maybe I enjoy it just a bit too much
Dusklight Security

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you made your choice
Chuckling once more as he tucks his silk shirt in and rolls up the sleeves once more, Astaroth collects his cane and turns to face the medic with that still too sharp smile. “Quite a coincidence. I owe you my gratitude.” Bowing lightly as if to punctuate the point, Astaroth draws back to his full height, nodding his head at her follow up question.

I would be honored to attend. Though, truthfully, I have a tendency to be found wherever Danta is.” His shadow, in a sense. “That being said, I figure he would not miss it for the world.” Which in a roundabout way seems to suggest that he would be there regardless. “I would be honored to meet your guest, as well.” He offers politely, before following her to the door.

Once there, however, and the breeze ruffles his dark hair, he turns to her with a curious gleam in his dark gaze. “I don’t suppose you are hungry?” He hums, shifting his weight slightly. “Or perhaps know of a good location to hunt?” Not wanting to make waves, Asta looks to Isla as he tries to dull that hungry ache in his bones.
do you regret it yet?

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RE: maybe I enjoy it just a bit too much - by Astaroth - 05-12-2024, 08:52 PM

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