flower, gleam and glow
Family <3
Dahlia Inanis
the Reaper
Queen of Stormbreak

Age: 1 | Height: 5'8 | Race: f̴̢̠̅͆̄̍a̶̧͕͙̪͈̞̝̲̩̯̱͓̣̅́̎m̶̙̞̈́̍̓̏̓̿i̵͇͍̗̞͑͊̒̃̏̽̂͂͗̕͝͝l̵̢̛̤̞̜̭͈̻͕̳̱̞̭̼͗̎̆̎̀̌̓̑́̈́͝y̵̧͔̜̜͓̥̋̈́̐͛͋͂͠͠ | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 15 - Strg: 80 - Dext: 90 - Endr: 60 - Luck: 56 - Int: 3
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Posts: 99 | Total: 3,321
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Mostly hostile isn't the same as entirely hostile. And there are a great deal of things that might be done about that.

Dahlia quite enjoys the Oerwoud, having decided as much as she strolls through its tangled pathways, nethervines kissing at her hair and flesh as she passes by. The abundance of flora, the bright palette of colours found in so few places in Caido, the chaos, the peace.

The proximity to Torchline.

"I think here will do nicely."

Stopping at a small clearing with the beaches of Torchline just visible through the treeline, she kneels into the rich soil, and begins to rip it up with clawed fingertips.
let me put my lips to something
let me wrap my teeth around the world
Code blatently stolen from queen of codes, Sky!
Pierce Inanis

Age: 1 | Height: 5'10 | Race: f̴̢̠̅͆̄̍a̶̧͕͙̪͈̞̝̲̩̯̱͓̣̅́̎m̶̙̞̈́̍̓̏̓̿i̵͇͍̗̞͑͊̒̃̏̽̂͂͗̕͝͝l̵̢̛̤̞̜̭͈̻͕̳̱̞̭̼͗̎̆̎̀̌̓̑́̈́͝y̵̧͔̜̜͓̥̋̈́̐͛͋͂͠͠ | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Nomadic
Level: 15 - Strg: 90 - Dext: 50 - Endr: 100 - Luck: 46 - Int:
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Drawn to where Dahlia currently wanders, Pierce is not far behind her as she begins to break into the earth. The cold does little for his large frame, and he too steps through the path she paves, the nethervines reaching out comfortably until he ends up right opposite of her. Bright eyes take her in, along with the smile that blossoms on his face.

I think so, too.” Pierce’s deep baritone rumbles his agreement, flashing her an easy smile as he answers her previous comment minutes prior. He drops to his knees to help, strong muscular arms and large hands making it easier for him to maneuver the earth however she wishes it to go. He doesn’t harbor the claws she does, but he makes up for the lack of them in strength and size.
Dahlia Inanis
the Reaper
Queen of Stormbreak

Age: 1 | Height: 5'8 | Race: f̴̢̠̅͆̄̍a̶̧͕͙̪͈̞̝̲̩̯̱͓̣̅́̎m̶̙̞̈́̍̓̏̓̿i̵͇͍̗̞͑͊̒̃̏̽̂͂͗̕͝͝l̵̢̛̤̞̜̭͈̻͕̳̱̞̭̼͗̎̆̎̀̌̓̑́̈́͝y̵̧͔̜̜͓̥̋̈́̐͛͋͂͠͠ | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 15 - Strg: 80 - Dext: 90 - Endr: 60 - Luck: 56 - Int: 3
Played by: Admin Offline
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Posts: 99 | Total: 3,321
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Pierce works the soil with his strength and Dahlia organises it with delicate claws that betray the deadliness of their design. "I do like this about Caido," she confesses to the muscular man opposite, sitting back once she's content with the arrangement. "Things always grow so eagerly here - one only needs to give them a little nudge in the right direction."

Reaching into her pockets, she withdraws a handful of large, oval shaped... seeds? Eggs?

Either way, each is placed into the earth with a kiss goodbye from the Reapers lips, and she reaches out to pile the upturned soil back over them, patting it down lovingly. "I believe the Oerwoud may be ours before long, Pierce," she says, dusting off her palms and rising to her feet. "And perhaps other regions as well, if we are lucky."

Content with their work and gesturing to see if Pierce wants to do anything further, if not, Dahlia will turn to head deeper into the undergrowth. "Come. I have a mind to see more of the jungle before returning to Stormbreak."
let me put my lips to something
let me wrap my teeth around the world
Code blatently stolen from queen of codes, Sky!
Pierce Inanis

Age: 1 | Height: 5'10 | Race: f̴̢̠̅͆̄̍a̶̧͕͙̪͈̞̝̲̩̯̱͓̣̅́̎m̶̙̞̈́̍̓̏̓̿i̵͇͍̗̞͑͊̒̃̏̽̂͂͗̕͝͝l̵̢̛̤̞̜̭͈̻͕̳̱̞̭̼͗̎̆̎̀̌̓̑́̈́͝y̵̧͔̜̜͓̥̋̈́̐͛͋͂͠͠ | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Nomadic
Level: 15 - Strg: 90 - Dext: 50 - Endr: 100 - Luck: 46 - Int:
Played by: Admin Offline
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Posts: 37 | Total: 3,321
MP: 0
Focusing on the task at hand, Pierce is more than content to do whatever Dahlia wished – they share a common goal, after all. And with her confession, a smile perks on the corners of his lips, hands darkened by the soil he tills up for her to dig her the spots required. “They do, don’t they?” Comes the deep baritone of his voice, laughing lightly. “The people need a little nudging too now and then.” Not that Pierce was complaining, he preferred to result into brute force if necessary.

But today they are cultivating, and he sits back on his heels as Dahlia places the oval addition into the soil, then carefully covered as Pierce adds his own little addition of smoothing out the soil, nodding his head immediately to her comment. “We are always lucky, aren’t we?” Comes the playful tease, the flex of a muscle as he stands and shakes his head to her gesture. “After you, Reaper.” Flashing another amused smile and the bounce of his brow, he easily takes her arm in his as they leave behind their cultivated additions to explore more of the jungle before she has to depart.

- FIN!

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