Mother Know Best
Edmund Ansel
Adventurer / Guildmaster

Age: 19 | Height: 5'10" | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 5 - Strg: 19 - Dext: 19 - Endr: 20 - Luck: 20 - Int:
SPLAT - Mythical - Darkling
Played by: Blackbird Offline
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Posts: 511 | Total: 3,564
MP: 1605
The season is barely halfway through, and it has already been a busy one. Lights during LongNight followed by a bizarre crash site and infected creatures are the main concerns. Yet running a new guild is not an easy task either. Edmund has been busy and stressed. Yet as he steps foot into the cavern, the tension bleeds out of him. This is Mother's domain, and he was safe here.

Tail curling with delight, the young Ancient walks over and pricks a finger on one of the gemstones. As he lets it bleed, Splat circles the cavern with wide-eyed curiosity and a rippling form. Letting out a small laugh, Edmund focuses on his prayer. "Hello, Mother. I hope you're doing well." His eyes trace the gemstones with reverence, a small smile on his face.

Taking a breath, he straightens up, "I was hoping that you might be able to give me some guidance. The strange lights during LongNight and the resulting crater are worrisome. The strange purple plants that are causing harm are as well. Is there anything that you can tell me about them? Are they a threat that you've seen before?"  

Tail flicking, Edmund waits patiently in the hopes that Mother will come to his aid.

Edmund offers blood by pricking his finger on a gemstone and is asking Mother Dygra for information regarding recent events.

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Come dance in the shadows

Age: 3 | Height: | Race: Demi-god | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Nomadic
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"Curious, little dark one, that you would see such things as a threat so quickly."

Dygra's voice, low and sensual and softly amused, pulses from the cluster of rubies, which seem to glow all the brighter for the addition of Edmund's blood.

"I have not seen anything like this come to the land, no," she continues, "but it is causing quite a stir, is it not? Not all problems need to be fixed. It is Caido's job, and the job of their followers to put rights to wrongs, after all."

The Ancients are just that; ancient, creatures of chaos and entropy, needing no excuse to help - but no excuse to leave things be, either.
Table coding by Sky <3
Edmund Ansel
Adventurer / Guildmaster

Age: 19 | Height: 5'10" | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 5 - Strg: 19 - Dext: 19 - Endr: 20 - Luck: 20 - Int:
SPLAT - Mythical - Darkling
Played by: Blackbird Offline
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Posts: 511 | Total: 3,564
MP: 1605
Mother arrives, her presence washing over him, and all is right with the world once more. But was his question so curious? Edmund's tail curls as he tilts his head, "Was I too quick to judge? The vines that are normally calm, mischievous if anything, purposefully harmed me. I had always assumed that anything that actively tries to harm myself or what is mine is a threat." Genuine confusion and curiosity color his voice as he seeks clarification. Mother is wise and the young Ancient hangs onto every scrap of wisdom that she bestows upon him, treating them as the gifts that they are.

A gift she bestows as she speaks further on the current state of the world. Edmund thinks for a brief moment, absorbing the implications of what Mother is saying. "It certainly is causing a stir." His smile turns into a sharp grin, "If Caido's followers are the ones tasked with fixing things, does that mean that we Ancients can do whatever we please?" Within the bounds of Mother's wishes of course. Edmund would never go against her.

Come dance in the shadows

Age: 3 | Height: | Race: Demi-god | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Nomadic
Level: - Strg: - Dext: - Endr: - Luck: - Int:
Played by: Admin Offline
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"Are you considered a threat, then, to your friends and family?" Dygra wonders with all the philosophy of an executioner in her sensual tone. All Ancients, for better or worse, might be considered a threat if their bloodlust is left too long, after all.

With a soft laugh that seems to reverberate throughout the cavern, Edmund will feel a phantom hand caress his cheek. "I am not Caido. I am not a herald of life or nature. You need no permission from me to help or harm."

That is to say, yes, Ancients can do whatever they please in Dygra's eyes. All the better if it comes in celebration of her tenets, of course.
Table coding by Sky <3
Edmund Ansel
Adventurer / Guildmaster

Age: 19 | Height: 5'10" | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 5 - Strg: 19 - Dext: 19 - Endr: 20 - Luck: 20 - Int:
SPLAT - Mythical - Darkling
Played by: Blackbird Offline
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Posts: 511 | Total: 3,564
MP: 1605
Edmund pauses, tail freezing behind him. Is he a threat? The face of Milo that stranger flashes through his mind. Mother is right and there is no point in denying it. "Yes. I have the potential and capacity for it." He runs a tongue over his fangs, "I suppose I must always keep that in mind." Self-awareness and self-control were key, lest he lose himself and his goals. Throwing away his efforts to a lapse of control would be an immense waste.

The conversation and Mother's laughter leave no room for brooding. Edmund feels the caress on his face and instantly melts, a bright smile quickly overtaking his expression. "Thank you, Mother." He will never take for granted the guidance and the freedom of choice that she gives him and the other Ancients. Some part of him still feels that he should continue to prove worthy of such luxuries.

Edmund's tail flicks as he contemplates how to phrase his words. "Mother. I know I am likely not powerful enough yet to be of much help. But if there is ever a task or goal that you need or want my aid with, I'm ready and willing." His smile turns mischievous, "Whether it's to help or harm, I choose it." He doesn't need her permission, so the decision is already made. His loyalty, his choice. He will heed his Mother's call wherever he may be. There's not much he can offer in the grand scheme of things. But it's a start.

Come dance in the shadows

Age: 3 | Height: | Race: Demi-god | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Nomadic
Level: - Strg: - Dext: - Endr: - Luck: - Int:
Played by: Admin Offline
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Posts: 27 | Total: 3,321
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Would it be a waste? Or would it be a celebration? Each to their own, as Dygra has just said, though her very nature leans towards chaos and entropy. "Noted," she purrs, though it's safe to say that, at present, it isn't as though she's plotting any world domination. Indeed, the world is tumultuous enough without needing an active nudge.

"Your efforts might be better spent in looking out for your brothers and sisters for now," she adds, the rubies all but shivering with the timbre of her voice. "Some are freshly awoken, others slumber still. More have settled elsewhere in Caido."
Table coding by Sky <3
Edmund Ansel
Adventurer / Guildmaster

Age: 19 | Height: 5'10" | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 5 - Strg: 19 - Dext: 19 - Endr: 20 - Luck: 20 - Int:
SPLAT - Mythical - Darkling
Played by: Blackbird Offline
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Posts: 511 | Total: 3,564
MP: 1605
Edmund preens when his offer isn't shut down. In fact, he's given a path and it has the young Ancient nearly vibrating in place as he nods sharply, "Yes, Mother. I'll look out for them." He's already an older brother to one, what's a few more siblings? Recalling the faces of the Ancients that he's met so far, it dawns on Edmund that he might just be the baby of the family. He'll just have to be the most supportive little sibling he can be. Just like Jude has been for him. His sweet little brother had helped him deal with the fallout of his justifiable homicide and Edmund would forever be grateful.

His tail flicks excitedly, "I will reach out to Dantalion and see if there's anything that I can do to help our siblings as they settle into the Grounds." Perhaps others would move to Torchline if he made it more Ancient-friendly. It was worth looking into in the future.

Edmund's excited grin melts into a soft smile, "Thank you again, Mother. I'll see you soon." When given permission to leave, the young Ancient gives a little bow before leaving the shrine. Upon exiting, he finds Splat trying to swallow a ROUS whole and decides that he's going to need a nap today.


Come dance in the shadows

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