitchen when Sunjata comes in, followed by someone who is uncomfortably familiar at first glance, then very much not at the second glance.

[say]"Jata."[/say] It's half a greeting and half a question, brows raised at the stray brought home, the state shes in, the state the attuned himself in. He doesn't think it's quite worth introducing himself yet, the girl preoccupied with mumbling nonsense at Haai, and an explanation desperately needed. At least part of him works on autopilot though, going to grab a glass of water and set it down on the table, near the strangers elbow.

RE: Missed Connection - Sunjata - 04-15-2020

He spots Nate in the kitchen as he rounds the corner, and audibly sighs a hum of relief. And there’s already a lot, it feels like, going on. Haai doesn’t entirely know what she’s saying either, but she puffs a bit of smoke at the stranger before trotting into the kitchen to curl around Sunjata’s legs, emerald eyes watching the stranger as Nate moves to place a glass of water down by her as she continues to mumble. Sunjata, meanwhile, looks to Nate with a somewhat apologetic smile, awkwardly rubbing at the bruise that’s formed on his arm.

“[say]Her name’s Delphine. She knows Remi, but they’re not home and you know Torchline. Couldn’t just… Leave her out there.[/say]” He gestures with a hand to her, a brow raised to the Ascended as if to say that Nate would likely know what might happen, what Sunjata’s trying to prevent. A hidden message within it too that’s clear he doesn’t know what’s wrong with her. But he reaches Nate, leaning in close to give the man a hug, head nearing his ear. “[say]She mistook me for her brother and hit me with a rock. I don’t know what’s wrong.[/say]” He doesn’t know if it’s even fixable.

But he withdraws then, a light kiss pressed to the Ascended’s cheek as he does so, turning back to the counter in the kitchen to grab some sort of food left over. Mainly a mix of fruit and bread, the only things in the house at the moment that don’t require cooking, and sets them there before her with the water, leaning back against the counter.

RE: Missed Connection - Delphine - 04-15-2020

When the creature moves away from her, to curl around the stranger's ankles, Delphine wholeheartedly leans down in her chair, to not lose sight of Haai. But then, the one she knew as Jata was talking, and she realized someone else was there.

She popped upright in her chair, [say]"Remi,"[/say] She nods solemnly as if she was agreeing to the statement that the man had not been home, though she had no proof of that. As the men embrace, Delphine beams brightly, because it seems like a happy thing, people loving one another. [say]"Poe-P--"[/say] She'd been about to ask about Poe, a bright pink bird. Who could miss a bright pink bird, after all, but food!

Then, there's food. Distracted immediately, she begins to pick at the fruit, ignoring the bread entirely. Bread was in abundance in her house. And there's water! Delphine claims the glass in both hands, not entirely sure where the water came from.

RE: Missed Connection - Nate - 04-16-2020

A low, long suffering sigh huffed out of Nate as the explanation came, only cutting off when he presses his face into Sunjatas shoulder. [say]”Look at you, doing the right thing. Picking up strays.”[/say] He wants to be more irritated than he is, but he understands, the confusion and the strange desperation that comes from seeing someone tweaking out, especially when you don’t recognize it. Though, the mention of a rock doesn’t exactly leave him feeling all that charitable.

While the attuned gathers fruit, Nate steps over to kneel in front of Delphine, waiting until she’s eaten and drunk her full and is looking over at him. [say]”Hey there. Delphine, right?”[/say] His voice is a soothing purr, a well practised bedside manner coming over him almost automatically. [say]”Seems like you’ve had a fun night, huh?”[/say] He grins, looking at her glassy eyes, remembering the senseless mumbles.

RE: Missed Connection - Sunjata - 04-16-2020

The sigh and the quiet irritation given from Nate has Sunjata reflecting it – having been unsure of what to do. “[say]Well, you’re a doctor so I imagined you could help.[/say]” He offers quietly, suddenly wishing that he were attuned if only for Sunjata to recommend dropping her on Remi and Ronin’s porch as a sly surprise once she made it out okay. But… He can’t, so he sighs lightly instead and offers her the fruit, leaning back against the counter and crossing his arms.

And he remains silent, for the most part, watching and waiting to see what happens – before slipping away and grabbing a glass for himself as Haai continues to wrap around his legs. He runs a hand along the bruise formed on his arm, the feathers still remaining along his shoulders as his tired steel gaze flickers back to Delphine, waiting once more.

RE: Missed Connection - Delphine - 04-16-2020

Delphine studied the man in front of her, furrowing her brow. [say]"Delphine."[/say] She repeated, the grin caused the light frown to fade, and turn into a smile. [say]"Fun! Yes. But... Poe-Poe."[/say] She mumbled, quickly becoming crestfallen. [say]"Poe-Poe's lost."[/say] She insisted, [say]"And the not-a-doggy knows where."[/say] She brazenly waved a hand towards Haai, almost knocking over her water in the process.

She clutched her water to her chest, startled, as if it was the only thing that gave her life. [say]"I need... Poe-Poe."[/say] She murmured, her features had shifted to more of a determined stare, as she stared straight into the new man's eyes.


RE: Missed Connection - Nate - 04-16-2020

Nate wants to argue at the reasoning, but... he is a doctor, and he can help. And, more important than Sunjata's technical correctness, he is a sucker for anything that strokes his ego, which being needed did. [say]"I've got it. You're lucky I was actually hanging out here though."[/say] A wink thrown towards the attuned, and then his focus is on the woman, her answers to his questions.

An enthusiastic nod shakes out of Nate when Delphine responds to her name, to the mention of fun. [say]"What kind of fun? Do you remember?"[/say] All he needs is a little bit of help here, and he can figure out what to do next, though drinking more water and sleeping it off is hovering at the forefront of his mind.

Apparently though, her cooperation stopped there, her face dropping and Poe-Poe falling from her lips, over and over. Nate leaned back, meeting her stare with a raised brow, and cocked his head. [say]"I uh, don't think the not a doggy knows where anything is."[/say] He says gently, leaning over to glance at the griffin doing her damnedest to trip up Sunjata. [say]"What is Poe-Poe? Maybewe can help find it."[/say]