You're all that I've been yearning for
Deimos Ignatius
the Resurrected Sword
Warden of Halo / Guildmaster

Age: 34 | Height: 6'4" | Race: Hybrid | Nationality: Outlander | Citizenship: Halo
Level: 14 - Strg: 74 - Dext: 74 - Endr: 75 - Luck: 80 - Int: 3
BELIAL - Mythical - Peryton (Blend) ZURIEL - Mythical - Unicorn (Healing)
Played by: Heather Offline
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Posts: 6,852 | Total: 11,123
MP: 5754
He waited for some semblance of a protest, but when nothing came along he wondered if the situation was more dire than he’d figured – steps elongated but not jostling her. Zuriel tended from the side, the sweep of her horn careful and precise, striving to keep an even keel over the situation.

The infirmary staff all seemed quite trained and prepared, but it was still difficult to relinquish Evie to their skills and ministrations the moment they entered – he yielded regardless, placing her gently upon the bed as the rest hustled and bustled. There seemed to be no denial of his entry, and he would’ve refused being placed out of the quarters regardless, so he stayed by her side through the movements and motions, eyes briefly widening as Zuriel stood guard at his arm.

He kept a reassuring but firm hold on her hand, eyes going to her immediately at the news. Their timing hadn’t been the most impeccable in any of these situations, and he couldn’t help but unfurl a brief snort. “I am not surprised,” given everything else that had gone along in the seasonal intervals. To the medics surrounding, he inclined his head. “Do you need me to do anything?”

Never let them drain the river of your soul

Messages In This Thread
You're all that I've been yearning for - by Evie - 05-01-2024, 10:54 PM
RE: You're all that I've been yearning for - by Deimos - 05-01-2024, 11:17 PM

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