maybe I enjoy it just a bit too much
Isla Lockwood
the Remedy

Age: 32 | Height: 5'7 | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Outlander | Citizenship: Torchline
Level: 5 - Strg: 28 - Dext: 30 - Endr: 30 - Luck: 27 - Int:
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"He had read about me?" Pebble blue eyes grow wider at the prospect; never had Isla expected to become someone with an entry in a book somewhere, to be looked up in the same way she'd have done in her previous studies. "Well, I can only hope that the book was factual. I'm surprised any histories survived, if I'm honest, after what became of the Grounds during the war."

Isla walks quickly and calmly through the streets, nodding to those she knows and stepping aside for carts or others in a hurry in a manner befitting any ex-duchess. Soon enough, they find their way out of town and off into some long grasses shrouded by palms and other shrubs. "A fyrhund?" she repeats, smiling over her shoulder to him, her voice purposefully low and quiet.

"That's good. I've a tiger shift - you've seen it once today already, but the ramphire know it too. So if you lead the way, you might catch them by surprise." Nodding through a clearing, a small herd of the feathered beasts are happily grazing nearby.
passing by, you light up my darkest skies
you take only seconds to draw me in

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RE: maybe I enjoy it just a bit too much - by Isla - 05-13-2024, 06:39 PM

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