(SE) tell me you're scared, I'll tell you the same things
Hotaru <333
Hotaru Kaito
the Valkyrie
Masseuse / Headmistress

Age: 33 | Height: 5'2 | Race: Demi-god | Nationality: Outlander | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 4 - Strg: 40 - Dext: 40 - Endr: 57 - Luck: 40 - Int:
Played by: Brit Offline
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Posts: 2,341 | Total: 6,493
MP: 8062

The frayed white noise of his side of the bond cracks in two, and the swell of his love drains the tension from her face. It could be considered a crutch she's sure, but they understand one another better for their shared natures now, for this bond that speaks for them in ways they are still learning to verbalize. As he presses a kiss to her hand she can't help but smile past the lingering nerves. At least until he kneels. And, well, it's normal to feel your heart stagger and skip when the man you love goes down on one knee, even though Hotaru doubts he'd propose here and now.


The mention of Frey should inspire greater worry given their history with visiting gods and returning with news. It's telling of Hotaru's faith in Frey - and reestablished trust in Sunjata - that it does not. She also doesn't think a demigod-baby would be secreted away beneath the bed so that takes one nuclear-level option off the table.

Half-hysteric humor fades away as Sunjata presents her with a softly glowing item. At first she thinks it's an orb of some sort, but as her free hand comes up to tentatively touch it, she realizes it's a heart. A human heart. Her own stutters in her chest as her eyes widen, breath catching. She'll never forget the day she became a demigod, and that includes the words she'd spoken to Frey. Had they really - ?

Her own expression is cracked wide when she lifts her face to meet his eyes; hopeful, disbelieving, overwhelmed. "It's all I've ever wanted," she murmurs, voice thick and choking her. It falls off her tongue without forethought in a transparent conveyance of her sincerest reaction. Her hand in Sunjata's tightens, fingers trembling in the same way her lips do as her eyes go glassy. "It's truly...?" She can't finish, throat clicking as she swallows. Her hand wraps around his softly glowing heart as she leans forward to press her forehead against his, aching all over with how deeply she loves him in this moment.
Pull you in, but don't you get too close
Love you now, but not tomorrow
Hotaru has a passive magic that makes her glow with an internal golden light; it makes her appear youthful and her hair seems to look like moving sunlight. Can only subtly illuminate dark spaces.

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RE: (SE) tell me you're scared, I'll tell you the same things - by Hotaru - 05-13-2024, 04:13 PM

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