Mother Know Best
Edmund Ansel
Adventurer / Guildmaster

Age: 19 | Height: 5'10" | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 5 - Strg: 19 - Dext: 19 - Endr: 20 - Luck: 20 - Int:
SPLAT - Mythical - Darkling
Played by: Blackbird Offline
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Posts: 511 | Total: 3,564
MP: 1605
Mother arrives, her presence washing over him, and all is right with the world once more. But was his question so curious? Edmund's tail curls as he tilts his head, "Was I too quick to judge? The vines that are normally calm, mischievous if anything, purposefully harmed me. I had always assumed that anything that actively tries to harm myself or what is mine is a threat." Genuine confusion and curiosity color his voice as he seeks clarification. Mother is wise and the young Ancient hangs onto every scrap of wisdom that she bestows upon him, treating them as the gifts that they are.

A gift she bestows as she speaks further on the current state of the world. Edmund thinks for a brief moment, absorbing the implications of what Mother is saying. "It certainly is causing a stir." His smile turns into a sharp grin, "If Caido's followers are the ones tasked with fixing things, does that mean that we Ancients can do whatever we please?" Within the bounds of Mother's wishes of course. Edmund would never go against her.

Come dance in the shadows

Messages In This Thread
Mother Know Best - by Edmund - 12-03-2023, 02:19 AM
RE: Mother Know Best - by Dygra - 12-03-2023, 01:07 PM
RE: Mother Know Best - by Edmund - 12-04-2023, 12:15 AM
RE: Mother Know Best - by Dygra - 12-12-2023, 08:07 PM
RE: Mother Know Best - by Edmund - 12-14-2023, 01:59 PM
RE: Mother Know Best - by Dygra - 12-19-2023, 06:44 PM
RE: Mother Know Best - by Edmund - 12-26-2023, 04:10 PM

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