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[se] about to make it everyone else's problem - Printable Version

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RE: [se] about to make it everyone else's problem - Melita - 05-25-2024

The explanation didn’t make it any less weird in Melita’s eyes – and they narrowed in speculation, facial expression twisting and turning into disbelief, then confusion, before settling on a flat affect. She struggled picturing it, but certainly wasn't going to ask for anymore visual input. [say]“Huh. Well, all right.”[/say] Shrugging her shoulders and shaking her head, and still pondering over Frey’s compunction for some bizarre shit, Melita marched on, swinging around the kiosk to peruse more of the fabric, before opting out. [say]“Tell me what she says, anyway,”[/say] with a light wave of her hand, as if everything was going to be simplistic. And perhaps it would be – she could see Ru beelining into the notions without a second thought.

Not much for calculations, this family.

RE: [se] about to make it everyone else's problem - Sunjata - 05-30-2024

Sunjata nods, even as he can tell she’s a bit confused and distrusting of it. Even still, Sunjata does take her words and opinions to heart – figuring that a conversation should be had between them anyway, even if he wanted it to be a surprise. Given the current situation and scenarios that may occur, Sunjata isn’t entirely sure if they’ll end up with finding the ‘right time’. So might as well have a chat, right? Make sure everyone’s on the same page.

“[say]Yeah, of course.[/say]” Sunjata says, stepping up beside her after when he’s pretty sure she’s not going to set him on fire (even if he can douse it out with his magic). He’s careful to not mention any of the other admissions offered between himself and the Valkyrie, instead reaching out to tug her elbow and hand her the golden scarf he’d just purchased.

“[say]For you.[/say]” He says with a crooked smile. “[say]Not just a scarf but it can be a bag too.[/say]” He scans her face, curious to see what she might think of its ivory hues with golden threads that shimmer in the light within it.

RE: [se] about to make it everyone else's problem - Melita - 05-31-2024

Piling together her purchases, she surveyed the scarves and candy, figuring they were decent enough wares for the warranted occasion, and went ahead to purchase the other portions. So she was surprised to turn back around and find he was giving something to her (especially when she’d been a little shit lately, and hardly deserving). Her eyes rounded in the slight bewilderment, going back and forth from her uncle and to the gilded cloth, before her hands went for it. [say]“Thank you,”[/say] she offered, because she meant it. [say]“I’ll have something for you later,”[/say] it would’ve been difficult to shop with him here, and Melita wasn’t slick enough to pull that off underneath his nose.

She could probably put it around her locks or make it a bag…yeah, some manner of calculations already beginning.

RE: [se] about to make it everyone else's problem - Sunjata - 06-02-2024

His steel gaze finds Melita’s as a smile twists the corner of his lips, keeping the scarf offered out until she realized just enough that he had intended to buy it for her. He hadn’t expected the surprise, really, given that he was sure she saw that he had made that purchase, but instead it appears as though she was distracted (perhaps by his questions on life and future with Hotaru or the fact that she was still a bit off kilter from her death experience?).

Either way, he nods and his smile remains just as crooked. “[say]You’re welcome, heuningby.[/say]” He murmurs, before he straightens up as soon as she takes it. “[say]Maybe you can come to the house in King’s End and we can have dinner and exchange sometime? I’ve been meaning to decorate it lately.[/say]” He considers, before he tils his head, waiting to see what she thought.

RE: [se] about to make it everyone else's problem - Melita - 06-03-2024

Glancing up from staring upon the gilded fabric, her eyes still wide and a little rattled, from what she had difficulty naming, her mind eventually settled upon what he was discussing. Exchanging gifts. Decorating at King’s End. Dinner, like old times, when they weren’t all broken apart at the seams (or had been, but just in different ways). Sniffling something back and not giving any response to it, she nodded, mouth turning over in a grin as she pocketed her other wares. [say]“Sure. I’d like that.”[/say] Putting things back in place, in order, might’ve been out of the range of chaos, but for now, she didn’t the ambience of it.

{FIN <3}