maybe I enjoy it just a bit too much
Dusklight Security

Age: 39 | Height: 6'5 | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
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you made your choice
I do and he is.” Astaroth murmurs with a soft little chuckle, nodding despite her quiet sigh of trying to ignore it. He’s oblivious to the fact as he regards the blonde woman with an easy smile. “He mentioned he’d read about you, after I told him of our wonderful day out.” The butcher kindly does not mention the fact the Maverick had assumed he’d had a crush. After all, Isla was stunning, but Astaroth wouldn’t trust himself not to take a literal taste of her, should he feel the urge to indulge.

As it stands, he is hungry, not enough that he forgoes the previous promises he’d made of not destroying the reputation of the Grounds in devouring any unsuspecting soul walking down this alleyway at this time of the day. So he perks up as she gestures down the street and mentions ramphire, nodding his horned head with a glint of excitement. “Lovely.” He practically purrs, falling into step with her as they walk.

A few moments pass, letting her lead the way before he speaks up again. “I have a fyrhund shift. It should make for some excitement, I would think.” He muses thoughtfully, his grin growing a bit sharper as he glances over and down at her. He fully expects to look like a herding dog, chasing after the beasts and nipping at heels until he managed to slay one. And slay he intends to do.
do you regret it yet?

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RE: maybe I enjoy it just a bit too much - by Astaroth - 05-13-2024, 05:29 AM

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