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please forgive me, I can’t sleep at night - Printable Version

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RE: please forgive me, I can’t sleep at night - Sunjata - 02-04-2020

He pauses for a bit, surveying while trying to figure out where to even start. “[say]Well. The same old thing about how he disapproves of my lifestyle choices. You should… Know that I slept with him and Lusea last LongNight.[/say]” He shakes his head, because that’s not all, that there’s more to the story but the details were needed. “[say]But anyway, he went on, talking about my ‘low standards’ in people I choose to be with. And then he put his hands on me and kissed me.[/say]” His gaze slides over, pausing a beat to see how she reacts.

“[say]I told him I couldn’t do it. And he tested that theory, until I told him to back off.[/say]” Another brief pause as he goes to look at the crowd again. “[say]Then seemed proud of it? ‘The one person you won’t sleep with’ even though that’s not true.[/say]” He shakes his head, unsure, uncertain why it was such a novel idea. Perhaps it was the alcohol in the end.

RE: please forgive me, I can’t sleep at night - Maea - 02-04-2020

Maea stiffened already at the 'slept with' bit. She could feel her face stiffen, not sure what kind of expression she was wearing. Shock? Outrage? Jealousy maybe, or perhaps a bit of disgust? Not a pleasant one, at any rate, and it did not get better as Sunjata went on.

When he came to the bit about the kiss, her hands clenched into fists, lips pressed together into a thin line.

[say]"When was this?"[/say] she asked, and averted her eyes so she didn't have to meet his gaze. There was something terrible in her voice, hurt and anger, but... it wasn't because of Sunjata. Surprisingly. He had backed out, after all, said no - which actually astounded her, now that she thought of it.

RE: please forgive me, I can’t sleep at night - Sunjata - 02-04-2020

He realizes quickly by the clenched fists and the thin line of her lips that she doesn’t like the news. And with it, he focuses his attention away from her, unable to say anything in response to her frustration until after her question hits. “[say]Before I found you at the lighthouse.[/say]” He doesn’t know what else to say other than that. It happened before Sunjata had laid with Maea within the sandy beach, before when she’d been avoiding him.

He exhales a quiet sigh, reaching up to rub at the side of his face. “[say]He mentioned my reputation.[/say]” There’s a hollow chuckle at that. “[say]Claimed he wanted to see what the fuss was about.[/say]” Which still confused him, considering he didn’t know there was a fuss. “[say]Which means that I imagine there’s a few people talking about me out there.[/say]” A shrug, though he doesn’t look at Maea. Instead, he focuses on the crowd and those within, as if they might hold the answers.

RE: please forgive me, I can’t sleep at night - Maea - 02-04-2020

[say]"But what day?"[/say] she persisted, throat tightening as Sunjata went on. His explanation was not making it easier for her, because her mind was frantically grasping for excuses, possible reasons why Loren might do this, why he wouldn't have told her about this when she'd confided in him. Unless... the 'fuss' he'd been referring to was Maea's claim to love Sunjata?

[say]"I want to know if he kissed you before or after I told him how I felt about you,"[/say] she went on, teeth grinding together as if to somehow contain the swell of pain and anger. [say]"So I know if I get to murder him or not. So I know if he was being a fucking hypocrite when he told me oh, so kindly to stay away from you. For my own good."[/say]

The cuss came out as a hiss, half choked with outrage. Even if it had been before, it was a poor excuse. Loren could have said something then and there, in the lighthouse when they were opening up and revealing their secrets... but he had not. And if it was after... Then, oh, Maea would indeed have words for him.

RE: please forgive me, I can’t sleep at night - Sunjata - 02-04-2020

The insistence on what day it occurred, has his head swinging back to her with a raised brow, seeing the rage and fury that lingers beneath the surface. The mention of whether it happened before Maea had told Loren the feelings she had for him has him quieting down that temper that thrives within, the only answer is a flush of navy feathers that span along his tattoos.

“[say]I don’t know when you saw him.[/say]” He offers quietly, leaning toward her to try and wrap an arm around her. “[say]But I’d say it was a week before I saw you?[/say]” He offers, uncertain, lips pursing under the realization of what she’s told people, what people had told her. And he sighs. “[say]I did tell you I don’t have a good track record. Loren’s… Been there for a lot of it. Knew about it when it happened. That was the only reason I was with Lusea and him, she wanted payback.[/say]” A shrug.

He hadn’t told Maea he’d cheated on Lusea with Phoebe while blighted. Hadn’t told her a lot of his love life, really. Too much to delve into when her feelings were involved.

RE: please forgive me, I can’t sleep at night - Maea - 02-04-2020

The answer cooled her temper, if only a little. It offered Loren the benefit of the doubt, because as far as she knew, it meant the kiss, the coming on to her love interest should have happened before he knew of it. It did not make him a traiturious cunt, but it still landed him in a world of trouble.

Sunjata leaned in, placed an arm around her and Maea let it happen. She didn't respond though, just sat very still, shoulders tight and spine tense under his touch. Navy feathers tangled with her unbound hair, blue on white...

[say]"He seemed very convinced that you would cheat on me the first chance you got,"[/say] she said, very quiet. Glancing up, there was a vulnerable expression on her face, a question in her eyes that said clearer than words that she had not been able to deny the possibility. Because... had he not done so against Phoebe? With Nate, with her. He might think it was just a kiss, but Maea knew intimately that it did not matter, it was still a betrayal of trust if it was allowed to happen.

But they had no agreements. And while Sunjata knew what she felt for him, what she wanted out of this, what she hoped for... did he respect that at all?

Or had their night together been just another game to him?

RE: please forgive me, I can’t sleep at night - Sunjata - 02-04-2020

She’s stiff beneath his arm, and he tries to pull her a bit closer to him as he explains what happened. But the rage, the hurt is seen in the gaze she casts to him, that he catches briefly with a bit of a pang to his heart. He frowns lightly to it, knowing his track record isn’t good, but there was something about each of those times that he… well, needed an out. Needed a different way to feel and deal with things.

“[say]The first time I cheated, I was blighted, drunk, and a bit high.[/say]” He admits, looking along the lines of her face, the hurt within. “[say]The second time was with Nate.[/say]” He tries to show the honesty of it, that despite everyone he’s been involved with one way or another, those were the two instances. “[say]I haven’t been with anyone since the beach, Maea.[/say]” It’s quiet, hasn’t been that long really, but regardless.

“[say]I might’ve had a variety of partners but I always try to make my intentions clear.[/say]” A shrug, can’t say he wasn’t honest about it. “[say]Loren’s probably just pissy about the whole thing with Phoebe, among the rest of the shit he has going on.[/say]”

RE: please forgive me, I can’t sleep at night - Maea - 02-04-2020

Well... he had the honesty going for him, at least. Maea couldn't fault him for that. It was just a really poor way to handle things, this tendency to run away from problems by drowning himself in other people. It was as destructive a tendency as alcohol or hallucinogens, and she realized that it might be a pattern that he couldn't break, even if he wanted to. Even if he tried.

[say]"What about the time you kissed me? Did that not count, in your mind?"[/say]

Her cheek twitched as he tried to assure her that there had been no one since their night together. It was an attempt to smile, to relax under his arm as he pulled her even closer, but while her heart did pick up the pace at feeling his body so close again... it was a dull, throbbing ache that pulsed through her veins, as though the blood had become something thicker and far less willing.

[say]"What are your intentions here, Sunjata?"[/say]

Forget about Loren for a moment. Forget about Phoebe or Lusea or any of the other in that long line of people that came and went to his bed, in and out of his life like it was some kind of revolving door. Maea needed to know what this was, what it meant, if it meant anything at all. 'Just friends' simply did not cut it anymore. They had gone past that, had never been able to stick to those lines from the very first, and if he couldn't keep them with others, why would she be any different?

[say]"What are we, now?"[/say]

A part of her almost wanted him to say 'nothing'. To admit he'd made a fool out of her, that she'd known it would hurt and did it to herself anyway, just so she could walk away. Take the advice of people who seemed to care (but how could she be sure that they really did) and just... end this. Before it became any more painful.

But... the other part of her really wanted to hear that it would be different this time. Because she wanted it to be, hoped it could. Needed this to work.

RE: please forgive me, I can’t sleep at night - Sunjata - 02-04-2020

”What about the time that you kissed me?” A muscle feathers briefly in his jaw, having forgotten the start of it all, having not considered a simple kiss to be considered cheating when nobody would know but them. Especially after he’d told Phoebe it was a possibility, in the end. He shakes his head somewhat to that, gaze flickering over her face. “[say]It was, just…[/say]” It dies off when she asks his intentions again.

And now? Now he doesn’t know. Because he’d somewhat made amends with Hotaru, parted their separate ways, but there was Nate to complicate things too, and he takes a sharp inhale, pulling his arm from her to draw his legs up and rest his arms along the tops of his knees, rubbing at the side of his face. What were they? He doesn’t know. Because on one side he’d rather keep this game going, but after seeing her with Nate, that possessive part of him struck him deep, and he hadn’t felt that way since Korofi, since Lusea.

He puffs out an exhale, voice low, reminded of conversations with Phoebe right after he’d arrived and she’d gotten upset with him over his lack of wanting a true relationship. Love terrified him, in the end, and he wasn’t sure if it would ever change. The word itself feels like oil on his tongue. Slippery, hard to swallow, harder still to say. “[say]I care about you far more than I intended to at the start.[/say]” He finally manages. Please don’t make me say it.

“[say]But I understand if that’s not what you want, someone too afraid to try again.[/say]” An attempt for him to try, to give in, without the official terms for what they were. He’d turned down Loren, turned down Sam, because of what he could feel for Maea sparking within. And it terrifies him, in the end. It causes enough fear that he refuses to meet her eye, simply brushing a hand through his hair, staring at the box of daggers in the grass.

RE: please forgive me, I can’t sleep at night - Maea - 02-04-2020

He let go, and Maea felt wild pain tear through her as he withdrew, curled up and refused to look at her. She tried to breathe, but the ache was crushing and forced the air right out of her lungs again, until her breaths were nothing but shallow gasps. Insuffiecient, panicked. Tears began to prickle behind her ears and flowed down through her jaw, so sure that this was it, that it would end here. It had only been a dream after all, a single blissful night of sweet hope... and now it was crushing down around her ears.

But she remained, sat still. Forced down the impulse to get up and leave, run off... she needed to hear him say it. To confirm her deepest fear.

I care about you far more than I intended.'

She stopped breathing. Thought she must have heard wrong. Waited, still as a statue, eyes wide and fixed on Sunjata where he sat, hidden away like what he said was painful beyond belief. Maea did not dare to believe it, and wasn't sure what to make of the words that followed, that seemed to ask her for... what? She wasn't sure, couldn't tell.

The silence stretched out between them for an age.

[say]"I do want you,"[/say] she finally said. Very soft, very gentle. Carefully picking the words as if the wrong ones might shatter him like glass. [say]"But you know that. I already told you. But... I also can't do this by half."[/say]

Swallowing hard, she let her gaze drift away from him. To the lights of the festival beyond the trees, the happy people dancing and laughing so close by.

[say]"The thing is... I want only you. No one else. I'm yours, should you want me, but I can't... I just can't share you. Not with anyone. It would tear me apart, knowing that you'd take what should be mine and mine alone and give it to someone else. I don't care if it's pain or pleasure or anger or happiness, I want you to lay it on me.

"And if that's not what you want, if it's not something you care to do, then - "[/say] her voice was thick, tears prickling in her eyes, forcing the words out [say]" - then I will have to go. I don't want to, but I can't stay while knowing that I'm not enough to make you happy."[/say]

A tear rolled down her cheek, and she swiped at it, hating that she couldn't hold them back. It felt like blackmail, like she was forcing him to do something... but really she was not. This was a choice, and his alone to make. But... he did not have to make it here. Now. Tonight.

[say]"Maybe... we should just... take some time apart. Think about this. You can figure out if... if your caring is strong enough to brave those fears for."[/say]  

A third gift, if he would accept it. A measure of time held out on an upturned palm. A gift of freedom, if that's how he preferred to see it... to find an answer, make a decision, come into this of his own free will.

If she had to drag him, Maea knew it would all be pointless. She didn't want someone who didn't actually want to be with her.

RE: please forgive me, I can’t sleep at night - Sunjata - 02-04-2020

Not by half. And yet, does she expect the same for herself? When she’s agreed to those checkups from Nate as he had done, when she knew what the feeling was now, what it brought upon them both? He considers it, what it might be like, the pit of jealousy that had sparked within him at seeing Nate bite her.

The exhale he gives is slow and long, but he keeps his gaze away from her, focusing on the box of daggers and the same gift he’d given her, how quickly things had happened, so quickly he’d felt this way about her. And he’s not sure where that leaves him, not sure where it will when she goes to Halo. He gnaws on the inside of his cheek, attention focused on the sounds of the festival, the sounds of his thundering heart.

Until she mentions space, and he snorts to that. “[say]We both know I’m terrible with keeping my distance, Maea.[/say]” And he does, finally, turn to look at her. He can see the way she looks if he were to wake up beside her every day, the way she’d look years from now if Caido doesn’t take either of them away, and the thought both inspires and terrifies him.

“[say]I would like to try.[/say]” It comes out quietly, and he reaches up to cup her cheek. “[say]But it will take me some time to be able to say it again.[/say]” Because every time he does, it’s gone. It’s as though saying the word love is like admitting the sun is out on a cloudy day — vanishing before given a chance to brighten the sky. And if that’s a deal breaker, then so be it.

He aims to stroke her cheek with his thumb, offering a small gentle smile despite the storm surging within him. He’s never been good at making choices, but gods how part of him wants to try and make better ones.

RE: please forgive me, I can’t sleep at night - Maea - 02-04-2020

Every second that passed after her voice had faded was an eternity. A void filled with all the hopes and fears and wild imaginings. Always the overthinker, Maea saw possible outcomes line up before her like picture books. Angry words, sad words, insanely happy words, all with stories that spanned off into the distance. She saw herself sitting there in the glade until long after he left, she saw herself running off into the woods with tears streaming down her face when she couldn't stand the silence anymore (because it could speak louder than words at times). She even glimpsed a few happy ever afters in that chaotic torrent, but she avoided looking at them too closely, as if daring to hope might somehow destroy the possibility of it coming true.

He sighed. It nearly made her scream, too tightly wound from the tension of waiting, of giving him space to think and choose and figure out what he wanted... Then it was followed by a snort and Sunjata spoke, uttering a truth that was so profound she had to bite down a laugh as it tried to escape. Tearfilled and only too aware. No... he wasn't good at staying away. And neither was she.

She'd expected him to say no, after that. But again, he uttered words that made her stop breathing, too shocked to realize the truth of what she was hearing until she felt his hand on her cheek. Found his gaze as he finally looked at her.

'I would like to try.'

The tears began to roll down her cheeks and she closed her eyes tightly. Taking a long, shuddering breath Maea pressed her cheek into his palm, let his heat flood over her skin and take away the stiffness and the cold she'd settled into. So warm, so tender and kind and so very real. Full of flaws and scars, skin bruised and heart battered and broken... and still he wanted to try. To love again. To hope again.

What more could she ever ask for?

Maea opened her eyes again and looked up at him, smiling through the tears. Her chest still ached, and she couldn't quite give up the notion that this was unreal, but... if it was a dream, she hoped it would last for a long time.

[say]"Take all the time you need,"[/say] she said to him, with her heart in her voice, hope on her tongue. [say]"I'm not going anywhere that you can't reach."[/say]

RE: please forgive me, I can’t sleep at night - Sunjata - 02-04-2020

”Take all the time you need.” Both a blessing and a curse. A blessing that it’s not expected of him until he’s ready, a curse for if he ever might be. What happens then? If he can’t ever say it? Would she push him as Phoebe had? Would she condemn him as Lusea had, for giving it away so freely? There was still so much that Maea didn’t know about him, the things he had to do, the blood on his hands.

Would she care? If those same bloodied hands held her with care every night? Or would she fall into the role of the others who thought him to be a monster at the end of the day?

But she leans into the touch, tears falling from her eyes, and all he can do is give her a soft smile in response, reaching up to brush those tears away with his other hand. “[say]You’re going to get a lot of questions, a lot of disappointment from people with this.[/say]” And there's honesty in the tone he uses there. “[say]So I hope you’re prepared for it.[/say]” A deep rumble, hand lowering to fiddle with Ludo’s rags along her shoulders, lifting it up slightly to spot the bruising on her neck before he settles the rags down again and looks at her more fully.

RE: please forgive me, I can’t sleep at night - Maea - 02-05-2020

In truth? Maea didn't care about all the unknowns. Not now, not tonight, in this moment. They were shadows to be explored another time. Some other night, when these raging waters had stilled, when she felt calmer, less flammable. Leaning her cheeks into his hands, letting him brush away the tears with calloused fingers that were shockingly gentle, she just smiled. Caring not at all for the rest of the world and their opinions.

[say]"They can say whatever they like,"[/say] she said. [say]"I don't care. All that matters to me is that you are there through it."[/say] People had been talking about her and looking ascance at her her whole life, for being different. Why should this be any different?

Oh, she had no doubt it would be difficult. Facing Phoebe and Hotaru, dealing with Nate and the checkups she still needed to go to (though she was very tempted to just let it lie) and... well, she'd have to settle matters with Loren as well. Figure out how to handle Halo and her guild. No small tasks, all in all, but nothing she couldn't handle either.

[say]"You'll be with me through it, right?"[/say] She shivered slightly as he fiddled with her shawl. Searching for his gaze, Maea reached up her hands and slowly undid the wrappings that covered her shoulders and neck. Let them come loose, to hang in drifting folds and expose skin peppered with bruises. Purplish and dark, fading green and yellow, they littered her white skin like paint splotched onto a canvas, and the high collar of her dress could do very little to hide them.

But if he didn't mind, she would carry them proudly. He'd claimed her as his own, and Maea was not ashamed to admit to it. Not now. Not when he was willing to give them a chance.