God Quest The Rice Dance

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(Grant can decide if anyone else is welcome in this thread)


Her name danced on the breeze. It rolled and hushed, warbled and pirouetted through the trees. The midwife, so busy, so bothered, so grownup in the midst of all that had happened. Had she thought the god had forgotten her in the wake of all that blood? Those screams?


The voice came again, a sultry and unmistakable call. Was it a real voice, or only in the young woman's mind? Did it really matter?

Commala come come It urged in a sing-song voice. Not Frey's voice, but not not Frey's voice either. Phoebe would find herself drawn to follow it during the golden hour of evening, towards the glade.

Phoebe Steadman
the Nightingale

Age: 27 | Height: 5'9" | Race: Demi-god | Nationality: Outlander | Citizenship: Greatwood
Level: 5 - Strg: 32 - Dext: 46 - Endr: 41 - Luck: 41 - Int:
PIM - Mythical - Dragon (Electricity) BRANBAST - Mythical - Sear Cat (Speech)
Played by: Grant Offline
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MP: 1825
Can anybody find me somebody to love

The young blonde froze where she stood, lifting her head and looking around. First her eyes found Emmett, thinking he had said her name. But he was busying himself making little planter boxes for her to grow medicinal herbs in this year. And it hadn't really sounded like him either. But it couldn't be Chris or Milly, they were off with a Palmer family friend playing with children their age.


She whirled around, eyes fixating in the direction of the Outskirts, more specifically the Glade. "Did you hear that?" she said to Emmett, taking a few tentative steps forward. It was so faint yet so clear. Her hands curled into the skirt of her dress nervously. Where was it coming from? Was she finally cracking and losing her mind, hearing voices on the wind?

Commala come come...

The voice was so familiar yet distorted enough that her mind couldn't quite place it. But without her conscious decision she was moving forward, first just a slow walk. But with each step the summons grew more insistent. Her steps picked up speed in response, not certain where she was going or why. She was transfixed, and if Emmett tried to stop her or speak to her he would find her fully absorbed in whatever it was she was hearing.

Not quite running but certainly not walking, Phoebe made her way to the Glade. Wide brown eyes looked around for the source of this noise, feeling very strongly that she was at the right spot...then her eyes fell on the shrine. Briefly she glanced between it and Emmett, who she realized suddenly must think her crazy for dropping everything and running to a shrine out of the blue like that. "I-i was called here?" she said tentatively into the air, both by way of explanation to Emmett and questioning what force had done so. She was a little confused and apprehensive...it wasn't every day one heard their name sung by the birds and were compelled to run to a shrine after all.

(I have invited Emmett along if he wishes to follow his crazy girlfriend running off into the woods)
Emmett Palmer

Age: 28 | Height: 5'9" | Race: Attuned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 2 - Strg: 20 - Dext: 11 - Endr: 12 - Luck: 10 - Int:
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Emmett had always liked working with his hands. When he could turn off his mind and just make, just let his calloused fingers move deftly over soil and wood, keep going until a project was completed. He was completely absorbed in his task, fitting the boxes together to the be the right size for Phoebe's herbs, when she drew him from his trance with a question. "Uh..hear what?"

But before he could get any kind of real answer, Phoebe had gotten up and begun to head out. Emmett stood up with alarm, looking about for where Chris and Milly were so he could take them somewhere safe, but then remembered with relief they weren't here.

"Bee, where're ya goin'?" He asked, following a few steps behind Phoebe the whole way. She didn't answer until they'd gotten all the way to the Glade and Emmett was incredibly confused, looking about as if the trees would hold an answer.

"Called...? By what? There ain' no one here."
You think that luck has left you there
But maybe there's nothing
Up in the sky but air
And there's no mystical design

Age: 8 | Height: | Race: Attuned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
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The bird song rose and mixed with the gentle russshshhhhh of the leaves; a chorus of enchanting whispers that subtly seemed to hum phoebe, phoebe, phoebe. A warm wind whirled around the midwife as she stopped and called out. Brightly coloured petals scattered in her wake, and from being the naive Emmett, Frey appeared.

Naked as the earth, Frey's shifting body was a wondrous and sensual sight to behold. Emmett would suddenly feel a hand on his shoulder, and as Frey's fingers tightened over the muscles there, the man would feel temporary relief from the weight of all that had happened to him. His body would feel rejuvenated, his mind at ease, his loins ablaze—it was Flowerbirth after all.

With a knowing smile towards Phoebe who would no doubt be amused by the god's timing on the heels of Emmett's declaration that they were alone in the glade, Frey moved away, a ripe slice of melon in their hands suddenly. Lifting it to their lips and biting into the orange flesh, Frey let the juices run down their neck and chest with a sensual grin of pleasure. The overwhelming adoration and lust for the god would mist over them like a gentle summer rain, invigorating and drenching all at the same time.

" An interesting choice." Frey mused, crossing their arms slightly as they gazed upon Phoebe. "The midwife and the farmboy. It's like the start of a story..." Taking another bite of the melon, Frey tossed the rind over their shoulder. Where it struck the ground, a beautifully bright orange lily suddenly sprouted. "But what sort? A short story of summer romance? A horror novel? A mystery?" Pursing their lips, Frey directed their kaleidoscopic gaze towards Pheobe. "
Phoebe Steadman
the Nightingale

Age: 27 | Height: 5'9" | Race: Demi-god | Nationality: Outlander | Citizenship: Greatwood
Level: 5 - Strg: 32 - Dext: 46 - Endr: 41 - Luck: 41 - Int:
PIM - Mythical - Dragon (Electricity) BRANBAST - Mythical - Sear Cat (Speech)
Played by: Grant Offline
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MP: 1825
Can anybody find me somebody to love
Phoebe’s eyes widened in awe as the air whirled around her and at the petals that seemed to appear as she walked. Still she heard her name in the breeze, curious as to why it was there. But as her brown eyes lifted to look at Emmett, drawn by his voice, her gaze fell on a familiar sight.

As Frey appeared and stepped forward, their hand settling on Emmett’s shoulder, she found a few things had changed. First, for the first time in encountering this deity that she wasn’t immediately overcome with terror. The adoration she recognized and despite likely being Frey’s influence she felt was also genuine. Frey had sent her out to find someone to be with (okay, have sex with but she had also come to learn in the process that a casual fling just wasn’t her thing and that wasn’t something to be ashamed of, but recognized) and in so doing put her in touch with the side of her self that had been repressed and uncomfortable. In so doing, she felt she was more a whole person than she was before. Why would she not feel some true adoration for the deity that pushed her to be more? Secondly, the warmth she felt blossoming in her core now was recognizable for what it was, not something to fear… and it led to her third observation, that Frey looked…different.

Before, Frey had been male to her eye sex-wise, but very amorphous in the rest of their form. The occasional wisp of dark hair, a muscled arm or torso, but otherwise they had always been an ever shifting, almost glowing male-being with no other distinguishable permanent features. Even now their form shifted yet seemed more set – looking surprisingly similar to Emmett as they did so. A far more refined version of Emmett but the features she found attractive now were Emmett’s because of her emotion for him, and so that was what the deity now reflected.

And while this all took a very long time to write and read, it all passed through her mind in a matter of seconds.

Their timing was impeccable, and Phoebe did laugh a little at the irony of it. ”Hello, Frey. I’m sorry I didn’t bring you a present, I didn’t realize you had called me.” she said with a  warm smile and respectful head nod. The calling had been hardly a whisper, yet so insistent she hadn’t even paused to consider its consequences. Not very smart Phoebe, but here she was all the same, having come when called without delay. She glanced over at Emmett when Frey noted he was an interesting choice. Like a story, the midwife and the farm boy…it was a little cliché she supposed. And what sort of story, Frey wanted to know? It was hard for her to say, but she considered Emmett quietly before answering. Perhaps it was Frey’s influence, but as she looked at Emmett she was struggling to remember the difficulties the days since Long Night had brought; her struggle to balance her wants and needs as a romantic partner with her logical reasoning of what he was going through. Instead her mind rested on the time before everything went wrong. The butterflies, the racing hearts, the affection, the sudden heat...all of it. Yes, things had been hard (or not hard depending on what was being referenced) but it was all built on something more, something deeper than just a passing fancy.

"I...I don't know yet." she said, looked back at Frey. "But I hope it is one that continues to get better as the pages turn."
Emmett Palmer

Age: 28 | Height: 5'9" | Race: Attuned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 2 - Strg: 20 - Dext: 11 - Endr: 12 - Luck: 10 - Int:
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Emmett's day was only set to get weirder, it seemed, as the wind picked up and there was a touch on his shoulder. Not just any touch, no; one that lifted all the tension in his mind off of him and added quite a few more things to his body. Eyes widening he tried to angle his body away from Phoebe so new developments would not be quite so obvious.

When Frey moved before Emmett, he saw someone beautiful and not defined by boundaries, a shifting and changing shape displaying different features both male and female and...something else, something that both terrified and excited him. He stood with his mouth open for a moment before sinking to his knees, realising he was seeing a God and not sure how else to show the proper respect.

He listened to the exchange between Phoebe and Frey with a frown on his face, not sure if any of it meant anything for them or not. For the moment he stayed quiet, just watching the conversation between the two from his position on the ground.
You think that luck has left you there
But maybe there's nothing
Up in the sky but air
And there's no mystical design

Age: 8 | Height: | Race: Attuned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
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"A present?" Frey tilted their head back, laughing with a lascivious adoration as they strolled towards Phoebe. "Oh no sweetheart, no gift required this time. Your first orgasm was certainly a gift enough." They added with another laugh, glancing over their shoulder at Emmett with a wink. The boy would feel heat blooming in his belly, wriggling its way up to settle uncomfortably as a bulge in his pants.

Reaching for a strand of Phoebe's pretty hair, Frey considered for a moment, before looking over at Emmett once more. " This one has potential to be a real page turner. " They mumbled, before setting their sensual stare back on Phoebe with a warm and heat-inducing smile. It also had the potential to be a complete flop, but the god was open minded. They'd already helped the young lovers stay their course once. Who was to say that they wouldn't do it again? Entertainment in the bubble was hard to come by after all, and Frey did so enjoy a good passionate fuck.

"Now then hun, what have you learned from all of this?" They asked, their voice like the sweetest conflagration of honey and silk and hands twisting in satin sheets as candles burned out long into the night.
Phoebe Steadman
the Nightingale

Age: 27 | Height: 5'9" | Race: Demi-god | Nationality: Outlander | Citizenship: Greatwood
Level: 5 - Strg: 32 - Dext: 46 - Endr: 41 - Luck: 41 - Int:
PIM - Mythical - Dragon (Electricity) BRANBAST - Mythical - Sear Cat (Speech)
Played by: Grant Offline
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Can anybody find me somebody to love
Phoebe’s cheeks flushed a little at Frey’s comment – her bashfulness more a personal trait than one imbedded in inexperience. It was a little odd to think Frey considered that a present, or even knew about it…yet at the same time not. They were a deity and such things were in their preferred wheelhouse. Regardless, she was glad Frey was not offended at her not having brought a tangible gift and pleased with what they did consider the gift to be.

She waited quietly as Frey seemed to contemplate, not moving or tensing as they took up a piece of her hair. Really, this interaction was such a complete difference from the times before. She actually felt at ease in Frey’s presence, able to enjoy the warmth they inspired without it fighting against her internal, mental roadblocks. A real page turner… Phoebe glanced over at Emmett, who looked caught between awe, confusion…and painfully obvious desire. She smiled a little at him in a comforting manner. Seeing one of the deities for the first time, experiencing their power, was indeed a lot to take in – and Frey definitely know how to leave an impression.

Wide brown eyes looked back at Frey, considering their question. What had she learned? Lots of things! The process had been arduous – mentally and emotionally, not particularly physically. She had had to come to terms with who she was and what she wanted. She had to put herself out there – when really she would rather go unnoticed due to shyness. She had had to discern who really was her match, who could meet her where she was, and who was playing games. She had learned that attraction was more than physical but personality as well. She was struggling to put into words all of it and worried her lip as she thought. So she decided to think back to her conversation with Frey that led to this endeavor in the first place and the insecurities Frey had told her she was wrong about; that was a good place to start to formulate her answer.

"I...learned that I was being silly for being so worried about sex and intimacy...that with the right person its wonderful. It doesn't take away from me but makes me more...whole. More fully myself. And...that I am wantable. I just...shouldn't wait around to be noticed but look for it myself. I don't think I would have been brave enough to talk to Emmett if I hadn't put myself out there like you said I needed to." she said, giving Emmett a small smile.
Emmett Palmer

Age: 28 | Height: 5'9" | Race: Attuned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 2 - Strg: 20 - Dext: 11 - Endr: 12 - Luck: 10 - Int:
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Emmett kept his eyes fixed to the ground as Frey talked about orgasms and winked at him. True, he'd given Phoebe the orgasm mentioned and was no stranger to the birds and the bees, but having it so blatantly acknowledged by a God felt dirty. Hands over his crotch to hide his shame he kept himself kneeling and looking down.

Even with his discomfort he smiled wide as he heard Phoebe tell Frey happily of her discoveries, how he had been the right person; that it had been a good experience for the both of them. Emmett glanced up to Phoebe and gave her a warm smile, hoping she knew just how special it had been for him too.

"Uh..thank you for your help, if you did, Frey." He thought to say, dipping his head again.
You think that luck has left you there
But maybe there's nothing
Up in the sky but air
And there's no mystical design

Age: 8 | Height: | Race: Attuned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
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"It can be wonderful with the wrong person too." Frey said with a sultry laugh. "But it is always a bit better with the right ones." They added, blossoms of honeysuckle appearing in Phoebe's hair as Frey continued to play with the strands. As the midwife concluded her synopsis with a mention of Emmett, Frey looked over their shoulder, more than a little aware of how the young man currently saw them. Humming a laugh under their breath, Frey looked towards Phoebe. "A shy one, mm?" They commented. Simultaneously however, images would flash in Emmett's eyes. Images of hands pulling at his chest, of woman and men moaning his name. Female and male tongues on his nipples and genitals, his hands wandering over bodies that were curved and straight and flat and voluptuous.

"I was worried about you, you know." Frey continued, the strands in their fingers forming into a braid. "You seemed so certain you were un-wantable hun, but look at that boy there." Turning Frey breezed away Emmett's self-consciousness, the feelings of wrongness or anxiety. For the time being his sexuality would be obvious and proud, his doubts about appropriateness and shame gone. "For once I think that's probably more for you, than for me." Frey laughed, stepping behind Phoebe and cupping her shoulders gently. "Isn't that right hun?" They called across to Emmett with a sultry smile.

"Here's the thing though sweet cheeks." Frey said, glancing across at Emmett. "It's rude to cum that quick. Now I know it was your first time and this sweet thing is a lot to handle, but I do expect you to keep that in mind. Your pre-work was good though. I will say that." They added with a proud smile, fingers squeezing around Phoebe's shoulders.
Phoebe Steadman
the Nightingale

Age: 27 | Height: 5'9" | Race: Demi-god | Nationality: Outlander | Citizenship: Greatwood
Level: 5 - Strg: 32 - Dext: 46 - Endr: 41 - Luck: 41 - Int:
PIM - Mythical - Dragon (Electricity) BRANBAST - Mythical - Sear Cat (Speech)
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Can anybody find me somebody to love
Before, Phoebe might not quite have understood what Frey meant about that first bit; but now it seemed clear. So long as effort was being made to bring physical pleasure, it probably would be pretty wonderful regardless of whether that person was or wasn't good for them. That Frey confirmed it was a bit better with the right people did make her feel better about looking for that. But her brown gaze looked to Emmett as Frey noted he was shy. She smiled a little and looked back at the deity. "Certainly not more shy than me?" she said. Emmett had always been fairly forward and direct with her, but to a deity like Frey perhaps he could seem shy. Humble seemed a better word for him, but she didn't have the sort of all knowing abilities Frey did.

She also had no clue what was going through Emmett's brain right now.

"I was worried about you, you know."

Phoebe looked at Frey wide-eyed at that. A deity worried about her? It seemed impossible! She was just a midwife! Just a common girl! She wasn't special or powerful or particularly smart or anything! She felt a weird amalgam of being honored that Frey considered her worth of being worried after and guilt over having caused them worry. But they didn't seem mad, more just making a statement. As they continued on she briefly dropped her gaze. "I was very certain." she said quietly, likely at a level that only Frey would hear. It was an insecurity that still reared its ugly head every now and then; though she was learning to voice it and address it to move forward than let it consume a destroy what confidence she was working on. Briefly the moment where Bastien had so shattered that confidence, how she cried...she might be shaken from time to time but she would not let herself ever feel so destroyed again.

Her eyes moved back to Emmett as directed, and her cheeks flushed a little. It was obvious that Frey's influence was working on him in some manner. Granted, they were working on her but it was much more difficult to tell from a look, and she had since accepted that this was just how Frey made people feel, and revelled in the fact that it no longer terrified her. "Me?" she said in surprise, looking up at Frey a little skeptically. Even when they had been together she didn't think Emmett had been so...worked up. Not to mention that Emmett had been very clear about how he just wasn't interested in such activities lately. Her eyes went back to Emmett though when Frey asked him to confirm. Even if Frey was helping...it still made her heart race a little to think that maybe she was a part of the the reason for his arousal.

Frey's description of her made her cheeks flare red. A lot to handle?? That was a good thing right?? The squeeze on her shoulders had her looking back up at Frey though and...well they looked happy. It made Phoebe smiled as well, even as she blushed. "I mean...it was the best sex I've ever had." she said quietly, to help boost Emmett's self esteem in case the light chastising bothered him...but it was also a bit of a joke. It was the only sex she had ever had so of course it was the best she'd ever had. Then she realized she had actually made a sex joke - something under normal circumstances she wouldn't think to do - and her face flared red again.

Oh yes. Frey's influence was undeniable.
Emmett Palmer

Age: 28 | Height: 5'9" | Race: Attuned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 2 - Strg: 20 - Dext: 11 - Endr: 12 - Luck: 10 - Int:
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The concerns of politeness drifting off of his shoulders was a relief, Emmett sitting up and breathing heavily with his arousal very clear. He barely even realised he was being addressed until Frey looked to him. "Well, yeah. I...not that you aren' great but...Bee's a real great girl. And she's beautiful." There was an aching sincerity in his words.

The...critique of his sex technique was something he'd stew over later, but at the moment he was far too distracted. He smiled at Phoebe when he heard her joke and replied with a laugh: "Me too."

Emmett shifted his legs to try and ease some of his discomfort; these pants were not particularly made of flexible fabric and there was a clear tent. "But...I'm sure every time with you will be great, Bee."
You think that luck has left you there
But maybe there's nothing
Up in the sky but air
And there's no mystical design

Age: 8 | Height: | Race: Attuned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
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"There you go again." Frey cooed softly, tsking affectionately under their breath as they gazed at Phoebe. "That uncertainty again. Of course I was worried about you, hun. So much potential in such a pretty package. You are your own biggest critic, you know? "

Casting their gaze towards Emmett like the gentle toss of a handful of flower petals, Frey's lips curled into an amused smile. "Beautiful? Oh hun, you have no idea. You definitely haven't seen the best of her yet."

Even Frey laughed at Phoebe's joke, whether it was because they truly thought it funny or if it was because of how innocent and sweetly it was said they'd never know. Either way, they turned a smoldering eye towards Emmett as they leaned towards Phoebe's ear. "Everytime he says. " They chuckled. "We both know that isn't true, but the boy does seem like he will always try." They whispered in a low tone, before rising.

Turning towards Phoebe, a braided headband now beautifully encircling her head with a cacophony of honeysuckle braided therein, Frey leaned back with a smile. "Now I've no need to tell a midwife about what follows from a good fucking." They said, their sculpted form glistening like an adonis in the soft and hazy light. "But now that you know how good it can feel at the beginning of creating a life, perhaps you can do something about the other part, mm?" With a smile, Frey leaned forward and gently kissed Phoebe's brow. As they did, the braid on her head turned into a crown of woven honeysuckle.

"Anyone who wears this crown during childbirth will experience nothing but pleasure as they deliver. The creation of life is such a beautiful thing, no need to ruin it with all that pain. But careful though sweet thing, pain is a useful tool. You will have to be extra diligent to make sure that you haven't missed anything. But I am sure you're up for the task." Frey added with a laugh, then glanced towards Emmett. "Isn't that right hun?"

Congratulations! For completing your quest, Phoebe has received the following item:

Honeysuckle Crown | When worn by those in childbirth, they will feel a calming sense of euphoria and pleasure during and after delivery. The crown always smells sweet and will never wilt.
Phoebe Steadman
the Nightingale

Age: 27 | Height: 5'9" | Race: Demi-god | Nationality: Outlander | Citizenship: Greatwood
Level: 5 - Strg: 32 - Dext: 46 - Endr: 41 - Luck: 41 - Int:
PIM - Mythical - Dragon (Electricity) BRANBAST - Mythical - Sear Cat (Speech)
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Can anybody find me somebody to love
Phoebe blushed as Frey called her out on her self-destructive thoughts. But they were very right. She was her own worst critic. ”I’m sorry…I’m working on it…but I appreciate your concern.” she said. She was working on building her confidence and tearing herself down less and…it did feel good to know that Frey cared enough to worry and thought she had potential of some sort. It was a little self-esteem boost she would keep in her back pocket for when she needed it most.

She looked at Emmett as he spoke, a grin curving her lips at his compliment. He had called her pretty before but not quite like that, not with such an insistent tone. And Frey seemed to think there was…something better than that about her? She couldn’t imagine what Frey meant by that – Emmett having not seen the Best of her…what was the best of her they meant – but she would take it for the compliment it was, feeling rather like she was floating on clouds now. She hadn’t felt so…happy, purely joyful, in a long time she thought.

Frey’s whispering and Emmett’s words had her cheeks flaring red again. It was a sweet thought, though she did agree with Frey that there was bound to be some…awkward situations when Emmett finally wanted to be intimate again. She had heard many times from clients past about how things could go awry in the bedroom…or other rooms…and how certain furniture did or did not help or hinder this. ”He does follow direction well.” Phoebe quietly said to Frey, giving credit where credit was due, as she smiled affectionately at Emmett. It did seem a good combination of traits to indicate better things to come: the willingness to try and the ability to take direction.

The young midwife turned to look at Frey as they once again addressed her more directly. She nodded, understanding exactly what they meant by what followed, but unsure as to how she could fix the less than enjoyable parts of carrying and birthing a child. Her head tilted slightly in confusion before Frey pressed their lips to her forehead – which was without a doubt the best forehead kiss she had ever received (oddly specific perhaps but an undeniable truth). She felt the braids in her hair release and fall around her shoulders, so she gently lifted a hand to feel what happened. Her lashes fluttered in surprise, feeling a full flower crown there. Quietly she listened to Frey as they described its purpose, eyes widening in awe. Of course, as they said, pain was an important indicator of many things, but there were many applications where even a brief respite from it, just a few moments of physical relaxation and pleasure could change a scary situation into something survivable.

In the right hands, with the right knowledge, this crown could literally be life saving.

"Oh my goodness..." she breathed in awe of the gift they had given. "Thank you so much! This is...I don't have the words!" she said, the sincerity of her gratefulness rendering her speechless.

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