Court of the Fallen
the earth is a stepping stone - Printable Version

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RE: the earth is a stepping stone - Deimos - 06-22-2021

An argument threatened to burn its way through his chest, but he could see where it would lead to more anarchy, more unrest, rather than the residual peace that had managed to settle. His mouth parted, then closed, content to muffle the seething bout behind his teeth, with a shake of his head, with a snort that turned into a modest laugh.

And then the other Abandoned was ahead, and Deimos could see the outline of the Citadel, prominent and clear. His companions nestled in, soothing balms, stretching out over him as their strides melded and molded into the snow, piercing through onslaught after onslaught. [say]“Fine,”[/say] he managed, dragging the sled behind once more, until they could return into the fold of the city, and parse through the remnants.

Sah would make his decisions, and hopefully something would come out of it, in the end.

{FIN <3}