Noe, intrigued by the idea of Attuned and their shifts, watched with interest as Lena transformed into a beautifully-colored bird. She practically floated over to the rocky outcropping, carrying a flower with her to plant there. Satisfied, Noe turned back to her own work, taking a plant out of her basket as she found the next hole to fill.
"Do you think they'll survive Deepfrost?" she asked Mateo, concern suddenly coloring her voice. She wasn't much of a planter, but the winter was quickly approaching, and she knew that most plants did not thrive in the cold. Were they doing all of this only for their efforts to be in vain? She wanted to see their beautiful plants and flowers covering the minefield come Flowerbirth, and she was sure that the others did, too.
"Do you think they'll survive Deepfrost?" she asked Mateo, concern suddenly coloring her voice. She wasn't much of a planter, but the winter was quickly approaching, and she knew that most plants did not thrive in the cold. Were they doing all of this only for their efforts to be in vain? She wanted to see their beautiful plants and flowers covering the minefield come Flowerbirth, and she was sure that the others did, too.