New area idea/flora/fauna ideas!

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Mirage Crab
Large Crustacean

The mirage crab has a large, flat body, over 5 ft in diameter. It has six legs, and two 10-ft long tentacles. It can be found on beaches and in desert regions, where it burrows under the sand to wait for its prey. The mirage crab can create a minor illusion around itself, making itself appear like any naturally occurring creature or object. lts preferred mirage is that of a small oasis, with the appearance of a pool of water over its mouth, and its tentacles appearing like two tall Palm Trees. When potential pray comes over to investigate or drink the water, the illusion fades away and the mirage crab latches on with its tentacles and consumes its prey with its sharp mandibles. Mirage crabs found in different regions will adapt their illusion based on what is commonly found in the area.

Age: 24 | Height: | Race: OOC Account | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Greatwood
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Board ideas:
A forest-filled cavern where gravity flips. "Massive trees seem to be growing from the roof of the cave, causing a reversing shift in gravity itself. All who enter this cave will either need to jump or fall to land feet first on the new 'ground' "

I have no idea what to call it though.

Flora ideas:

Hive Ferns:
These tropical ferns appear normal at first glance, but the tip of each frond appears to be a rubbery tip which in actuality is a receptor. These ferns belong to a single hive mind, using each frond receptor to communicate with the others and the Mother Fern.
Mother Fern: The central plant of the hive ferns. It is rumored that should someone interact with this 'mother', they can affect all of the hive ferns in Caido.

Fauna Ideas:

Oak Snails:
Small snails with shells made out of secreted fibrous wood. They cling together in large colonies, creating the illusion of a large oak tree to evade predators. They feed off of neighboring actual trees.

Shroom Gators:
A species of swamp-dwelling alligators that are characterized by the colonies of colorful mushrooms that grow on their back.  They can often be mistaken for mushroom-laden fallen logs, a camouflage that they often employ to ambush prey.

Moss sloths:
What is often mistaken for moss growing on tree bark, is sometimes a moss sloth taking a nap. These lethargic parasitic creatures move from tree to tree throughout the day and absorb nutrients from the tree, all while taking a nap. Lazy fucks

Verdant Whispers:
A species of butterfly known for their vibrant green coloring and nearly translucent wispy wings. They can be seen flickering between trees and have been known to lead lost travelers to either safety or certain death, depending on their mood.
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Moonkissed Reef
Warm, shallow waters flow ceaselessly through this vibrant underwater forest of coral, stone, and sea plants, ebbing and rising with the tide. A rainbow of colors flicker and gleam within the water as a thousand varieties of fish dart through the shadows and light that play on the white sandy seafloor as it passes through the arms of staghorn coral and past waving fronds of seaweed. The coral is beautiful but deadly sharp and no few of the animals that hide in the delicate embrace of brilliant anemones are coated in lethal poisons or venomous spines. At night the rounded corals that give the reef its name glow with a soft ambiance, creating islands of light beneath the dark waters.

Lost Requiem
Once, an ancient coastal metropolis of marble and obsidian drew ships from across Caido to its bustling ports. Now it lies beneath the waves, broken and forgotten to time, tide, and sand. Recent events have shaken the sand away and raised some of the shattered towers to poke above the waves at low tide a short swim from shore. Though the city is now inhabited primarily by barnacles and a tenacious black coral as hard and sharp as iron, other creatures with more arms and eyes and teeth have begun to move in to the shelter of cracked buildings and fallen roofs. The great vaults beneath central tower remain intact, though curiously they appear to have been sealed shut from the outside.

The Heart of Midnight
Both a place and a creature, the Heart of Midnight is a massive abyssal coral that completely fills the Great Hall in the palace of Lost Requiem. The passages that have been worn through it by tidal action and polyp die-offs are large enough for a human to pass through but twist and turn unexpectedly and some narrow dangerously in places. Less a maze than a gauntlet, other creatures also live within the Heart’s dubious shelter and are drawn to those who enter the coral unprepared, waiting for an inevitable nick or cut to release blood into the water. Passing through the Heart is the only way to reach the Vaults below.

The Sunless Vaults
There is a pallid twilight glow in the vast chamber beneath Lost Requiem’s central tower as if some sickly magic has seeped through the sealed doors and permanently tainted the walls and water there. At the near end doors of rusted steel close off rooms that once held ancient treasures that have been smoothed over and degraded by water and sea creatures over the years. Past them are larger doors of stone with far less savory inhabitants, items, and now-fragile weapons locked in watery tombs. At the end of the chamber is a single great door made of an unknown material harder than stone with neither handles nor locks. Filling the back wall from floor to ceiling, every inch is covered in twisted ancient writing and has been sealed shut from the outside.

Atop the highest broken tower that is revealed at low tide and submerged at high tide is a room whose walls have long since fallen so that only the floor remains: a broad circle of white stone broken only by a hole that leads down into dark water provides a place to pull up a boat. In its center rests an altar of the same stone that weeps fresh water unceasingly. It is coated with red sea moss whose crimson stain has permanently seeped into its surface, though a hint of its formerly pristine color can still be seen. This is a Shrine to the Old Gods

Abyssal Coral
This coral grows in darkness and is categorized by its characteristic deep black color that seems to absorb light. It gathers and secretes not just calcium carbonate but also iron, carbon, and other metals from the water that passes through it, making its skeleton as hard as unrusting steel. Shaped by wave action its edges are honed to razor sharpness and it will easily flense the flesh of anything that touches it, providing more nutrients for the polyps within.

Age: 24 | Height: | Race: OOC Account | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Greatwood
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Board idea: An estuary. I don’t know what to name it. Maybe The Shifting Waters?

Board Description: Where the (name) River meets the (name) Sea, an area of diverse, ever-changing ecosystem has formed. Creatures here are well adapted to both salt and freshwater, and many migrate here yearly to spawn or birth the next generation.

Possible sub boards within the estuary:

Shrine: A shrine to the Old Gods found within what appears to be a hollowed-out tree. The inside however is smooth white marble. On the walls are carved depictions of the deities.

Mirror Pool: A small pond within the estuary. The water within looks normal but should one look at it for too long, the surface shimmers. Once it calms an eerily clear reflection effect takes place, reminiscent of a mirror. Touching the water as this effect takes place, the water will feel solid.

Seasonal Flora/Fauna:

Dual salmon: A species of muted brown colored salmon that is famous for having two tails. Every year they turn a bright emerald green color and grow in size as they migrate to the estuary to spawn, before returning to the ocean.

Perennial Flora/Fauna:

Black-Footed Heron: A large bird that can often be seen standing in the shallow waters of the estuary as it hunts fish. They are pale with darker speckles and pitch-black feet and beaks. Generally peaceful, except for when driving other animals and people away from their nests

Echo Shark: A small species of pure white shark known for hunting in packs. They are able to mimic any sound they’ve heard and band together to increase their range of vocals. The sharks use the words and sounds they’ve learned to lure unsuspecting people and animals to the dodge of the water, where the sharks will then leap up and drag them into the waves.

Sea Chatter: A small canine-like creature with webbed feet and a glossy waterproof coat. These creatures live in small family groups and feed off of crustaceans, fish, and small mammals. They can often be seen diving deep into the water, and can hold their breath for up to 10 minutes. Sea Chatters make small chirping noises to communicate.
(Named by Artio)

Trap weeds: What appears to be a normal clump of kelp is a sentient colony of trap weeds. These plants will reach up and capture small fish with their frauds and then drag them down to where their ‘mouth’ is. The fish will be digested and absorbed. (Similar to how a venus fly trap works).

Sweetgrass: A tall green grass that lines the bank. It emits a slightly sweet, vanilla smell that attracts bugs to pollinate its light purple flowers. It is a common substitute to sugar in baking and can be found in many teas as well for its calming effect.

Sticky leaves: A tropical vine whose leaves excrete a sticky substance. They often get stuck on passing animals and plants only to fall off later when the substance wears out. The seed pods at the end of each leaf then start to grow and create a new vine where they fell. However, they can be exceedingly difficult to remove before the substance has deteriorated.

Age: 28 | Height: Microscopic | Race: OOC Account | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
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Boards board boards~

Ye Giant Jungle Pit -
Soft moss and clustered ferns give way abruptly to a giant hole in the earth whose depths cannot be ascertained with the sunlight above competing with the boughs of the trees overhead. But if one were to listen closely, they would hear the faint sounds of water. Descending is nigh impossible with rope alone, but brave adventurers will find wide, shallow pools with slick, rocky ridges within. Bioluminescent algae fills these pools, and they glow different colors when disturbed - illuminating a large, cavernous area with a few stubborn fungi. It stretches far beneath the jungle’s floor; who is to say if it may eventually cave in?

Inspiration: Ferngully light up pools, opening kinda like this

Giant Dandelion Field -
Casting large shadows from dizzying height when immature and hosting all manner of animals in their soft, golden tops, the real fun comes when they sprout into their seed tops. Though timing and direction are dependent on the heavy winds that sweep through here, there is no denying the exhilaration to be had if you cling to the seed - large enough for three grown adults to hold onto - to be swept along on a dizzying ride. Just beware of the landing!

Any other giant flora in the field could be fun, or hollow old stems used for housing in the area, maybe really dry and rocky/dusty summers because of no shade from the flower heads?

Island sub board:
Large, lily-pad like plants surround this side of the coast. Incredibly tough, they are nearly impossible to harvest, but as such are great for creating armor. Be careful if you try however, as many ocean predators use the cover to hunt and stalk; feeling the vibrations of birds and adventurers alike through the pads. The bravest of all may use this to their advantage for a plentiful, risky hunt.

Grassy Knoll -
A giant, smooth, grassy hill that could be considered a small mountain sits deceivingly peacefully. There is a singular entrance - and thus a singular exit. Within, ant-like passageways wind about within, making it very easy to get lost. Moist, cold, dirt walls make this area seem oppressively quiet.


Age: 24 | Height: | Race: OOC Account | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Greatwood
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Angry Gmoose: An ovesized feral griffin with a full-sized moose body but the head and wings of a goose. Always angry. Likes to hoard sharp objects

Designed with the joint efforts of myself, Grant, Cirago, Terra Omen, and Artio
Hater of tables, lover of fast threads

Age: 5 | Height: tall | Race: Abandoned | Nationality: Outlander | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
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The Dreaming Well
A gentle meadow spreads out around a small grove that protects this limestone well house with its arched, glassless windows and round, red-tiled roof. Within, rainbow-colored cobblestones ring the walls of the well shaft and two stout posts support a winch for its old oaken bucket. The spirit of the well is said to grant one night of pleasant dreams to those who toss a shiny pebble into the depths before drinking from the crystalline waters. Strangely, nothing tossed in ever seems to make a splash.
Well House image

The Luminous Grove
Once, a network of vast caverns stretched beneath the abyssal seafloor until time and tide eroded the ceiling away, revealing a crater filled with light. Crystals that have been growing for millennia spread out across the floor of the former caves, huge and ancient. As thick around as trees, they stretch upward and out at angles, branching into more slender fingers of gleaming, translucent stone. The depth of the crater protects the walls of this frozen forest from the currents, but the movement of water from fish and other swimming creatures causes the natural glow of nearby crystals to brighten for several minutes before fading again to their usual pale luminescence.
Naica crystal cave

The Underwater City
The Spiral Market
A 24 hour market laid out like a vast nautilus shell constructed of driftwood, stone, and pale coral, the Spiral Market stretches up several 'stories' with shops open to the ocean on at least one side. Shoppers swim not only between stores on the same level but rise or descend to vendors on different levels for their wares.

Lost Requiem subboards
Sunken Gardens
The shrubberies have long since succumbed to the sea, but flowering sea grasses and short kelp now grow around the base of the city’s central tower, spreading out in a broad circle bordered by stone steps that lead down into the garden’s depression. Dotted throughout the grounds are marble statues of mythical beasts and tall, stately humans in flowing garments. The artistry is exquisite and almost disturbingly lifelike, but the heads of all of the human statues have been broken off and are nowhere to be found.
Underwater sculpture garden

Sanctum Tempus
One of the most intact buildings, the Cathedral stretches nearly four stories tall and still has its roof. Inside the space seems somehow vaster in the dark. Furnishings of wood and cloth have long since rotted away but a towering orrery of metal rings and spheres still sits on a raised dais towards the back of the single cavernous room, nearly touching the ceiling. The metal is tarnished nearly black but no barnacles or other living things have grown inside the building or on the structure. The number and configuration of the spheres on their metal rings are never the same between one visit and the next.
Orrery image

The Drowning Pools
A series of pools ranging from thirty to three feet across fill a small plaza where the broken arches and supports of a public bathhouse now stand roofless. The water within the pools is murky with heavy brine and liquid gasses compared to the clear waters of the ocean around them, and their edges glitter with crystal growths. Though invitingly warmer than the sea around them, any water-breather entering these pools will not survive to leave them again.
Brine Pools
Chan Chanling

Age: 3 | Height: | Race: Abandoned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
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Night Mares

Flighted horse-like creatures with snake skin and great leathery wings, their mouths open all the way back to the jaw and are filled with sharp teeth. The front legs end in three toes possessing sharp claws and the tail ends in a sting that secrete a venom that put prey to sleep. Carnivorous, they hunt in packs and are known to harrass and hunt Starwhales. As the whales have grown scarce, the Night Mares too have dwindled in number.


Flighted horses with feathered wings, these creatures fly at high altitudes, migrating from region to region. Said to be able to move through any barrier, they are extremely hard to find and nigh impossible to catch.

Age: 24 | Height: | Race: OOC Account | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Greatwood
Level: - Strg: - Dext: - Endr: - Luck: - Int:
Played by: Blackbird Offline
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MP: 1525
Found in The Oerwoud, The Greatwood, the Draig, and The Climb

Shade Wolf (or a better name)
Misty black canines that alternate between solid and transparent. They are able to traverse long distances, hopping from shadow to shadow. At times, their only decipherable feature is their glowing white eyes.

{Image: DL4hhgA.jpeg}
Here's a ref or what I'm imagining. AI isn't my strongest skill.

(It'd be awesome if this teleportation was an ability that allowed them to transport others too. That way, they could be a mode of transportation for anyone who makes them a companion.)

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