Here you will find a list of all of CotF's current and upcoming seasons and their corrosponding real life times.For clarity,
- Spring = Flowerbirth
Summer = Longheat
Autumn = Leafchange
Winter = Deepfrost
Remember that each season lasts 2 OOC months, making 1 year of site time = 8 months of real time.
- Hollowed Grounds: Crisp, bright days, with new leaves budding in the trees and blossoming flowers. There is a possibility of sun showers and lightning storms.
- Greatwood: Bright and breezy days, with swathes of new growth in the trees, blankets of wildflowers and plenty of sunshine to enjoy. There is a possibility of sun showers and lightning storms - beware of flooding during particularly heavy showers.
- Halo: Bitterly frosty days with temperatures continuing to plummet at night. Expect the occasional blizzard blowing across the region.
- Torchline: Grey skies with near constant rainfall. When it is not raining, the weather feels close and humid. The latter part of the season will see the rains intensify into monsoons. Below the surface, the Mer will find it difficult to orient themselves towards the surface due to the intensity of the rain.
- Stormbreak: Fresh, cool days and blustery nights. High possibility of thunderstorms, rainfall and snow flurries due to the higher altitude.
- King’s End: Crisp days made colder by the wind howling through the Barrows. The occasional snowfall sprinkles the green hilltops with white caps.
- Oerwoud: Warm and drizzly, with cool and misty mornings. An abundance of new growth for the native flora.
- Hak Etme: Whilst not as intense as in Longheat, the desert is as arid and sweltering as one might expect, but the nights are bitterly cold.
- The Climb: As fiery as ever, the skies are cloudy and oppressive, keeping the heat close to the ground. Slow rolling fog is a near constant companion for travellers making their way through the Climb.
- Feverlands: Wet and muddy, frequent showers increase the risk of flooding, turning the area into a troublesome quagmire.
- Hollowed Grounds: Hot and dry, the endless sunny days bring with them the possibility of wildfires. The Levinsward is particularly active at this time of year, and thunder echoes regularly across the Grounds.
- Greatwood: The forest is in full bloom, with heady, hot days and cooler evenings. The occasional thunderstorm provides a release from the intensity of the season.
- Halo: The cold never abandons Halo due to the presence of the permafrost, but Longheat brings deep blue skies and blinding sunshine, made even more dazzling as it bounces off the ice and snow. Beware of snow blindness out on the Tundra.
- Torchline: A tropical paradise, the days are long and stiflingly hot, the evenings a blissful oasis by comparison. Rainfall is a rarity for Torchline in this season, falling mainly out at sea. The Mer may find their population increases during this season, as Torchers with aquatic shifts come to spend their days where it is cooler.
- Stormbreak: Without the protection of any cloud cover, there is nowhere to hide from the heat of the season. Stormbreak experiences dry, hot and sunny days and surprisingly cold nights, given its lofty position up in the sky.
- King’s End: Whilst the heat is not as intense as in other areas, the vast majority of King’s End is exposed to the elements. Summer rains intersperse with long, sunny days, making the meadows a blanket of greenery and wildflowers.
- Oerwoud: Lush and humid, the abundance of flora makes the Oerwoud a shady paradise compared to the heat of Torchline. The native fauna thrives during this season, and whilst it may be tempting to rest here, there is no telling what hides in the undergrowth.
- Hak Etme: As expected in any desert, Hak Etme puts the heat into Longheat. Visiting here is near unbearable at this time of year; the area becomes an endless, rippling wasteland of scorching sand, broken only by the occasional oasis.
- The Climb: An expanse of boiling lava and blistering stone, the heat of the season only intensifies the Climb’s already fiery conditions. Whilst it doesn’t seem possible, one would swear that volcanic activity increases during this season, and lightning storms decorate the skies at night.
- Feverlands: The days are sweltering and still, bringing little relief with the setting of the sun. Hot, thick mud disguises itself as pathways through the swamp, and all manner of insects thrive in the hot, moist conditions.
- Hollowed Grounds: Though rain storms are not uncommon, dry air and grasses invite wildfires. Lightning reminds the region of just how flammable its farmlands are. The Outer Brambles faded away to intense thickets, allowing howling winds to race across the various islands. Afternoons bring bright sunshine but little warmth, followed by cold and long nights.
- Greatwood: Sunshowers help to prolong the riot of colours the Greatwood has on display. The Stone Symphony swells because of the rain seemingly causing the Greatwood to shrink with its expansion.
- Halo: Never without snow or ice, as the days grow cool and dry, great groaning moans can be heard throughout Halo as the ice begins to shift and expand. Wind-burn is common, as fog descends onto Halo like a second dusting of snow.
- Torchline: Crisp winds float in from the coasts, heralding cooler temperatures to come. The portion of Haulani high in the clouds is often buffeted by fog and strong winds, while deep below the surface, the Mer experience the last few strong currents of the year.
- Stormbreak: So high in the clouds, Stormbreak is battered by relentless lightning storms and fog. On most days the ocean far below isn’t visible as thick clouds roll in. When skies are clear however, Stormbreak floats like a beacon high above the sea.
- King’s End: The lush green grasses have begun to fade and grow dry. Wildfires are common following lightning storms.
- Oerwoud: Mornings are cool accompanied by low-hanging fog. Throughout the day this fog typically is burned away by the sun, though this does not offer much heat. As plants and flowers begin to die the jungle takes on an earthy and woody smell as it grows increasingly more quiet given the number of animals slipping away to hibernate.
- Hak Etme: Though rain does not often fall in the desert, when it does, colour and life bloom in abundance. Be careful, flash flooding is a common occurrence following the rain.
- The Climb: When rain tries to fall upon the Climb, stream rises in angry torrents from the lava beds. Only creatures who have evolved to live in this type of climate are safe on the surface. Below the rock, the Mountain’s Roar rages as ocean levels rise from the rain.
- Feverlands: Constant rain has made the marsh swollen. Gasses belch from trapped pockets of air as sludge and ooze coat nearly every bank and tree-trunk.
- Hollowed Grounds: Snowstorms are common, bringing with them snowdrifts that reach as high as 10ft or more. Skies are grey and the air is bitterly cold.
- Greatwood: With snow laying heavily on the boughs of many trees, falling branches are more of a concern than the temperature. The Stone Symphony does not freeze in its centre, though ice builds up along the riverbanks.
- Halo: Deepfrost is the deadliest season for Halovians as temperatures plummet to -50 degrees, the wind howls and freezes everything it can touch, and snowfall is a near constant.
- Torchline: Though the days are cooler and nights bring brisk winds from the ocean, bright blue skies colour Torchline as the sun continues to shine. Skinny dipping is not recommended as the ocean is quite cool. Deep below the Mer receive far less light and will notice that the ocean currents have slowed.
- Stormbreak: Ice storms are common as heavy snow clouds pass through the city. The roots in the Grotto are prone to freezing, causing ice-quakes to shiver through the streets as the floating city slowly freezes.
- King’s End: Blanketed in undisturbed sheets of snow, King’s End can quickly become a deadly place to find oneself without heat or food. With near-constant snowstorms, eyelashes freeze within minutes of being outside, and prolonged exposure makes it hard to breathe.
- Oerwoud: Many of the smaller streams and rivers freeze, such that animals are forced to congregate for water. Ghilio’s presence keeps the majority of plants alive despite the bitter cold, though hoarfrost sparkles on nearly every surface not dotted with snow.
- Hak Etme: Snow never touches the desert even if the pale sands and mirages suggest otherwise. Cooler winds give many of the animals a needed reprieve during the day.
- The Climb: The lava flows move more slowly on the surface, though the Climb is still as hot and fiery as ever. Deep within Frey’s Breath is warm and inviting.
- Feverlands: Frozen bubbles of methane and other deadly gases linger below the frozen surface of the swamp. Hungry predators stalk the darkened region, quick to make anything that moves into a snack. Though snow falls in sheets, the sludge from the swamp turns it grey and putrid.
At last, the sun emerges after a season of bleak darkness and troubled skies. The very height of Flowerbirth brings with it the festival of Fiat Lux - a time to celebrate new life after the hardships of LongNight. With it comes a day of games and revelry, with stalls set up for guilds and shops to showcase their wares, along with dancing, drinking, and the odd bit of spring-cleaning and gardening.
The pale warmth of Flowerbirth has intensified into LongHeat. In most places, the skies are deep and blue and cloudless, dominated by a sphere of golden sunshine. A time of light, it is particularly a time for celebration and mirth for those in the Greatwood. Legend has it in this area that, if the sun could be captured, the days might remain long forever. Citizens of the woods are known to partake in quaint and eccentric customers to accomplish this lofty task.
The LongHeat has finally broken. Forests are ablaze with colour and shores are warm and calm. For most areas, pleasant, balmy days are sandwiched between crisp mornings and chilly evenings.
Leafchange brings with it the Festival of Lights and the creation of lanterns to remember the dead. Many craft them out of various materials, spanning from paper to ceramic to glass, each with little bits and pieces that are reminiscent of the souls of whom the lanterns are created. All are brought together for the Festival to be hung, later to be lit at midnight, the day spent reminiscing those who have passed.
During Deepfrost, the temperature rapidly plummets for much of Caido. Most of the world is blanketed with snow, bringing crisp, cold days and deadly nights. For the last week of Deepfrost (2 OOC weeks long) darkness falls over the entire continent as the sun is entirely blocked out. Proper planning and preparation can make LongNight a time to rest, remember, and reflect. For those without adequate heat, food, or shelter however, it can be a death sentence.
Seasons | ||
Season | Year | IRL Month |
Longheat | 318 | September 2024 |
Flowerbirth | 318 | August 2024 |
Flowerbirth | 318 | July 2024 |
Deepfrost | 317 | June 2024 |
Deepfrost | 317 | May 2024 |
Leafchange | 317 | April 2024 |
Leafchange | 317 | March 2024 |
Longheat | 317 | February 2024 |
Longheat | 317 | January 2024 |
Flowerbirth | 317 | December 2023 |
Flowerbirth | 317 | November 2023 |
Deepfrost | 316 | October 2023 |
Deepfrost | 316 | September 2023 |
Leafchange | 316 | August 2023 |
Leafchange | 316 | July 2023 |
Longheat | 316 | June 2023 |
Longheat | 316 | May 2023 |
Flowerbirth | 316 | April 2023 |
Flowerbirth | 316 | March 2023 |
Deepfrost | 315 | February 2023 |
Deepfrost | 315 | January 2023 |
Leafchange | 315 | December 2022 |
Leafchange | 315 | November 2022 |
Leafchange | 314 | November 2022 |
Longheat | 314 | October 2022 |
Longheat | 314 | September 2022 |
Flowerbirth | 314 | August 2022 |
Flowerbirth | 314 | July 2022 |
Deepfrost | 313 | June 2022 |
Deepfrost | 313 | May 2022 |
Leafchange | 313 | April 2022 |
Leafchange | 313 | March 2022 |
Longheat | 313 | February 2022 |
Longheat | 313 | January 2022 |
Flowerbirth | 313 | December 2021 |
Flowerbirth | 313 | November 2021 |
Deepfrost | 312 | October 2021 |
Deepfrost | 312 | September 2021 |
Leafchange | 312 | August 2021 |
Leafchange | 312 | July 2021 |
Longheat | 312 | June 2021 |
Longheat | 312 | May 2021 |
Flowerbirth | 312 | April 2021 |
Flowerbirth | 312 | March 2021 |
Deepfrost | 311 | February 2021 |
Deepfrost | 311 | January 2021 |
Leafchange | 311 | December 2020 |
Leafchange | 311 | November 2020 |
Longheat | 311 | October 2020 |
Longheat | 311 | September 2020 |
Flowerbirth | 311 | August 2020 |
Flowerbirth | 311 | July 2020 |
Deepfrost | 310 | June 2020 |
Deepfrost | 310 | May 2020 |
Leafchange | 310 | April 2020 |
Leafchange | 310 | March 2020 |
Longheat | 310 | February 2020 |
Longheat | 310 | January 2020 |
Flowerbirth | 310 | December 2019 |
Flowerbirth | 310 | November 2019 |
Deepfrost | 309 | October 2019 |
Deepfrost | 309 | September 2019 |
Leafchange | 309 | August 2019 |
Leafchange | 309 | July 2019 |
Longheat | 309 | June 2019 |
Longheat | 309 | May 2019 |
Flowerbirth | 309 | April 2019 |
Flowerbirth | 309 | March 2019 |
Deepfrost | 308 | February 2019 |
Deepfrost | 308 | January 2019 |
Leafchange | 308 | December 2018 |
Leafchange | 308 | November 2018 |