concealed by your slight of hand
Dusklight Security

Age: 39 | Height: 6'5 | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 4 - Strg: 15 - Dext: 15 - Endr: 16 - Luck: 17 - Int:
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MP: 4642
// up above so, up above so quiet //
The idea of it is there, in the unspoken words, and Astaroth can hear it as Danta says he’ll let him know. As such, the grin that’s there remains for the moment as he delves into the idea of food, watching from his peripherals as Danta places the gift back into his box. Humming a note once he’s swallowed his sip of too sweet and spiced juice, Astaroth inclines his head again. “Do let me know when you feel up to another meal.” He had just hunted, after all, and while Astaroth finds he could eat at any time regardless, he isn’t sure how the Maverick might be.

He doesn’t dwell on it for too long, though, because the sparkle of glitter on his hand has his nose wrinkling and the subsequent brush of Danta’s hand against his cheek leaves a streak of sparkling horror, melting into the dark beard and giving it a snow like appearance in the din of the oil lamps. A scowl forms immediately and he bats away Danta’s hand with a hiss, before he stubbornly tries to wipe it off of his cheek only to spread it more. “How incredibly rude.” Astaroth petulantly whines.
// down below so, down below so violent //
the Maverick
Theocrat of the Hollowed Grounds

Age: 36 | Height: 6'0 | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 5 - Strg: 19 - Dext: 21 - Endr: 20 - Luck: 21 - Int:
MOIRA - Regular - Crow
Played by: Honey Offline
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MP: 1901
in space the stars are no nearer; just glitters, like a morgue
Danta, naturally, is of a similar mindset when it comes to hunting and sating his bloodlust. He hadn't been joking, however sinister the words had been spoken, when he'd told Astaroth that he was always hungry. Bent and broken from so many days left without, it's difficult for the Maverick to tell whether he's satiated or starving. Better to keep hunting just in case. Of course, what he says is, "You will be the first person whose door I knock upon," punctuating the remark with a sly wink.

Only for any pretence of suave and charming to be wiped away by the cackle that bursts from his throat, Danta trying to dodge away from the hand that comes batting his way. "No, rude would have been putting it in your drawers," he says with a bounce of his eyebrows. And who knows - maybe he'd done that too. "Come off it - you look fetching," he drawls. He can't even say Asta will be able to fix it with a bath or a shower. It'll be everywhere, for some time.
Horns: Diamond - they look very similar to #2 in this image.
Dusklight Security

Age: 39 | Height: 6'5 | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 4 - Strg: 15 - Dext: 15 - Endr: 16 - Luck: 17 - Int:
Played by: Skylark Online
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MP: 4642
// up above so, up above so quiet //
I am honored.” He hums, though knowing the jest for what it is. It makes it easier for others to be less aware of the happenstances, of what kind of dark things occur under people’s noses. As such, the butcher has done quite well concealing any leftovers (blood, parts, pieces, all of it) and keeping it as fresh as possible. So perhaps, rather than spending the time in Danta’s room (oh how he’d mourn the fireplace, though), a night spent in his room would be best.

And if it weren’t for the glitter he might have started daydreaming about the blood.

Instead, he’s batting away the other man’s glittery hand and… All of him, honestly, when the true threat underlines and Astaroth pins Danta with a daring devilish look. “Do not do that.” The last thing he needs is his clothes permanently ruined from the glitter that never fucking leaves. But there’s a slight compliment within it and Astaroth rubs at the clean part of his face, hand delving up through his slicked black hair to press against one of his horns as if wearily. “Oh good. Because that is precisely what I aim for.” Fetching? Absolutely. Glittery like a poster when he throws someone out? Less so.
// down below so, down below so violent //
the Maverick
Theocrat of the Hollowed Grounds

Age: 36 | Height: 6'0 | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 5 - Strg: 19 - Dext: 21 - Endr: 20 - Luck: 21 - Int:
MOIRA - Regular - Crow
Played by: Honey Offline
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MP: 1901
in space the stars are no nearer; just glitters, like a morgue
Pinned with a look that would have no small number of the Dusklight's patrons thinking twice about their next actions, Danta can only offer a fanged smile in response, neither confirming nor denying any future shenanigans he might plan. Asta has to leave at some point, after all. For now though, at least, the Maverick leaves it at that. He's been brought one gift and there's another on the way, and the other man has managed to draw him out of his bad mood. That's deserving of as much good behaviour as Danta is capable of in the current circumstances.

"Oh, don't worry. I think you come off well enough," he assures him instead - indeed, there's already a worker sidling up to hand the Dusklight's security a clean, damp cloth to try and wipe away some of the glitter from his face, and Danta knows it's not just because of the stellar job that Asta does. "You know," the Maverick says quietly, "this place really has started to seem like home, hasn't it?"

He'd not expected it to become quite so familiar quite quickly, but neither is he upset about it.
Horns: Diamond - they look very similar to #2 in this image.
Dusklight Security

Age: 39 | Height: 6'5 | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 4 - Strg: 15 - Dext: 15 - Endr: 16 - Luck: 17 - Int:
Played by: Skylark Online
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Posts: 704 | Total: 14,493
MP: 4642
// up above so, up above so quiet //
A murderous glower is met with such a fanged and content smile that only the Maverick can get away with – such that it deflates him immediately into weariness and a sigh as opposed to any actual recompense. And as he whines and sighs and complains, the worker arrives with a damp cloth offered, to which a polite thank you is offered before the arduous task of removing the glitter begins.

As such, he’s rubbing at his cheek, removing a small amount of it, before delving into his beard as he listens to the quiet tone of a sentimentality that he can recall his first steps in here, how different it was and how different they were, that he’s a bit struck by the thought. “It does.” He agrees, voice quiet in response, more of his accent slipping through it. “I know we always lament about the Climb being home, alas I think you have built something quite remarkable here.” And he pauses in his task of removing glitter to let his dark gaze slip over toward him. “It feels more like home for me than the Climb had, toward the end.” Comes his even quieter admission.
// down below so, down below so violent //
the Maverick
Theocrat of the Hollowed Grounds

Age: 36 | Height: 6'0 | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 5 - Strg: 19 - Dext: 21 - Endr: 20 - Luck: 21 - Int:
MOIRA - Regular - Crow
Played by: Honey Offline
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MP: 1901
in space the stars are no nearer; just glitters, like a morgue
"So people say," Danta croons, of having created something remarkable in the Dusklight. He lets a satisfied smile cross his face at that, letting himself enjoy, at least for a small few moments, the fruits of a labour he'd not intended to take on. But here they are. "Oh?" The second admission is a surprise, though given the trajectory of their friendship in recent weeks, it shouldn't be.

"Not as solitary, I bet," he agrees, nodding his understanding, because same. Not that Danta had ever been alone in the way the butcher had, but that doesn't mean he hadn't been solitary either. Clearing his throat as if realising they're straying into territory he'd rather keep at bay, the Maverick straightens on his barstool and knocks back his drink smoothly.

"I suppose," he drawls, "I had better take this upstairs." The box, he means. "After that, I guess it's back to business as usual." You know, Danta cavorting and partying, Asta Astaing, and his office remaining a mess until Kia sees it and the Maverick has to find a closet to hide in. (Not a familiar state of affairs for him, neither literally nor metaphorically, as one might imagine).
Horns: Diamond - they look very similar to #2 in this image.
Dusklight Security

Age: 39 | Height: 6'5 | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 4 - Strg: 15 - Dext: 15 - Endr: 16 - Luck: 17 - Int:
Played by: Skylark Online
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Posts: 704 | Total: 14,493
MP: 4642
// up above so, up above so quiet //
He tries diligently to rid more of the glitter, succeeding in only removing half of it. But it’s enough to not be quite as blinding when his admission is aired, the cloth lowering to the bar as he hums a note of agreement to Danta’s assessment. “Not nearly.” He agrees with a low rumble, shifting to down the rest of the juice before he continues. “More freedom, ironically.” Given that his preferences were in fact a free for all with the Climb, the rest had been strict. Herding parties of strays to the mouth of the Climb, seeking out and punishing those that had fucked up, all of that had a very uncomfortably tight leash.

Folding the damp cloth as best he can without transferring the glitter, Asta’s dark gaze flits back toward the Maverick with a small nod. “Business as usual.” He agrees, though one look around the bar seems to suggest that with the party winding down and the groups perfectly content and causing absolutely zero trouble, there’s very little for him to do.

So he looks over at the Maverick once more, head cocking slightly. “I recall that I asked for you to let me know when you would like to eat, but... Would you like to have that meal when you’re finished instead?” He asks, thinking that the only thing that would make himself feel better about the glitter is to mask it with blood. But he doesn’t want to use it unless Danta’s there to indulge all the same.
// down below so, down below so violent //
the Maverick
Theocrat of the Hollowed Grounds

Age: 36 | Height: 6'0 | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 5 - Strg: 19 - Dext: 21 - Endr: 20 - Luck: 21 - Int:
MOIRA - Regular - Crow
Played by: Honey Offline
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Posts: 1,004 | Total: 17,608
MP: 1901
in space the stars are no nearer; just glitters, like a morgue
Business as usual it is, then, and Danta is already on his feet with the box when Asta speaks again. Raising an eyebrow and glancing across the main floor of the Dusklight, he considers for a moment before inclining his head in a nod. "It would be my pleasure," purrs. "Make sure nothing catches fire and I'll let you know when I'm ready." Because whether it's partying or hunting, Danta is still wearing precious too few clothes to be comfortable outside unless he's shifted.

And so the Maverick takes his leave of the bar, his tail unwinding from the other man's barstool to brush across Asta's lower back as he goes. In fairness to him, as well, he isn't gone for quite as long as he might be; it's true that he's found some red haired beauty to pin up against a wall and have some fun with en route to his room, and he's had to shower the glitter off himself before returning, but soon enough he's in a dark sweater and with his coat in hand as he re-approaches the bar.

"Do you have a preference of target?" he wonders, blue eyes glittering with dark anticipation.
Horns: Diamond - they look very similar to #2 in this image.
Dusklight Security

Age: 39 | Height: 6'5 | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 4 - Strg: 15 - Dext: 15 - Endr: 16 - Luck: 17 - Int:
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MP: 4642
// up above so, up above so quiet //
Of course.” Astaroth hums, inclining his head in a silent vow that he would not let it catch fire. The touch of the other man’s tail against his lower back is gentle, though felt well enough through the silken shirt, and it sparks the twitch of the corner of his lips upward. Keeping the Dusklight from catching fire was quite easy. So much so that Astaroth has had enough time to actually get the glitter off of his cheek (though not entirely out of his beard), but he’s satisfied enough for the moment as he remains a watchful gargoyle for however long it take Danta and his distractions to take.

It gives him plenty of time to think about it though, listing out the options, until the Maverick’s return in a new set of clothes and without the horrendous glitter. He spots the dark glitter of anticipation, and truthfully he’d thought about warming up the blood and the gift, before he realizes that it would be better to do the real thing. And he thinks back briefly to how free and open he had felt with Charlie, indulging within it with the blonde and enjoying every single ounce of the action. “As a matter of fact, I do.” He drawls with that crooked sharp grin blooming. “It’s your turn to watch, I will be back.” He murmurs, before departing to his room.

His quick change is not long in the slightest – swapping his typical dark and broody attire for that of dark black pants and a smooth, pristine white shirt, along with a less fine coat that he doesn’t mind getting dirty, leaving the cane back in his room. Returning to Danta’s side like a nun to his priest, he flashes an easy grin and starts to head toward the door. “We have had a series of traveling performers and merchants coming through and departing as of late.” He starts to say in a deep whisper, for the Maverick’s ears only, before he continues. “Now, the merchants have already been hit once so it would be best to leave them be. But the performers… They have a few hands that I’ve noticed the true acts don’t care much for.” So why would they care if one of the brawny men went missing? Based off of how they were received in the Dusklight, he imagines it would be nothing more than chalking it up to chance or the cold and getting lost more than any true issues.

"Thoughts, darling?" He asks, cocking his head toward the Maverick.
// down below so, down below so violent //
the Maverick
Theocrat of the Hollowed Grounds

Age: 36 | Height: 6'0 | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 5 - Strg: 19 - Dext: 21 - Endr: 20 - Luck: 21 - Int:
MOIRA - Regular - Crow
Played by: Honey Offline
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MP: 1901
in space the stars are no nearer; just glitters, like a morgue
Surprised, but pleasantly so, to hear that Asta has their outing all planned, Danta sidles back onto his stool and crosses his long legs to let the other man take his leave. "Of course," he says, gesturing for him to take all the time he needs as he watches the scenes in the Dusklight play out. It makes for an entertaining show, however quickly Asta returns, and he's back on his feet and shrugging into his coat as the butcher draws closer once more.

With his head inclined just so to hear him speak as they head for the door, indeed to any watching (see you later, bartender) it would appear as though Asta is letting Danta in on some trouble afoot - trouble that might require his personal assistance to resolve. And so they step out and into the brisk evening air, the Maverick instantly turning up his collar against the chill.

"I don't think you've ever said anything so sweet to me before," he says with a dark smile, the words purred into the cold air and covered, by and large, by their footsteps. "How far away are they?" he wonders, just in case it's easier for Asta to take to the ground as a fyrhund and for Danta to follow (at a very safe distance, of course) on the wing.
Horns: Diamond - they look very similar to #2 in this image.
Dusklight Security

Age: 39 | Height: 6'5 | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 4 - Strg: 15 - Dext: 15 - Endr: 16 - Luck: 17 - Int:
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MP: 4642
// up above so, up above so quiet //
It’s as inconspicuous as can be, which is perfect for the thing they’re about to go and do. And as Astaroth calculates it out, its hand in hand with the Maverick’s own chimed purr and dark smile. One that’s met with a thirsty one of the Butcher’s own. “Remind me to do this more often, then.” He purrs back, before he’s tightening the jacket around his own frame, taller and spindly as it is, the chill is enough to keep him mostly somber. “Not that far. Outskirts of the Domiciles, so, close to some civilization unfortunately.” He sighs a little, before his lips quirk back up into a smirk.

Charlie lured one away under the guise of helping her father who was trapped under a fallen tree.” He informs the Maverick, hand waving toward himself as if to punctuate the little game they had played, with Astaroth’s role as father in that scenario. “However, from what I heard from the group in the Dusklight, it would appear that the hands tend to be like… Scouts in a sense. On their own, secluded, but hidden.” His grin parts as his tongue prods at the leftmost fang, as if in thought. “I do not think it will be difficult to catch.” And with it far enough away from the rest of the groups with a fire, the chance of turning to stone were nonexistant. And if they made it look like an animal… well, in the tent might be an easier and even better option.
// down below so, down below so violent //
the Maverick
Theocrat of the Hollowed Grounds

Age: 36 | Height: 6'0 | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 5 - Strg: 19 - Dext: 21 - Endr: 20 - Luck: 21 - Int:
MOIRA - Regular - Crow
Played by: Honey Offline
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MP: 1901
in space the stars are no nearer; just glitters, like a morgue
"I'll certainly do that," Danta assures the other man. Remind him to rally the Maverick into hunting people? He wouldn't miss it for the world. And so despite the rules he'd laid down some time ago - and this is an exception and he's going to take it, and no he won't be taking questions on the matter - he listens intently to Asta as they head out of the Last Whisper. "Oh did she," he says through a soft laugh as their feet begin to crunch through ice and snow.

"A rather convincing father figure I bet you made, too," he purrs, waiting until they are out in the streets properly before giving the lead to the other man so he can take them where they need to go to procure some good hunting. "I'm quite in the mood to play catch, so that works for me. Luckily these are travellers, so..." He shrugs. It isn't as though anyone is going to miss them.
Horns: Diamond - they look very similar to #2 in this image.
Dusklight Security

Age: 39 | Height: 6'5 | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 4 - Strg: 15 - Dext: 15 - Endr: 16 - Luck: 17 - Int:
Played by: Skylark Online
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Posts: 704 | Total: 14,493
MP: 4642
// up above so, up above so quiet //
The grin that blooms further seems to suggest that he’ll also keep it in mind – the ability to clear his schedule with complete ease the second the Maverick mentions he wants this particular hunt. Or date. Whichever.

She did.” Astaroth comments with a huff of a laugh, breath clouding in front of him as he gives quite a sharp and hungry grin in response. “Oh, I certainly did.” He pauses, about to regale him of the tale when he thinks it might make for better bedroom talk. So with mischief sparkling in his dark gaze, Astaroth confidently takes the lead. It’s a winding path through the deer trails – kept less cold thanks to the movement between them and the fact they don’t have to step in deep snow.

They can chalk it up to a wolf attack.” He shrugs, before his voice drops into more of a conspirators whisper. “I can lure him out as a fyrhund? Truly sell the part of wolf attack.” To Dantalion’s lying in wait to catch the stranger not unlike a spider’s web. Similarly enough to how it had been back in the day in the Climb, only without the multiple day travel.
// down below so, down below so violent //
the Maverick
Theocrat of the Hollowed Grounds

Age: 36 | Height: 6'0 | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 5 - Strg: 19 - Dext: 21 - Endr: 20 - Luck: 21 - Int:
MOIRA - Regular - Crow
Played by: Honey Offline
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MP: 1901
in space the stars are no nearer; just glitters, like a morgue
Whichever, indeed. Hunt. It's a hunt, shut your mouth.

Eager to hear the full story but equally happy to leave it for now if it means they get to their own prey quicker, Danta falls into step behind Asta in a reversal of roles, acting as the butcher's shadow as they slip away from the main streets and into the dark.

"A wolf attack wouldn't be unheard of," he whispers back, careful not to step on any undergrowth or ice that would make too much noice. In the middle of Deepfrost and on the outskirts of the Domiciles, where food and people are likely to be? A perfect crime, one might say.

"That sounds good to me. Make sure you leave a nice amount of prints around, too, in case anyone comes sniffing," he suggests. And once they're finally out far enough, Danta starts to slow his steps, his blue eyes dark with hunger and the need for violence. "I'll be here," he decides.
Horns: Diamond - they look very similar to #2 in this image.

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