[SE] There is light in the darkness
Talyson Seawright
the Messenger

Age: 28 | Height: 5'10" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 12 - Strg: 53 - Dext: 55 - Endr: 60 - Luck: 55 - Int: 2
BOREAL - Mythical - Dragon (Fire Breath)
Played by: Cirago Offline
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Posts: 2,151 | Total: 7,757
MP: 3825
His sisters would skin him alive if he didn't visit during Deepfrost and help around the family store for a few days, but the weight of sisterly affection - and bullying - could be downright smothering at times, and Tal had fled made some much-needed time to pay his respects to the gods while things were relatively quiet.

Boreal had stayed behind to be pampered and spoiled, leaving Tal to make the trek to the Citadel's shrine alone. The familiar tasks were oddly soothing as he went around, refreshing the candles so their flames wouldn't go out and sweeping out the faint traces of previous offerings that had been missed by the last supplicant.

He finally settled down in front of the altar, placing offerings of fruit and flowers from the Greenhouse, a pair of black and white candles, and a ball of yarn alongside the tag of one of his faithful sled team who had passed away in the previous year. Bringing his hands together he bent his head and spoke with quiet, fervent gratitude. "It's been a hail of a year, huh? But thanks for helpin' me through it an' keepin' my friends an' family safe. I really appreciate it. An' especially all th'times y'answer me an' give me items an' stuff. I dunno if I always say it enough, but... yeah. Thanks, t'all o' you."

Zavien Alexander

Age: 28 | Height: 6'0" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 2 - Strg: 17 - Dext: 17 - Endr: 17 - Luck: 8 - Int:
Played by: Dew Offline
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MP: 830
His muscles had relaxed as the warm Citadel air embraced his aching body. Compared to the snow he'd just crawled out of, the relief of the moist Greenhouse had been a welcomed change. He'd taken a deep breath of earth and fragrant flowers, smiling to himself at the comfortable atmosphere. After gathering a few stalks of 'lavender' (as he'd been told they're called), Zavien had sought out the shrine to deposit them. The chilly weather and festive season reminded him that he had a lot to be grateful for, making his visit was long overdue.

He wasn't expecting to find the shrine occupied, particularly by a familiar face. Dipping his head respectfully, he stepped forward to place his bundle of purple flowers on the shrine. Remembering the life breathing into his lungs and being protected beneath the snow, he sent a silent prayer of thanks to Vi. In specific, he recalled a moment when an unlikely orange cat had kept him company on a lonely night. With fond memories, Zavien clasped his hands in reverent appreciation for the god.

Once his prayer was complete, he looked to Talyson, smiling. "What a pleasant surprise. How have you been, Talyson?" He glanced around for the friendly companion that usually trapsed behind the man, slightly disappointed to see her missing. "No Boreal today?"
Keep your face to the sunshine,
And you cannot see a shadow.
Talyson Seawright
the Messenger

Age: 28 | Height: 5'10" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 12 - Strg: 53 - Dext: 55 - Endr: 60 - Luck: 55 - Int: 2
BOREAL - Mythical - Dragon (Fire Breath)
Played by: Cirago Offline
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MP: 3825
The courier blinked out of his prayer as he heard someone else approaching, so he didn't jump - for once - when Zavien entered the shrine. He was surprised to see the Breaker though, and he had to fight the urge to rub his eyes and make sure he wasn't seeing things. He shuffled back to give the other man space for his own prayers, lingering awkwardly as he tried to decide whether to stay and chat or to leave the guy to make his prayers in peace.

For better or worse he waited too long to decide, and he was still standing there when that cheerful smile was turned on him. "Oh! Hey Zavien," he returned the greeting, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "I've been... uh. Better?" He winced at the question in his own voice. "I mean, I could be worse, y'know? An' Boreal's back home--" He waved vaguely south and east. "Gettin' fed way too many treats by my sisters an' gettin' t'know th'new sled dogs." His own lips tugged upwards towards a rueful smile at his favorite subject before he refocused on Zavien. "What about you? How're things goin'?"
Zavien Alexander

Age: 28 | Height: 6'0" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 2 - Strg: 17 - Dext: 17 - Endr: 17 - Luck: 8 - Int:
Played by: Dew Offline
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Posts: 183 | Total: 402
MP: 830
Tal's response made Zavien concerned about what may be bothering the man. Sure, the tournament hadn't ended in his victory, but Tal didn't seem the kind to get hung up on that kind of thing. Was there something else? With an easy smile, he said, "I'm sure Boreal is having a blast, especially if food is involved." He seemed to recall her practically inhaling his hand when he offered a strip of jerky.

In response to the questions, Zavien shrugged jovially. "I've been busy continuing to investigate the Void while also trying to ignore it and enjoy the season." He didn't want to mention that he was now getting tangled in webs of secret rendezvouses and letters. The carefree way he'd walked around Stormbreak now felt weighted with tension and analysis. Things were too serious to fully let the festivities occupy his time, but he tried to bask in the lights and laughter any chance he got.

Letting his concern show through, he asked, "Are you sure everything's alright? This season has been difficult for a lot of people." Thoughts of those struggling in the cold or suffering from the Void came to mind. It wouldn't surprise him if Tal was also experiencing hard times. If able, he wanted to help whoever possible, even more so his friends. And he liked to count Talyson among his friends.
Keep your face to the sunshine,
And you cannot see a shadow.
Talyson Seawright
the Messenger

Age: 28 | Height: 5'10" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 12 - Strg: 53 - Dext: 55 - Endr: 60 - Luck: 55 - Int: 2
BOREAL - Mythical - Dragon (Fire Breath)
Played by: Cirago Offline
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Posts: 2,151 | Total: 7,757
MP: 3825
The comment about Boreal drew a snort of agreement from the courier and he relaxed a little further out of his funk. "Oh, she's havin' a grand time," he agreed wryly. "I know my sisters like my dragon more'n me!" Wellll maybe that was just little brother hyperbole, but there were certainly times it seemed like it! The Seawright household had a history of sibling rivalries and of the youngest of the bunch getting alternately pampered and mercilessly teased to within an inch of his life.

But Zavien's innate cheerfulness and good humor made it easier to ignore Tal's minor familial hiccups and he nodded emphatically in understanding of wanting to investigate while also having nothing to do with it. "Yeah, same, more'r less," he agreed. "Haven't had much chance t'do much investigatin' this season. But I've done some huntin', at least." Doing his part to slow the spread of the damn Void crap, one infected critter at a time.

He flinched a little as the other man saw through his (paper-thin) attempts to pretend nothing was wrong and the courier hesitated as he waffled on whether to bare his heart to the kindly Breaker.

"I'm... I mean, no one's died. Uh. Since the tournament," he added with a faint wince at the memory of Melita hitting the sand. At least that had been temporary! "An' I've got my sisters an' my dragon an'... well, more friends'n I ever thought I'd have." The listing of things he was grateful for was awkward but sincere, even if it left him rubbing the back of his neck self-consciously. "Gotta great partner an' a solid house but..." He chewed his lip, circling the point of the question like a leaf around a drain. "One o' my friends is missin' an' I hardly see Sunjata around King's End lately, an' I've been so busy on my courier route this season that I hardly see Alys anymore an'..." He shrugged helplessly. "It's not end o' th'world stuff. It's just... been weighin' on me, is all."
Zavien Alexander

Age: 28 | Height: 6'0" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 2 - Strg: 17 - Dext: 17 - Endr: 17 - Luck: 8 - Int:
Played by: Dew Offline
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Posts: 183 | Total: 402
MP: 830
He laughed, thinking about Boreal being doted on. "I imagine it's hard to compete with a dragon, but I still doubt that's true!" Zavien had never had siblings of his own, but he'd always dreamed of sharing his life with a large family. Now he was determined to make a family of friends.

Listening closely to Tal list his struggles, he gave the man a sympathetic smile. "That sounds difficult and your feelings are genuine. I can see how much you care for your loved ones." He took a step closer to show support but didn't want to impede on his personal space. Although he could see how much the issues were weighing on him, Zavien was slightly jealous at the amount of people Tal cared about. Pushing away his personal feelings, he said, "You're one person Tal, with a lot of other things going on. I'm sure your friends will understand, but if it bothers you that much, I'm sure they would be pleasantly surprised to hear from you. Maybe stop by or send them a letter? Or maybe even a gift? Small gestures can go a long way." It helped that it was the holiday season. Sometimes people just needed to be reminded that someone was thinking about them, that they still cared.

He was more concerned about this missing friend. With a narrowing of his eyes, he asked, "Who is missing?" Maybe there was a way for him to help.
Keep your face to the sunshine,
And you cannot see a shadow.
Talyson Seawright
the Messenger

Age: 28 | Height: 5'10" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 12 - Strg: 53 - Dext: 55 - Endr: 60 - Luck: 55 - Int: 2
BOREAL - Mythical - Dragon (Fire Breath)
Played by: Cirago Offline
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MP: 3825
Tal just gave another snort, but his expression lightened a little more at Zavien's laughing reassurance. Sure, he'd just been joking... but it was still nice to have someone else step in and say it out loud. Tal's insecurities weren't as bad as they used to be, but that didn't mean he didn't still wrestle with them, and he appreciated the other man's support.

Although it was downright... weird? to hear all the affirmations that followed. Tal's expression probably looked a little perplexed as Zavien spoke with empathy and kindness in a way the courier clearly wasn't used to hearing in spite of all the blessings he'd just listed. He didn't seem to mind the Breaker's physical proximity, but his emotional warmth left Tal looking a bit flustered as the back of his neck and his ears heated up. He nodded wordlessly, jamming his hands into his pockets and looking down at his feet to avoid meeting Zavien's understanding gaze. "C'n do that," he mumbled shy agreement.

But there was one problem that wasn't so easily solved, and Tal scowled at the floor as his feelings of worry and fear and a little bit of traitorous hurt rose up and muddled together at the other man's question. "It's Soh." He looked up finally to glance at Zavien's face, searching for recognition. "Sohalia. Heart o' Stormbreak... or at least, former Heart," he said with a bitter twist to the word that made it clear his low opinion of the current ruler. "I've been lookin' for her for most o' th'past year now, but haven't found a single lead. Did--" He stopped himself. "Do y'know her?"
Zavien Alexander

Age: 28 | Height: 6'0" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 2 - Strg: 17 - Dext: 17 - Endr: 17 - Luck: 8 - Int:
Played by: Dew Offline
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MP: 830
Zavien smiled at Tal's agreement to contact his friends. He was always happy to see people connect with their loved ones, keeping their bonds strong and healthy through human relation. With a chuckle, he grasped Tal's shoulder. "I'm glad to hear that, Tal. You're a good man."

At the mention of Sohalia, Zavien's mouth lowered to a sad frown. He didn't remove his hand but softened it to show his kind support. "I haven't met her, but every Breaker knows the Heart." His gaze fell to the offerings at the shrine, reminding him of momentos left at a grave. Others were determined to believe she still lived, and he would not give up hope. It didn't change that she was missing. Letting his pain show, he said solemnly, "Her absence is felt like a gaping hole in all of us. For someone who knew her personally, I can only imagine how hard this must be for you."

After a moment, he stepped away, considering the scenario of her disappearance. He didn't know much other than the fact that she had vanished without a trace. No one was convinced that it was her own choice. Anyone who knew the bare minimum about her knew that she would never do such a thing. How would one go about searching for someone like that? Caido was a big place. Looking at Tal with a serious expression, he asked, "What do we know about her disappearance?" Zavien latched onto the essence of purpose, his mind moving like a seasoned general focusing on the mission.
Keep your face to the sunshine,
And you cannot see a shadow.
Talyson Seawright
the Messenger

Age: 28 | Height: 5'10" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 12 - Strg: 53 - Dext: 55 - Endr: 60 - Luck: 55 - Int: 2
BOREAL - Mythical - Dragon (Fire Breath)
Played by: Cirago Offline
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MP: 3825
Tal's spirits lifted a little at the outside affirmation. It was one he didn't often hear outside of a couple of people who were admittedly very biased, so having it come from someone like Zavien - someone who was becoming a friend, but who didn't have any reason to not be honest with Tal, or delicate with his feelings - made it hit a lot harder. The courier cleared his throat awkwardly, giving a nod of heartfelt appreciation.

The hint of a grin that was breaking through his scowl was, unfortunately, dimmed by talk of his troubles and his missing friend. He raised his eyes to meet Zavien's squarely as the other man talked about Stormbreak's Heart, and the naked worry and desperate concern in Tal's pale gaze was easy to read.

"Nothin' yet," the courier admitted reluctantly. In future days when he would have a chance to speak to Koa that would change, but in this moment he remained wretchedly ignorant. "An' no one's heard anythin' from her since. Not her oldest friends or her closest ones or th'folks she worked with in Stormbreak." He shook his head, frown pulling his dark brows back together. "I checked with her neighbors, too. She just... didn't come home one day. An' then all o' a sudden right afterwards Dahlia took control." With hardly a whimper to show for it, from what he'd heard.

Not that he blamed anyone in Stormbreak. Remi had made the woman sound terrifying. Tal couldn't imagine anyone who valued their life standing up to her.

"All I can do for now is keep lookin' an' askin' around," he decided with a heavy sigh. Then he grimaced and reached up to rub the back of his neck again. "Sorry, here I am goin' off... what about you? Anythin' I can help y'with?" It had sounded like Zavien had things pretty well in hand when Tal had asked earlier, but he figured it didn't hurt to check again, just in case. He wasn't always the best at picking up social cues. That was usually what Boreal was for.
Zavien Alexander

Age: 28 | Height: 6'0" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 2 - Strg: 17 - Dext: 17 - Endr: 17 - Luck: 8 - Int:
Played by: Dew Offline
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MP: 830
It was hard for him to see so much pain and open concern on his friend's face, made worse by his own inability to relieve it. So Zavien settled for helping with the mystery of Sohalia's disappearance. "That's definitely suspicious. I'll try to look into things myself. If I find anything, no matter how small, I'll get word to you." It wasn't much of an offer, but hopefully it would give the man comfort to know that he wasn't alone in his hunt for answers.

Considering his own situation, Zavien hummed and shook his head. "I think I'm okay for now. It's hard not having family to spend the holidays with, but it helps to see my friends celebrating." Zavien gave Tal a grin, trying to disguise the small twinge of loneliness tugging at his heart. He wasn't necessarily alone, but there was something about blood bonds that added depth to relationships. With his mother gone, he hadn't experienced that in a long time. At least he was building a community of friends that helped to ease that ache. "Thank you for asking though." His smile was easier this time as he looked to Tal.
Keep your face to the sunshine,
And you cannot see a shadow.
Talyson Seawright
the Messenger

Age: 28 | Height: 5'10" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 12 - Strg: 53 - Dext: 55 - Endr: 60 - Luck: 55 - Int: 2
BOREAL - Mythical - Dragon (Fire Breath)
Played by: Cirago Offline
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MP: 3825
Tal held his breath for a moment as Zavien offered his help finding Sohalia, waiting for the caveat, the 'but,' or the caution that she might not be alive anymore. When none of those appeared the courier released his breath, a look of almost pathetic gratitude on his open face as he reached across the short distance between them to squeeze the Breaker's shoulder. "Thanks, Zav. That's... it means a lot t'me, havin' your help." Every extra pair of eyes was one step closer to finding her, one more chance to bring her home, and he smiled with real warmth before he made his own offer of help with whatever his friend needed.

Hearing that the other man was alone brought the courier up momentarily short and he blinked in surprise. "Oh... uh. I'm sorry t'hear that. If y'ever want t'talk about 'em..." he began awkwardly, not knowing how much family Zavien had once had or what had happened to them. "Well. I c'n listen. We lost our parents... back before th'War. But my sisters're always happy for one o' my friends t'visit." He found a small smile to echo the bright and easy one on Zavien's face. "If y'got th'time, you're welcome t'come back with me t'their place?" he offered tentatively, watching the other man's face with only faintly-disguised anxiety for his reaction to the invitation.
Zavien Alexander

Age: 28 | Height: 6'0" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 2 - Strg: 17 - Dext: 17 - Endr: 17 - Luck: 8 - Int:
Played by: Dew Offline
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MP: 830
The thanks were unnecessary but appreciated and Zavien smiled in return. Tal's warm hand steadied the worry that his words weren't enough. He'd once told someone to cherish their words for the immense power they held. It seemed that Zavien's held more influence than he realized and he treasured the gratitude they provided. With a kind nod, he said, "I only wish I could do more, but know that you can always come to me for help." The statement rang true as he extended the offer. He would never turn anyone away or refuse to assist as long as he had the ability.

Tal's offer of an open ear and home gave him pause. "I'm sorry to hear about your parents. My mom passed when I was young." Zavien didn't want to mention how she was murdered, leaving him to mature at a young age. How he partially blamed himself for not being able to protect her. How her echoed teachings about smiles and happiness were the only thing he clung to as her face faded from memory. How the thoughts felt like too much to burden another with. Instead, Zavien focused on the possibility of sharing a close family moment with Tal and his sisters. He would hate to intrude on anything, however, the temptation to gather around a warm fireplace with joy and laughter was strong. It was enough to leave him at a loss for coherent words. Flushing with embarrassment, he ran his hand through his hair. "I-I-I couldn't. Your sisters don't know me, a-and I didn't bring anything. And-and I-I-" Trying to find some other reason for Tal to retract his polite offer, Zavien said the first thing that came to mind, "And I stink." It wasn't necessarily a lie, as he'd traveled far to reach Halo, but the mortification painted his face red all the same.
Keep your face to the sunshine,
And you cannot see a shadow.
Talyson Seawright
the Messenger

Age: 28 | Height: 5'10" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 12 - Strg: 53 - Dext: 55 - Endr: 60 - Luck: 55 - Int: 2
BOREAL - Mythical - Dragon (Fire Breath)
Played by: Cirago Offline
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MP: 3825
"Careful what y'offer. I might take y'up on it," Tal mumbled, trying to turn the poignant sincerity of Zavien's kindness into something a little more lighthearted and easier to deal with. Not that he didn't appreciate it! But such clear, unvarnished selflessness could be a little overwhelming and, well, made the courier a little uncomfortable and uncertain how to respond to it.

He didn't know how to accept such kindness when it wasn't cloaked in rough teasing or good-natured insults!

The shared trauma of having lost their mothers drew an understanding nod from the courier and he reached out again to clap Zavien awkwardly on the shoulder, giving his arm a supportive squeeze before clearing his throat and extending his own invitation. It just felt right after that sliver of sharing of personal trauma.

He was still half-expecting to be turned down, truth be told. Zavien seemed to always have a direction he was going in, confident and with his head to the wind, so that the courier figured he probably already had other plans. The unexpected shift to blushing and stammering caught Tal by surprise but before the other man had even finished his protests a grin had started to chase away the morose expression their earlier topic had left on his face. "Y'don't need t'bring anythin', they've got plenty," he assured the Breaker with the cheerfulness of someone who wasn't the flustered one in a conversation for once. "An' they can't know you til they meet you!" He wrinkled his nose at the last effort, leaning forward to give a testing sniff before snorting. "I doubt anyone'd notice much, what with all th'dogs, but we can swing by a place t'clean y'up first," he decided with a sharp nod. "Th'hot springs are maybe a li'l far out, but Ru's old spa is still up an' runnin'. We can pop in there for a quick scrub an' soak." And Ru wasn't there to tease him about going in, so really, there was no downside!
Zavien Alexander

Age: 28 | Height: 6'0" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 2 - Strg: 17 - Dext: 17 - Endr: 17 - Luck: 8 - Int:
Played by: Dew Offline
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MP: 830
He wasn't in the least bit concerned about Talyson asking for his help in the future and just chuckled warmly in response. The light emotion was preferred to the deep sorrow that he felt thinking of his mother. Time had long dulled the pain to an ache, but it persisted nonetheless. The supportive gesture from Tal helped to dampen the loneliness that often accompanied the thoughts, instead giving him friendship in the place of family.

His stumbled excuses were met with nothing except grins and grace, pulling the anxiety from his chest and replacing it with excitement. "Well.... as long as you're sure I won't be a burden, then I would love to meet your family." Zavien laughed at Tal's investigative sniffing, the blush remaining present on his face. "And I think a bath would be much appreciated. Lead the way!" With a bright smile, he made sure his pack was secure before throwing his arm out in an exaggerated flourish for Tal to guide him towards the clean water.
Keep your face to the sunshine,
And you cannot see a shadow.

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