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Greatwood - Rules

The Second War has fractured this dense woodland into a conglomeration of islands, threaded together by the roots of the great mother tree, the Mathair. The magical devastation of the war has gifted the Greatwood some strange new properties, allowing it to defy physics and creating true wonders to behold. Better suited to those who can swim or fly from island to island, this drowned forest now spans about 500km from end to end, taking up to 20 days to traverse on foot. (Not that you would want to, any more!)

Forums in 'Greatwood'
Sidhe Village
Dozens of pathways lead to this central island, though only those with keen eyes and knowledge of the area will be able to follow them. The thriving heartland of the Greatwood appears as if springing out from the forest itself, forged from earth and branches in abundance. A marketplace shields one edge of the village, and the centre boasts a beautiful square which lays open to the skies above. The trees are clustered with carefully constructed abodes, suspended so as not to cause damage to the environment. In the evening, the light of these homes suffuses the branches with a warm glow.
Fortunate Encounter :: Yesterday, 06:39 AM :: by Zavien
The Wildwood
A dense and eclectic maze of trees which stretch through the entirety of the Greatwood, the clue is in the name for the Wildwood. It is easy to get lost or turned around, and travellers will often find themselves right back where they started, owing to the pathways that are wont to move, and the semi-sentient trees that like to play tricks on passers-by. Brimming with life and illuminated by Will-o-Wisps, this place truly is a wonder to behold.
Tots and Pears :: Yesterday, 05:22 AM :: by Talyson

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